541 research outputs found

    Horizon Formation in High-Energy Particles Collision

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    We investigate a classical formation of a trapped surface in 4-dimensional flat space-time in a process of a non-head-on collision of two high-energy particles which are treated as Aichelburg-Sexl shock waves. From the condition of the horizon volume local maximality an equation for the trapped surface is deduced. Using a known solution on the shocks we find a time-dependent solution describing the trapped surface between the shocks. We analyze the horizon appearance and evolution. Obtained results may describe qualitatively the horizon formation in higher dimensional space-time.Comment: Latex2e, 8 pages, 6 figures, references adde


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    В статье рассмотрены понятия дистанционных образовательных технологий (ДОТ), электронного обучения (ЭО) и дистанционного образования (ДО), представленные в нормативных документах Российской Федерации. Проанализированы характерные особенности применения ДОТ в процессе реализации программ высшего образования. Выявлены и обоснованы преимущества и сложности использования ДОТ в процессе освоения языковых дисциплин, морского английского в частностиThe article is devoted to the concepts of distant learning technology (DOT), e-learning (EO) and online education (DO), found in the national regulations of the Russian Federation. The characteristics of the DOT implementation into the higher education programs are learnt. The article discovers the advantages and difficulties of using DOT in the mastering language, in particular, maritime Englis


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    The history of an environment as an issue of the international politics pays remarkably little attention to the circumstances in which the environmental agenda develops and to its constitutive issues. The Stockholm Conference on the human environment is one of the important milestones that made the environment as an issue of international concern. However, its success would be impossible without the immense experience in addressing environmental issues gathered at the multilateral level. A review of the literature on the research topic shows that the term «environmental agenda» is not always used properly, there is a lack of empirical data to explain the «greening» of international relations. Indeed, given the fragmented nature of international environmental governance, specifically within the framework of the United Nations, it is difficult to trace the evolution of the environmental agenda from the first days of Organization to the present. For identification and definition of the content of the environmental agenda, the authors used the content analysis of the title of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly adopted in the period from 1946 to 2016. The research identified environmental issues of high priority: sovereignty over resources, environment, sustainable development, desertification, climate, natural disasters. The analysis made it possible to track their appearance on the agenda in chronological order. Also, we identified the issues underlying the formation of the environmental agenda of the General Assembly, namely international security issues related to nuclear weapons and economic development. In addition, we examined some voting patterns on environmental issues, the dynamics of changes in the attention of UN member states to key issues such as sustainable development, desertification, climate, sovereignty over natural resources

    Surface Hardening Low Alloy Structural Steel By Laser Welding

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    The paper studied the degree of surface hardening of various low-alloy structural steels by laser weld overlays. Laser welding carried out on the ”Scanner” and «Huffman HC-205.” Studies have been conducted microstructure and elemental composition of built-up layers and the heat-affected zones on steel substratesselected by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. There were also measured the microhardness and built according to the changes in the thickness microhardness themselves claddings and heat-affected zones. As a result, the optimal modes of application of the laser weld overlays on the substrate, allowing to minimize the size of the heat-affected zones and differences in microhardness values, whichreduces the likelihood of cracks and discontinuities. Keywords: surface hardening, nickel alloy, laser claddin

    Non-linear spectroscopy of rubidium: An undergraduate experiment

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    In this paper, we describe two complementary non-linear spectroscopy methods which both allow to achieve Doppler-free spectra of atomic gases. First, saturated absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure of the 5S1/25P3/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm P}_{3/2} transition in rubidium. Using a slightly modified experimental setup, Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectroscopy is then performed on the 5S1/25D5/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm D}_{5/2} transition in rubidium, leading to accurate measurements of the hyperfine structure of the 5D5/25{\rm D}_{5/2} energy level. In addition, electric dipole selection rules of the two-photon transition are investigated, first by modifying the polarization of the excitation laser, and then by measuring two-photon absorption spectra when a magnetic field is applied close to the rubidium vapor. All experiments are performed with the same grating-feedback laser diode, providing an opportunity to compare different high resolution spectroscopy methods using a single experimental setup. Such experiments may acquaint students with quantum mechanics selection rules, atomic spectra and Zeeman effect.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Энергетические, экономические и экологические показатели энергоэффективности

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    У статті розглянута проблема ефективного використання енергетичних ресурсів в Україні. Визначені питання підвищення енергетичної ефективності, представлені основні показники енергоефективності в промисловості для простого технологічного процесу, виробничої одиниці та підприємства вцілому. Наведені основні методи підвищення енергоефективності. Проаналізовано необхідність застосування трьох систем показників: енергетичних, економічних, екологічних, що вважається достатнім для всебічної оцінки ефективності нововведень.In the article is considered the problem of energy efficiency in Ukraine. Questions of increase of energy efficiency are identified. Represented the main indicators of energy efficiency in the industry for a simple process, production units and the enterprise as a whole. Resulted main methods of increasing energy efficiency. The analysis of the need for the three indicators: energy, economic, environmental, considered sufficient to assess the effectiveness of comprehensive innovation.В статье рассмотрена проблема эффективного использования энергетических ресурсов в Украине. Определены вопросы повышения энергетической эффективности, представленны оснвные показатели энергоэффективности в промышленности для простого технологического процесса, производственной единицы и предприятия в целом. Приведены основные методы повышения энергоэффективности. Проанализирована необходимость применения трех систем показателей: энергетических, экономических, экологических, что является достаточным для всесторонней оценки эффективности нововведений

    Lepidoptera (Insecta) of proposed specially protected natural area "Belokurikha nature park" (Northern Altai). First results

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    149 Lepidoptera species from 16 families were reported for the territory of the proposed protected area "Belokurikha Natural Park". This list is the primary data on the fauna of Lepidoptera in the region. Most of the species belongs to Euro-Siberian and Transpalaearctic groups

    Architectural solutions in terms of Bionic urban environment of Olympic Sochi

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    The principle of architectural bionics, suitable for Olympic Sochi environment was used for promenade designing. The complex solution includes promenade areas and a ‘winter and summer’ platform