175 research outputs found

    Cloud water interception in the high altitude tree heath forest (Erica arborea L.) of Paul da Serra Massif (Madeira, Portugal)

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    Cloud water interception (CWI) occurs when cloud droplets are blown against the forest canopy, where they are retained on the vegetation surface, forming larger water droplets that drip into the forest floor. CWI was measured from 1 October 1997 to 30 September 1999, on a first-line tree heath (Erica arborea), at Bica da Cana, Madeira Island. Rainfall was corrected for wind-loss effect and compared with throughfall and other climatological normals. The CWI depletion rate along a forest stand transect was also analysed during three distinct fog events in 2008. Cloud water was 28 mm day 1, corresponding to 68% of total throughfall and 190% of the gross precipitation. Cloud water correlates directly with monthly normals of fog days and wind speed and correlates inversely with the monthly air temperature normal. CWI has an exponential correlation with monthly relative humidity normal. Cloud water capture depletion along the stand shows a logarithmic decrease. Although a forest stand does not directly relate to a first-line tree heath, this study shows that CWI is a frequent phenomenon in the Paul da Serra massif. Restoration and protection of high altitude ecosystems in Madeira should be a priority, not only for biodiversity, ecological and economical purposes but also for its role in regional water resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    L'interception de l'eau des nuages dans la forêt tempérée de lauriers de l'Ile de Madère

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    A cloud belt frequently forms on the windward side of Madeira Island, between 800 and 1600 m a.s.l., as a result of adiabatic cooling of the northeastern trade winds that are forced upward. Temperate laurel forest is the most common vegetation inside that cloud belt altitudinal range. Cloud water interception was estimated by comparing precipitation and throughfall during a hydrological year. It totalled 200 mm (8% of rainfall) during 65 days (3 mm d-1) and seems to constitute a larger fraction of water input during drier months. Multiple linear regression between gauge standard deviation and throughfall throughout rain events shows that cloud interception is common before the onset of rainfall. Its role in the ecohydrology of laurel forest and in the island’s hydrology should be acknowledged. Further studies on this issue should be a priority in order to better understand these dynamics and provide tools for the correct management of this protected forest and the island’s groundwater resources.Une ceinture de nuages se forme fréquemment sur le côté au vent de l’île de Madère, entre 800 et 1600 m d’altitude, à la suite du refroidissement adiabatique des alizés de Nord-Est qui sont poussés en altitude. La forêt tempérée de lauriers est la végétation la plus courante dans cette fourchette d’altitude de la ceinture de nuages. L’interception de l’eau des nuages a été estimée en comparant les précipitations et le pluviolessivat au cours d’une année hydrologique. Ce dernier s’élève à 200 mm (8% des précipitations) pendant 65 jours (3 mm jour−1) et semble constituer une partie importante de l’apport d’eau pendant les mois les plus secs. La régression linéaire multiple entre l’écart-type des précipitations et le pluviolessivat pendant les épisodes de pluie montre que l’interception de l’eau des nuages est fréquente avant le début des pluies. Son rôle dans l’écohydrologie du laurier et sur l’hydrologie de l’île devrait être reconnu. La poursuite des études sur cette question devrait être une priorité afin de mieux comprendre cette dynamique, et de pouvoir fournir des outils pour une bonne gestion de cette forêt protégée et des ressources en eau souterraine de l’île.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anotações para uma leitura contemporânea de As mecânicas de Galileu Galilei

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    O presente artigo é uma apresentação dos desenvolvimentos de As mecânicas, trabalho pioneiro sobre os instrumentos mecânicos composto por Galileu Galilei (1564-1642) nos anos 1590. Esta apresentação tem como objetivo marcar para o leitor contemporâneo as especificidades das conceituações e argumentações do texto de Galileu, anteriores às formulações e sistematizações que constituem a chamada "física clássica", em cujo referencial esse leitor foi educado.This article focuses on the theoretical developments of Mechanics, a pioneer work about the mechanical instruments written by Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) in the 1590's. This paper aims to point out to the contemporary reader the particularities of the concepts and arguments of Galileo's text, which are previous to the ones that constitute the so-called classical physics, in which the most of nowadays readers have been educated


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    RESUMO: O artigo descreve polêmicas envolvendo o estabelecimento da forma parabólica da trajetória dos projéteis, atribuído a Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). A primeira envolve o estudioso Raffaello Caverni afirmando que Galileo teria roubado a descoberta do discípulo Bonaventura Cavalieri, e, de outro lado, Emil Wohlwill e Antonio Favaro opondo-se decididamente, com Favaro acusando Caverni até de falsificação de documento. A segunda envolve Alexandre Koyré propondo que Galileo estabeleceu a priori, à maneira platônica, suas “leis fundamentais do movimento”, e Stillman Drake defendendo um Galileo que teria começado com experimentos anotados em manuscritos redescobertos pelo mesmo Drake em 1973. Em comum, ambos entendem a forma da trajetória dos projéteis como resultado de dedução matemática a partir daquelas “leis fundamentais”. David Hill e Ronald Naylor trarão uma inversão interpretativa, afirmando que alguns dos manuscritos redescobertos registram experimentos destinados à confirmação da trajetória parabólica, que seria, assim, a descoberta fundamental. A última polêmica envolve David Hill propondo que Galileo primeiramente viu a forma parabólica na “urina masculina” (sic), enquanto Jürgen Renn, Peter Damerow e Simone Rieger defendem que em 1592 o jovem pisano e o Marquês Guidobaldo del Monte a viram exatamente das formas posteriormente descritas pelo próprio Galileo em seus Discorsi de 1638.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Galileu, Discorsi, projéteis, trajetória, forma parabólica.ABSTRACT: The article describes controversies involving the establishment of the parabolic shape of projectiles’ trajectory, generally attributed to Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). The first one involves Raffaello Caverni stating that Galileo stole the discovery of his disciple Bonaventura Cavalieri, and, on the other side, Emil Wohlwill and Antonio Favaro decisively refusing Caverni’s thesis, with Favaro accusing him of document forgery. The second controversy involves Alexandre Koyré proposing that Galileo established a priori, in a Platonic way, his “fundamental laws of movement”, and Stillman Drake saying that Galileo started with experiments annotated in manuscripts rediscovered by the same Drake in 1973. In common, both understand the shape of the projectiles’ trajectory as a result of mathematical deduction from those “fundamental laws”. David Hill and Ronald Naylor will say that the parabolic trajectory has been the fundamental discovery and that some of the rediscovered manuscripts record experiments aimed at confirming it. The latest controversy involves David Hill proposing that Galileo first saw the parabolic shape in “male urine” (sic), while Jürgen Renn, Peter Damerow and Simone Rieger argue that in 1592 the young Pisan and Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte saw it exactly in the ways later described by Galileo himself in his 1638 Discorsi.KEYWORDS: Galileo, Discorsi, projectiles, trajectory, parabolic shape

    The use of selection index in rubber trees

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    Foi estabelecido um índice para seleção de seringueiras (Hevea spp) jovens, utilizando-se os caracteres de altura de planta (x), diâmetro do caule (y), número de lançamentos (z) e produção de borracha seca (w). A população empregada constituiu-se de famílias de meio-irmãos dos clones IAN 713, IAM 717, IAN 873, Fx 3899 e híbrido de H. pauciflora x H. brasiliensis. Foi empregado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dez plantas na área útil da parcela. Os dados foram colhidos quando as plantas atingiram doze meses de idade. O índice de seleção calculado (I = -0,001171x + 0,000367y + 0,000503z + 1,048130w) evidenciou a vantagem de seleção de plantas mais baixas, como fator de redução da época para a sangria. Foram selecionadas dez plantas na intensidade de seleção de 5%, com o ganho genético de seleção esperado (Gs) de 0,00178, que representou 24,9% em relação ao índice médio da população original. Foi alta a correlação fenotípica existente entre altura de plantas, diâmetro do caule e produção e baixa interrelação desses caracteres com o número de lançamentos. Os resultados mostraram ainda, a conveniência de utilização de porta- enxertos dos clones IAN 713 e IAN 717, além da necessidade de aprimoramento do miniteste de produção.An index selection of young rubber trees (Hevea spp) was established, utilizing several characteristics such as plant height (x), stem diameter (y) flushes of leaves (z) and dry rubber yield (w). The population was concerned about halt-sib clones of IAN 713, IAN 171, IAN 873, Fx 3899, and a hybrid clone of Hevea pauciflora vs. Hevea brasiliensis. The experiment was carried out in a completely random desing, with four replications, and ten plants within a plot. The data were collected when the plants were twelve month old. The index selection value (I = -0.001 171x + 0.000367y + 0.000503z + 1.048130w) indicated the advantage of selection in the shortes plants as a factor of reducing the tapping age. Ten plants in the intensity of 5% selection were selected with a 0.001780 value of genetic gain (Gs). This value represented 24.9% of the index average of the original population. It was observed a high phenotypic correlation value between plant height stem, diameter and yield, and a low interrelationship of these characters with number of flushes of leaves. The results showed the advantage of utilizing rootstocks from the clones IAN 713 and IAN 717, beside the necessity of improvement of MTP (mini test of production)


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    This work aimed to evaluate the behavior of thornless blackberry plants cv. Xavante in Guarapuava (PR), Brazil in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Twenty plants were weekly evaluated for sprouting percentage, and anthesis percentage. The blackberries were harvest twice or three times per week and in the first two seasons the fruits were evaluated for fruit weight and soluble solids content. The blackberry plants cv Xavante showed good adaptability in Guarapuava-PR, with regular sprouting between second-half of August and end of September, anthesis from beginning of October and middle of November and harvest between end of November and end of January. The estimated yield was between 2,790.5 and 5,952.9 kg ha-1, the fruit mean weight was 4,3 and 5,1 g and the soluble solids content was 8,3 and 10,1%.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento da amoreira-preta sem espinhos cv. Xavante em Guarapuava (PR) entre os anos de 2005, 2006 e 2007. Foram avaliadas semanalmente vinte plantas para as variáveis porcentagem de brotação e porcentagem de florescimento. Os frutos de amora-preta foram colhidas duas a três vezes por semana e nos dois primeiros ciclos os frutos foram avaliados para massa média e teor de sólidos solúveis totais. A cv. Xavante apresentou boa adaptabilidade para a região de Guarapuava com brotação regular entre a segunda quinzena de agosto e final de setembro, floração entre início de outubro e meados de novembro e colheita de final de novembro a final de janeiro. A produtividade situou-se entre 2.790,5 e 5.952,9 kg ha-1, a massa média entre 4,3 e 5,1 g e o teor de sólidos solúveis entre 8,3 e 10,1%