5 research outputs found

    Characterization of women's young and mature skin by the 50 MHz high‐frequency ultrasound technique

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    Estimulação Elétrica Neuromuscular no Envelhecimento Facial: uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura

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    Although a natural physiological process, aging isconsidered a degenerative process with evident effects onthe aging skin, such as reduced elasticity, wrinkles, reducedfacial fat and muscle tone, sagging, changes in facial contour,and sarcopenia on the face. These changes can generatesocial stigma, suffering, and psychological discomfort for thepatient. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effectivenessof Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES), a techniqueused in physical therapy for muscle training, in attenuatingthe signs of facial aging. For this purpose, a scientific surveyof publications indexed on the Medline (PubMed), CINAHL,Embase, PEDro, Lilacs, ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science,and Google Scholar databases was conducted and, based onpre-established criteria, two relevant publications for the topicwere selected for discussion. The scientific literature regardingthe use of NMES to attenuate the signs of aging is still veryscarce. The survey showed the need to discuss the currentstate of knowledge. Our results suggest that, theoretically,NMES could be a promising method to attenuate the signs ofaging; however, there are still no conclusive results regarding the clinical effectiveness of using NMES in the facial muscles since fewstudies relate NMES to facial rejuvenation. More studies are needed,with greater methodological rigor and low level of bias, using precisetechniques in the evaluation and allowing to interpret with greaterscientific commitment the physiological mechanism of the muscularstimulus and its interrelation with the integumentary system, provingits effectiveness in the improvement of skin appearanceEmbora seja um processo fisiológico natural, o envelhecimento é considerado degenerativo. Seus efeitos são evidentes na pele envelhecida, que apresenta redução de elasticidade, gordura e tônus muscular, assim como rugas, flacidez, alteração de contornos e sarcopenia. Tais mudanças podem gerar um estigma social e desconforto psicológico para o seu portador. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia do uso da estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM), uma técnica utilizada na Fisioterapia para o treinamento muscular, visando à atenuação dos sinais do envelhecimento facial. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento de publicações indexadas nas plataformas MEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, LILACS, ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science e Google Scholar e, a partir de critérios preestabelecidos, foram selecionadas duas publicações relevantes sobre o tema. A literatura científica sobre o uso da EENM na atenuação dos sinais do envelhecimento ainda é escassa. O levantamento revelou a necessidade de uma discussão a respeito do estado atual do conhecimento. Os resultados desta revisão sugerem que a EENM pode ser um método promissor de treinamento muscular quando aplicado à atenuação dos sinais de envelhecimento. Contudo, ainda há poucas evidências quanto à eficácia da EENM na musculatura da face, visto que poucos estudos relacionam a EENM ao rejuvenescimento facial. São necessários estudos com maior rigor metodológico, a fim de minimizar vieses, e utilização de técnicas precisas de avaliação, permitindo a elucidação do mecanismo fisiológico do estímulo muscular e sua inter-relação com o sistema tegumentar e possibilitando a comprovação da eficácia da EENM na melhoria da aparência da pele facial.El envejecimiento es un proceso fisiológico natural,aunque se considera un proceso degenerativo. Sus efectos sonevidentes en la piel envejecida, que presenta disminución de laelasticidad, grasa y tono muscular, así como arrugas, flacidez,cambios de contorno y sarcopenia. Estos cambios pueden generarun estigma social y malestar psicológico para el portador. En esecontexto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividaddel uso de la estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular (NMES),una técnica utilizada en Fisioterapia de entrenamiento muscularpara atenuar los signos del envejecimiento facial. Para ello, se realizóun relevamiento de las publicaciones indexadas en las plataformasMEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, LILACS, ERIC,Scopus, Web of Science y Google Scholar, y, con base en criteriospreestablecidos, se seleccionaron dos publicaciones relevantes sobreel tema. La literatura científica sobre el uso de NMES en la atenuaciónde los signos del envejecimiento es aún escasa. La búsqueda reveló lanecesidad de una discusión sobre el estado actual del conocimiento.Los resultados de esta revisión sugieren que la NMES puede serun método prometedor de entrenamiento muscular cuando seaplica para atenuar los signos del envejecimiento. Sin embargo,todavía hay poca evidencia con respecto a la efectividad de NMESen los músculos faciales, ya que pocos estudios relacionan NMEScon el rejuvenecimiento facial. Son necesarios estudios con mayorrigor metodológico para minimizar sesgos y el uso de técnicas deevaluación precisas, que permitan dilucidar el mecanismo fisiológicodel estímulo muscular y su interrelación con el sistema tegumentarioy que permitan probar la eficacia de la NMES en la mejora delaspecto de la piel del rostro

    User Experience in Cosmetics: Perception Analysis Regarding the Use of an Anti-Aging Moisturizer

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    One of the most important characteristics of aging skin is dehydration, which is why the use of moisturizing products is very important, especially with increasing age. Thus, the user’s experience when using a product is interesting for the companies to develop specific cosmetics not only considering the physiological needs of each skin, but also according to the preference of a group if there is any. For this, a moisturizer was developed, containing an antioxidant active, ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate, whose sensory characteristics were evaluated by 33 Brazilian women between 30 and 60 years old. The results showed that the formulation was well accepted by all subjects, regardless of their age group, initial hydration, or the presence of visible signs of skin aging. It is suggested that the presence of the active ingredient in different concentrations caused a different perception of the formula for specific attributes such as the aqueous residue, film formation, and the feelings of oiliness and stickiness to the skin after application. These results suggest that the perception of the sensory characteristics of the product was more related to the nature and proportion of the compounds than to the age of the subjects

    Effectiveness of sunscreens and factors influencing sun protection: a review

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    The effectiveness of sun protection depends directly on the photo-protective product employed, the way it is used and the amount applied. Many studies report that sunscreens are often applied incorrectly, at amounts much lower than those recommended for the sun protection factor (SPF) specified on the label. When not used properly, the effectiveness of the product against sun exposure damage is reduced. Currently, sunscreens are available in a variety of different formulations and types, such as stick (bar), aerosol, cream, lotion, oil, tanning formulations and makeup. However, developing an effective stable photo-protective formula that can be correctly applied regardless of type poses a challenge, as effectiveness is dependent on several factors. Factors influencing effectiveness include sun exposure conditions (direct or indirect), level of protection (SPF), amount of product applied, maximum exposure period before reapplication, product type (spray, lotion, etc.), layer thickness required, coverage, and ability to spread and permeate into the skin. Studies comparing the effectiveness of different forms of sunscreens, the amount of product applied by consumers and SPF and UVA protection determined by validated methodologies, are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to review the available literature on the topic and discuss the effectiveness of sunscreen formulations and factors influencing sun protection. This review was carried out on the scientific databases MEDLINE, PubMed and Scielo. Of the many publications retrieved, thirty-nine articles most relevant for this review were selecte