27 research outputs found

    Implementation of solar panels and photovoltaic systems as an alternative for efficient energy saving at Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD

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    The Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD, is a public, educational organization of the National Order that through the conception and practice of Distance Education was not affected in the development of activities in the time of pandemic, according to its solid technological infrastructure to promote the virtuality.One of the principal changes implied by the preventive isolation because of COVID-19 was to reassess the context of the management system and the expectations and demands of the stakeholders, generating new opportunities and risks as a result of the sanitary situation. This situation, strengthening the commitment of the Environmental Management System with climate change based on the sustainable development objectives and the 2019-2023 internal development plan, which refers within its main goals, to the installation of 8 solar tables and 2 photovoltaic systems for outdoor lighting in different locations, in addition to operational control activities that contribute to mitigating the impacts  of the activities associated with the work at home and on-site modality, giving environmental legal compliance and expanding the scope to ISO 14001:2015 certification in new centers, thus promoting new challenges that have allowed the positioning in good environmental practices of the University at the national level. Keyword: Sustainable Development Goals, Energy, photovoltaic lighting systems, carbon footprin

    SLC6A4 STin2 VNTR genetic polymorphism is associated with tobacco use disorder, but not with successful smoking cessation or smoking characteristics: a case control study.

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    The aim of this study was to determine if variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in the second intron (STin2) of the serotonin transporter (SLC6A4) gene was associated with tobacco use disorder, successful smoking cessation, or smoking characteristics. In this case-control study, patients with current tobacco use disorder, diagnosed according to DSM IV criteria (n = 185), and never-smokers, diagnosed according to CDC criteria (n = 175), were recruited and received 52 weeks of combined pharmacotherapy and cognitive therapy. Successful smoking cessation was defined as exhaled carbon monoxide < 6 ppm. SLC6A4 gene STin2 VNTR polymorphism was assessed using a Multiplex-PCR-based method. At baseline, participants were evaluated using the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and the ASSIST scale

    Checklist of the dipterofauna (Insecta) from Roraima, Brazil, with special reference to the Brazilian Ecological Station of Maracá

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    Roraima is a Brazilian state located in the northern portion of the Amazon basin, with few studies regarding its biodiversity. The Ecological Station of Maracá (Brazil, state of Roraima) harbors the third largest Brazilian pluvial island and is composed of a transitional landscape of savanna and Amazon rainforest components. Despite its ecological importance and strategic localization, few studies covered the dipterofauna of this locality. An updated checklist addressing 41 families of true flies (Diptera) occurring in Roraima is presented based on the literature and the specimens collected during a field expedition that occurred in 2015. This checklist brings several improvements such as new records of 165 taxa to the state of Roraima, 29 taxa to Brazil, and 259 morphotypes, mostly likely representing undescribed species

    Gestión del conocimiento: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 11

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 11, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro cuenta con el apoyo de los grupos de investigación: Universidad Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprúm” (UNESUR), Zulia – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero (UPTAG), Falcón – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kleber Ramírez (UPTM), Mérida – Venezuela; Universidad Guanajuato (UG) - Campus Celaya - Salvatierra - Cuerpo Académico de Biodesarrollo y Bioeconomía en las Organizaciones y Políticas Públicas (C.A.B.B.O.P.P), Guanajuato – México; Centro de Altos Estudios de Venezuela (CEALEVE), Zulia – Venezuela, Centro Integral de Formación Educativa Especializada del Sur (CIFE - SUR) - Zulia - Venezuela, Centro de Investigaciones Internacionales SAS (CIN), Antioquia - Colombia.y diferentes grupos de investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional que hoy se unen para estrechar vínculos investigativos, para que sus aportes científicos formen parte de los libros que se publiquen en formatos digital e impreso

    Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes

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    Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues

    Acueductos comunitarios y saneamiento básico. Una perspectiva desde el andar con sus habitantes

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    Este texto es producto de mi experiencia como pasante, y a la vez como tesista de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Distrital, en la EAAB. Trabajando con la Dra. Miryam Mejía, en la Dirección de Gestión Comunitaria, acompañé los procesos de diseño de los PUEAA1 de varias veredas en Usme y Ciudad Bolívar, y aquí expongo algunos de los aspectos que identificamos, sobre todo en cuanto al tema de saneamiento básic

    Formulatión of the Saving and Eficient Use of Water Program and Implemantation of the Environmental Education Proyect in the ASOAGUASCLARASOLARTE and AACUPASA Village Aqueduct from Bogotá.

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    El proyecto de aplicación incluye el marco teórico, la descripción metodológica y el desarrollo del Programa de uso eficiente y ahorro de agua de acuerdo a los lineamientos de la CAR y los requerimientos, estado actual y capacidades de los acueductos ASOAGUASCLARASOLARTE y AACUPASA de Bogotá, así como el registro y descripción de la implementación preliminar del proyecto de Educación Ambiental en cada uno de ellos. Anexos están los resultados de la encuesta, cartografía temática desarrollada y el listado de usuarios por cada asociación.The proyect of aplication includes the theoretical framework, the metodological description and the development of the saving and efficient use of water program, acording to the guidelines of the CAR and the requirements, actual state and capabilities of the aqueducts ASOAGUASCLARASOLARTE and AACUPASA from Bogotá, as well as the register and description and the preliminar implementation of environmental education proyect each one. Annexes there are the results of the poll, developed thematical cartography and the list of the users for each asociation