154 research outputs found

    Oxidative Stress Amelioration of Novel Peptides Extracted from Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Chinese Pecan Cake

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    Pecan (Carya cathayensis) is an important economic crop, and its hydrolyzed peptides have been evidenced to reduce the effect of oxidative stress due to their antioxidant capacity. Hence, the protocols of ultrafiltration and gel filtration chromatography were established to obtain bioactive peptides from by-products of C. cathayensis (pecan cake). As measured by DPPH/ABTS radical scavenging, the peptides with less molecular weight (MW) possess higher antioxidant capacity. PCPHIII (MW < 3 kDa) presented higher radical scavenging capacity than PCPH-II (3 kDa < MW < 10 kDa) and PCPH-I (MW > 10 kDa) measured by DPPH (IC50: 111.0 g/ mL) and measured by ABTs (IC50: 402.9 g/mL). The secondary structure and amino acid composition varied by their MW, in which PCPH-II contained more -helices (26.71%) and -sheets (36.96%), PCPH-III contained higher ratios of -turns (36.87%), while the composition of different secondary of PCPH-I was even 25 5.76%. The variation trend of -helix and random experienced slightly varied from PCPH-I to PCPH-II, while significantly decreased from PCPH-II to PCPH-III. The increasing antioxidant capacity is followed by the content of proline, and PCPH-III had the highest composition (8.03%). With regard to the six peptides identified by LC-MS/MS, two of them (VYGYADK and VLFSNY) showed stronger antioxidant capacity than others. In silico molecular docking demonstrated their combining abilities with a transcription factor Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1) and speculated that they inhibit oxidative stress through activating the Keap1-Nrf2-ARE pathway. Meanwhile, increased activity of SOD and CAT—antioxidant markers—were found in H2O2-induced cells. The residue of tyrosine was demonstrated to contribute the most antioxidant capacity of VYGYADK and its position affected less. This study provided a novel peptide screening and by-product utilization process that can be applied in natural product developments.People's Government of Zhejiang ProvinceChinese Academy of Forestry 2019SY03Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 2021D01A7

    Cardiovascular and thromboembolic events on COVID-19 patients in acute phase and mid-term

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2020-2021La COVID-19 fue catalogada como pandemia mundial en abril del 2020 por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). En diciembre del mismo año la enfermedad causada por el SARS-CoV-2 conocida como COVID-19 se había propagado por 200 países diferentes, infectando a más de 70 millones de personas, causando 1,5 millones de muertes. Estudios recientes sugieren que la infección por SARS-CoV2 puede estar relacionada con la aparición de eventos cardiovasculares y tromboembólicos, aunque la fuerza de asociación está por determinar. El objetivo de este estudio era evaluar la aparición de eventos cardiovasculares y tromboembólicos (tales como eventos cardiovasculares mayores [MACE], definido por muerte cardiovascular, infarto o ictus, valorados en su conjunto e individualmente, tromboembolia de pulmón [TEP] entre otros fenómonos tromboembólicos) en la fase aguda de la infección y el seguimiento a medio plazo de pacientes infectados por COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, en un único centro, basado en todos los habitantes del área sanitaria. Sobre el total de la población estudiada, 447.979 habitantes, 1030 (0,23%) fueron diagnosticados de COVID-19, de los cuales el 14,8% eran fumadores, 31,2% tenían HTA, 12,8% eran diabéticos, 29,2% eran dislipémicos, 2,7% presentaban enfermedad arterial periférica, 4,7% padecían cardiopatía isquémica, 3,3% habían tenido un AIT, 10% estaban antiagregados y 5,8% anticoagulados en el momento del diagnóstico. Durante la fase aguda del COVID, un 29,2% de los pacientes desarrolló un síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, el 15,6% presento insuficiencia respiratoria y un 5.2% requirió ingreso en UCI (4.2% precisaron de ventilación mecánica, no se utilizó en ECMO en ninguno de los pacientes). Como principales complicaciones trombóticas, presentaron IAM un 0,5% y TEP el 0,4. Un 4,5% desarrolló FA/Flutter, el 7,2% presentó daño renal agudo y presentaron hemorragias mayores el 1%. De los pacientes ingresados un 8% falleció intrahospitalariamente (documentamos muerte súbita en el 0,5%) y 1,1% reingresó por COVID-19. Desde el diagnóstico y durante el seguimiento a 6 meses, un 6,9% falleció, un 6,3% desarrolló IC y otro 6,3% sufrió un MACEA COVID-19 foi catalogada como pandemia mundial en abril do 2020 pola Organización Mundial da Saude (OMS). En decembro do mesmo ano a enfermidade causada polo SARS-CoV-2 coñecida coma COVID-19 propagárase por 200 países diferentes, infectando a máis de 70 millóns de persoas, causando 1,5 millóns de mortes. Estudios recientes suxiren que a infección por SARS-CoV2 pode estar relacionada coa aparición de eventos cardiovasculares e tromboembólicos, ainda que a forza de asociación está por determinar. O obxectivo de este estudo era evaluar a aparición de eventos cardiovasculares e tromboembólicos (tales como eventos cardiovasculares maiores [MACE], definido por norte cardiovascular, infarto ou ictus, valorados no seu conxunto e individualmente, tromboembolia de pulmón [TEP] entre outros fenómenos tromboembolicos) na fase aguda da infección e no seguimento a medio prazo de pacientes infectados por COVID-19. Tratase de une estudo observacional, decriptico, nun único centro, basado en todolos habitante da área sanitaria. Sobre o total da poboación estudiada, 447.979 habitantes, 1030 (0,23%) foron diagnosticados de COVID-19, dos cales o 14,8% eran fumadores, 31,2% tiñan HTA, 12,8% eran diabéticos, 29,2% eran dislipémicos, 2,7% presentaban enfermidade arterial periférica, 4,7% padecían cardiopatía isquémica, 3,3% tiveran un AIT, 10% estaban antiagregados e 5,8% anticoagulados no momento do diagnóstico. Durante a fase aguda da COVID, un 29,2% dos pacientes desenrolou un síndrome de resposta inflamatoria sistémica, o 15,6% presentou insuficiencia respiratoria e un 5.2% precisou ingreso na UCI (4.2% precisaron de ventilación mecánica, non se empregou ECMO en ninguno de los pacientes). Como principais complicaciones trombóticas, presentaron IAM un 0,5% e TEP o 0,4%. Un 4,5% desenrolou FA/Flutter, o 7,2% presentou dano renal agudo e presentaron hemorragias maiores o 1%. Dos pacientes ingresados un 8% faleceu intrahospitalariamente (documentamos morte súbita no 0,5%) y 1,1% reingresou pola COVID-19. Dende o diagnóstico e durante o seguimento a 6 meses, un 6,9% faleceu, un 6,3% desenrolou IC e outro 6,3% sufriu un MACECoronavirus disease (COVID-19) was labelled a global pandemic in April 2020 by the World Health Organisation. By December of the same year the disease caused by SARS-COV-2, known as COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019), had spread over 200 countries, infecting more than 70 million people, causing more than 1.5 million deaths. Recent studies suggest SARS-CoV-2 infection may be related to cardiovascular and thrombotic events although the strength of association remains unclear. The aim of the study was to evaluate the emergence of cardiovascular and thrombotic events (such as major acute cardiovascular events [MACE], defined as cardiovascular death, heart attack, stroke, evaluated overall and individually, TEP and other thromboembolic events) in the acute phase and in medium-term follow-up in COVID-19 patients. This is an observational study based on all the inhabitants of the health area. Of the total population studied, 447,979 inhabitants, 1,030 (0.23%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection, of which 14,8% were smokers, 31,2% had high blood pressure (HTA), 12,8% had diabetes, 29,2% had dyslipidaemia, 2,7% had peripheral artery disease, 4,7% had ischemic heart disease, 3,3% had had a previous transient ischemic attack, 10% were in anti-aggregation treatment and 5,8% were in anticoagulation treatment at the time of diagnosis. In the 6-month tracing, 29,2% developed SIRS, 15,6% presented respiratory failure and 5,2% required admission to ICU (4,2% required mechanical ventilation, ECMO wasn’t required in any patient). As main thrombotic events, 0,5% suffered a STEMI and 0,4% TEP. A 4,5% developed FA/Flutter, 7,2% presented acute kidney injury and major haemorrhages were present in 1%. Among all the patients admitted to the hospital 8% died in hospital (with 0,5% suffering sudden death) and 1,1% required re-admission due to COVID-19. Since diagnosis and during the 6-month tracing, 6,9% died, 6,3% developed HF and 6,3% suffered a MAC

    Efecto de los macronutrientes en modelos animales de enfermedad periodontal: una revisión sistemática

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    Objectives: Periodontal disease is one of the most common chronic oral diseases worldwide and represents a major public health problem in many countries. Periodontal diseases include chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis that are usually due to the inflammation of gingiva caused by bacterial infections. Nutrition could exert a pivotal role due to its involvement in a number of inflammatory condition and diseases. Up to now, only some researchers have investigated the role of nutrients on the development and progression of periodontal disease, but the results obtained are often difficult to compare because of the heterogeneity of the studies. Methods: This paper systemically reviews the literature available on databases up to February 2018 on the relationship between macronutrients and the development and progression of periodontal diseases (periodontitis and gingivitis) in animals, with particular attention to the possible mechanisms involved in these pathologies. Results: A total of 5,484 publications were found in the Pubmed database. Title and abstract screening left 88 potential articles according to the selection criteria. No duplicated articles were found. Full-text screening and reading led to a final number of 32 articles. Conclusions: Among all the analyzed macronutrients, those that have any effect on oxidative stress or immune system seem to be important for the prevention of periodontal disease or periodontal disease improvement. On the one hand, there is evidence in favor of a positive role of n-3 fatty acid proportion in diet due to its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects. On the other hand, saturated fat-rich or hypercaloric diets increase oxidative stress or promote inflammation, so they must be avoided.Objetivos: La enfermedad periodontal es una de las enfermedades orales crónicas más comunes en todo el mundo y representa un importante problema de salud pública en muchos países. Las enfermedades periodontales incluyen periodontitis crónica y periodontitis agresiva que generalmente se debe a la inflamación de la encía causada por infecciones bacterianas. La nutrición podría ejercer un papel fundamental ya que participa en diferentes afecciones y enfermedades inflamatorias. Hasta ahora, solo algunos investigadores han investigado el papel de los nutrientes en el desarrollo y la progresión de la enfermedad periodontal, pero los resultados obtenidos a menudo son difíciles de comparar debido a la heterogeneidad de los estudios. Métodos: Este documento revisa sistemáticamente la literatura disponible en bases de datos hasta Febrero de 2018 sobre la relación entre macronutrientes y el desarrollo y progresión de enfermedades periodontales (periodontitis y gingivitis) en animales, con particular atención a los posibles mecanismos implicados en estas patologías. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 5.484 publicaciones en la base de datos Pubmed. El análisis del título y resumen permitió seleccionar 88 artículos potenciales de acuerdo con los criterios de selección. No se encontraron artículos duplicados. La selección y lectura del texto complejo condujo a una cantidad final de 32 artículos. Conclusiones: Entre todos los macronutrientes analizados, aquellos que tienen algún efecto sobre el estrés oxidativo o el sistema inmune parecen ser importantes para la prevención de la enfermedad periodontal o la mejoría de la enfermedad periodontal. Por un lado, hay evidencia a favor de un papel positivo de la proporción de ácidos grasos n-3 en la dieta debido a sus efectos antioxidantes e inmunomoduladores. Por otro lado, las dietas ricas en grasas saturadas o hipercalóricas aumentan el estrés oxidativo o promueven la inflamación, por lo que deben evitarse

    Dietary antioxidants for chronic periodontitis prevention and its treatment. A review on current evidences from animal and human studies

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    Objetivos. Dada la relación existente entre periodontitis crónica y altos niveles de estrés oxidativo, esta revisión pretende clarificar qué papel puede desempeñar la ingesta de los diferentes antioxidantes de la dieta en el mantenimiento de un periodonto saludable y en la reducción del riesgo de padecer periodontitis crónica, así como el posible uso de terapias dietéticas basadas en estos para el tratamiento de dicha enfermedad. Métodos. Se utilizó la base de datos de la National Library of Medicine, Washington, DC (MEDLINE: PubMed) y todos los estudios en animales y humanos tratando el tema de interés en escritos Inglés disponibles online desde la creación de la base de datos hasta Mayo de 2015 fueron recopilados. Resultados. Los antioxidantes analizados a este respecto incluyen a la vitamina C, la vitamina A, algunos carotenoides y polifenoles, y el coenzima Q; así como los minerales, hierro, cobre y zinc que forman parte de enzimas antioxidantes. Aun así hay una escasez generalizada de estudios con pocos estudios en humanos, la mayoría de tipo observacional. Entre los diferentes antioxidantes, la vitamina E y los polifenoles parecen ser los que más evidencias a favor de su efecto beneficioso suman, pero en general los estudios son insuficientes para descartar o establecer qué antioxidantes son útiles y cuáles no. Conclusiones. En general, los datos presentados indicarían que los antioxidantes de la dieta resultan beneficiosos para la salud periodontal, al menos bajo ciertas circunstancias. Sin embargo se necesitan más estudios para establecer la relación entre la periodontitis crónica y cada antioxidante concreto así como para diseñar intervenciones dietéticas útiles en la gestión de esta enfermedad.Objectives. Given the relationship between chronic periodontitis and high levels of oxidative stress, this review aims to clarify what role can played the dietary intake of different antioxidants in maintaining a healthy periodontium and in reducing chronic periodontitis risk, as well as possible use of dietary therapies based on them for this disease treatment. Methods. The database of the National Library of Medicine, Washington, DC (MEDLINE PubMed) was used and all the studies in animals and humans are on the subject of interest in English writing online available from inception of the database until May 2015 were collected. Results. Antioxidants analyzed in this regard include vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenoids and some polyphenols, and coenzyme Q; as well as minerals iron, copper and zinc that are constituents of antioxidant enzymes. Still, there is a paucity of studies with few human studies, mostly observational. Among the various antioxidants, vitamin E and polyphenols seem to have more evidence for its beneficial effect, but in general the studies are insufficient to rule out or establish what antioxidants are useful and which are not. Conclusions. Overall, the data presented indicate that dietary antioxidants are beneficial for periodontal health, at least under certain circumstances. However more studies are needed to establish the relationship between chronic periodontitis and each specific antioxidant and to design useful dietary interventions for this disease management

    Residential Location Econometric Choice Modeling With Irregular Zoning: Common Border Spatial Correlation Metric

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    [Abstract] Residential location choice (RLC) predicts where and how people choose their residential location in the framework of land use–transport interaction models (LUTI). This paper seeks an efficient RLC model in the context of irregular zoning of location alternatives. The main current proposals in the field are discrete choice models. In RLC modeling, the alternatives are spatial units, and spatially correlated logit (SCL) is an efficient approach when the analyst cannot pre-define groups of alternatives that efficiently reflect the systematic substitution patterns among the alternatives. The SCL uses the spatial information on the contiguity of the zones to determine spatial correlation among the alternatives. Urban residential location choice usually uses administrative zoning, which is very irregular in many cities (mainly historic cities); however, SCL is not efficient in this context owing to the limitations of the binary contiguity spatial variable employed as a spatial correlation metric (SCM). This paper proposes an extension of the mixed SCL model, with an SCM based on the proportion of common border length in contiguous zones, which is more efficient in the irregular urban zoning context. The proposed model is applied to an urban case study of LUTI RLC modeling with irregular zoning, based on the administrative divisions of the city of Santander (Spain) and is shown to be empirically more efficient than the previous approaches.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Government of Spain under the projects TRA2012-37659 and RTI2018-097924-B-I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, U

    Role of Lipids in the Onset, Progression and Treatment of Periodontal Disease. A Systematic Review of Studies in Humans

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    The risk of different oral problems (root caries, tooth mobility, and tooth loss) can be increased by the presence of periodontal disease, which has also been associated with a growing list of systemic diseases. The presence of some bacteria is the primary etiology of this disease; a susceptible host is also necessary for disease initiation. In this respect, the progression of periodontal disease and healing of the periodontal tissues can be modulated by nutritional status. To clarify the role of lipids in the establishment, progression, and/or treatment of this pathology, a systematic review was conducted of English-written literature in PubMed until May 2016, which included research on the relationship of these dietary components with the onset and progression of periodontal disease. According to publication type, randomized-controlled trials, cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies were included. Among all the analyzed components, those that have any effect on oxidative stress and/or inflammation seem to be the most interesting according to current evidence. On one hand, there is quite a lot of information in favor of a positive role of n-3 fatty acids, due to their antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects. On the other hand, saturated fat-rich diets increase oxidative stress as well the as intensity and duration of inflammatory processes, so they must be avoided.Alfonso Varela-López is recipient of a fellowship of FPU program from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Authors acknowledge to the University of Granada and the Autonomous Government of Andalusia for partial support of the research team

    Olive Oil and the Hallmarks of Aging

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    Aging is a multifactorial and tissue-specific process involving diverse alterations regarded as the “hallmarks of aging”, which include genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, deregulated nutrient sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion and altered intracellular communication. Virtually all these hallmarks are targeted by dietary olive oil, particularly by virgin olive oil, since many of its beneficial effects can be accounted not only for the monounsaturated nature of its predominant fatty acid (oleic acid), but also for the bioactivity of its minor compounds, which can act on cells though both direct and indirect mechanisms due to their ability to modulate gene expression. Among the minor constituents of virgin olive oil, secoiridoids stand out for their capacity to modulate many pathways that are relevant for the aging process. Attenuation of aging-related alterations by olive oil or its minor compounds has been observed in cellular, animal and human models. How olive oil targets the hallmarks of aging could explain the improvement of health, reduced risk of aging-associated diseases, and increased longevity which have been associated with consumption of a typical Mediterranean diet containing this edible oil as the predominant fat source

    Differences reported in the lifespan and aging of male Wistar rats maintained on diets containing fat with different fatty acid profiles (virgin olive, sunflower or fish oils) are not reflected by histopathological lesions found at death in central nervous and endocrine systems

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    The present study was designed to examine if dietary fat sources that have shown differences in lifespan and if some aging-related aspects can modulate the range of histopathologic changes in central nervous and endocrine systems that occur during the lifespan of Wistar rats. Moreover, it was attempted to gain insight into the relationship between longevity and the development of the different pathological changes, as well as possible interaction with diet. In order to achieve this, male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to three experimental groups fed semisynthetic and isoenergetic diets from weaning until death with different dietary fat sources, namely virgin olive, sunflower, or fish oil. An individual follow-up until death of each animal was performed. Incidence, severity, and burden of specific or group (i.e., neoplastic or non-neoplastic proliferative and nonproliferative) of lesions was calculated along with individual’s disease and individual organ lesion burden. Most of the histopathological lesions found have been described in previous studies. Neoplasms, and in particular pituitary adenomas followed by brain tumors, were the most prevalent lesions found in the rats and the main cause of death involving both systems. Incidence of brain lesions was associated with age-at-death. Assayed dietary fats did not present differential effects on pathological changes occurring in endocrine and central nervous systems throughout rat lifespan.Spanish Government AGL2008-01057Government of Andalusia AGR83

    A Diet Rich in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Aggravates the Effect of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide on Alveolar Bone Loss in a Rabbit Model of Periodontal Disease

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    María D. Navarro-Hortal is a FPU fellow from the Spanish Ministry of Educación y Formación Profesional. The research group was partially supported by the Visiting Scholar Program from the University of Granada. The authors acknowledge Nutraceutical Translations for English language editing of this manuscript.Increasing evidence connects periodontitis with a variety of systemic diseases, including metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The proposal of this study was to evaluate the role of diets rich in saturated fat and cholesterol in some aspects of periodontal diseases in a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced model of periodontal disease in rabbits and to assess the influence of a periodontal intervention on hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, and NAFLD progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Male rabbits were maintained on a commercial standard diet or a diet rich in saturated fat (3% lard w/w) and cholesterol (1.3% w/w) (HFD) for 40 days. Half of the rabbits on each diet were treated 2 days per week with intragingival injections of LPS from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Morphometric analyses revealed that LPS induced higher alveolar bone loss (ABL) around the first premolar in animals receiving standard diets, which was exacerbated by the HFD diet. A higher score of acinar inflammation in the liver and higher blood levels of triglycerides and phospholipids were found in HFD-fed rabbits receiving LPS. These results suggest that certain dietary habits can exacerbate some aspects of periodontitis and that bad periodontal health can contribute to dyslipidemia and promote NAFLD progression, but only under certain conditions.Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Spain)Spanish GovernmentTraslados Temporales FPU (University of Kings College of London

    Ultra-Small Iron Nanoparticles Target Mitochondria Inducing Autophagy, Acting on Mitochondrial DNA and Reducing Respiration

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    The application of metallic nanoparticles (materials with size at least in one dimension ranging from 1 to 100 nm) as a new therapeutic tool will improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The mitochondria could be a therapeutic target to treat pathologies whose origin lies in mitochondrial dysfunctions or whose progression is dependent on mitochondrial function. We aimed to study the subcellular distribution of 2–4 nm iron nanoparticles and its effect on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), mitochondrial function, and autophagy in colorectal cell lines (HT-29). Results showed that when cells were exposed to ultra-small iron nanoparticles, their subcellular fate was mainly mitochondria, affecting its respiratory and glycolytic parameters, inducing the migration of the cellular state towards quiescence, and promoting and triggering the autophagic process. These effects support the potential use of nanoparticles as therapeutic agents using mitochondria as a target for cancer and other treatments for mitochondria-dependent pathologies.Government of Asturias through the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (PCTI) - FEDER funds FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000242Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) CTQ2016-80069-C 2-1R RTI2018-094605-B-I0