236 research outputs found

    Exploring perceptions of job insecurity and safety climate among offshore maritime workers following the 2014 petroleum recession: A two-study design

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2021-05-15The purpose of the master thesis was to examine safety climate and job insecurity perceptions in the Norwegian petroleum industry in light of the 2014 oil crisis, using a twostudy design. Study 1 consisted of four interviews with health, safety, environment and quality managers from Norwegian shipping companies who had ongoing contracts with a major Norwegian hydrocarbon producing company. The results from Study 1 indicated that the safety focus had improved between 2013, 2015 and 2017. The informants experienced low job insecurity, but reported higher job insecurity for maritime workers and other employees. Study 2 included three extensive surveys that were collected in 2013, 2015 and 2017, in which the respondents were maritime workers on offshore vessels. The results indicated that the maritime workers’ perceptions of job insecurity increased from 2013 to 2017, while perceptions of overall safety climate did not differ across the three time points. A small improvement in workers’ perceptions of safety climate specific to the shipping company level was found from 2013 to 2017. Overall, the shipping companies demonstrated that their safety systems were resilient, which contributed to upholding the safety climate among offshore maritime workers following the 2014 oil recession, although the workers were more worried about losing their job after the crisis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate whether the oil crisis in 2014 was related to changes in offshore maritime workers’ perceptions of job insecurity and safety climate.Formålet med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke opplevelsen av sikkerhetsklima og jobbusikkerhet i den norske petroleumsindustrien i lys av oljekrisen i 2014, ved bruk av et to-studiedesign. Studie 1 bestod av fire intervjuer med helse, miljø, sikkerhet og kvalitetsledere fra norske rederier som hadde pågående kontrakter med et stort norsk oljeselskap. Resultatene fra studie 1 indikerte at sikkerhetsfokuset hos rederiene hadde økt mellom 2013, 2015 og 2017. Informantene opplevde lav grad av jobbusikkerhet under nedgangstidene, men fortalte om høyere grad av jobbusikkerhet blant skipsarbeiderne og andre i rederiet. I studie 2 analyserte vi tre store spørreundersøkelser fra 2013, 2015 og 2017, hvor respondentene var skipsarbeidere fra offshore-fartøy. Funnene fra studie 2 indikerte at skipsarbeidernes opplevelse av jobbusikkerhet økte fra 2013 til 2017, mens arbeidernes samlede opplevelse av sikkerhetsklima holdt seg stabilt på tvers av måletidspunktene. Det ble funnet en liten forbedring fra 2013 til 2017 i skipsarbeidernes opplevelse av sikkerhetsklima spesifikt for rederiet. Samlet tyder resultatene på at rederiene hadde robuste sikkerhetssystemer som bidro til å opprettholde sikkerhetsklimaet blant skipsarbeiderne på offshore-båter under og etter oljekrisen i 2014, selv om arbeiderne var mer bekymret for å miste jobben etter krisen. Dette er, så vidt vi vet, den første studien som undersøker hvorvidt oljekrisen i 2014 var relatert til endringer i opplevelsen av jobbusikkerhet og sikkerhetsklima blant offshore skipsarbeidere.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK36

    Men vi har torv

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    Qualidade de vida no trabalho sob a ótica preventiva : diagnóstico em uma empresa privada Alfa

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2013.Essa pesquisa propôs-se a descrever as percepções de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) de trabalhadores de uma Empresa privada, sediada em Brasília – DF, segundo a abordagem preventiva de QVT. Ela tem como foco atuar nos fatores que comprometem a QVT, diferentemente da abordagem assistencialista, que visa aumentar a resistência física e mental do trabalhador. O estudo é empírico, exploratório e descritivo quanto aos fins e qualitativo e quantitativo quanto à sua natureza. A amostra foi composta de 52 colaboradores. O instrumento de coleta de dados, IA_QVT (Inventário de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho), mensurou a percepção dos participantes com base em cinco fatores: Condições de Trabalho, Organização do Trabalho, Relações Sócio-Profissionais de Trabalho, Reconhecimento e Crescimento Profissional e Elo Trabalho – Vida Social. O instrumento também continha quatro questões abertas. Após o tratamento dos dados, foi percebido que existem diferenças no que diz respeito à percepção de QVT dos trabalhadores frente à abordagem assistencialista. A média global de QVT foi positiva (valor 6,74 e desvio-padrão 1,05). O pior fator avaliado foi a organização do trabalho (valor 4,15 e desvio-padrão 0,93) e, o melhor avaliado, foi condições de trabalho (valor 8,17 e desvio-padrão 1,58). Essa pesquisa contribuiu para a construção da abordagem preventiva de QVT, por serem incipientes estudos em Administração que buscam realizar um diagnóstico centrado nessa abordagem, podendo, ainda, institucionalmente, fornecer subsídios para a melhoria do bem-estar dos colaboradores, satisfação dos usuários e clientes e otimização da produtividade organizacional


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    Coccinellidae predator merupakan salah satu musuh alami yang penting karena keanekaragaman dan keefektifannya sebagai agen pengendali hayati hama tanaman padi seperti wereng padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari komunitas Coccinellidae predator pada tanaman padi di ekosistem pertanian organik dan konvensional Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini berbentuk survei dengan metode pemilihan lokasi sampel menggunakan Purposive Random Sampling. Sampel diambil di dua lokasi yaitu Nagari Kasang dan Nagari Sungai Buluah Kecamatan Batang Anai. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus – Oktober 2017. Penelitian ini telah mengkoleksi 330 individu Coccinellidae predator yang terdiri atas 5 genus didalam 7 spesies. Jumlah individu Coccinellidae predator yang ditemukan pada pertanian organik lebih tinggi daripada pertanian konvensional yaitu 266 dan 64 individu. Indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan spesies tertinggi terdapat pada pertanian organik yaitu berturut-turut 0,287 dan 0,184. Verania lineata adalah spesies yang dominan ditemukan pada sistem pertanian organik dan konvensional. Kata kunci : Keanekaragaman, Coccinellidae predator, Padi (Oryza sativa L.), Pertanian organik dan konvensiona

    Impact of different preanalytical conditions on results of lupus anticoagulant tests

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    Introduction: The currently recommended preanalytical conditions for lupus anticoagulant (LA) analysis require analyzing samples in fresh or freshly frozen platelet‐poor plasma. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether alternative and less cumbersome preanalytical procedures for LA testing give significantly different results compared to recommended conditions. Materials and Methods: Citrated blood samples were drawn from 29 study participants, 15 with negative and 14 with positive LA results. The samples were processed according to the ISTH guideline for LA testing and compared to several alternative preanalytical conditions. Measurements were performed using the dilute Russell's viper venom time (DRVVT) and silica clotting time (SCT), both screen and confirm, on a STA‐R Evolution analyzer. Stability criteria were based upon biological variation. Results: All DRVVT tests (normalized screen, confirm, and screen/confirm ratio) met the stability criteria for all the preanalytical conditions. The SCT tests (normalized screen, confirm, and screen/confirm ratio) met the stability criteria only when treated according to the ISTH guideline, except for SCT normalized screen/confirm ratio which also met the stability criteria for double‐centrifuged aliquoted plasma stored in room temperature for 24 hours and then analyzed “fresh” or after being frozen. One warfarin‐treated patient was reclassified from positive to negative for DRVVT after the preanalytical modifications, while 2 of 29 participants became falsely positive for 2 of 8 conditions for SCT. Conclusions: The DRVVT assays met the criteria for stability for all preanalytical conditions tested, while the SCT assays should be interpreted with caution if the preanalytical guidelines from ISTH are not followed.publishedVersio


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    The title compound, C32H36Br2O2, was prepared by the reaction of 6-bromo-1-(2-bromo-6-hydroxy­naphthalen-5-yl)­naphthalen-2-ol and 1-iodo­hexane. The dihedral angle between the naphthalene ring planes is 63.8 (9)° The crystal structure may be stabilized by two very weak π–π inter­actions involving the six-membered rings, with centroid–centroid distances of 4.012 (4) and 4.010 (4) Å. The crystal studied was an inversion twin

    Ground Systems Development and Operations: Exploration Begins Here

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    Hunger Hydraulik of Lohr, Germany has been selected as the vendor to build replacement Jacking, Leveling and Equalization cylinders for one Crawler Transporter. A site visit has been scheduled and a overview of how the Crawler Transporter fits into KSC launch operations will be presented as information. The presentation will be presented on July 11, 2012 by Pepper Phillips, the Program Manager for GSDO

    LC-MS and NMR Based Structural Characterization and Isotopic Abundance Ratio Analysis of Magnesium Gluconate Treated with the Consciousness Energy Healing

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    Magnesium gluconate is widely used pharmaceutical/nutraceutical compound for the prevention and treatment of magnesium deficiency diseases. The present study was designed to explore the effect of The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment (Biofield Energy Healing Treatment) on magnesium gluconate for the change in the structural properties and isotopic abundance ratio (PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM) using LC-MS and NMR spectroscopy. Magnesium gluconate was divided into two parts – one part was control, and another part was treated with The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment remotely by twenty renowned Biofield Energy Healers and defined as The Trivedi Effect® treated sample. The LC-MS analysis of both the control and Biofield Energy Treated samples indicated the presence of mass of the protonated magnesium gluconate at m/z 415 at the retention time of 1.52 min and fragmentation pattern of both samples were almost identical. The relative peak intensities of the fragment ions were significantly altered in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The proton and carbon signals for CH, CH2 and CO groups in the proton and carbon NMR spectra of the control and treated samples were found same. The percentage change in the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 17O/16O or 25Mg/24Mg) was significantly decreased in the treated sample by 48.87% compared to the control sample. Subsequently, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM (18O/16O or 26Mg/24Mg) in the treated sample was significantly increased by 29.18% compared with the control sample. In summary, 13C, 2H, 17O, and 25Mg contributions from (C12H23MgO14)+ to m/z 416; 18O and 26Mg contributions from (C12H23MgO14)+ to m/z 417 in the treated sample were significantly altered compared with the control sample. Thus, The Trivedi Effect® Treated magnesium gluconate might be helpful to design the novel potent enzyme inhibitors using its kinetic isotope effects. Consequently, The Trivedi Effect® Treated magnesium gluconate would be valuable for designing better pharmaceutical and/or nutraceutical formulations through its altered physicochemical and thermal properties, which might be providing better therapeutic response against various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, allergy, aging, inflammatory diseases, immunological disorders, and other chronic infections. https://www.trivedieffect.com/science/lc-ms-and-nmr-based-structural-characterization-and-isotopic-abundance-ratio-analysis-of-magnesium-gluconate-treated-with-the-consciousness-energy-healing http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=216&paperId=1002165

    Evaluation of the Physicochemical, Spectral, Thermal and Behavioral Properties of Sodium Selenate: Influence of the Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment

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    Sodium selenate is an inorganic nutraceutical/pharmaceutical compound used for the prevention and treatment of several diseases. The current research article was aimed to explore the effect of The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment on the physicochemical, spectral, thermal, and behavioral properties of sodium selenate using PXRD, PSD, FT-IR, UV-vis, TGA, and DSC analysis. Sodium selenate was divided into two parts – one part was control, while another part was The Trivedi Effect® Treated sample which was received The Trivedi Effect® remotely by twenty renowned Biofield Energy Healers. A significant alteration of the crystallite size of the treated sample was observed in the range of -42.87% to 39.99% compared to the control sample. Consequently, the average crystallite size was significantly enhanced in the treated sample by 5.07% compared with the control sample. The particle size distribution of the treated sample at d10, d50, and d90 values were significantly reduced by 7.68%, 9.49%, and 4.08%, respectively compared with the control sample. Subsequently, the surface area of the treated sample was significantly increased by 8.16% compared with the control sample. The control and treated FT-IR spectra exhibited the sharp and strong vibration bands at 889 cm-1 and 888 cm-1, respectively for Se=O stretching. The control and treated samples displayed the maximum absorbance at 204.9 nm and 204.5 nm, respectively. A significant reduction of total weight loss by 6.11% in the treated sample indicated the improvement of the thermal stability of the treated sample compared with the control sample. The vaporization temperature of the treated sample (95.68°C) was higher with a significant reduced latent heat of vaporization by 60.80% compared to the control sample (95.29°C). Thus, The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment might produce a new polymorphic form of sodium selenate which would be more soluble, dissolution rate, bioavailable, and thermally stable compared with the untreated sample. The Trivedi Effect® treated sodium selenate would be very suitable to design improved nutraceutical and pharmaceutical formulations that might provide better therapeutic response against several diseases such as stress, aging, inflammatory diseases, immunological disorders, infectious diseases, cancer, etc. Source: https://www.trivedieffect.com/science/evaluation-of-the-physicochemical-spectral-thermal-and-behavioral-properties-of-sodium-selenate-influence-of-the-energy-of-consciousness-healing-treatment http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=398&doi=10.11648/j.ajqcms.20170101.1