10 research outputs found

    Tratamiento físico, químico y biológico de residuos químicos de los laboratorios de docencia de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

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    Herein, we report the physical, chemical, and biological treatment of wastewater generated in the teaching laboratories at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Initial physicochemical treatment included neutralization and coagulation-flocculation, followed by a biological treatment with fungi (Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium dipodomyicola) or bacterias, the latter were isolated from the sludge from the campus’ wastewater treatment plant and the greywater collection tank at the School of Chemistry. The samples’ pH prior to treatment was ≤ 2, while COD ranged between 3000 and 30 000 mg/L. Gas chromatography-mass spectra analysis indicated the presence of 55 organic compounds in the wastewater, some of which reached undetectable concentrations after treatment. The fungi and the bacterial strain removed up to 50% of the substances, while the toxicity decreased with respect to time of exposure to the treatment. Results support the potential use of these microorganisms as bioremediators. Although the organic compounds were partially removed, the treated wastewater exhibited high toxicity for Daphnia magna (water flea). Further experiments with longer treatment times or other strains might be needed for effective removal of pollutants.En este trabajo, se reporta el tratamiento físico, químico y biológico de las aguas residuales generadas en los laboratorios de docencia de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. El tratamiento fisicoquímico inicial incluyó la neutralización y la coagulación-floculación, seguido de un tratamiento biológico con hongos (Aspergillus sp. y Penicillium dipodomyicola) o bacterias; estos se aislaron del lodo de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del campus y del tanque de recolección de aguas grises en la Escuela de Química. El pH de las muestras antes del tratamiento fue ≤ 2, mientras que la DQO osciló entre 3000 y 30 000 mg /L. El análisis de cromatografía de gases con detector de masa (GC/MS) indicó la presencia de 55 compuestos orgánicos en las aguas residuales, algunos de los cuales alcanzaron concentraciones indetectables después del tratamiento. Los hongos y la cepa bacteriana eliminaron hasta el 50 % de las sustancias, mientras que la toxicidad disminuyó con respecto al tiempo de exposición al tratamiento. Los resultados sugieren el uso potencial de estos microorganismos como biorremediadores. Aunque los compuestos orgánicos se eliminaron parcialmente, las aguas residuales tratadas exhibieron una alta toxicidad para Daphnia magna (pulga de agua). Son necesarios más experimentos con tiempos de tratamiento más largos u otras cepas, para la eliminación efectiva de contaminantes

    Sensibilidade de Hydra attenuata e Hydra viridis aos pesticidas diuron e etoprofós, Costa Rica

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    [Objetivo] El objetivo fue determinar cuál de las dos especies de hidras (Hydra attenuata o Hydra viridis) resultaba más sensible a dos plaguicidas, para luego usarla como parte de la batería de organismos de prueba del Laboratorio de Estudios Ecotoxicológicos (ECOTOX). [Metodología] Para esto se utilizaron diluciones de dos de los plaguicidas más comúnmente usados en el cultivo de piña en Costa Rica y detectados en muestras de agua: el herbicida diuron y el insecticida etoprofos. Se realizaron bioensayos de toxicidad con cada una de estas sustancias y con una mezcla de estas. Se registró el estado morfológico de las hidras. Además, se evaluaron la concentración de efecto medio (EC50), la concentración letal media (LC50), y las interacciones de toxicidad según tres posibilidades: antagónica, aditiva o sinérgica. [Resultados] La H. attenuata fue la especie más sensible a ambos plaguicidas, con LC50s de 16,84 mg/L y 103,01 mg/L; y EC50s de 4,24 mg/L y 23,74 mg/L para diuron y etoprofos, respectivamente. Mientras tanto la H. viridis tuvo LC50s de 36,94 mg/L y 103,01 mg/L, con EC50s de 13,64 mg/L y 53,12 mg/L, también para diuron y etoprofos, respectivamente. La exposición a la mezcla de plaguicidas solo causó mortalidad a la H. viridis y tuvo efecto sinérgico en ambas especies. [Conclusiones] Estos resultados sugieren que la H. attenuata es la especie más apropiada para la evaluación de efectos de plaguicidas, pero se deben realizar más estudios sobre las interacciones de los contaminantes en mezclas, porque estas pueden modificar su toxicidad para diferentes especies.[Objective] The objective was to determine which of the two hydra species (Hydra attenuata or Hydra viridis) was more sensitive to two pesticides, and then use the most sensitive species as part of the battery of test organisms of the Ecotoxicological Studies Laboratory (ECOTOX). [Methodology] For this purpose, dilutions of two of the most commonly used pesticides in pineapple cultivation in Costa Rica which were detected in water samples were used: the herbicide diuron and the insecticide ethoprophos. Toxicity bioassays were conducted with each of these substances and with a mixture of these substances. The morphological state of the hydras was recorded. In addition, the mean effective concentration (EC50), mean lethal concentration (LC50) and toxicity interactions were evaluated in terms of three possibilities: antagonistic, additive or synergistic. [Results] H. attenuata was the most sensitive species to both pesticides, with an LC50s of 16.84 mg/L and 103.01 mg/L, and an EC50s of 4.24 mg/L and 23.4 mg/L for diuron and ethoprophos, respectively. Furthermore, H. viridis had an LC50s of 36.94 mg/L and 103.01 mg/L, with an EC50s of 13.64 mg/L and 53.12 mg/L, also for diuron and ethoprophos, respectively. Exposure to the pesticide mixture only caused mortality in H. viridis and had a synergistic effect on both species. [Conclusions] These results suggest that H. attenuata is the most appropriate species for the evaluation of pesticide effects, but further studies should be conducted on the interactions of contaminants in mixtures, since these may modify their toxicity for different species.[Objetivo] O objetivo foi determinar qual das duas espécies de hydra (Hydra attenuata ou Hydra viridis) era mais sensível a dois pesticidas, para ser usada como parte da bateria de organismos de teste do Laboratório de Estudos Ecotoxicológicos (ECOTOX). [Metodologia] Foram usadas diluições de dois dos pesticidas mais comumente aplicados no cultivo de abacaxi na Costa Rica e detectados em amostras de água: o herbicida diuron e o inseticida etoprofós. Foram realizados bioensaios de toxicidade com cada uma dessas substâncias e com uma mistura delas. Foi registrado o status morfológico das hidras. Além disso, a concentração de efeito médio (CE50), a concentração letal média (CL50) e as interações de toxicidade foram avaliadas de acordo com três possibilidades: antagônica, aditiva ou sinérgica. [Resultados] A H. attenuata foi a espécie mais sensível a ambos os pesticidas, com CL50s de 16,84 mg/L e 103,01 mg/L; e CL50s de 4,24 mg/L e 23,74 mg/L para diuron e etoprofós, respectivamente. Enquanto isso, o H. viridis apresentou CL50s de 36,94 mg/L e 103,01 mg/L, com CL50s de 13,64 mg/L e 53,12 mg/L, também para diuron e etoprofós, respectivamente. A exposição à mistura de pesticidas causou mortalidade apenas em H. viridis e teve um efeito sinérgico em ambas as espécies. [Conclusões] Esses resultados sugerem que a H. attenuata é a espécie mais adequada para a avaliação dos efeitos dos pesticidas, mas estudos adicionais sobre as interações de contaminantes em misturas devem ser realizados, pois as misturas podem modificar sua toxicidade para diferentes espécies

    Estudio de extractos de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni y la evaluación de sus efectos en la cavidad bucal de canes con enfermedad periodontal

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    Vargas Villalobos, S. (2006). Estudio de extractos de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni y la evaluación de sus efectos en la cavidad bucal de canes con enfermedad periodontal. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.En el Millón de Cariari, un grupo organizado de mujeres pequeñas productoras, plantaron en su vivero Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, con el fin de aprovechar las propiedades edulcorantes, anticaries, antibacteriales y antiinflamatorios que ésta posee. La enfermedad periodontal es una patología que presenta alteraciones del tejido gingival, lo cual acarrea consecuencias bucales, y por lo tanto orgánicas incapacitantes para los pacientes. Dicha enfermedad es frecuente en los seres humanos, por lo que el actual estudio despertó el interés en desarrollar soluciones alternativas para esta enfermedad. La actividad antiinflamatoria de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni es una buena opción para complementar los procedimientos de raspado, alisado, existentes para mejorar la salud bucal de pacientes con enfermedad periodontal. Esta investigación planteó sus objetivos con el propósito de estudiar esta planta y evaluar sus efectos ¿n el tratamiento de dicha enfermedad. El primer paso fue obtener el extracto crudo de S. rebaudiana y particiones del mismo. Para realizar el análisis toxicológico y los efectos anti-oxidantes de dicho extracto. Se seleccionó un grupo de doce caninos del Refugio de Animales de San Rafael de Heredia, afectados con enfermedad periodontal para efectuarles una valoración Odontológica completa; se les midió el índice de hemorragia gingival. Como profilaxis el raspado y alisado que corresponde ante la presencia de enfermedad periodontal. Como alternativa natural para mejorar el tratamiento de esta enfermedad, se aplicaron por quince días consecutivos los extractos de la S. rebaudiana, repartiendo las fracciones del extracto crudo los canes de estudio. La evaluación continuó con medición de bolsas periodontales y un estudio histopatológico de tejidos orales de un grupo control y experimental, pre y post tratamiento. El mejor resultado se obtuvo al aplicar el extracto crudo en el can denominado Manrique, quien inicialmente presentó una medición de bolsa de 7 milímetros y un índice de hemorragia gingival del 85%. Luego de quince días, Manrique presentó una mejoría significativa con una disminución de la medición de la bolsa en 6 milímetros, quedando esta medición en un milímetro y una disminución del índice de hemorragia gingival de un 75%, obteniendo finalmente un 10% de índice de hemorragia gingival. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que la aplicación del extracto de S. rebaudiana tiene propiedades curativas para la enfermedad periodontal, lo cual es de suma importancia para continuar investigando acerca de las cualidades de esta planta en la cavidad bucal y llegar a desarrollar un producto alternativo para beneficio de los pacientes afectados.In Millón de Cariari, an organized group of women small producers planted Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in their nursery, in order to take advantage of its sweetening, anticaries, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Periodontal disease is a pathology that presents alterations of the gingival tissue, which has oral consequences, and therefore disabling organic consequences for patients. This disease is common in humans, so the current study aroused interest in developing alternative solutions for this disease. The anti-inflammatory activity of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a good option to complement existing scaling, smoothing procedures to improve the oral health of patients with periodontal disease. This investigation raised its objectives with the purpose of studying this plant and evaluating its effects in the treatment of said disease. The first step was to obtain the crude extract of S. rebaudiana and its partitions. To carry out the toxicological analysis and the anti-oxidant effects of said extract. A group of twelve canines from the San Rafael de Heredia Animal Shelter, affected with periodontal disease, were selected to carry out a complete dental assessment; the gingival bleeding index was measured. As prophylaxis, the corresponding scraping and smoothing in the presence of periodontal disease. As a natural alternative to improve the treatment of this disease, the extracts of S. rebaudiana were applied for fifteen consecutive days, distributing the fractions of the crude extract to the study dogs. The evaluation continued with measurement of periodontal pockets and a histopathological study of oral tissues from a control and experimental group, pre and post treatment. The best result was obtained when applying the crude extract in the dog named Manrique, who initially presented a pocket measurement of 7 millimeters and a gingival bleeding index of 85%. After fifteen days, Manrique presented a significant improvement with a decrease in the measurement of the pocket by 6 millimeters, leaving this measurement at one millimeter and a decrease in the gingival bleeding index of 75%, finally obtaining a 10% index of gum bleeding. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the S. rebaudiana extract has curative properties for periodontal disease, which is of the utmost importance to continue researching about the qualities of this plant in the oral cavity and to develop a product alternative for the benefit of affected patients.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaEscuela de Químic

    What are the Main Sensor Methods for Quantifying Pesticides in Agricultural Activities? A Review

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    IRETIn recent years, there has been an increase in pesticide use to improve crop production due to the growth of agricultural activities. Consequently, various pesticides have been present in the environment for an extended period of time. This review presents a general description of recent advances in the development of methods for the quantification of pesticides used in agricultural activities. Current advances focus on improving sensitivity and selectivity through the use of nanomaterials in both sensor assemblies and new biosensors. In this study, we summarize the electrochemical, optical, nano-colorimetric, piezoelectric, chemo-luminescent and fluorescent techniques related to the determination of agricultural pesticides. A brief description of each method and its applications, detection limit, purpose—which is to efficiently determine pesticides—cost and precision are considered. The main crops that are assessed in this study are bananas, although other fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides are also mentioned. While many studies have assessed biosensors for the determination of pesticides, the research in this area needs to be expanded to allow for a balance between agricultural activities and environmental protection.En los últimos años, ha habido un aumento en el uso de plaguicidas para mejorar la producción de cultivos debido al crecimiento de las actividades agrícolas. En consecuencia, varios plaguicidas han estado presentes en el medio ambiente durante un período de tiempo prolongado. Esta revisión presenta una descripción general de los avances recientes en el desarrollo de métodos para la cuantificación de plaguicidas utilizados en actividades agrícolas. Los avances actuales se centran en mejorar la sensibilidad y la selectividad mediante el uso de nanomateriales tanto en conjuntos de sensores como en nuevos biosensores. En este estudio resumimos las técnicas electroquímicas, ópticas, nano-colorimétricas, piezoeléctricas, quimioluminiscentes y fluorescentes relacionadas con la determinación de plaguicidas agrícolas. Se considera una breve descripción de cada método y sus aplicaciones, límite de detección, propósito, que es determinar de manera eficiente los pesticidas, el costo y la precisión. Los principales cultivos que se evalúan en este estudio son el banano, aunque también se mencionan otras frutas y verduras contaminadas con plaguicidas. Si bien muchos estudios han evaluado biosensores para la determinación de pesticidas, la investigación en esta área debe ampliarse para permitir un equilibrio entre las actividades agrícolas y la protección del medio ambiente.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa RicaUniversidad Nacional, Costa RicaInstituto Regional de Estudios en Sustancias Tóxica

    Physical, chemical, and biological treatment of chemical waste from teaching laboratories at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

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    Herein, we report the physical, chemical, and biological treatment of wastewater generated in the teaching laboratories at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Initial physicochemical treatment included neutralization and coagulation-flocculation, followed by a biological treatment with fungi (Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium dipodomyicola) or bacterias, the latter were isolated from the sludge from the campus’ wastewater treatment plant and the greywater collection tank at the School of Chemistry. The samples’ pH prior to treatment was ≤ 2, while COD ranged between 3000 and 30 000 mg/L. Gas chromatography-mass spectra analysis indicated the presence of 55 organic compounds in the wastewater, some of which reached undetectable concentrations after treatment. The fungi and the bacterial strain removed up to 50% of the substances, while the toxicity decreased with respect to time of exposure to the treatment. Results support the potential use of these microorganisms as bioremediators. Although the organic compounds were partially removed, the treated wastewater exhibited high toxicity for Daphnia magna (water flea). Further experiments with longer treatment times or other strains might be needed for effective removal of pollutants.En este trabajo, se reporta el tratamiento físico, químico y biológico de las aguas residuales generadas en los laboratorios de docencia de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. El tratamiento fisicoquímico inicial incluyó la neutralización y la coagulación-floculación, seguido de un tratamiento biológico con hongos (Aspergillus sp. y Penicillium dipodomyicola) o bacterias; estos se aislaron del lodo de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del campus y del tanque de recolección de aguas grises en la Escuela de Química. El pH de las muestras antes del tratamiento fue ≤ 2, mientras que la DQO osciló entre 3000 y 30 000 mg /L. El análisis de cromatografía de gases con detector de masa (GC/MS) indicó la presencia de 55 compuestos orgánicos en las aguas residuales, algunos de los cuales alcanzaron concentraciones indetectables después del tratamiento. Los hongos y la cepa bacteriana eliminaron hasta el 50 % de las sustancias, mientras que la toxicidad disminuyó con respecto al tiempo de exposición al tratamiento. Los resultados sugieren el uso potencial de estos microorganismos como biorremediadores. Aunque los compuestos orgánicos se eliminaron parcialmente, las aguas residuales tratadas exhibieron una alta toxicidad para Daphnia magna (pulga de agua). Son necesarios más experimentos con tiempos de tratamiento más largos u otras cepas, para la eliminación efectiva de contaminantes

    In situ toxicity and ecological risk assessment of agro-pesticide runoff in the Madre de Dios River in Costa Rica

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    <p>The River Madre de Dios (RMD) and its lagoon is a biodiversity rich watershed formed by a system of streams, rivers, channels, and a coastal lagoon communicating with the Caribbean Sea. This basin sustains a large area of agricultural activity (mostly banana, rice, and pineapple) with intensive use of pesticides, continually detected in water samples. We investigated in situ the toxicological effects caused by pesticide runoff from agriculture and the relation of pesticide concentrations with different biological organization levels: early responses in fish biomarkers (sub-organismal), acute toxicity to Daphnia magna (organismal), and aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure. The evaluation was carried out between October 2011 and November 2012 at five sites along the RMD influenced by agricultural discharges and a reference site in a stream outside the RMD that receives less pesticides. Acute toxicity to D. magna was observed only once in a sample from the RMD (Caño Azul); the index of biomarker responses in fish exposed in situ was higher than controls at the same site and at the RMD-Freeman. However, only macroinvertebrates were statistically related to the presence of pesticides, combined with both physical-chemical parameters and habitat degradation. All three groups of variables determined the distribution of macroinvertebrate taxa through the study sites.</p

    In situ toxicity and ecological risk assessment of agro-pesticide runoff in the Madre de Dios River in Costa Rica

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    The River Madre de Dios (RMD) and its lagoon is a biodiversity rich watershed formed by a system of streams, rivers, channels, and a coastal lagoon communicating with the Caribbean Sea. This basin sustains a large area of agricultural activity (mostly banana, rice, and pineapple) with intensive use of pesticides, continually detected in water samples. We investigated in situ the toxicological effects caused by pesticide runoff from agriculture and the relation of pesticide concentrations with different biological organization levels: early responses in fish biomarkers (sub-organismal), acute toxicity to Daphnia magna (organismal), and aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure. The evaluation was carried out between October 2011 and November 2012 at five sites along the RMD influenced by agricultural discharges and a reference site in a stream outside the RMD that receives less pesticides. Acute toxicity to D. magna was observed only once in a sample from the RMD (Caño Azul); the index of biomarker responses in fish exposed in situ was higher than controls at the same site and at the RMD-Freeman. However, only macroinvertebrates were statistically related to the presence of pesticides, combined with both physical-chemical parameters and habitat degradation. All three groups of variables determined the distribution of macroinvertebrate taxa through the study sites.</p

    A case study on pharmaceutical residues and antimicrobial resistance genes in Costa Rican rivers: A possible route of contamination for feline and other species

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    In this investigation, the presence of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals in Costa Rican surface waters, specifically in regions near feline habitats, was examined. The study revealed that 47% of the water samples contained detectable traces of at least one antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin were the most frequently detected compounds, each with a detection rate of 27%. Other antibiotics, such as erythromycin, roxithromycin, and trimethoprim, were also found but at lower frequencies, around 14%. Notably, all antibiotic concentrations remained below 10 ng/L, with ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and erythromycin showing the highest concentrations. Furthermore, the investigation revealed the presence of non-antibiotic pharmaceutical residues in the water samples, typically at concentrations below 64 ng/L. Tramadol was the most frequently detected compound, present in 18% of the samples. The highest concentrations were observed for acetaminophen and tramadol, measuring 64 and 10 ng/L, respectively. Comparing these findings with studies conducted in treated wastewater and urban rivers, it became evident that the concentrations of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals were notably lower in this study. While previous research reported higher values, the limited number of studies conducted in protected areas raises concerns about the potential environmental impact on biodiversity. In summary, these results emphasize the importance of monitoring pharmaceutical residues and antimicrobial resistance genes ARGs in vulnerable ecosystems, especially those in close proximity to feline habitats in Costa Rica. Additionally, the study delved into the detection of (ARGs). All tested water samples were positive for at least one ARG, with the blaTEM gene being the most prevalent at 82%, followed by tetS at 64% and qnrB at 23%. Moreover, this research shed light on the complexity of evaluating ARGs in environmental samples, as their presence does not necessarily indicate their expression. It also highlighted the potential for co-selection and co-regulation of ARGs, showcasing the intricate behaviors of these genes in aquatic environments.Fondo de Educación Superior Estatal del Consejo Nacional de Rectores de Costa Rica (CONARE)8.3 Q1 JCR 20221.635 Q1 SJR 2022No data IDR 2022UE

    A case study on pharmaceutical residues and antimicrobial resistance genes in Costa Rican rivers: A possible route of contamination for feline and other species

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    In this investigation, the presence of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals in Costa Rican surface waters, specifically in regions near feline habitats, was examined. The study revealed that 47% of the water samples contained detectable traces of at least one antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin were the most frequently detected compounds, each with a detection rate of 27%. Other antibiotics, such as erythromycin, roxithromycin, and trimethoprim, were also found but at lower frequencies, around 14%. Notably, all antibiotic concentrations remained below 10 ng/L, with ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and erythromycin showing the highest concentrations. Furthermore, the investigation revealed the presence of non-antibiotic pharmaceutical residues in the water samples, typically at concentrations below 64 ng/L. Tramadol was the most frequently detected compound, present in 18% of the samples. The highest concentrations were observed for acetaminophen and tramadol, measuring 64 and 10 ng/L, respectively. Comparing these findings with studies conducted in treated wastewater and urban rivers, it became evident that the concentrations of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals were notably lower in this study. While previous research reported higher values, the limited number of studies conducted in protected areas raises concerns about the potential environmental impact on biodiversity. In summary, these results emphasize the importance of monitoring pharmaceutical residues and antimicrobial resistance genes ARGs in vulnerable ecosystems, especially those in close proximity to feline habitats in Costa Rica. Additionally, the study delved into the detection of (ARGs). All tested water samples were positive for at least one ARG, with the blaTEM gene being the most prevalent at 82%, followed by tetS at 64% and qnrB at 23%. Moreover, this research shed light on the complexity of evaluating ARGs in environmental samples, as their presence does not necessarily indicate their expression. It also highlighted the potential for co-selection and co-regulation of ARGs, showcasing the intricate behaviors of these genes in aquatic environments