General music in the junior high school


In an ever-increasing number of states the course in general music is now required in the seventh and eighth grades of the junior high school. It has been the privilege of this author to teach this course in two states, one of which required it of seventh-grade students and the other of eighth. Out of this experience came the realization that a detailed study of materials relevant to this course would be most helpful in achieving the results so fondly to be hoped for. Therefore it is the purpose of this study to investigate the history of the junior high school movement, the forces which led to its establishment, the changes which have taken place since its beginning and the nature of the young person, the teenager, for whom it is intended. Furthermore, the study attempts to reveal the part which general music should play in the curriculum of the junior high school, its nature, objectives and problems and offers some solutions to a few of the latter. To this end, six units of work are presented which are based upon research, numerous observations in the local junior high schools and conferences with teachers, principals and pupils

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