146 research outputs found

    Searching for a Muon Electric Dipole Moment with the Straw Trackers at the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment

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    As well as measuring the muon magnetic moment (MDM), the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab is aiming to make a new world leading measurement of the muon electric dipole moment (EDM), with a target of 10−21 e·cm, an improvement of two orders of magnitude compared to the previous best limit set at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) [1]. This thesis presents the analysis of the Run 2/3 data, focussing on using the straw tracker detectors to measure an oscillation in the vertical angle of the muon precession plane to search for an EDM. A standalone simulation is developed to study the experimental EDM sensitivity, enabling fast evaluation of the main systematics. The radial field is found to be the dominant error if not measured to better than 1ppm precision. A new measurement technique is developed to measure this, with the results of the Run 5 radial field scan successfully achieving a 0.46ppm uncertainty, better than the target precision. The EDM limit setting methods themselves are discussed and compared in order to select the optimal one for the analysis. Since the trackers are a vital part of this measurement, characterisation and optimisation of their performance is also considered. Various studies are performed, including an investigation into the optimal operating voltage and an in-depth study of crosstalk. A new time-dependent tracker effect is discovered which directly impacts the EDM analyses, which is evaluated and a correction developed. Run 2/3 data is analysed to perform a blinded search for a muon EDM, including corrections and systematic uncertainties. The results, if found to be zero when unblinded, will set a new world limit on the muon EDM of 5.9 ×10−20 e·cm. This improves on the previous value by a factor of 3

    Social Bots As an Instrument of Influence in Social Networks: Typologization Problems

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    Nowadays, in the field of social bots investigations, we can observe a new research trend — a shift from a technology-centered to sociology-centered interpretations. It leads to the creation of new perspectives for sociology: now the phenomenon of social bots is not only considered as one of the efficient manipulative technologies but has a wider meaning: new communicative technologies have an informational impact on the social networks space. The objective of this research is to assess the new approaches of the established social bots typologies (based on the fields of their usage, objectives, degree of human behavior imitation), and also consider the ambiguity and controversy of the use of such typologies using the example of botnets operating in the VKontakte social network. A method of botnet identification is based on comprehensive methodology developed by the authors which includes the frequency analysis of published messages, botnet profiling, statistical analysis of content, analysis of botnet structural organization, division of content into semantic units, forming content clusters, content analysis inside the clusters, identification of extremes — maximum number of unique texts published by botnets in a particular cluster for a certain period. The methodology was applied for the botnet space investigation of Russian online social network VKontakte in February and October 2018. The survey has fixed that among 10 of the most active performing botnets, three botnets were identified that demonstrate the ambiguity and controversy of their typologization according to the following criteria: botnet “Defrauded shareholders of LenSpetsStroy” — according to the field of their usage, botnet “Political news in Russian and Ukrainian languages” — according to their objectives, botnet “Ksenia Sobchak” — according to the level of human behavior imitation. The authors identified the prospects for sociological analysis of different types of bots in a situation of growing accessibility and routinization of bot technologies used in social networks. Keywords: social bots, botnets, classification, VKontakte social networ

    Русская проза 20-х годов ХХ века: сказовая традиция и ее модификации

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    The article describes the interaction of tradition and innovation in Russian literature of the 1920-ies. During this period, the content and themes of literature were greatly refreshed; it inevitably led to a renewal of artistic form. Often this renewal was based on a tradition that could be literary or folk. Not coincidentally the subject of the attention of scientists in the 1920-ies was the appeallation of many writers of this period to the tale form of narrative. The author of the article, afterhaving reviewed the main varieties of the tale in the small prose of J. Zamyatin, A. Vesjoly, M. Zoshchenko, B. Zhitkov, concludes that the tale tradition has effected beneficially the renewal process of the literary language, including the language of the novel prose.KEY-WORDS: tradition, oral narrative, dual-voicedness; orality; spontaneity; dialogism, B. Zhitkov, V. Schmidt

    Benchmarking in higher education sector

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    У статті розглянуто основні питання щодо сутності й значення бенчмаркінгу в процесі стратегічного планування у вищих навчальних закладах.The paper highlights the main issues concerning the nature and the role of benchmarking in strategic planning process at higher education institutions

    International Benchmarking in Higher Education

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    This article is devoted to benchmarking as one of the research and management tools which is undertaken through planning and review processes at various higher education institutions worldwide and is aimed at enhancing their outcome. However, most Ukrainian universities still have to explore this instrument for themselves and incorporate it into their market research, strategic planning and performance evaluation processes

    Generation of chaos about a fast rotating and strongly elongated body

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    Abstract. The results obtained in the current study are a supplement to those described b