54 research outputs found

    Heat transport and spin-charge separation in the normal state of high temperature superconductors

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    Hill et al. have recently measured both the thermal and charge conductivities in the normal state of a high temperature superconductor. Based on the vanishing of the Wiedemann-Franz ratio in the extrapolated zero temperature limit, they conclude that the charge carriers in this material are not fermionic. Here I make a simple observation that the prefactor in the temperature dependence of the measured thermal conductivity is unusually large, corresponding to an extremely small energy scale T00.15T_0 \approx 0.15 K. I argue that T0T_0 should be interpreted as a collective scale. Based on model-independent considerations, I also argue that the experiment leads to two possibilities: 1) The charge-carrying excitations are non-fermionic. And much of the heat current is in fact carried by distinctive charge-neutral excitations; 2) The charge-carrying excitations are fermionic, but a subtle ordering transition occurs at T0T_0.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Probing spin-charge separation using spin transport

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    Pedagogical discussions are given on what constitutes a signature of spin-charge separation. A proposal is outlined to probe spin-charge separation in the normal state of the high TcT_c cuprates using spin transport. Specifically, the proposal is to compare the temperature dependences of the spin resistivity and electrical resistivity: Spin-charge separation will be manifested in the different temperature dependences of these two resistivities. We also estimate the spin diffusion length and spin relaxation time scales, and we argue that it should be experimentally feasible to measure the spin transport properties in the cuprates using the spin-injection technique. The on-going spin-injection experiments in the cuprates and related theoretical issues are also discussed.Comment: Talk given at M2S-HTSC-VI, 4 page

    Spin current and polarization in impure 2D electron systems with spin-orbit coupling

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    We derive the transport equations for two-dimensional electron systems with spin-orbit interaction and short-range spin-independent disorder. In the limit of slow spatial variations of the electron distribution we obtain coupled diffusion equations for the electron density and spin. Using these equations we calculate electric-field induced spin accumulation in a finite-size sample for arbitrary ratio between spin-orbit energy splitting and elastic scattering rate. We demonstrate that the spin-Hall conductivity vanishes in an infinite system independent of this ratio.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; revised version according to referee's commment

    Spin orientation by electric current in (110) quantum wells

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    We develop a theory of spin orientation by electric current in (110)-grown semiconductor quantum wells. The controversy in the factor of two from two existed approaches is resolved by pointing out the importance of energy relaxation in this problem. The limiting cases of fast and slow energy relaxation relative to spin relaxation are considered for asymmetric (110) quantum wells. For symmetricly-doped structures the effect of spin orientation is shown to exist due to spatial fluctuations of the Rashba spin-orbit splitting. We demonstrate that the spin orientation depends strongly on the correlation length of these fluctuations as well as on the ratio of the energy and spin relaxation rates. The time-resolved kinetics of spin polarization by electric current is also governed by the correlation length being not purely exponential at slow energy relaxation. Electrical spin orientation in two-dimensional topological insulators is calculated and compared with the spin polarization induced by the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Правовая природа административного трибунала Совета Европы

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    Васько Е. А. Правовая природа административного трибунала Совета Европы / Е. А. Васько // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П. Є. Казанського : матеріали четвертої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 8–9 лист. 2013 р.) / відп. за випуск к.ю.н., доц. М. І. Пашковський; Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 516-520

    Spin-polarized tunneling of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-d junctions

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    The transport properties between ferromagnets and high-Tc superconductors are investigated in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-d (LSMO/YBCO)junctions in the geometry of cross-strip lines. The conductance spectra show zero-bias conductance peaks (ZBCP), reflecting the charge transport in the ab-plane. When an external magnetic field is applied to the junctions, the conductance spectra show two notable features, i.e., an increase of background conductance and an asymmetric ZBCP splitting whose amplitude responds nonlinearly to the applied field. It is shown that the magnetic field response are consistent with a theoretical prediction of tunneling spectroscopy when the presence of a ferromagnetic barrier between a spin-polarized ferromagnet and a d-wave superconductor is assumed.Comment: 10 Pages, 7 EPS figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Andreev Reflection and Spin Injection into ss- and dd-wave Superconductors

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    We study the effect of spin injection into ss- and dd-wave superconductors, with an emphasis on the interplay between boundary and bulk spin transport properties. The quantities of interest include the amount of non-equilibrium magnetization (mm), as well as the induced spin-dependent current (IsI_s) and boundary voltage (VsV_s). In general, the Andreev reflection makes each of the three quantities depend on a different combination of the boundary and bulk contributions. The situation simplifies either for half-metallic ferromagnets or in the strong barrier limit, where both VsV_s and mm depend solely on the bulk spin transport/relaxation properties. The implications of our results for the on-going spin injection experiments in high TcT_c cuprates are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 1 figure included; typos correcte

    Suppression of Superconductivity in YBCO/LCMO Superlattices

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    The competition of superconductivity and magnetism in superlattices composed of alternating YBa2_2Cu3_3O7d_{7-d} and La0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_{3} thin films is investigated using low-energy optical spectroscopy. The thickness of the superconducting YBCO layers is varied from 30 nm to 20 nm while the thickness of the magnetic LCMO layers is kept constant at 20 nm. We clearly observe that the superconducting condensate density in the superconducting state of superlattice is drastically reduced by the magnetic subsystem which may be connected with proximity effects that distort the gap symmetry and thus suppress superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-orbit interaction in three-dimensionally bounded semiconductor nanostructures

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    The structural inversion asymmetry-induced spin-orbit interaction of conduction band electrons in zinc-blende and wurtzite semiconductor structures is analysed allowing for a three-dimensional (3D) character of the external electric field and variation of the chemical composition. The interaction, taking into account all remote bands perturbatively, is presented with two contributions: a heterointerface term and a term caused by the external electric field. They have generally comparable strength and can be written in a unified manner only for 2D systems, where they can partially cancel each other. For quantum wires and dots composed of wurtzite semiconductors new terms appear, absent in zinc-blende structures, which acquire the standard Rashba form in 2D systems.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Spin Injection into a Luttinger Liquid

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    We study the effect of spin injection into a Luttinger liquid. The spin-injection-detection setup of Johnson and Silsbee is considered; here spins injected into the Luttinger liquid induce, across an interface with a ferromagnetic metal, either a spin-dependent current (IsI_s) or a spin-dependent boundary voltage (VsV_s). We find that the spin-charge separation nature of the Luttinger liquid affects IsI_s and VsV_s in a very different fashion. In particular, in the Ohmic regime, VsV_s depends on the spin transport properties of the Luttinger liquid in essentially the same way as it would in the case of a Fermi liquid. The implications of our results for the spin-injection-detection experiments in the high TcT_c cuprates are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 2 figures. Minor changes and corrections to typos. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let