503 research outputs found

    Educational Activities to Help Transferring Knowledge in Nuclear: The Seminars of Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares)

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible

    From Secondary School To University: Attracting Young Students Towards A Career In Nuclear

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help spread knowledge about nuclear energy, not only pointing out its advantages and its role in our society, but also trying to correct some of the ideas that are due to the biased information and to the lack of knowledge. To try to have success in that goal, some high school lectures were taught and it has been organized regularly a Basic Course on Nuclear Science and Technolog

    9-year old pupils’ self-related affect regarding mathematics: a comparison between Finland and Chile

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    Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Mathematical Views, Vol.1, Helsinki, Finland: MAVIIn the field of mathematics-related affect research, not many comparisons have been done with regard to Western-Latin countries. This article reports the state of 9-year old pupils’ self-related affect with respect to mathematics in two countries, i.e. Finland and Chile. Self-efficacy, mastery goal orientation, effort, and enjoyment of mathematics were under consideration. Through quantitative analysis, it was found that all the factors examined are highly positive in both countries. However, a small difference with regard to beliefs of self-efficacy and effort was found between the countries, in favour to Finland. Yet, young pupils’ self-related mathematical beliefs build up an optimistic view with respect to mathematics learning, and efforts should be made to maintain the situation similar during the following school years.Peer reviewe

    Individual stochasticity in the life history strategies of animals and plants

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    The life histories of organisms are expressed as rates of development, reproduction, andsurvival. However, individuals may experience differential outcomes for the same set ofrates. Such individual stochasticity generates variance around familiar mean measures oflife history traits, such as life expectancy and the reproductive number R0. By writing lifecycles as Markov chains, we calculate variance and other indices of variability for longevity,lifetime reproductive output (LRO), age at offspring production, and age at maturity for 83animal and 332 plant populations from the COMADRE and COMPADRE matrix databases. Wefind that the magnitude within and variability between populations in variance indices inLRO, especially, are surprisingly high. We furthermore use principal components analysis toassess how the inclusion of variance indices of different demographic outcomes affects lifehistory constraints. We find that these indices, to a similar or greater degree than the mean,explain the variation in life history strategies among plants and animals

    Expresión diferencial del gen CsGH3-1 y su relación con la formación de raíces adventicias en los brotes de castaño.

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    The enzymes LSD1 and Set1A cooperate with the viral protein HBx to establish an active hepatitis B viral chromatin state

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceWith about 350 million people chronically infected around the world hepatitis B is a major health problem. Template for progeny HBV synthesis is the viral genome, organized as a minichromosome (cccDNA) inside the hepatocyte nucleus. How viral cccDNA gene expression is regulated by its chromatin structure; more importantly, how the modulation of this structure impacts on viral gene expression remains elusive. Here, we found that the enzyme SetDB1 contributes to setting up a repressed cccDNA chromatin state. This repressive state is activated by the histone lysine demethylase-1 (LSD1). Consistently, inhibiting or reducing LSD1 levels led to repression of viral gene expression. This correlates with the transcriptionally repressive mark H3K9 methylation and reduction on the activating marks H3 acetylation and H3K4 methylation on viral promoters. Investigating the importance of viral proteins we found that LSD1 recruitment to viral promoters was dependent on the viral transactivator protein HBx. Moreover, the histone methyltransferase Set1A and HBx are simultaneously bound to the core promoter, and Set1A expression correlates with cccDNA H3K4 methylation. Our results shed light on the mechanisms of HBV regulation mediated by the cccDNA chromatin structure, offering new therapeutic targets to develop drugs for the treatment of chronically infected HBV patients.http://www.nature.com/articles/srep2590

    Ultrafast broadband optical modulation in indium tin oxide/titanium dioxide 1D photonic crystal

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    Photonic crystals can integrate plasmonic materials such as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) in their structure. Exploiting ITO plasmonic properties, it is possible to tune the photonic band gap of the photonic crystal upon the application of an external stimuli. In this work, we have fabricated a one-dimensional multilayer photonic crystal alternating ITO and Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) via radio frequency sputtering and we have triggered its optical response with ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation, we observe a change in the refractive index of ITO. Such an effect has been used to create a photonic crystal that changes its photonic bandgap in an ultrafast time scale. All optical modulation in the visible region, that can be tuned by designing the photonic crystal, has been demonstrated

    Selenium isotope evidence for pulsed flow of oxidative slab fluids

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    Isotope systematics of the redox sensitive and chalcophile element selenium (Se) were investigated on exhumed parts of subducted oceanic lithosphere to provide new constraints on slab dehydration conditions during subduction. The samples c,, show increasing delta(82/76)Se(NIST3149 )with higher abundances of fluid mobile elements, comprising a larger range (-1.89 to +0.48 parts per thousand) than that of mantle (-0.13 +/- 0.12 parts per thousand) and altered ocean crust (-0.35 to -0.07 parts per thousand). Our data point to pronounced, local scale redox variations within the subducting crust, wherein oxidative fluids dissolve sulfides and mobilise oxidised Se species. Subsequently recrystallising sulfides preferentially incorporate isotopically lighter, reduced Se, which shifts evolving fluids and late stage sulfides to higher delta Se-82/76(NIST3149). Redistribution of Se by repeated cydes of sulfide reworking within the subducted crust can be reconciled with episodes of oxidised fluid pulses from underlying slab mantle in modem subduction zones

    Exploring the Use of Fruit Callus Culture as a Model System to Study Color Development and Cell Wall Remodeling during Strawberry Fruit Ripening

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    Cell cultures derived from strawberry fruit at different developmental stages have been obtained to evaluate their potential use to study different aspects of strawberry ripening. Callus from leaf and cortical tissue of unripe-green, white, and mature-red strawberry fruits were induced in a medium supplemented with 11.3 µM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) under darkness. The transfer of the established callus from darkness to light induced the production of anthocyanin. The replacement of 2,4-D by abscisic acid (ABA) noticeably increased anthocyanin accumulation in green-fruit callus. Cell walls were isolated from the different fruit cell lines and from fruit receptacles at equivalent developmental stages and sequentially fractionated to obtain fractions enriched in soluble pectins, ester bound pectins, xyloglucans (XG), and matrix glycans tightly associated with cellulose microfibrils. These fractions were analyzed by cell wall carbohydrate microarrays. In fruit receptacle samples, pectins were abundant in all fractions, including those enriched in matrix glycans. The amount of pectin increased from green to white stage, and later these carbohydrates were solubilized in red fruit. Apparently, XG content was similar in white and red fruit, but the proportion of galactosylated XG increased in red fruit. Cell wall fractions from callus cultures were enriched in extensin and displayed a minor amount of pectins. Stronger signals of extensin Abs were detected in sodium carbonate fraction, suggesting that these proteins could be linked to pectins. Overall, the results obtained suggest that fruit cell lines could be used to analyze hormonal regulation of color development in strawberry but that the cell wall remodeling process associated with fruit softening might be masked by the high presence of extensin in callus cultures

    Sobrepeso y obesidad en el personal de enfermería de los servicios de internación del Hospital Central

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    Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en las Unidades de Internación del Hospital Central, Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina en el año 2018. Es importante cuidar al que cuida, por esto se consideró de importancia verificar el estado de los enfermeros en el Hospital Central y el valor presentado en cada uno de los enfermeros en cuanto al sobrepeso y la obesidad. De igual manera se identificaron complicaciones posibles y futuras del sobrepeso y la obesidad. Objetivos: Comprobar la presencia de sobrepeso y obesidad; y además de ello, hallar vínculos de estas problemáticas relacionadas a otros factores de vida de cada individuo. Método: Se realizó un estudio del tipo cuantitativo descriptivo, de carácter transversal. En cuanto al universo y muestra, éstas fueron las áreas de servicio de internación del Hospital Central de la Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina; a un total de 90 enfermeros, de los cuales resultaron 72 mujeres y 18 hombres encuestados y medidos. Resultados: A la población de muestra se le dio una clasificación tomada de base según la (OMS) Organización Mundial de la Salud sobre el índice de masa corporal, resultaron de los 90 enfermeros de población de muestra lo siguiente: (22,22%) en normopeso; el (34,44%) en sobrepeso; el (43,33%) en obesidad. Otros parámetros analizados y relacionados al sobrepeso y obesidad, como: estrés (60%); fumadores (48,89%); actividad física (60%); el (76 %) no están satisfechos y con baja estima en cuanto a ellos mismos. Conclusiones: El personal de muestra poblacional evidencia encontrarse en mayor medida dentro de los rangos de obesidad, seguido por el sobrepeso. Un poco más de la mitad de los enfermeros han tomado conciencia de su estado corporal. Recomendaciones: Algo muy beneficioso sería un programa de actividad física y nutrición con horarios accesibles para cada turno laboral. El Hospital cuenta con un gimnasio en el quinto piso para el personal.Fil: Sivila F., Katherina S..Fil: Varas M., Priscila G.