460 research outputs found

    RL10A-3-3B high mixture ratio qualification program

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    The results of the high mixture ratio qualification testing of the RL10 engine for the Shuttle/Centaur program are presented. The objective of the engine qualification test was to demonstrate the suitability of the RL10A-3-3B engine for space vehicle flight by subjecting it to the testing specified in RL10A-3-3B Model Specification Number 2295 dated February 1986. The applicable section of the specification is presented. Due to payload volume advantages which can be achieved by increasing the operating mixture ratio of the RL10, a decision was made to qualify the engine to run at a higher mixture ratio. A program was created to qualify the RL10 engine for operation at 15,000 pounds thrust and a nominal 6.0 to 1 mixture ratio. This model of the engine was designated the RL10A-3-3B. The qualification program included three test series as follows: (1) hardware durability and limits test in which the engine completed 23 firings and 4605.7 seconds with 1588.7 seconds at less than 6.6 mixture ratio; (2) preliminary qualification test in which the engine completed 26 firings and 5750 seconds; and (3) qualification test in which the engine completed 26 hot firings and 5693.4 seconds with 905.9 seconds at 6.7 mixture ratio. Several changes in engine hardware were required for operation of the RL10A-3-3B engine in the Space Shuttle which include a duel pressure switch ignition, an oxidizer flow control, and helium plumbing changes

    A necessidade de repensar os mecanismos da responsabilidade ambiental em caso de riscos de vazamento de petróleo na zona econômica exclusiva no Brasil

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    Há vários obstáculos jurídicos e de políticas públicas para a proteção efetiva do meio ambiente, com a expansão do pré-sal, como os maiores riscos da produção, a falta de jurisdição, falta de pessoal suficiente e de instrumentos de responsabilidade compartilhada das empresas. No tocante ao aumento dos riscos, a exploração de petróleo em águas ultraprofundas, devido às dificuldades tecnológicas, a alta pressão e outros fatores ambientais, leva a menor controle dos fatores de acidentes. Trata-se de nova tecnologia que exige esforços em proteção ambiental similares àqueles investidos na produção. A falta de jurisdição penal e cível do Estado brasileiro sobre essa região poderia ser compensada com a possibilidade de aplicação de sanções mais severas no âmbito administrativo, como a interdição da produção ou mesmo multas contratuais no processo de concessão de blocos de exploração. Por se tratarem de pessoas jurídicas, as penalidades econômicas podem ter efeitos mais importantes do que eventuais multas. O valor das multas, por sua vez, deve ser proporcional aos valores oriundos da exploração de petróleo. Como vimos acima, as multas têm valor representativo, mas nesse universo de investimentos, acabam representando parcelas insignfiicantes do faturamento. Nesse caso, o ordenamento jurídico deve mudar sua lógica de sanção e não fixar valores monetários, mas percentuais de faturamento, como ocorre no direito da concorrência ou do combate à corrupção, por exemplo. Nesse caso, os contratos de concessão devem prever a possibilidade do valor da multa ser arbitrado em virtude do grau de culpa e da imputabilidade da empresa. O órgão responsável pelas multas administrativas não pode ser o mesmo órgão responsável pelo estímulo à produção de petróleo. Como ficou bem evidente em outras experiências internacionais, a exemplo dos Estados Unidos, trata-se de sistema altamente ineficaz. Nos contratos de concessão, é importante destacar a possibilidade do IBAMA e não da ANP de fixar os valores adequados de multas, bem como a impossibilidade de continuar a exploração no país

    National income inequality predicts cultural variation in mouth to mouth kissing

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    Romantic mouth-to-mouth kissing is culturally widespread, although not a human universal, and may play a functional role in assessing partner health and maintaining long-term pair bonds. Use and appreciation of kissing may therefore vary according to whether the environment places a premium on good health and partner investment. Here, we test for cultural variation (13 countries from six continents) in these behaviours/attitudes according to national health (historical pathogen prevalence) and both absolute (GDP) and relative wealth (GINI). Our data reveal that kissing is valued more in established relationships than it is valued during courtship. Also, consistent with the pair bonding hypothesis of the function of romantic kissing, relative poverty (income inequality) predicts frequency of kissing across romantic relationships. When aggregated, the predicted relationship between income inequality and kissing frequency (r=.67, BCa 95%CI[.32,.89]) was over five times the size of the null correlations between income inequality and frequency of hugging/cuddling and sex. As social complexity requires monitoring resource competition among large groups and predicts kissing prevalence in remote societies, this gesture may be important in the maintenance of long-term pair bonds in specific environments

    Optimizing Yield and Quality of Orchardgrass Pasture in Temperate Silvipastoral Systems

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    The objective of this study was to provide grazing management recommendations for a silvipastoral system by determining the effects of shade and nitrogen (N) on the pattern of dry matter accumulation and nutritive value of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in a subhumid temperate environment. Orchardgrass in open pasture (100% transmittance) and under 10 year old Pinus radiata tree shade (60% transmittance) at 200 stems/ha was used as the main plot and nitrogen (0 and 300 kg N/ha as synthetic urine) was the subplot factor. Dry matter (DM) production of orchardgrass in the first 60-day spring rotation was similar in open and shade conditions (2.6 t/ha) but approximately doubled by the application of N. In the 60- day summer rotation, DM production was about 22% lower in the shaded plots and was increased by about 60% by the addition of N. Crude protein and organic matter digestibility declined with herbage age and the onset of reproductive tiller growth. It was concluded that to maximise DM production without compromising pasture quality, grazing management of orchardgrass should be similar in open and shaded pastures in spring (30-35 day regrowth) but a shorter regrowth length used for open (20 days) than silvipastoral (25-30 days) systems in summer

    O que é uma boa tese de doutorado em Direito?

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    Este artigo analisa as teses de doutorado defendidas no âmbito da área de Direito, no Brasil, estudando, para tanto, o que as escolas de Direito consideram como uma tese excelente. Utilizando um método empírico, o artigo identifica e destaca os critérios que caracterizam as teses brasileiras indicadas para o Prêmio de Tese da Capes. Em seguida, compara essas teses com os outros trabalhos defendidos durante o mesmo período. Para esta comparação, utiliza tanto critério qualitativos quanto quantitativos. A pesquisa feita revelou trabalhos de excelente qualidade, sendo, no entanto, maculados por quantidade significativa de teses de má qualidade. Como não existe um órgão estatal que unifique os critérios que devem ser cumpridos ao se preparar uma tese de Direito, a situação parece caótica: o esforço mínimo ou máximo esperado do doutorando não é nítido. Este artigo alerta os Programas de Pós-Graduação em Direito sobre a problemática, explicando ao mesmo tempo como a valorização das teses que competem ao prêmio pode ser um passo inicial para construir um caminho doutoral de excelência

    Dry Matter Production and Nutritive Value of Alfalfa (\u3ci\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/i\u3e L.) and Orchardgrass (\u3ci\u3eDactylis glomerata\u3c/i\u3e L.) under Different Light Regimes

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    Spring and summer alfalfa dry matter and nitrogen production rates were greater than orchardgrass in open pasture and under three shade levels. Ten years old Pinus radiata allowed 60% light transmissivity. The addition of artificial shade resulted in 45% and 25% transmissivity. Orchardgrass pastures were nitrogen deficient and water stressed. In contrast, alfalfa was not stressed and it was more light responsive than orchardgrass. Differences in nutritive value were relatively small between species and between light regimes. Sheep liveweight gain on alfalfa was greater than on orchardgrass. Orchardgrass demonstrated shade tolerance, but alfalfa was more productive even at 25% transmissivity. Conventional concepts of shade tolerance may not be appropriate when screening pasture species for silvipastoral systems

    Effects of supplementing organic microminerals and methionine with or without limiting growth during the rearing phase of replacement gilts on lameness, growth, and body composition

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    Previous research suggested that lameness in growing pigs could be reduced using feeding strategies, such as limiting growth rate and supplementing trace minerals (TM) and (or) methionine (Met). The present study evaluates effects of 1) TM and Met and 2) limiting total lysine (Lys) during the rearing phase (90 d) of gilts (as a means to limit growth rate) on lameness, performance, and sow claw health and productivity (to first parity). Gilts (n = 240; 58.0 ± 11.1 kg body weight [BW]) were blocked, distributed into pens of 10 gilts, and pens were allocated to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Factors were: 1) control or TM plus Met, which provided additional 10, 20, and 50 mg/kg of chelated copper, manganese, and zinc, respectively (0.1%, Aplomotec Plus, Tecnología & Vitaminas, S.L.; Alforja, Spain), and a 1.01 Met:Lys ratio and 2) standard Lys was formulated to meet growth requirements or low Lys to 19% below growth requirements. Feeding was provided through two phases, first between 119 and 163 d of age (phase I) and the second between 163 and 209 d of age (phase II). Diets had 2.43 and 2.31 Mcal net energy/kg for phases I and II, respectively, and were offered ad libitum. Low Lys did not affect feed intake but rather reduced average daily gain (ADG) by 6.35% and the final BW by 3.80% compared with standard Lys (P 0.05) whether gilts displayed lameness or not. Lameness was low in severity and not affected by dietary factors. However, TM- plus Met-fed gilts were 19.2 kg heavier (P = 0.016) than were control at lameness detection. On the sow farm, there was no evidence for differences in lameness or claw lesions among previous dietary treatments. In conclusion, lameness prevalence during the rearing phase was similar, independent of TM plus Met supplement, low Lys, or the interaction. Insufficient reduction of ADG and low severity in lameness may have limited the potential of dietary treatments. Moreover, a greater deficiency of Lys would be needed to achieve the degree of growth reduction previously reported to lessen lameness through feed restriction


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    Este artigo faz uma análise dos programas de whistleblowers, partindo da sua origem no direito norte-americano, Europeu até a sua consolidação no cenário internacional. Parte-se da premissa que o programa de proteção de denunciantes é essencial para o avanço do combate a corrupção no Brasil. A metodologia consiste em examinar os elementos normativos e comportamentais que configuram a estrutura e a efetividade destes programas, explicar como o tema se desenvolveu em vários países no mundo. Em seguida, mostrar quais os principais pontos que foram objeto de aperfeiçoamento nos demais países e discutidos no tribunais internacionais. Depois, como o tema foi construído no Brasil. Por fim, a luz das experiências internacionais e das discussões na ENCCLA, propor melhorias à legislação brasileira. Conclui-se que o o programa de proteção de testemunhas precisa ser aperfeiçoado, em virtude das experiências encontradas na sua implementação e propõe tais alterações