177 research outputs found

    Sistema de control de la velocitat per automòbil

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    L’excés de velocitat és una de les principals causes d’accidentalitat als països europeus. En aquest estudi de sistema de control de la velocitat per automòbil, es posa de manifest la necessitat de resoldre l’excés de velocitat mitjançant alternatives als models actuals en ús. Mitjançant normativa d’aplicació d’elements reductors, l’estadística oficial en matèria de sinistralitat tant europea, espanyola i catalana i les polítiques de seguretat vial promogudes per la Comissió Europea, es forma un criteri fonamental per la realització d’una proposta realista que contribueix a assolir l’objectiu de zero víctimes mortals a l’any 2050. Com a resultat, s’ha proposat un sistema de control de la velocitat involuntari pel conductor mitjançant tecnologia actual i que en els automòbils es porta anys incorporant. El sistema es diferencia dels sistemes actuals, en gran mesura, per no modificar l’alçada vertical de la via i ser aplicable a vies interurbanes, però amb un inconvenient en l’aplicació temporal, tanmateix es creu convenient profunditzar en l’estudi de la millora en la reducció de la velocitat amb sistemes alternatius

    The absence of the arabidopsis chaperone complex CAF-1 produces mitotic chromosome abnormalities and changes in the expression profiles of genes involved in DNA repair

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    Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF-1) is an evolutionary conserved heterotrimeric chaperone complex that facilitates the incorporation of histones H3 and H4 onto newly synthesized DNA. We demonstrate here that the mutant deficient for the large subunit of the complex, fas1-4, and in minor extent, the mutant deficient for the middle subunit, fas2-1, display chromosome abnormalities throughout Arabidopsis mitosis. Among them, we observed multicentromeric chromosomes at metaphase, and chromatid bridges and acentric fragments at anaphase-telophase. 45S rDNA and telomeric sequences were frequently involved in bridges and fragments. Gene expression analysis by real-time qPCR has revealed that several genes related to homologous recombination (HR) and alternative non-homologous end-joining (aNHEJ) are overexpressed in fas1-4. These results concur with previous studies which have indicated that HR may be involved in the progressive loss of 45S rDNA and telomeres displayed by fas mutants. However, increased expression of PARP1, PARP2, and LIG6 in fas1-4, and the phenotype shown by the double mutant fas1 rad51 suggest that aNHEJ should also be responsible for the chromosomal aberrations observed. The activity of different DNA repair pathways in absence of CAF-1 is discussed

    Desarrollo sitio web asesorias contables y tributarias para las Pymes de la VII Region.

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    80 p.El presente proyecto consiste en el “Desarrollo de un Sitio Web de Asesorías Contables y Tributarias para las Empresas Pymes de la VII región”. Este proyecto surge por un motivo especifico satisfacer la necesidad de información en el área de Asesorías Contables y tributarias Con este proyecto se busca entregar a los empresarios de las empresas Pymes de la VII región, un servicio de fácil acceso, rápido y con una base de datos actualizada con información relevante para su gestión, además de crear un nexo de cooperación entre los empresarios y la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de Talca. El presente, contemplará el diseño de un sitio Web, que contendrá como fin principal realizar Asesorías Contables y Tributarias, orientado a las empresas Pymes de la Región del Maule

    T-Cell Development in Early Partially Decapitated Chicken Embryos

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    We have evaluated the immunohistological and cytofluorometric changes that occur in the thymus of chicken embryos partially decapitated at 33-38 hr of incubation (DCx embryos) in an attempt to analyze possible neuroendocrinological influences on T-cell differentiation and, indirectly, the ontogeny of the so-called neuroendocrine-immune network. The thymus of DCx embryos shows important variations that profoundly and selectively affect different T-cell subsets, but not the nonlymphoid cell components of thymic stroma. These modifications include the accumulation of cell precursors, mainly DN (CD4- CD8-) cells and immature CD8high CD4- cells, which expand but do not differentiate, resulting in an extreme decline of both DP (CD4+ CD8+) cells and TcR c-expressing cells. Accordingly, both subcapsulary and outer cortex increase in size, whereas the deep cortex and principally the thymic medulla almost disappear in DCx embryos. In contrast, other T-cell subsets of DCx embryos, largely CDgglowCD4- cells and TcR γδ-expressing cells do not undergo significant variations throughout thymic ontogeny

    Diseño de un Centro Médico para la realización de procedimientos estéticos ambulatorios en la zona norte de la ciudad de Guayaquil.

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    Desde hace unos 20 años atrás, una nueva rama y especialidad de la Medicina conocida como Medicina Estética ha venido presentando un sinnúmero de tratamientos y servicios encaminados a ofrecer a la población general procedimientos ambulatorios de resultados rápidos y agradables para los pacientes. El alcance de dichos tratamientos va dirigido a todos los estratos sociales ya que el desarrollo de los mismos involucra el someterse a esquemas de tratamientos accesibles y a costos razonables con resultados que fácilmente se comparan y en algunos casos superan, los obtenidos en procedimientos quirúrgicos afines. Por eso y en vista de la popularidad creciente de dichos servicios, es que en algunos casos, estos son ofertados por personas sin experiencia y locaciones adecuadas que puedan ofrecerle al paciente la seguridad necesaria respectiva. En vista de aquello el presente proyecto de investigación tiene como finalidad diseñar la construcción de un Centro Médico para procedimientos estéticos ambulatorios en la zona norte de la ciudad de Guayaquil. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación se realizarán encuestas a personas tomadas al azar que vivan en la zona norte de Guayaquil que contestarán preguntas sobre ubicación, servicios, procedimientos a ofrecer, aspectos socioculturales, entre otras. Se diseñara un plano gerencial y administrativo sobre la cual funcionará la empresa que manejará al Centro Médico; además, se realizará un análisis económico que permita analizar probables gastos e ingresos, tiempo de retorno de la inversión y otros costos que pueda generar el Centro Médico de tal manera que se pueda determinar la viabilidad del proyecto

    El papel de la empatía en los adolescentes con conducta agresiva: Una revisión sistemática.

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    Este estudio de tipo teórico tuvo como objetivo identificar los instrumentos de medición de la empatía, así como las variables asociadas a ella en adolescentes con conductas agresivas mediante una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones científicas indexadas en las bases de datos Scielo, Scopus y Dialnet que cumplían con los criterios de selección quedando incluidas 24 publicaciones para el análisis. De ello, se evidencia que en los adolescentes con altos puntajes en comportamiento antisocial o delictiva, poseen de manera significativa poca capacidad empática y disminuida capacidad de regulación en las emociones notándose la diferencia en el género; así también, se corrobora la vinculación con las variables de conducta prosocial, agresión y el razonamiento prosocial moral; Cabe mencionar que los instrumentos más utilizados fueron el interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) y el Índice de Empatía para adolescentes y niños, aplicados en diferentes estudios; como también hay varios estudios de tipo predictivo Transversal y correlacional. En conclusión, la empatía se constituye como una habilidad crucial en la evolución de pensamientos y comportamientos adecuados a los entornos de la sociedad. Por tanto, este constructo es clave en el desarrollo, en lo cognitivo y también en lo comportamental

    Modeling linear and non-linear light-matter interactions: from classical to atomistic nanoplasmonics

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    267 p.In the last years, nanoplasmonics has become an important research field in the realm of light-matterinteractions due to the wide range of applications. Driven by the interaction of electromagnetic radiationon nanostructures, resonant excitations of the so-called surface plasmons at the frequencies of electronicexcitations in matter, leads to an enhanced of the local electric field. Motivated by this phenomenon, inthis thesis, we have modeled different linear and non-linear interaction processes betweenelectromagnetic radiation and low-dimensional nanostructures to simulate particular physicalphenomena based on nanoplasmonics. Depending on the length scale of the system to be modeled, wehave used different techniques, ranging from classical to atomistic ab-initio methods. Specifically, wehave performed: (i) DDA and finite element method calculations to analyze the plasmonic behaviour ofrecently synthesized (by a collaborative research group) non-stoichiometric heavily-dopedsemiconductor nanocrystals (Cu2-xS, and WO3-x); (ii) fully atomistic ab-initio simulations on metalcluster dimers to analyze the anisotropy effects of the plasmonic response of this nanostructures,including the electric field enhancement and the photoinduced current, as well as the influence of a oneatomjunction between the two atomic conformations; (iii) and finally, motivated by a collaboration withanother experimental research group we have modeled laser ablation processes in low-dimensionalnanostructures, driven by intense and ultrashort laser pulses (in the plasmon resonance regime). Throughthese simulations, we have analyzed if Coulomb Explosion or electrostatic ablation is the mechanism ofmaterial removal in the early stage of the gentle ablation regime

    Supervisión de la instalación y montaje electromecánico del EPC nuevo espesador de concentrado de cobre para el aumento de producción de la minera Antapaccay

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    El Sector Minero es uno de los principales motores del desarrollo económico del país, Perú se encuentra entre los primeros productores de oro, plata, cobre, plomo, zinc, hierro, estaño, molibdeno, entre otros, los cuales sin duda tienen gran demanda en el mercado internacional. El presente informe de trabajo de suficiencia profesional denominado “Supervisión de la instalación y montaje electromecánico del EPC nuevo espesador de concentrado de cobre para el aumento de la producción de la Minera Antapaccay” describe los procedimientos utilizados por parte de la Supervisión en la búsqueda de la eficiente ejecución de un proyecto confiable y con altos estándares de calidad. Abordamos de igual forma los temas del seguimiento y control de actividades, teniendo como soporte principal a las áreas de aseguramiento de la calidad (QA) y de seguridad (HSE)

    Fruit cell culture as a model system to study cell wall changes during strawberry fruit ripening

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    Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch.) fruit is characterized by its fast ripening and soft texture at the ripen stage, resulting in a short postharvest shelf life and high economic losses. It is generally believed that the disassembly of cell walls, the dissolution of the middle lamella and the reduction of cell turgor are the main factors determining the softening of fleshy fruits. In strawberry, several studies indicate that the solubilisation and depolymerisation of pectins, as well as the depolymerisation of xyloglucans, are the main processes occurring during ripening. Functional analyses of genes encoding pectinases such as polygalacturonase and pectate lyase also point out to the pectin fraction as a key factor involved in textural changes. All these studies have been performed with whole fruits, a complex organ containing different tissues that differ in their cell wall composition and undergo ripening at different rates. Cell cultures derived from fruits have been proposed as model systems for the study of several processes occurring during fruit ripening, such as the production of anthocyanin and its regulation by plant hormones. The main objective of this research was to obtain and characterize strawberry cell cultures to evaluate their potential use as a model for the study of the cell wall disassembly process associate with fruit ripening. Cell cultures were obtained from cortical tissue of strawberry fruits, cv. Chandler, at the stages of unripe-green, white and mature-red. Additionally, a cell culture line derived from strawberry leaves was obtained. All cultures were maintained in solid medium supplemented with 2.5 mg.l-1 2,4-D and incubated in the dark. Cell walls from the different callus lines were extracted and fractionated to obtain CDTA and sodium carbonate soluble pectin fractions, which represent polyuronides located in the middle lamella or the primary cell wall, respectively. The amounts of homogalacturonan in both fractions were estimated by ELISA using LM19 and LM20 antibodies, specific against demethylated and methyl-esterified homogalacturonan, respectively. In the CDTA fraction, the cell line from ripe fruit showed a significant lower amount of demethylated pectins than the rest of lines. By contrast, the content of methylated pectins was similar in green- and red-fruit lines, and lower than in white-fruit and leaf lines. In the sodium carbonate pectin fraction, the line from red fruit also showed the lowest amount of pectins. These preliminary results indicate that cell cultures obtained from fruits at different developmental stages differ in their cell wall composition and these differences resemble to some extent the changes that occur during strawberry softening. Experiments are in progress to further characterize cell wall extracts with monoclonal antibodies against other cell wall epitopes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of the influence of the moment the internationalization process begins on the internationalization intensity of family and nonfamily businesses: An approach using a Tobit model

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue International Business Management: New Perspectives on Leadership, Strategy and Marketing.The specific characteristics of family businesses as well as the internationalization path followed can influence the intensity of the internationalization process. Many studies have analyzed how family character can influence the internationalization process of family businesses, and the results obtained have not been conclusive. Nevertheless, previous research has not sufficiently addressed the influence that the moment of initiation of the internationalization process has on the levels of internationalization achieved. Based on the behavioral agency model, the unique set of business resources (familiness), and the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective, this study examines, the internationalization intensity of family and nonfamily businesses in two defined groups (early internationalization and internationalization from the local market). Likewise, the effect that the entry of the second generation has on the internationalization of these companies is analyzed. To perform this analysis, Tobit regression models are estimated from a data set of panel data from the Spanish Survey on Business Strategies for small and medium-sized Spanish family businesses from 2005 to 2016, finding that family ownership and management have a negative influence on the intensity of exports, regardless of the path of internationalization followed, and that the entry of new generations has a positive relationship with the level of internationalization of these businesses. Finally, implications of the findings for research and management are discussed.UC3M. Departamento de Economía de la Empres