506 research outputs found

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    General music in the junior high school

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    In an ever-increasing number of states the course in general music is now required in the seventh and eighth grades of the junior high school. It has been the privilege of this author to teach this course in two states, one of which required it of seventh-grade students and the other of eighth. Out of this experience came the realization that a detailed study of materials relevant to this course would be most helpful in achieving the results so fondly to be hoped for. Therefore it is the purpose of this study to investigate the history of the junior high school movement, the forces which led to its establishment, the changes which have taken place since its beginning and the nature of the young person, the teenager, for whom it is intended. Furthermore, the study attempts to reveal the part which general music should play in the curriculum of the junior high school, its nature, objectives and problems and offers some solutions to a few of the latter. To this end, six units of work are presented which are based upon research, numerous observations in the local junior high schools and conferences with teachers, principals and pupils

    Parental cancer diagnosis and child mortality : a population-based cohort study in Sweden

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    OBJECTIVE: Cancer diagnosis is known to induce severe psychological stress for the diagnosed patients; however, how it affects the next-of-kin is less well documented. This study aimed to assess the impact of parental cancer on the risk of childhood death. METHODS: A population-based cohort study was conducted using the Swedish national registries, including 2,871,242 children followed during the period of 1991-2009. Parental cancer diagnosis was defined as a time-varying exposure. We used Cox proportional hazards regression to calculate the hazard ratio (HR) and its corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) as an estimate of the association between parental cancer and childhood mortality. We adjusted for attained age, sex, gestational age, mode of delivery and birth weight of the child, maternal age at child's birth, as well as educational level and socio-economic classification of the parents in the analyses. RESULTS: Among 113,555 children with parental cancer, 127 deaths occurred during 561,198 person-years of follow-up. A parental cancer diagnosis was associated with an increased rate of death among children at the age of 1-18 (HR for all-cause death: 1.39; 95% CI: 1.16-1.66). For young children (aged 1-12), an increased rate was only noted for death due to cancer (HR: 2.06; 95% CI: 1.13-3.75) after parental cancer diagnosis. Among adolescents (aged 13-18), an increased rate was noted for all-cause death (HR: 1.52; 95% CI: 1.25-1.86), and for both non-cancer-related (HR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.14-1.79) and cancer-related (HR: 2.07; 95% CI: 1.33-3.24) death in the exposed children. CONCLUSION: Children have an increased rate of death if they have a parent diagnosed with cancer as compared to children without such experience; this association appears to be slightly stronger among adolescents.Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research Council for Health Working Life & Welfare (Forte), 2012-0498Swedish Research Council SIMSAM, 80748301, 340-2013-5867China Scholarship Council, 201206100002Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF)Karolinska InstitutetPublishe

    Evaluating concentration estimation errors in ELISA microarray experiments

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    BACKGROUND: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a standard immunoassay to estimate a protein's concentration in a sample. Deploying ELISA in a microarray format permits simultaneous estimation of the concentrations of numerous proteins in a small sample. These estimates, however, are uncertain due to processing error and biological variability. Evaluating estimation error is critical to interpreting biological significance and improving the ELISA microarray process. Estimation error evaluation must be automated to realize a reliable high-throughput ELISA microarray system. In this paper, we present a statistical method based on propagation of error to evaluate concentration estimation errors in the ELISA microarray process. Although propagation of error is central to this method and the focus of this paper, it is most effective only when comparable data are available. Therefore, we briefly discuss the roles of experimental design, data screening, normalization, and statistical diagnostics when evaluating ELISA microarray concentration estimation errors. RESULTS: We use an ELISA microarray investigation of breast cancer biomarkers to illustrate the evaluation of concentration estimation errors. The illustration begins with a description of the design and resulting data, followed by a brief discussion of data screening and normalization. In our illustration, we fit a standard curve to the screened and normalized data, review the modeling diagnostics, and apply propagation of error. We summarize the results with a simple, three-panel diagnostic visualization featuring a scatterplot of the standard data with logistic standard curve and 95% confidence intervals, an annotated histogram of sample measurements, and a plot of the 95% concentration coefficient of variation, or relative error, as a function of concentration. CONCLUSIONS: This statistical method should be of value in the rapid evaluation and quality control of high-throughput ELISA microarray analyses. Applying propagation of error to a variety of ELISA microarray concentration estimation models is straightforward. Displaying the results in the three-panel layout succinctly summarizes both the standard and sample data while providing an informative critique of applicability of the fitted model, the uncertainty in concentration estimates, and the quality of both the experiment and the ELISA microarray process

    Plasma Biomarkers for Detecting Hodgkin's Lymphoma in HIV Patients

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    The lifespan of people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has increased as a result of effective antiretroviral therapy, and the incidences of the AIDS-defining cancers, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Kaposi sarcoma, have declined. Even so, HIV-infected individuals are now at greater risk of other cancers, including Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL). To identify candidate biomarkers for the early detection of HL, we undertook an accurate mass and elution time tag proteomics analysis of individual plasma samples from either HIV-infected patients without HL (controls; n = 14) and from HIV-infected patient samples with HL (n = 22). This analysis identified 60 proteins that were statistically (p<0.05) altered and at least 1.5-fold different between the two groups. At least three of these proteins have previously been reported to be altered in the blood of HL patients that were not known to be HIV positive, suggesting that these markers may be broadly useful for detecting HL. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software identified “inflammatory response” and “cancer” as the top two biological functions associated with these proteins. Overall, this study validated three plasma proteins as candidate biomarkers for detecting HL, and identified 57 novel candidate biomarkers that remain to be validated. The relationship of these novel candidate biomarkers with cancer and inflammation suggests that they are truly associated with HL and therefore may be useful for the early detection of this cancer in susceptible populations

    Genomic analysis of human and mouse TCL1 loci reveals a complex of tightly clustered genes

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    TCL1 and TCL1b genes on human chromosome 14q23.1 are activated in T cell leukemias by translocations and inversions at 14q32.1, juxtaposing them to regulatory elements of T cell receptor genes. In this report we present the cloning, mapping, and expression analysis of the human and murine TCL1/Tcl1 locus. In addition to TCL1 and TCL1b, the human locus contains two additional genes, TCL1-neighboring genes (TNG) 1 and 2, encoding proteins of 141 and 110 aa, respectively. Both genes show no homology to any known genes, but their expression profiles are very similar to those of TCL1 and TCL1b. TNG1 and TNG2 also are activated in T cell leukemias with rearrangements at 14q32.1. To aid in the development of a mouse model we also have characterized the murine Tcl1 locus and found five genes homologous to human TCL1b. Tcl1b1- Tcl1b5 proteins range from 117 to 123 aa and are 65-80% similar, but they show only a 30-40% similarity to human TCL1b. All five mouse Tcl1b and murine Tcl1 mRNAs are abundant in mouse oocytes and two-cell embryos but rare in various adult tissues and lymphoid cell lines. These data suggest a similar or complementary function of these proteins in early embryogenesis

    Comorbidity and risk of infection among patients with hip fracture: a Danish population-based cohort study

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    Summary: Impact of comorbidity on infection risk among hip fracture patients is unclear. We found high incidence of infection. Comorbidity was an important risk factor for infection up to 1 year after surgery. Results indicates a need for additional investment in pre- and postoperative programs that assist patients with high comorbidity. Purpose: Comorbidity level and incidence of infection have increased among older patients with hip fracture. The impact of comorbidity on infection risk is unclear. We conducted a cohort study examining the absolute and relative risks of infection in relation to comorbidity level among hip fracture patients. Methods: Utilizing Danish population-based medical registries, we identified 92,600 patients aged >= 65 years undergoing hip fracture surgery between 2004 and 2018. Comorbidity was categorized by Charlson comorbidity index scores (CCI): none (CCI = 0), moderate (CCI = 1-2), or severe (CCI >= 3). Primary outcome was any hospital-treated infection. Secondary outcomes were hospital-treated pneumonia, urinary tract infection, sepsis, reoperation due to surgical-site infection (SSI), and a composite of any hospital- or community-treated infection. We calculated cumulative incidence and hazard ratios (aHRs) adjusted for age, sex, and surgery year, including 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: Prevalence of moderate and severe comorbidity was 40% and 19%, respectively. Incidence of any hospital-treated infection increased with comorbidity level within 0-30 days (none 13% vs. severe 20%) and 0-365 days (none 22% vs. 37% severe). Patients with moderate and severe comorbidity, compared to no comorbidity, had aHRs of 1.3 (CI: 1.3-1.4) and 1.6 (CI: 1.5-1.7) within 0-30 days, and 1.4 (CI: 1.4-1.5) and 1.9 (CI: 1.9-2.0) within 0-365, respectively. Highest incidence was observed for any hospital- or community-treated infection (severe 72%) within 0-365 days. Highest aHR was observed for sepsis within 0-365 days (severe vs. none: 2.7 (CI: 2.4-2.9)). Conclusion: Comorbidity is an important risk factor for infection up to 1 year after hip fracture surgery.Orthopaedics, Trauma Surgery and Rehabilitatio

    Hot dense capsule implosion cores produced by z-pinch dynamic hohlraum radiation

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    Hot dense capsule implosions driven by z-pinch x-rays have been measured for the first time. A ~220 eV dynamic hohlraum imploded 1.7-2.1 mm diameter gas-filled CH capsules which absorbed up to ~20 kJ of x-rays. Argon tracer atom spectra were used to measure the Te~ 1keV electron temperature and the ne ~ 1-4 x10^23 cm-3 electron density. Spectra from multiple directions provide core symmetry estimates. Computer simulations agree well with the peak compression values of Te, ne, and symmetry, indicating reasonable understanding of the hohlraum and implosion physics.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Chemotaxis: a feedback-based computational model robustly predicts multiple aspects of real cell behaviour

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    The mechanism of eukaryotic chemotaxis remains unclear despite intensive study. The most frequently described mechanism acts through attractants causing actin polymerization, in turn leading to pseudopod formation and cell movement. We recently proposed an alternative mechanism, supported by several lines of data, in which pseudopods are made by a self-generated cycle. If chemoattractants are present, they modulate the cycle rather than directly causing actin polymerization. The aim of this work is to test the explanatory and predictive powers of such pseudopod-based models to predict the complex behaviour of cells in chemotaxis. We have now tested the effectiveness of this mechanism using a computational model of cell movement and chemotaxis based on pseudopod autocatalysis. The model reproduces a surprisingly wide range of existing data about cell movement and chemotaxis. It simulates cell polarization and persistence without stimuli and selection of accurate pseudopods when chemoattractant gradients are present. It predicts both bias of pseudopod position in low chemoattractant gradients and-unexpectedly-lateral pseudopod initiation in high gradients. To test the predictive ability of the model, we looked for untested and novel predictions. One prediction from the model is that the angle between successive pseudopods at the front of the cell will increase in proportion to the difference between the cell's direction and the direction of the gradient. We measured the angles between pseudopods in chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells under different conditions and found the results agreed with the model extremely well. Our model and data together suggest that in rapidly moving cells like Dictyostelium and neutrophils an intrinsic pseudopod cycle lies at the heart of cell motility. This implies that the mechanism behind chemotaxis relies on modification of intrinsic pseudopod behaviour, more than generation of new pseudopods or actin polymerization by chemoattractant
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