87 research outputs found

    Kontinuitet s budućim ja povećava odgovornost tijekom ograničenja povezanih s bolešću COVID-19

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    The failure to engage in responsible behaviour is related to the inability to consider future consequences of actions. An experiment was conducted to examine whether increasing the vividness of the future self affects adherence and endorsement of COVID-19 safety measures. A total of 184 participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups. Depending on the experimental condition, they were tasked with writing a letter to other people (their friend), a proximal future self, and a distant future self. Participants in the distant future self and the other people conditions showed greater adherence intentions than proximal future self participants. No differences were found between the distant future self and the other people group. Further group differences were found in the endorsement of safety measures, with the distant-future self-group showing more condemnation than the other two groups. Commitment to the COVID-19 safety measures mediated the group differences on both dependent variables. The results are discussed within the framework of the Construal Level Theory and the Future Self-continuity model.Neodgovorno ponašanje u sadašnjosti povezano je s nemogućnošću razmatranja budućih posljedica. Proveden je eksperiment da bi se ispitalo utječe li zamišljanje budućega sebe na poštivanje i odobravanje sigurnosnih mjera zaštite od bolesti COVID-19. Ukupno 184 ispitanika bila su nasumična raspoređena u 3 skupine. Ovisno o eksperimentalnome uvjetu, ispitanicisu imali zadatak napisati pismo drugim ljudima (svojim prijateljima), bliskomu budućem ja i dalekomu budućem ja. Ispitanici u uvjetima udaljenoga budućeg ja i drugih ljudi pokazali su veće namjere pridržavanja mjera od ispitanika u uvjetu bliskoga budućeg ja. Nisu pronađene razlike između udaljenoga budućeg ja i drugih ljudi. Daljnje međugrupne razlike utvrđene su u odobravanju sigurnosnih mjera, pri čemu je grupa koja je zamišljala daleko buduće ja pokazala veće tendencije osuđivanja kršenja mjera od drugih dviju grupa. Predanost mjerama sigurnosti zaštite od bolesti COVID-19 bila je medijator grupnim razlikama za obje zavisne varijable. Rezultati se raspravljaju u okviru teorije konstrukcijskoga nivoa i modela kontinuiteta s budućim ja

    Role for Mismatch Repair Proteins Msh2, Mlh1, and Pms2 in Immunoglobulin Class Switching Shown by Sequence Analysis of Recombination Junctions

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    B cells from mice deficient in mismatch repair (MMR) proteins show decreased ability to undergo class switch recombination in vitro and in vivo. The deficit is not accompanied by any reduction in cell viability or alterations in the cell cycle in B cells cultured in vitro. To assess the role of MMR in switching we examined the nucleotide sequences of Sμ-Sγ3 recombination junctions in splenic B cells induced in culture to switch to IgG3. The data demonstrate clear differences in the sequences of switch junctions in wild-type B cells in comparison with Msh2-, Mlh1-, and Pms2-deficient B cells. Sequences of switch junctions from Msh2-deficient cells showed decreased lengths of microhomology between Sμ and Sγ3 relative to junctions from wild-type cells and an increase in insertions, i.e., nucleotides which do not appear to be derived from either the Sμ or Sγ3 parental sequence. By contrast, 23% of junctions from Mlh1- and Pms2-deficient cells occurred at unusually long stretches of microhomology. The data indicate that MMR proteins are directly involved in class switching and that the role of Msh2 differs from that of Mlh1 and Pms2

    Karistusõiguses arsti ametiisikuna käsitlemise võimalused

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    Mikroučenje kao pristup e-učenju u poslovnoj sredini : završni rad

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    Završni rad prikazuje utjecaj globalizacije koja je drastično promijenila načine poslovanja suvremenih poslovnih organizacija. Osim toga, informacije su postale najvažniji resurs poslovnih organizacija koji ima ključnu ulogu u postizanju konkurentnosti na tržištu. Rad prikazuje važnost ljudskih resursa i značaj ulaganja u trening i razvoj zaposlenika. Kao posljedica revolucije u informacijsko-telekomunikacijskim tehnologijama došlo je i do promjena u načinima učenja. Poslovne organizacije sve češće koriste e-učenje kao način obuke i treninga svojih zaposlenika. U trećem poglavlju rada posebno se naglašava koncept mikroučenja, njegove značajke i preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju. Povrh toga izlaže se važnost odabira informacija, te promatranje mikroučenja s aspekta vremena. Na kraju rada donosi se primjena mikroučenja u dvije multinacionalne kompanije s velikim brojem zaposlenika te se iznose završni zaključci o konceptu mikroučenja.The final paper emphasizes the influence of globalization, which has drastically changed the way how modern business enterprises tend to do business. Furthermore, information became the key resource of business enterprises in order to be competitive. This study shows the importance of human resources in general and how important is to invest in employee training and development. Information-telecommunication technology revolution had influenced the way of learning. Business enterprises more often use e-learning for employee training and development. Third part especially highlights concept and characteristics of micro learning and implementation requirements. Moreover, there is a review on how much is important to choose right information and relationship between micro learning and learning time. At the end, there is an example of usage of micro learning in two multinational corporations with large number of employees with final conclusions on the concept of micro learning

    Mikroučenje kao pristup e-učenju u poslovnoj sredini : završni rad

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    Završni rad prikazuje utjecaj globalizacije koja je drastično promijenila načine poslovanja suvremenih poslovnih organizacija. Osim toga, informacije su postale najvažniji resurs poslovnih organizacija koji ima ključnu ulogu u postizanju konkurentnosti na tržištu. Rad prikazuje važnost ljudskih resursa i značaj ulaganja u trening i razvoj zaposlenika. Kao posljedica revolucije u informacijsko-telekomunikacijskim tehnologijama došlo je i do promjena u načinima učenja. Poslovne organizacije sve češće koriste e-učenje kao način obuke i treninga svojih zaposlenika. U trećem poglavlju rada posebno se naglašava koncept mikroučenja, njegove značajke i preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju. Povrh toga izlaže se važnost odabira informacija, te promatranje mikroučenja s aspekta vremena. Na kraju rada donosi se primjena mikroučenja u dvije multinacionalne kompanije s velikim brojem zaposlenika te se iznose završni zaključci o konceptu mikroučenja.The final paper emphasizes the influence of globalization, which has drastically changed the way how modern business enterprises tend to do business. Furthermore, information became the key resource of business enterprises in order to be competitive. This study shows the importance of human resources in general and how important is to invest in employee training and development. Information-telecommunication technology revolution had influenced the way of learning. Business enterprises more often use e-learning for employee training and development. Third part especially highlights concept and characteristics of micro learning and implementation requirements. Moreover, there is a review on how much is important to choose right information and relationship between micro learning and learning time. At the end, there is an example of usage of micro learning in two multinational corporations with large number of employees with final conclusions on the concept of micro learning

    Mlh1 Can Function in Antibody Class Switch Recombination Independently of Msh2

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    Mismatch repair proteins participate in antibody class switch recombination, although their roles are unknown. Previous nucleotide sequence analyses of switch recombination junctions indicated that the roles of Msh2 and the MutL homologues, Mlh1 and Pms2, differ. We now asked if Msh2 and Mlh1 function in the same pathway during switch recombination. Splenic B cells from mice deficient in both these proteins were induced to undergo switching in culture. The frequency of switching is reduced, similarly to that of B cells singly deficient in Msh2 or Mlh1. However, the nucleotide sequences of the Sμ-Sγ3 junctions resemble junctions from Mlh1- but not from Msh2-deficient cells, suggesting Mlh1 functions either independently of or before Msh2. The substitution mutations within S regions that are known to accompany switch recombination are increased in Msh2- and Mlh1 single-deficient cells and further increased in the double-deficient cells, again suggesting these proteins function independently in class switch recombination. The finding that MMR functions to reduce mutations in switch regions is unexpected since MMR proteins have been shown to contribute to somatic hypermutation of antibody variable region genes

    Clonal Diversity of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Mexicanum: Diversity Over Time and Space, and Effects on the Parasite’s Transmission, Infection Dynamics and Virulence

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    The biology of malaria parasites, Plasmodium spp., may be influenced by the presence of genetically distinct conspecific clones within a single infection, resulting in competition for host resources and transmission, and increased virulence for the vertebrate host. The extent of within host diversity, however, may be limited because overall clonal diversity could be reduced by the transmission biology of Plasmodium and variation in local prevalence. I examined clonal diversity of a natural malaria parasitehost association, P. mexicanum in its hosts, the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, and sandflies, Lutzomyia vexator and L. stewarti, at a site in California ( Hopland ). Using microsatellite markers I characterized for the parasite, I examined (i) diversity within and among infections over time and space, (ii) transmission success of clones into both vector and lizard, (iii) the effects of clonal diversity on the parasite\u27s infection dynamics and virulence for the lizard. From 1996 to 2006, clonal diversity varied both temporally and spatially, with slightly more multiclonal infections detected during years of high vs. low parasite prevalence (88% vs. 78% for sites with the highest prevalence at Hopland). Spatially, low prevalence sites (\u3c 1% of lizards infected) had fewer multiclone infections (50%). Thus, even when prevalence drops over time, or at sites with chronically low prevalence, clonal diversity of the parasite remains high. Using natural and induced infections in the lizard, I found that multiclonal infections are no more infectious to vectors than single-clone infections, and almost all clones transfer successfully when the insect takes a blood meal. A competition experiment demonstrated that infections block new genotypes from entering a lizard host. Thus, multiclone infections are likely to be established when vectors feed on a complex infection and transmit those parasite clones to an uninfected lizard. The transmission biology of Plasmodium thus allows for the maintenance of genetic diversity in the parasite population. Finally, I examined the effects of multiclonality on the parasite\u27s infection dynamics and virulence to the lizard host. Induced infections harboring a single or multiple clones had similar overall growth rates and maximal parasitemia, but multiclonal infections had significantly higher investment in gametocytes, suggesting competition for transmission. In addition, variation in parasite growth and density was greater for multiclonal infections, with approximately 1/3 displaying high replication rates and final parasitemia. Virulence measures indicated that weight change and proportion of immature erythrocytes was consistent for infections with 1, 2, 3 or \u3e 3 clones, but the highly diverse infections had greater blood hemoglobin and glucose and more rapid clotting rates. Compared with the noninfected control lizards, highly diverse infections (3+) had higher blood glucose levels but similar hemoglobin levels. I have found that genetic diversity of the malaria parasite Plasmodium mexicanum varies both temporally and spatially, although overall diversity remains high. The transmission dynamics of the parasite maintains high genetic diversity within infections. Additionally, diversity within hosts plays a significant role in variation of infection dynamics and virulence

    Genome-Wide Transcriptional Analysis of Genes Associated with Acute Desiccation Stress in Anopheles gambiae

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    Malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa varies seasonally in intensity. Outbreaks of malaria occur after the beginning of the rainy season, whereas, during the dry season, reports of the disease are less frequent. Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the main malaria vector, are observed all year long but their densities are low during the dry season that generally lasts several months. Aestivation, seasonal migration, and local adaptation have been suggested as mechanisms that enable mosquito populations to persist through the dry season. Studies of chromosomal inversions have shown that inversions 2La, 2Rb, 2Rc, 2Rd, and 2Ru are associated with various physiological changes that confer aridity resistance. However, little is known about how phenotypic plasticity responds to seasonally dry conditions. This study examined the effects of desiccation stress on transcriptional regulation in An. gambiae. We exposed female An. gambiae G3 mosquitoes to acute desiccation and conducted a genome-wide analysis of their transcriptomes using the Affymetrix Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array. The transcription of 248 genes (1.7% of all transcripts) was significantly affected in all experimental conditions, including 96 with increased expression and 152 with decreased expression. In general, the data indicate a reduction in the metabolic rate of mosquitoes exposed to desiccation. Transcripts accumulated at higher levels during desiccation are associated with oxygen radical detoxification, DNA repair and stress responses. The proportion of transcripts within 2La and 2Rs (2Rb, 2Rc, 2Rd, and 2Ru) (67/248, or 27%) is similar to the percentage of transcripts located within these inversions (31%). These data may be useful in efforts to elucidate the role of chromosomal inversions in aridity tolerance. The scope of application of the anopheline genome demonstrates that examining transcriptional activity in relation to genotypic adaptations greatly expands the number of candidate regions involved in the desiccation response in this important malaria vector