993 research outputs found


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    This paper investigates the value of depth modality in object classification in RGB-D images. We use a simple model based on a multi-layered convolutional neural network which we train on a dataset of segmented RGB-D images of household and office objects. We evaluate and quantify the benefit of additional depth modality and its effect on classification accuracy on this dataset. Also, we compare the benefit of depth channel against the addition of color to grayscale image. Our experimental results support a conclusion, that for these categories of objects the depth modality provides a significant benefit to classification, which also outweighs the benefit of color information. Similar supporting evidence found in recent research is shown in comparison along with the resulting quantified benefit of depth modality

    Research Update: Focused ion beam direct writing of magnetic patterns with controlled structural and magnetic properties

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    Focused ion beam irradiation of metastable Fe78Ni22 thin films grown on Cu(100) substrates is used to create ferromagnetic, body-centered cubic patterns embedded into paramagnetic, face-centered-cubic surrounding. The structural and magnetic phase transformation can be controlled by varying parameters of the transforming gallium ion beam. The focused ion beam parameters such as the ion dose, number of scans, and scanning direction can be used not only to control a degree of transformation but also to change the otherwise four-fold in-plane magnetic anisotropy into the uniaxial anisotropy along a specific crystallographic direction. This change is associated with a preferred growth of specific crystallographic domains. The possibility to create magnetic patterns with continuous magnetization transitions and at the same time to create patterns with periodical changes in magnetic anisotropy makes this system an ideal candidate for rapid prototyping of a large variety of nanostructured samples. Namely, spin-wave waveguides and magnonic crystals can be easily combined into complex devices in a single fabrication ste

    Obsah živín a profil mastných kyselín v rôznych druhoch olejnín

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    The aim of this study was to determine nutrients content of 4 oilseeds (sunflower, soybean, flaxseed and rapessed) and fatty acid profile of oils obtained from the seeds. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), nitrogen free extract (NFE) and fat content of the seeds were determined by standard laboratory methods and procedures. Significant (P<0.05) differences in composition of all the analyzed seeds were found. Fatty acid profile analysis was performed using the Agilent 6890 A GC machine. The analyzed oils mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), with the exception of rapeseed oil which primarily contained monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Flaxseed oil has significantly (P<0.05) proven to be the richest in PUFA content (76.46%), but on the other hand it contained the least amount of MUFA (13.47%). The saturated fatty acid (SFA) content, except for soybean oil, was below 10%. The most optimal ratio between n-6 and n-3 unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) was found in rapeseed oil (2.22:1). From the fatty acid profile of analyzed oils significant (P<0.05) differences in the content of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidic, eicosenoic, behenic and lignoceric acids were detected.Cieľom práce bolo analyzovať obsah živín rôznych semien olejnín (slnečnicových, sójových, ľanových a repkových) a profil mastných kyselín rastlinných olejov získaných z týchto semien. Analýza obsahu sledovaných živín v semenách olejnín (sušina, dusíkaté látky, bezdusíkaté látky výťažkové a tuk) bola vykonaná prostredníctvom štandardných laboratórnych metód a postupov. Zistili sa preukazné (P<0.05) rozdiely v zložení všetkých analyzovaných semien. Analýza profilu mastných kyselín bola vykonaná pomocou zariadenia Agilent 6890 A GC. Analyzované oleje pozostávali hlavne z polynenasýtených mastných kyselín (PUFA), s výnimkou repkového oleja, ktorý obsahoval najmä mononenasýtené mastné kyseliny (MUFA). Ľanový olej bol preukazne (P<0.05) najbohatší na obsah PUFA (76.46%), ale na druhej strane obsahoval najmenšie množstvo MUFA (13.47%). Obsah nasýtených mastných kyselín (SFA), s výnimkou sójového oleja, bol nižší ako 10%. Najoptimálnejší pomer medzi n-6 a n-3 nenasýtenými mastnými kyselinami (USFA) sa zistil v repkovom oleji (2.22:1). V profile mastných kyselín analyzovaných olejov sa zistili preukazné (P<0,05) rozdiely v obsahu kyseliny palmitovej, steárovej, olejovej, linolovej, arachidónovej, eikosaénovej, behénovej a lignocerovej

    Nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation affecting soybean seed spermidine content

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    Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is the major protein and oilseed crop worldwide. Soybean seeds are a rich source of spermidine and other polyamines, which have various positive health effects such as anti-ageing, antioxidant or anti-inflammatory properties. Beside its macro-nutritional composition, soybean contains various bioactive compounds adding health-protecting functional properties to soy-based foods. The present research is based on the hypothesis that soil application of nitrogen and sulphur might stimulate soybean seed polyamines in addition to agronomic traits. As effects of fertiliser application on spermidine were unknown before, a respective pot experiment was carried out, applying ammonium sulphate or urea at nitrogen levels of 0, 1 or 3 g per 5 kg soil in two soybean cultivars. The results indicated that cultivars differed significantly in seed yield, thousand seed weight (TSW) and oil content. For both tested cultivars, seed yield, TSW and contents of protein and spermidine were lowest in the unfertilised treatment. The spermidine content increased significantly after the application of each dose of ammonium sulphate (280 - 283 mg kg-1 DM) or the lower dose of urea (267 mg kg-1 DM) as compared to the unfertilised control (228 mg kg-1 DM). The contrast in spermidine levels between non-sulphur (256 mg kg-1 DM) and sulphur (282 mg kg-1) treatments was significant as well, whereas no significant effects were found for the spermine content. The results demonstrate that an application of appropriate doses of nitrogen and sulphur can increase the content of spermidine in soybean seeds apart from affecting other traits. © 2018, Polish Society Magnesium Research. All rights reserved.Internal Grant Agency (IGA) of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies of Mendel University in Brno [2016/017

    Trust Building and Fake News on Social Media from the Perspective of University Students from Four Visegrad Countries

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    There is an important need in the literature to explore the effects of social media use on young people’s behaviour. The main purpose of this research is to explore which factors of users´ gratifications are associated with using social media by university students from four countries in Central Europe. Online communication on social media may be affected by a variety of factors that affect the development of mutual relationships. Thus, research is also focused on trust building on social media. The research team conducted qualitative research aimed on the deeper understanding of students’ opinions on “trust and social media” and their view on the phenomenon “fake news". Using focus groups in four countries showed that university students, who are frequent users of social media, are inclined to trust certain pages they like but generally, they do not trust social media. They use social media for maintaining relationships at first place and they believe in people who are connected to their network. It is obvious that students use social media to satisfy their needs, especially in the field of entertainment, partly also for obtaining information. The findings show that expected gratifications of students are built on their practical experience with medi

    Biped robot with unconventional kinematics

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    The article deals with the design of a robot with an unconventional kinematic structure, which is able to vertically stabilize the position of the robot base for the placement of sensors and handling superstructures. The robot concept was designed to have as few actuators as possible. The robot's kinematics was solved for the purpose of simulating the robot's movement and implementation into the robot's control system.Web of Science20225824581

    A synthetic PPAR-γ agonist triterpenoid ameliorates experimental fibrosis: PPAR-γ-independent suppression of fibrotic responses

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    Background: Persistent fibroblast activation initiated by transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) is a fundamental event in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis, and its pharmacological inhibition represents a potential therapeutic strategy. The nuclear receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ), exerts potent fibrotic activity. The synthetic oleanane triterpenoid, 2-cyano-3,12-dioxo-olean-1,9-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO), is a PPAR-γ agonist with potential effects on TGF-β signalling and dermal fibrosis. Objective: To examine the modulation of fibrogenesis by CDDO in explanted fibroblasts, skin organ cultures and murine models of scleroderma. Material and methods: The effects of CDDO on experimental fibrosis induced by bleomycin injection or by overexpression of constitutively active type I TGF-β receptor (TgfbR1ca) were evaluated. Modulation of fibrotic gene expression was examined in human skin organ cultures. To delineate the mechanisms underlying the antifibrotic effects of CDDO, explanted skin fibroblasts cultured in two-dimensional monolayers or in three-dimensional full-thickness human skin equivalents were studied. Results: CDDO significantly ameliorated dermal fibrosis in two complementary mouse models of scleroderma, as well as in human skin organ cultures and in three-dimensional human skin equivalents. In two-dimensional monolayer cultures of explanted normal fibroblasts, CDDO abrogated fibrogenic responses induced by TGF-β. These CDDO effects occurred via disruption of Smad-dependent transcription and were associated with inhibition of Akt activation. In scleroderma fibroblasts, CDDO attenuated the elevated synthesis of collagen. Remarkably, the in vitro antifibrotic effects of CDDO were independent of PPAR-γ. Conclusions: The PPAR-γ agonist triterpenoid CDDO attenuates fibrogenesis by antagonistically targeting canonical TGF-β/Smad and Akt signalling in a PPAR-γ-independent manner. These findings identify this synthetic triterpenoid as a potential new therapy for the control of fibrosis