622 research outputs found


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    Tra le 18.00 del 24 ottobre 2011 e le ore 18.00 del 26 ottobre 2011 nell'Alta Toscana e in Liguria si sono avute delle piogge intense di carattere eccezionale con tempi di ritorno anche di 500 anni. Conseguenti repentini aumenti idrometrici di rilevanza eccezionale hanno innescato frane e portate liquide di inaudita ferocia. Si sono avuti dissesti di versante, erosioni al piede delle sponde e crolli di ponti con conseguente aumento di materiale solido e flottante sull'asta principale del Magra. Gli obiettivi di questa tesi sono di capire cosa è successo durante l' eventi allu-vionali, cercare di stimare il trasporto solido e il materiale flottante e di trovare una soluzione per bloccare a monte i debris flow dovuti dal Bacino del Torrente Teglia e da quello del Torrente Mangiola. Sul Torrente Teglia si cercherà una soluzione tramite delle briglie di trattenuta mentre per il Mangiola si opterà di riqualificare delle vecchie briglie selettive completamente interrate

    Design Tools

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    This book aims at encompassing the panorama of design tools being developed, tested and adopted by researchers and professors at the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano. The tools are organized in a taxonomy that reflects the path of choice of a possible user in need for the right tool for a task to be performed. The taxonomy is based on a formalization of the design process proposed by the authors, which characterizes the Design System at Politecnico di Milano. The book essentially offers two main contributions: an original taxonomy that guides towards the organization of design tools and their usage with different actors; a representative collection of design tools developed within the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano with specific instructions on how to use them. Design Tools is addressed both to practitioners and academics in the field of design that are interested in getting to know more about the discourse around design tools in general and in particular how this discourse takes a shape within Politecnico di Milano and resolves in usable and shareable tools

    In vitro antimicrobial efficacy of a fixed-dose combination of RHZE against M. tuberculosis

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    The use of drugs in fixed-dose combination (FDC) is now recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FDC uses different drugs against tuberculosis (TB) in a single tablet for phase-intensive therapeutic intervention. This therapy aims to optimize treatment, to prevent inappropriate use of drugs, and to prevent the emergence of new resistant strains. This study aims to evaluate the susceptibility of clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis against rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide. The antimicrobials were tested separately and in associations according to FDC. This was used for broth microdilution method, which was compared to the proportions method previously considered as the gold standard. In antimicrobials testing alone, several strains were resistant to one, two, or three drugs. However, when applied to association of drugs in FDC, there was no antimicrobial resistance. The results strengthen the FDC's concept, which aims to unite the four anti-TB drugs to combat bacterial resistance

    Medicina Veterinária

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    Orientador: Alexandra Tiso CormelatoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, Curso de Graduação em Medicina Veterinári

    Ventajas y desventajas de la implementación de la norma 14001 en el ámbito laboral colombiano.

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    El presente artículo hace una reflexión sobre el estudio de diferentes fuentes de información, el cual aborda temas como el análisis general sobre que es la NTC (Norma Técnica Colombiana) ISO 14001, Sistema de Gestión Ambiental, las diferentes tipos de ventajas y desventajas de su implementación y por ultimo como ha sido o es la aplicación en el contexto laboral Colombiano. El documento concluye con que pueden hallarse diversos obstáculos y/o desventajas en el proceso de implementación de dicha norma, y finalmente el que tuvo mayor prevalencia en los documentos de referencia fueron los temas con relación a la inversión económica que deben hacer las empresas en cambios a procesos, tecnología, instalaciones y también el compromiso de toda la organización

    Calidad de vida después de revascularización del miocardio: evaluación según dos perspectivas metodológicas

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a qualidade de vida (QV) segundo a proposta de Flanagan, em dois grupos de pacientes revascularizados; comparar e combinar resultados desta pesquisa com dados de uma etnografia que interpreta significados de QV de pacientes revascularizados. MÉTODO: Foi utilizada a triangulação metodológica de duas pesquisas: uma qualitativa (etnográfica) e outra quantitativa, que aplicou a Escala de Qualidade de vida de Flanagan em 124 indivíduos. RESULTADOS: no estudo quantitativo, a QV relacionou-se a "ter e criar filhos" e "relacionamento com os amigos" e no qualitativo a boa QV relacionou-se a bem-estar, felicidade, satisfação, possibilidades na vida e os temas identificados foram: saúde (física, emocional e espiritual), trabalho e harmonia familiar. CONCLUSÃO: As dimensões de qualidade de vida identificadas no estudo etnográfico são semelhantes aos domínios que compõem a Escala de Qualidade de vida de Flanagan. A espiritualidade/religiosidade, não abordada na escala, é destacada pelos participantes como uma dimensão de QV.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the quality of life (QL) as proposed by Flanagan, in two groups of revascularized patients; to compare and combine results from this research with data from an ethnography study that interprets the meanings that revascularized patients gave to QL. METHOD: The methodological triangulation was used in two researches: one qualitative (ethnographic) and the other quantitative; the scale of Flanagan was applied in 124 individuals. RESULTS: In the quantitative study the QL was related to "bear and raise children" and "relationships with friends"; in the qualitative study a good QL was related to wellbeing, happiness, satisfaction, opportunities in life. The identified issues were: health (physical, emotional and spiritual), work and family harmony. CONCLUSION: The dimensions of quality of life identified in the ethnographic study were similar to the domains of Flanagan's QL-Scale. The spirituality/religiosity, not contemplated in the scale, is highlighted by participants as an aspect of the QL.OBJETIVO: Analizar la calidad de vida (CV) según la propuesta de Flanagan, en dos grupos de pacientes revascularizados; comparar y combinar resultados de esta investigación con datos de una etnografía que interpreta significados de CV de pacientes revascularizados. MÉTODOS: Fue utilizada la triangulación metodológica de dos investigaciones: una cualitativa (etnográfica) y otra cuantitativa, que aplicó la Escala de Calidad de vida de Flanagan en 124 individuos. RESULTADOS: en el estudio cuantitativo, la CV se relacionó a "tener y criar hijos" y al "relacionamiento con los amigos" y en el cualitativo la buena CV se relacionó al bienestar, felicidad, satisfacción, posibilidades en la vida y los temas identificados fueron: salud (física, emocional y espiritual), trabajo y harmonía familiar. CONCLUSIÓN: Las dimensiones de calidad de vida identificadas en el estudio etnográfico son semejantes a los dominios que componen la Escala de Calidad de vida de Flanagan. La espiritualidad/religiosidad, no abordada en la escala, es destacada por los participantes como una dimensión de la CV.FAPES

    Nurse-led telephone follow-up for early palliative care patients with advanced cancer

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    Aim and objectives To present our experience of a nursing telephone consultation service, describing patient and caregiver requests, and outlining ensuing nursing or medical interventions. Background Recently, there has been an increase in the use of telephone consultation for cancer patients. However, there is still limited data on the characteristics of this type of service and on the nature of the interventions carried out. Design and methods In this observational retrospective study, we evaluated the phone calls made over a 6-month period by patients or caregivers to the early palliative care team of a cancer institute. Information regarding telephone calls (frequency, reason and management) was systematically collected by a nursing case manager. The study complies with the STROBE checklist File S1. Results 171 patients used the service, for a total of 323 phone calls. The majority (80.8%) were from patients followed at the outpatient clinic and the most common requests were for pain management (38.4%) and for updates on the clinical situation (23.8%). Other frequent requests were for medication management (18.9%) and scheduling (18.3%). 210 of the 323 phone calls were handled by the nurse, while 22 were managed in collaboration with a physician. An 87.6% effectiveness in telephone management was observed. Conclusion The overall use of the phone service was higher for early palliative care patients. The majority of phone calls were effectively handled by the nursing case manager. Relevance to clinical practice An effective and feasible nurse-led telephone follow-up of early palliative care patients with advanced cancer could improve their care experience. Specifically, it could impact on patients and families improving quality of life and symptom control securing access to timely care without travel or additional cost.It can also improve continuity of care, adherence to oncological treatments and minimise acute care visits