54 research outputs found

    Approaches to automating VR applications porting using common techniques

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    The problem of automatic porting of virtual reality applications developed in the Unity game engine using native libraries of different virtual reality headsets to other headsets is considered. The problems arising during porting are identified and the algorithm of their solution is described. The presented solution is tested in the work on porting VR-applications developed earlier by the authors to different headsets, on the basis of the obtained results the general conclusion is made about the feasibility of using the developed tool for automatic porting of VR-applications. Problems yet to be solved are described and scalability possibilities are presented. With the demonstrated growth of VR use in education and in industry, the task of porting is quite broad, so the presented solution allows to achieve a significant effect if it is necessary to expand the range of headsets used

    Transcription regulation of the EcoRV restriction–modification system

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    When a plasmid containing restriction–modification (R–M) genes enters a naïve host, unmodified host DNA can be destroyed by restriction endonuclease. Therefore, expression of R–M genes must be regulated to ensure that enough methyltransferase is produced and that host DNA is methylated before the endonuclease synthesis begins. In several R–M systems, specialized Control (C) proteins coordinate expression of the R and the M genes. C proteins bind to DNA sequences called C-boxes and activate expression of their cognate R genes and inhibit the M gene expression, however the mechanisms remain undefined. Here, we studied the regulation of gene expression in the C protein-dependent EcoRV system. We map the divergent EcoRV M and R gene promoters and we define the site of C protein-binding that is sufficient for activation of the EcoRV R transcription

    The Management Model of Digitilization Tools to Attract the Population to Physical Education and Sports on the Example of the Talitsky City District

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    Статья посвящена выявлению и обоснованию алгоритма привлечения населения сельских территорий к занятиям физической культурой, а также учета населения, самостоятельно занимающегося физической культурой и спортом, средствами цифровизации, кроме того, понимания социально-экономических особенностей, а также технических возможностей применения средств цифровизации на малых территориях на примере Талицкого городского округа. Дается авторское определение и описание понятия «цифровизация».In this article, the authors give a definition and description of the concept of digitalization, and the article is devoted to identifying and substantiating the algorithm for attracting the population of rural areas to physical education, as well as accounting for the population that is independently engaged in physical culture and sports by means of digitalization, taking into account socio-economic characteristics, as well as technical possibilities of using digitalization tools in small areas on the example of the Talitsky urban district

    The changing role of the IMF

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    Diplomová práce analyzuje úlohu Mezinárodního měnového fondu (MMF) v globální ekonomice od původního účelu existence MMF až po jeho současnou pozměněnou roli. Rozpracovává důvody pro založení MMF, jeho organizační strukturu, práva a povinnosti členských a nečlenských zemí a způsob implementace reforem MMF v reakci na měnící se podmínky. Finální část obsahuje analýzu a komparaci tří historických případů, v rámci kterých MMF zasahoval. Analyzovány jsou vlivy, politiky a změny na makroekonomické úrovni, které byly vyžadovány a které měly vyřešit celkovou situaci.This paper analyses the role of the "International Monetary Fund" in the global economy, from its creation and its original purpose, up to the present and its revised role. It elaborates the need for its creation, its organizational structure, all members and non-members rights and obligations and the organization's path in implementing reforms In order to cope with the changing environment. In the end, analysis and comparison is made between 3 cases in which the "Fund" took action in. Analysis on the influence, policies and changes on macroeconomic level, which the organization managed to achieve and "mend" the overall situation

    L'extension de procédure pour confusion des patrimoines doit aboutir à une solution unique de redressement ou de liquidation

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    International audience(Com. 7 janv. 2003, arrêt n° 39 FS-P, SCP Guérin Diesbecq, liquidateur c/ Le Moulage Technique

    Approaches to automating VR applications porting using common techniques

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    The problem of automatic porting of virtual reality applications developed in the Unity game engine using native libraries of different virtual reality headsets to other headsets is considered. The problems arising during porting are identified and the algorithm of their solution is described. The presented solution is tested in the work on porting VR-applications developed earlier by the authors to different headsets, on the basis of the obtained results the general conclusion is made about the feasibility of using the developed tool for automatic porting of VR-applications. Problems yet to be solved are described and scalability possibilities are presented. With the demonstrated growth of VR use in education and in industry, the task of porting is quite broad, so the presented solution allows to achieve a significant effect if it is necessary to expand the range of headsets used