17 research outputs found

    Origins and development of fish hooks in the Iberian Peninsula. From Prehistory to Medieval Age

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    En este trabajo presentamos un estado de la cuestión sobre los anzuelos de pesca en la península ibérica. Para ello realizaremos un análisis diacrónico desde las primeras evidencias que se conocen en el registro arqueológico prehistórico hasta época medieval. Se tratará de analizar cómo ha sido su evolución a lo largo de la historia, definiéndose los principales hitos tecnológicos que han ido produciéndose hasta llegar a configurarse el modelo de anzuelo que conocemos en la actualidad, y considerándose, al mismo tiempo, cuáles son aquellos rasgos morfo-tipológicos que han perdurado/desaparecido y cuáles han sido transformados/sustituidos. Todo ello nos permitirá valorar aspectos históricos de gran importancia como pueden ser el origen geográfico de las innovaciones y su difusión a escala atlántico-mediterránea a través de posibles fenómenos de interacción cultural.In this work we introduce a state of the question about fish hooks in the Iberian Peninsula. In order to do so, we will carry out a diachronic analysis from the first evidences known in the prehistoric archeological record until the Medieval time. We will attempt to analyze how they have evolved throughout history, defining the main technological milestones that have been occurring until it turns into the fish hook model we know now. At the same time, we will consider which morphotypological characteristics have persisted/disappeared and which ones have been transformed/replaced. Taking all this into account, we will assess very important historical aspects, like the geographical origin of innovations and their dissemination in the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas thanks to possible cultural

    Offerings of fishery nature in coastal sanctuaries: The case of La Algaida (Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz)

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    Las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el santuario fenicio-púnico de La Algaida (Sanlúcar de Barrameda) durante los años 70 y 80 del pasado siglo han permitido recuperar más de diez mil exvotos de muy diversa naturaleza, tanto de producción local como procedentes de diferentes puntos del Mediterráneo, los cuales abarcan un espectro cronológico muy amplio comprendido entre los siglos VII-I a.C. A través del análisis de estos materiales se han podido reconstruir aspectos religiosos de gran interés como pueden ser las prácticas rituales que se celebraban en este espacio sagrado, así como determinar cuáles fueron las divinidades allí veneradas. En este trabajo se dan a conocer por primera vez los instrumentos de pesca procedentes de este yacimiento, presentándose, en primer lugar, un análisis morfo-tipológico de los mismos y, en segundo lugar, una valoración de este tipo de material arqueológico en contextos sagrados, planteándose los diferentes usos y funciones que pudieron haber tenido las artes y aparejos de pesca en los santuarios antiguosThe archeological digs carried out in the Phoenician-Punic sanctuary of La Algaida (Sanlucar de Barrameda) during the 70s and 80s decade of the last century have allowed the recovery of more than ten thousand votive offerings from many different natures, from local-produced ones to others coming from different points in the Mediterranean Sea. They span a wide chronological spectrum covering from 7th to 1st Centuries BC. Thanks to the analysis of these materials it has been possible to reconstruct religious aspects of great interest. Aspects such as the ritual practices that were held in this sacred space or the possibility to determine who were the deities that were worshiped there. The fishing tools coming from this archeological site are presented in this work for the first time and are presented first in a morpho-typological analysis of the materials, and secondly, in an evaluation of this kind of archeological material in sacred contexts, considering the different uses and functions that the fishing gears and skills could have had in the ancient places of worshi

    Pictorial remains of the Halieutic testaccio of Gades, El Olivillo, Cádiz. First sample of the First pompeian style in the Bética

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    Este trabajo aborda el análisis de un conjunto de restos pictóricos procedentes de un vertedero de ingentes dimensiones excavado en el solar de El Olivillo en la ciudad de Cádiz, en 2016, interpretado como un Testaccio haliéutico portuario, y fechado entre los ss. I a.C. y I d.C. De entre los restos obliterados en el mismo, destacamos los que suponen la primera muestra conocida del primer estilo pompeyano en toda la Bética, lo que conlleva un avance en el conocimiento de la difusión de la pintura mural romana en Hispania y, por ende, un conocimiento mayor de la edilicia republicana en la ciudad. Desde una perspectiva integral, se abordan los aspectos técnicos y estilísticos mediante el uso de diversos análisis físico-químicos.In this paper we analyze a group of Roman wall paintings from the excavation of the dump called El Olivillo in Cádiz, in 2016. This archaeological site has been identified as a huge dump at the harbor area, which has been defined as the Halieutic Testaccio and dated between 1st century BC and 1st century AD. These fragments are a first-time evidence of the First Pompeian Style in the Bética, being a remarkable step-forward on the knowledge of the diffusion of the Roman Wall painting in Hispania as well as the republican period in Cádiz. From a comprehensive perspective, here we analyze technical and stylistic aspects using different physical and chemial analysis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2016-7487-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2016-78691

    The Urban Biography of a Mauritanian City: Microstratigraphic Analysis of the Eastern Quarter of Tamuda (Morocco)

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    The lack of vertical stratigraphic sondages and open area excavations constitutes a challenge to understanding Mauritanian urbanism. This makes the characterization of the spatio-temporal evolution of Mauritanian towns a difficult task. Systematic excavations carried out in Tamuda by several research teams in the twentieth century provided vertical and horizontal views of Mauritanian urbanism. Our study offers, for the first time, a high-resolution geoarchaeological analysis of Tamuda’s urban sequence (third through first century BC). The microfacies analysis, by means of micromorphology and µ-XRF of Spaces E18 and E20 of the Eastern Quarter revealed a complex interaction of deposits and site formation processes that resulted from changes in everyday urban life. In this respect, the overlap of different construction phases and the alternation of episodes of active use and abandonment is highly significant. This study examines the functional characterization of urban spaces, including the identification of midden activities, a roasting pit, and a milling site (possibly) linked to fish flour production. These activities leave traces on beaten floors and occupation surfaces, and several features indicate abandonment periods between short-term occupations. The result is a complex urban biography of this Mauritanian town, in which human occupation was not constant over time.37 página

    De Cabo Negro al río Lián. Yacimientos litorales en el Norte de Marruecos a la luz de la Carta Arqueológica (2009-2010)

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    Trabajo presentado al III Seminario Hispano-Marroquí «Arqueología y Turismo en el Círculo del Estrecho. Estrategias para la Puesta en Valor de los recursos patrimoniales del Norte de Marruecos», celebrado entre el 14 y el 16 de abril de 2011 en Algeciras.[ES]: Presentamos los resultados preliminares de las campañas de prospección llevadas a cabo entre Cabo Negro y el Río Lián (Norte de Marruecos) durante los años 2009 y 2010. Dicha prospección se enmarca en el Proyecto Carta Arqueológica del Norte de Marruecos que desde el año 2008 la Universidad de Cádiz, la Universidad Abdelmalek Essaadi y el Institut National des Sciences de l’Archeologie et du Patrimoine vienen desarrollando. [FR]: Nous présentons ici les résultats préliminaires des campagnes de prospection réalisées entre le Cap Noir et le fleuve Lián (nord du Maroc) durant les années 2009 et 2010. La dite prospection encadre dans le Projet la Carte Archéologique du Nord du Maroc que dès le 2008 l’Université de Cadix, l’Université Abdelmalek Esaadi et l’Institut National des Sciences de l’Archeologie et du Patrimoine développent[FR]: Il s’agit dans ce travail de présenter les résultats préliminaires des campagnes de prospections archéologiques réalisées en 2009 et 2010 dans la zone située entre Ras el Aswad (Cabo Negro) et oued Lian (Nord du Maroc). Ce bilan s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Carte Archéologique du Nord du Maroc: Région Tanger-Tétouan » entamé depuis 2008 par une équipe maroco-espagnol dont les institutions de parrainage sont : l’Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, l’Institut National des Sciences d’Archéologie et du Patrimoine et l’Université de Cádiz.Peer Reviewe

    Del poblamiento litoral romano en la Tingitana mediterránea. Excavaciones preventivas en Metrouna y Sidi Bou Hayel

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    Trabajo presentado al III Seminario Hispano-Marroquí «Arqueología y Turismo en el Círculo del Estrecho. Estrategias para la Puesta en Valor de los recursos patrimoniales del Norte de Marruecos», celebrado entre el 14 y el 16 de abril de 2011 en Algeciras.[ES]: Se presenta un avance de los resultados de dos actividades arqueológicas preventivas realizadas en la desembocadura del río Martil (Metrouna) y en el río Negro (Sidi Bou Hayel), que han permitido exhumar respectivamente tanto una factoría de salazones romana con evidencias de la producción de púrpura como un yacimiento multisecuenciado del cual se ha excavado parte de un complejo termal medio-imperial reconvertido en centro de molturación y explotación de recursos marinos en la Antigüedad Tardía. [FR]: Il s’agit dans ce travail de présenter les résultats de deux activités archéologiques préventives réalisées dans l’embouchure d’oued Martil (Metrouna) et d’oued Negro (Sidi Bou Hayel). Ces interventions ont permis d’exhumer aussi bien une usine de salaison datant de l’époque romaine avec des évidences de production de pourpre que d’un site multi-séquencé dont un complexe thermal d’époque impériale a été fouillé et converti en un centre d’exploitation des ressources marines dans l’Antiquité Tardive.Peer Reviewe

    Programming Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Flexibility in Offspring of Male Rats in Response to Maternal Consumption of Slow Digesting Carbohydrates during Pregnancy

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    Skeletal muscle plays a relevant role in metabolic flexibility and fuel usage and the associated muscle metabolic inflexibility due to high-fat diets contributing to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Previous research from our group indicates that a high-fat and rapid-digesting carbohydrate diet during pregnancy promotes an excessive adipogenesis and also increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the offspring. This effect can be counteracted by diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but lower digestion rates. To address the role of the skeletal muscle in these experimental settings, pregnant rats were fed high-fat diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but different digestion rates, a high fat containing rapid-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/RD diet) or a high fat containing slow-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/SD diet). After weaning, male offspring were fed a standard diet for 3 weeks (weaning) or 10 weeks (adolescence) and the impact of the maternal HF/RD and HF/SD diets on the metabolism, signaling pathways and muscle transcriptome was analyzed. The HF/SD offspring displayed better muscle features compared with the HF/RD group, showing a higher muscle mass, myosin content and differentiation markers that translated into a greater grip strength. In the HF/SD group, metabolic changes such as a higher expression of fatty acids (FAT/CD36) and glucose (GLUT4) transporters, an enhanced glycogen content, as well as changes in regulatory enzymes such as muscle pyruvate kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 were found, supporting an increased muscle metabolic flexibility and improved muscle performance. The analysis of signaling pathways was consistent with a better insulin sensitivity in the muscle of the HF/SD group.This research was funded by European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013): project Early Nutrition, under grant agreement no. 289346

    New challenges in archaeopalynology: pollen analysis on roman bivalve shells from south-western Europe and North Africa

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    The European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) is a native species that was consumed as a luxurious product by the Romans. In the Strait of Gibraltar area, between southwest Iberia and North Africa, numerous oyster shells have been found in Roman archaeological sites located in both, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The origin of these oysters is unknown, as so if theywere farmed or harvested in thewild and/or even imported for consumption. This study presents the results of pollen analysis of oyster shells from six archaeological sites in the Strait of Gibraltar area dated between the 1st and 6th centuries AD. This is the first time that such research is undertaken in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa; the second worldwide for a discipline rarely known until now: conchopalynology. Our study suggests that differences observed in pollen spectra could be used to identify the origin of the consumed specimens, i.e. where they were grown or harvested, discriminating whether oyster shells originated from the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean coastline.This work was funded by the projects GARVM III (PID2019-108948RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), ARQUEOSTRA (FEDER-UCA18-104415), ARQUEOFISH (P18-FR-1483, PAIDI 2020), and GARVMTRANSFER (PDC2021-121356-I00)