758 research outputs found

    Interferometry of hyper-Rayleigh scattering by inhomogeneous thin films

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    The use of specific symmetry properties of the optical second-harmonic generation (the s,s-exclusion rule) has allowed us to observe high-contrast hyper-Rayleigh interference patterns in a completely diffuse light - an effect having no analog in case of linear (Rayleigh) scattering.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Osteoprotegerin in cardiometabolic disorders.

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    Osteoprotegerin (OPG), a glycoprotein traditionally implicated in bone remodelling, has been recently related to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Human studies show a positive relationship between circulating OPG, vascular damage, and CVD, and as such OPG has emerged as a potential biomarker for CVD. This review focuses on the relationship between circulating OPG and different endocrine cardiometabolic alterations such as type 1 and 2 diabetes. The association of OPG with diabetic complications (neuropathy, nephropathy, or retinopathy) as well as with atherosclerosis, coronary artery calcification, morbidity, and mortality is pointed out. Moreover, OPG modulation by different treatments is also established. Besides, other associated diseases such as obesity, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome, which are known cardiovascular risk factors, are also considered

    La alianza Cardaminion en Sierra Nevada (España)

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    Se estudian las comunidades helofiticas, higro-esciótilas y terrisaxícolas de comportamiento microclimático, del piso supramediterráneo de Sierra Nevada. Asimismo se describen dos nuevas comunidades: la asociación Bryo-Plagiomnietum undulatae, propia de estaciones sometidas a un flujo continuo de agua en forma de goteo, y la asociación Pellio-Plagiomnietum rostatae de menores necesidades hídricas y propia de taludes cercanos a cascadas.On étude les groupements hélophitiques, hygro-sciaphiles et terrisaxicoles a comportement microclimatique, de l'étage supraméditerranéen de la Sierra Nevada. De méme on decrit deux nouveaux groupements: l'association Bryo-Plagiomnielum undulatac, qui est reliée aux biotopes toujours humides par un dégouttement continue, et l'association Pellio-Plagromniclum rostratae reliée aux pentes prochains des cascatelles, laquelle est moms hygrophile

    The Labile Limits of Forbidden Interactions

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    Forbidden links are defined as pairwise interactions that are prevented by the biological traits of the species. We focus here on the neglected importance of intraspecific trait variation in the forbidden link concept. We show how intraspecific trait variability at different spatiotemporal scales, and through ontogeny, reduces the expected prevalence of forbidden interactions. We also highlight how behavior can foster interactions that, from traits, would be predicted to be forbidden. We therefore discuss the drawbacks of frameworks recently developed to infer biotic interactions using available trait data (mean values). Mispredictions can have disproportionate effects on inferences about community dynamics. Thus, we suggest including intraspecific variability in trait-based models and using them to guide the sampling of real interactions in the field for validation

    Multivariate predictive models for the prediction of fatty acids in the EU high added-value "acorn Iberian pig ham" using a miniature near-infrared spectroscopy instrument.

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    Acorn Iberian ham (JamĂłn IbĂ©rico de Bellota) is one of the most expensive luxury foodstuffs produced in Europe, with a highly appreciated smell and flavour. Its recognized high-sensorial quality and health properties are mainly due to the traditional outdoor feeding system (Montanera) of Iberian pigs (IP), which provides high standards of animal welfare. Nowadays, one of the frauds affecting this product is the use of “special compound feeds” to simulate the fat composition of the acorns through the inclusion of sources of oleic acid like the ones found in pigs fed outdoors. The high prices paid for a cured leg of Iberian ham –ranging from hundreds to thousands of euros- leads to many opportunities for mislabelling and fraud. Fatty acid content of the adipose tissue could provide evidence of the feeding system. Gas chromatography (GC) is used at industry level for production control purposes. However, it is costly and time-consuming, and it is only applied to batches of animals rather than individual pigs. The main goal of this study was to use spectra belonging to a portable NIRS instrument (MicroNIR Onsite Lite, Viavi Solutions Inc.) for on–site quantitative (fatty acid content) analysis of individual Iberian pork carcasses at the slaughterhouse. Performance of this portable instrument was compared with an at-line NIRS monochromator. PLS models were built and optimized resulting in standard errors of cross validation ranging from 0.83 to 0.84 for palmitic acid, 0.94 to 0.99 for stearic acid, 1.47 to 1.56 for oleic acid and 0.53 to 0.58 for linoleic acid

    Neurohormonas y citocinas en la insuficiencia cardĂ­aca. CorrelaciĂłn con la reserva de flujo coronario

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    Introduction and objectives. In heart failure, the coronary flow reserve (CFR) measured by positron-emission tomography (PET) is reduced. As neurohormone and cytokine levels are also altered in patients with the condition, our aim was to determine whether there is a correlation between CFR and neurohormone and cytokine levels. Patients and method. The study included 40 patients with heart failure but without ischemic heart disease. Myocardial blood flow was measured by PET using nitrogen- 13 ammonia at baseline and during ATP infusion. The CFR was calculated for each patient. In addition, levels of the following were determined: norepinephrine, endothelin- 1, angiotensin-II, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ, soluble IL-2 receptor, and IL-6. Results. All neurohormone levels were elevated above reference values. The levels of all cytokines, except IL-1ÎČ, were also elevated. There was a significant negative correlation between CFR and the levels of several neurohormones: ANP (r=–0.476), BNP (r=–0.442), and IL-6 (r=–0.509). Conclusions. In heart failure, the decrease in CFR is correlated with increases in the levels of certain neurohormones (i.e., ANP and BNP) and cytokines (i.e., IL-6), with vasodilatory effect. These increases are probably are related to compensatory mechanisms that are unable to correct for the endothelial dysfunction present in these patients

    How the geometry of the scan body affects the accuracy of digital impressions in implant supported prosthesis. In vitro study

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    To determine and compare how three-dimensionally accurate scan bodies of different geometric shapes are placed over 6 implants (platform or crestal module). A master plaster model was made with 6 INHEX STD implant analogs made by Mozo-Grau S.A and 4 sc

    Armonización del anålisis NIRS de grasa de cerdo ibérico: transferencia de calibraciones de åcidos grasos

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar la posibilidad de transferir ecuaciones de calibración para la determinación de åcidos grasos en grasa de cerdo Ibérico en diferentes instrumentos NIRS, empleando para ello cåpsulas no selladas

    Short Communication: The potential of portable near infrared spectroscopy for assuring quality and authenticity in the food chain, using Iberian hams as an example

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    This communication assesses the use of a portable near infrared (NIR) instrument to measure quantitative (fatty acid profile) properties and qualitative (‘Premium’ and ‘Non-premium’) categories of individual Iberian pork carcasses at the slaughterhouse. Acorn-fed Iberian pigs have more unsaturated fats than pigs fed conventional compound feed. Recent advances in miniaturisation have led to a number of handheld NIR devices being developed, allowing processing decisions to be made earlier, significantly reducing time and costs. The most common methods used for assessing quality and authenticity of Iberian hams are analysis of the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous fat using gas chromatography and DNA analysis. In this study, NIR calibrations for fatty acids and classification as premium or non-premium ham, based on carcass fat measured in situ, were developed using a portable NIR spectrometer. The accuracy of the quantitative equations was evaluated through the standard error of cross validation or standard error of prediction of 0.84 for palmitic acid (C16:0), 0.94 for stearic acid (C18:0), 1.47 for oleic acid (C18:1) and 0.58 for linoleic acid (C18:2). Qualitative calibrations provided acceptable results, with up to 98% of samples (n = 234) correctly classified with probabilities â©Ÿ0.9. Results indicated a portable NIR instrument has the potential to be used to measure quality and authenticity of Iberian pork carcasses

    Energy poverty policies and measures in 5 EU countries: a comparative study

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    Energy Poverty (EP) is the inability to attain a socially and materially necessitated level of domestic energy services. In the EU this occurs primarily due to low incomes, poor energy performance of buildings and high energy costs. The impacts of EP range from impaired social lives to unhealthy living conditions, with further consequences in the physical and mental health of energy poor individuals. Member states have been assigned by the EU with the responsibility of dealing with EP within their own territories. This is attainable mainly by creating effective policies, while also encouraging synergies among policies of different fields. However, scientific knowledge is gathered and action is taken on a national level only in a limited number of EU countries. For this reason, this paper aims to fill in the gap and capture snapshots from five EU countries (Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Lithuania) where EP has not been exhaustively examined. The study provides an overview of selected policies and measures directly or indirectly targeting EP alleviation and analyses their history and evolution at an EU level as well as at national level. It considers the different geographical dimensions, conditions and aspects (e.g. national or regional) where EP is encountered, in an attempt to identify any variances or similarities in the approaches adopted. Through this comparative study, strengths and weaknesses of national strategies are identified and analysed. Conclusively, based on this analysis, recommendations are made on how to utilise policy tools and provide the most efficient support to energy poor households in the corresponding countries
