743 research outputs found

    Una aventura con olor a café

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    Dentro de la población joven de Colombia existe una falta de interés por las tradiciones del cultivo y procesamiento de este producto, llevando a esta población a optar por otras formas de trabajo y abandonando sus sitios de origen desplazándose a las grandes ciudades. El proyecto “Una aventura con Olor a Café” tiene como finalidad recolectar información concerniente a las etapas de producción del café colombiano, de ese modo despertar interés en la población por medio de un videojuego, el cual consiste en mostrar las fases de producción del café, incentivando al jugador a adquirir conocimiento acerca de la elaboración de este producto

    Artificial inoculation of maize seeds with Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. zeae

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    The objective of this research was to identify an inoculation method of Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. zeae, causal agent of the head smut of maize, which allows a high and consistent percentage of infection, for reliable selection of germplasm with genetic resistance to this pathogen. Seeds of the hybrid AZ 41801 were inoculated with telio-spores impregnated using as adherents: 1% (w/v) sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC) 1%, ADH®, 2% (w/v) sodium alginate 2%, 50% (w/v) brown sugar 50% (w/v), 2% (w/v) agar – agar, 10% (w/v) grenetin and a treatment 1: 200 (v/v) of inoculum: soil 1: 200 (v/v). Treated seeds were planted in a greenhouse in 40 x 40 cm polyethylene pots with sterile soil. In 2015, grenetin as adherent, induced 96.3% of diseased plants in greenhouse. Morphological and molecular characterization of the pathogen was carried out before the inoculation and after the finalevaluation. This method of inoculation was evaluated in 2016 in fieldconditions in Mixquiahuala, Hgo. A total of 160 lines C2-S3 from a bmaize population improvement program were inoculated with teliospores of S. reilianum f. sp. zeae using 10% grenetin as adherent. The incidence of the disease in both experiments planted in 2015 and 2016 was evalua-ted 45 days after flowering,with direct observation of symptoms and signs in male and female infloescences. One line showed 54.5% of infection. The hybrid AZ 41801 reached 70.7% of diseased plants. It is suggested to use 10% grenetin as adherent in the inoculation of maize seeds with teliospores of S. reilianum f. sp. zeae for the selection of disease resistant germplasm

    Mapeo de QTL en línea Mutus#1 de trigo resistente a la mancha foliar

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    La mancha foliar del trigo causada por Zymoseptoria tritici es una enfermedad devastadora en el cultivo de trigo a nivel internacional. El control químico y el uso de variedades resistentes son las principales estrategias de control. El Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), cuenta con líneas de trigo con resistencia cuantitativa a la enfermedad por lo que el objetivo fue hacer un mapeo de loci para un carácter cuantitativo (QTL) asociados con la resistencia genética a la mancha foliar en la línea élite Mutus#1 (resistente), en una población de 275 líneas endogámicas recombinantes (LER) derivadas de la cruza de Mutus#1 con la línea élite Huirivis#1 (susceptible). En 2018 y 2019, en la estación del CIMMYT-Toluca se estableció un experimento en campo bajo un diseño experimental Alpha Lattice. Se generó una epidemia artificial con Z. tritici y se calculó el área bajo la curva del progreso de la enfermedad (ABCPE). Las 275 LER y los progenitores se secuenciaron utilizando la plataforma DArTSeq. Los mapas de ligamiento se construyeron con el programa IciMapping empleando la información del fenotipo y genotipo. Se identificaron cinco QTL de efecto menor, tres ubicados en los cromosomas 1B, 4A y 4B y dos en el cromosoma 5B, los cuales explicaron menos de síntomas y producción de picnidios en planta adulta portados por Mutus#1, pueden utilizarse con otros genes de resistencia o QTL para reducir la selección de nuevas cepas patogénicas de Z. tritici

    Amphiphilic-like carbon dots as antitumoral drug vehicles and phototherapeutical agents

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    The work was financially supported by the Spanish institutions Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (PGC2018-098770-B-I00 and CTQ2017-86125-P) and Junta de Andalucia (ProgramaOperativo FEDER 2014-2020, grants B-FQM-141-UGR18, A1-FQM-341-UGR-18, C-FQM-497-UGR18).Water-insoluble carbon dots are recognized as promising materials, although their applications in nanomedicine are rarely explored, despite their lipophilic character and foreseen compatibility with biological membranes. In this article, we exploit the anhydride functionalization of carbon dots obtained by thermolysis of citric acid to synthesize amphiphilic-like carbon dots (LCDs) by reaction with alkyl amines. A differential feature of this approach is that the hydrophobicity of LCDs is a balance between the ionization of the carboxylic groups resulting from the reaction and the hydrophobicity from the grafted amines. The alkyl chains allow LCDs to entrap hydrophobic molecules and the ionization of the carboxylic groups increases the hydrosolubility, permitting the transfer between organic and aqueous phases. The biomedical interest of these features is illustrated by analyzing the application of LCDs as carriers of the drug campothecin and their evaluation on a battery of cancer cell lines, as well as the transformation of LCDs into a phototherapeutic agent by the formation of a complex with IR780 dye. Results demonstrate that LCDs behave as nanocarriers in a manner that resembles other supramolecular hosts with two differential features: (i) the length of the alkyl chains determines the size of the hosted guest, and (ii) the hydrosolubility of the complex can be modulated by pH.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades PGC2018-098770-B-I00 CTQ2017-86125-PJunta de Andalucia B-FQM-141-UGR18 A1-FQM-341-UGR-18 C-FQM-497-UGR1

    Influence of Two Major Toxoplasma Gondii Virulence Factors (ROP16 and ROP18) on the Immune Response of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to Human Toxoplasmosis Infection

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    Toxoplasma gondii ROP16 and ROP18 proteins have been identified as important virulence factors for this parasite. Here, we describe the effect of ROP16 and ROP18 proteins on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from individuals with different clinical status of infection. We evaluated IFN-?, IL-10, and IL-1? levels in supernatants from PBMCs cultures infected with tachyzoites of the T. gondii wild-type RH strain or with knock-out mutants of the rop16 and rop18 encoding genes (RH?rop16 and RH?rop18). Cytokine secretion was compared between PBMCs obtained from seronegative individuals (n = 10), with those with chronic asymptomatic (n = 8), or ocular infection (n = 12). We also evaluated if polymorphisms in the genes encoding for IFN-?, IL-10, IL-1?, Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), and purinoreceptor P2RX7 influenced the production of the encoded proteins after ex vivo stimulation. In individuals with chronic asymptomatic infection, only a moderate effect on IL-10 levels was observed when PBMCs were infected with RH?rop16, whereas a significant difference in the levels of inflammatory cytokines IFN-? and IL-1? was observed in seronegative individuals, but this was also dependent on the host's cytokine gene polymorphisms. Infection with ROP16-deficient parasites had a significant effect on IFN-? production in previously non-infected individuals, suggesting that ROP16 which is considered as a virulence factor plays a role during the primary infection in humans, but not in the secondary immune response. © Copyright © 2019 Hernández-de-los-Ríos, Murillo-Leon, Mantilla-Muriel, Arenas, Vargas-Montes, Cardona, de-la-Torre, Sepúlveda-Arias and Gómez-Marín


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    Cucurbita argyrosperma (calabaza pipiana), es un cultivo importante en el estado de Guerrero. El precio de venta por tonelada de semilla se ha incrementado de 15,500enelan~o2005a 15, 500 en el año 2005 a 35, 000 en 2011, lo que ha propiciado que se incremente la superficie sembrada. Los hongos del suelo causan pudrición en frutos reduciendo los rendimientos. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar al agente causal involucrado en la pudrición de frutos de calabaza pipiana y evaluar alternativas de control químico y biológico en invernadero. Durante los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2012, se recolectaron frutos, con diferentes síntomas y niveles de pudrición en la zona norte del Estado de Guerrero. Después de identificar morfológicamente se analizó molecularmente mediante el ADN del patógeno, las muestras se analizaron con la técnica de PCR, con los oligonucleótidos ITS-1/ ITS-4, los cuales amplifican un espaciador intergénico interno (ITS). Se identificó a Rhizoctonia solani en los frutos analizados. Los productos de amplificación fueron secuenciados presentando un 99 % de similitud con secuencias de Estados Unidos de acuerdo con el GenBank. La secuencia consenso fue depositada en GenBank con el número de acceso KJ652221. Trichoderma asperellum y los ingredientes activos iodo libre y quintozeno: PCNB, ejercieron el mejor control al retrasar la presencia del patógeno en frutos de calabaza pipian

    Multi-location trials identify stable high yielding spring bread and durum wheat cultivars in Mexico

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    Determining the stability and consistency of grain yield performance requires accurate evaluation of genotypes in different environments. In Mexico, annual national spring wheat irrigated trials are conducted to assess elite bread and durum wheat performance in different testing environments (TEs) in the main wheat-growing areas. These trials provide data supporting release of new cultivars and aim to also address Mexican wheat value chain grain needs. In this study we analyzed 30 bread and durum wheat trial results from the 2012/13 and 2013/14 growing cycles conducted across TEs in northwest, north and central Mexico. Environmental variability (location, sowing timing, and irrigation schemes) across the national spring wheat irrigated trials enabled genotype by environment interaction to be effectively evaluated. We identified genotypes with high and stable grain yield across TEs of the wheat-growing areas of Mexico. The bread cultivars Bacorehuis F2015 and Borlaug100 F2014, and the durum cultivars Barobampo C2015, CONASIST C2015 and Anatoly C2011 were high yielding and gave stable performance in most of the TEs. This analysis demonstrates the utility of multi-year, multi-environment testing and analysis to identify improved wheat cultivars to meet wheat production demand in Mexico

    Plant breeding increases spring wheat yield potential in Afghanistan

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an essential food security crop in Afghanistan. To determine the contribution of wheat breeding to increasing productivity, we analyzed data obtained from 192 trials conducted over 11 locations from 2002–2003 to 2015–2016. Using this data, we estimated annual genetic gains for grain yield, days to heading and plant height over the 14-yr period. We used best linear unbiased estimates to measure genetic gains across CIMMYT Elite Spring Wheat Yield Trials per se and for the top 5 and top 10% performing genotypes relative to checks. Mean realized genetic gain for grain yield was 115 kg ha–1 yr−1, whereas the top 10 genotypes achieved annual yield gains of 123 kg ha–1. The continually replaced local check. s also contributed an annual genetic gain for yield of 107 kg ha–1. The associated adaptive traits days to heading and plant height varied in their response over time with the top 10 yielding genotypes having a 1.82 d annual reduction in heading date while plant height increased by 0.77 cm yr−1 for the same set of genotypes. Results show that continual breeding improvements confer yield gains, contributing to increasing Afghan wheat productivity. This has wider relevance for demonstrating the value of continued investment in public sector plant breeding supporting wheat production and food security in Central Asia

    Vitruvius+: An area-efficient RISC-V decoupled vector coprocessor for high performance computing applications

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    The maturity level of RISC-V and the availability of domain-specific instruction set extensions, like vector processing, make RISC-V a good candidate for supporting the integration of specialized hardware in processor cores for the High Performance Computing (HPC) application domain. In this article,1 we present Vitruvius+, the vector processing acceleration engine that represents the core of vector instruction execution in the HPC challenge that comes within the EuroHPC initiative. It implements the RISC-V vector extension (RVV) 0.7.1 and can be easily connected to a scalar core using the Open Vector Interface standard. Vitruvius+ natively supports long vectors: 256 double precision floating-point elements in a single vector register. It is composed of a set of identical vector pipelines (lanes), each containing a slice of the Vector Register File and functional units (one integer, one floating point). The vector instruction execution scheme is hybrid in-order/out-of-order and is supported by register renaming and arithmetic/memory instruction decoupling. On a stand-alone synthesis, Vitruvius+ reaches a maximum frequency of 1.4 GHz in typical conditions (TT/0.80V/25°C) using GlobalFoundries 22FDX FD-SOI. The silicon implementation has a total area of 1.3 mm2 and maximum estimated power of ~920 mW for one instance of Vitruvius+ equipped with eight vector lanes.This research has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under Framework Partnership Agreement No 800928 (European Processor Initiative) and Specific Grant Agreement No 101036168 (EPI SGA2). The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and from Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The EPI-SGA2 project, PCI2022-132935 is also co-funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the UE NextGen- erationEU/PRTR. This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    DVINO: A RISC-V vector processor implemented in 65nm technology

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    This paper describes the design, verification, implementation and fabrication of the Drac Vector IN-Order (DVINO) processor, a RISC-V vector processor capable of booting Linux jointly developed by BSC, CIC-IPN, IMB-CNM (CSIC), and UPC. The DVINO processor includes an internally developed two-lane vector processor unit as well as a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The paper summarizes the design from architectural as well as logic synthesis and physical design in CMOS 65nm technology.The DRAC project is co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of total eligible cost. The authors are part of RedRISCV which promotes activities around open hardware. The Lagarto Project is supported by the Research and Graduate Secretary (SIP) of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) from Mexico, and by the CONACyT scholarship for Center for Research in Computing (CIC-IPN).Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 43 autors/es: Guillem Cabo∗, Gerard Candón∗, Xavier Carril∗, Max Doblas∗, Marc Domínguez∗, Alberto González∗, Cesar Hernández†, Víctor Jiménez∗, Vatistas Kostalampros∗, Rubén Langarita∗, Neiel Leyva†, Guillem López-Paradís∗, Jonnatan Mendoza∗, Francesco Minervini∗, Julian Pavón∗, Cristobal Ramírez∗, Narcís Rodas∗, Enrico Reggiani∗, Mario Rodríguez∗, Carlos Rojas∗, Abraham Ruiz∗, Víctor Soria∗, Alejandro Suanes‡, Iván Vargas∗, Roger Figueras∗, Pau Fontova∗, Joan Marimon∗, Víctor Montabes∗, Adrián Cristal∗, Carles Hernández∗, Ricardo Martínez‡, Miquel Moretó∗§, Francesc Moll∗§, Oscar Palomar∗§, Marco A. Ramírez†, Antonio Rubio§, Jordi Sacristán‡, Francesc Serra-Graells‡, Nehir Sonmez∗, Lluís Terés‡, Osman Unsal∗, Mateo Valero∗§, Luís Villa† // ∗Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona, Spain. Email: [email protected]; †Centro de Investigación en Computación, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CIC-IPN), Mexico City, Mexico; ‡ Institut de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM (CSIC), Spain. Email: [email protected]; §Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. Email: [email protected] (author's final draft