213 research outputs found

    Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) Expansion: Measuring Racial, Religious, and National Aspects of Sense of Ethnic Identity Within the United Kingdom

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    These studies examined the degree to which racial, religious, and national aspects of individuals' sense of ethnic identity stand as interrelated, yet distinct, constructs. Results of exploratory factor analyses in Study 1 (n = 272) revealed that a three-factor model specifying racial, religious, and national identities yielded optimal fit to correlational data from an expanded, 36-item version of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM; Roberts et al., 1999), although results left room for improvement in model fit. Subsequently, results of confirmatory factor analyses in Study 2 (n = 291) revealed that, after taking covariance among the items into account, a six-factor model specifying exploration and commitment dimensions within each of the racial, religious, and national identity constructs provided optimal fit. Implications for the utility of Goffman's (1963b) interactionist role theory and Erikson's (1968) ego psychology for understanding the full complexity of felt ethnic identity are discussed

    Blood Leukocyte Dna Methylation Predicts Risk of Future Myocardial infarction and Coronary Heart Disease

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    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation is implicated in coronary heart disease (CHD), but current evidence is based on small, cross-sectional studies. We examined blood DNA methylation in relation to incident CHD across multiple prospective cohorts. METHODS: Nine population-based cohorts from the United States and Europe profiled epigenome-wide blood leukocyte DNA methylation using the Illumina Infinium 450k microarray, and prospectively ascertained CHD events including coronary insufficiency/unstable angina, recognized myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, and coronary death. Cohorts conducted race-specific analyses adjusted for age, sex, smoking, education, body mass index, blood cell type proportions, and technical variables. We conducted fixed-effect meta-analyses across cohorts. RESULTS: Among 11 461 individuals (mean age 64 years, 67% women, 35% African American) free of CHD at baseline, 1895 developed CHD during a mean follow-up of 11.2 years. Methylation levels at 52 CpG (cytosine-phosphate-guanine) sites were associated with incident CHD or myocardial infarction (false discovery rate CONCLUSION: Methylation of blood-derived DNA is associated with risk of future CHD across diverse populations and may serve as an informative tool for gaining further insight on the development of CHD

    Isotopic investigations of Chinese ceramics

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    This chapter provides insights into Chinese ceramic technologies of both bodies and glazes as well as provenance by using isotopes applied to a number of case studies. The use of Sr isotopes to investigate Chinese high-fired Celadon wares and blue-and-white Jingdezhen porcelain (Jiangxi province) has revealed a clear distinction associated with the fluxes used in the glazes: plant ash in celadons and limestone in Jingdezhen glazes, something that is not clear from major element analysis. Furthermore, the technique is able to suggest by implication the nature of the silica source used in the glazes—normally weathered granitic rocks or metamorphic rocks (porcelain stone) which also contains Sr. This leads to an isotopic mixing line of the 2 Sr-rich components and is proof that 2 Sr-rich components were mixed in the manufacture of limestone glaze. This is not the case for plant ash glazes. Eventually, the technique may be used in provenance studies. Like Sr isotope analysis, lead isotope analysis relies on there being a lack of or a minimal change in the isotope ratios when the raw materials are heated. Lead isotope analysis links the use of lead in glazes to the original metal ore and if a kiln uses a distinctive lead source in its glazes, it can provide a provenance for the pottery. This has been very successful in distinguishing Chinese Tang sancai wares made in the Huangye, Huangbao, Liquanfang and Qionglai kilns

    DNA methylation-based measures of biological age:meta-analysis predicting time to death

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    Estimates of biological age based on DNA methylation patterns, often referred to as "epigenetic age", "DNAm age", have been shown to be robust biomarkers of age in humans. We previously demonstrated that independent of chronological age, epigenetic age assessed in blood predicted all-cause mortality in four human cohorts. Here, we expanded our original observation to 13 different cohorts for a total sample size of 13,089 individuals, including three racial/ethnic groups. In addition, we examined whether incorporating information on blood cell composition into the epigenetic age metrics improves their predictive power for mortality. All considered measures of epigenetic age acceleration were predictive of mortality (p ≤ 8.2 x 10-9), independent of chronological age, even after adjusting for additional risk factors (p < 5.4 x 10-4), and within the racial/ethnic groups that we examined (non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics, African Americans). Epigenetic age estimates that incorporated information on blood cell composition led to the smallest p-values for time to death (p≤ 7.5 x 10-43). Overall, this study a) strengthens the evidence that epigenetic age predicts all-cause mortality above and beyond chronological age and traditional risk factors, and b) demonstrates that epigenetic age estimates that incorporate information on blood cell counts lead to highly significant associations with all-cause mortality

    Statistical and integrative system-level analysis of DNA methylation data

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    Epigenetics plays a key role in cellular development and function. Alterations to the epigenome are thought to capture and mediate the effects of genetic and environmental risk factors on complex disease. Currently, DNA methylation is the only epigenetic mark that can be measured reliably and genome-wide in large numbers of samples. This Review discusses some of the key statistical challenges and algorithms associated with drawing inferences from DNA methylation data, including cell-type heterogeneity, feature selection, reverse causation and system-level analyses that require integration with other data types such as gene expression, genotype, transcription factor binding and other epigenetic information

    Review of International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics 1992: A Review

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    Sequential Slab Construction; A Conservative Southwest Asiatic Ceramic Tradition, ca. 7000-3000 B.C.

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    To reconstruct ceramic production technology in the Zagros region and to specify the pattern of technological change, the macrostructures of 40 000 and microstructures of 4 000 pottery sherds from six village farming sites were investigated. Standards were used to model pottery-making processes as well as raw material properties and variability. Sequential slab construction was found to be a conservative production technology for chaff- or vegetal- tempered wares made from an unplastic, composite mixture of clay, chaff and water. This tradition persevered through the production of fine wares wherein grit temper replaced chaff, and the clay body was aged to become fully plastic. A measure of just how conservative this tradition was can be found in its widespread use at 3000 B.C., and in two examples of modern practice even though the materials and working properties no longer constrained pottery to forming only by s.s.c. The role of other technologies in the development of pottery technology is discussed.Afin de saisir les techniques de fabrication et de production de la poterie utilisées entre 7000 et 3000 avant J.-C, dans le Zagros, région montagneuse du Sud-Ouest asiatique, et afin de spécifier les modes de changement technologique, il fut procédé à l'examen macroscopique de 40 000 fragments et à l'analvse des microstructures de 4 000 tessons. Pour mieux évaluer tant la rapidité des changements technologiques observés que le rôle de certains facteurs contraignants (propriété des argiles, disponibilité des matières premières) et pour mieux apprécier l'importance à accorder aux phénomènes de transmission culturelle, il fut nécessaire de déterminer la structure des argiles, des dégraissants, puis d'entreprendre des simulations et d'analvser les résultats de celles-ci. Trouver et développer certaines normes qui puissent être comparées avec les structures observées dans les poteries anciennes devint une nécessité. Ces normes purent être établies grâce à des simulations faisant appel à certains types de matériaux et de procédés technologiques, à l'observation de leurs effets sur la structure de la poterie, à l'examen de poteries grossières provenant de deux milieux actuels (Cucume en Turquie du Sud-Est et Mehrgarh au Pakistan) et également à celui de la structure de poteries fabriquées avec des techniques utilisées par des artisans et artistes contemporains. Les sites d'où provient la poterie étudiée sont 1) Hajji Firuz, Dalma et Pisdeli tépés dans le nord du Zagros, 2) Ganj Dareh, 3) Sarab, 4) Seh Gabi dans le Zagros central, 5) Choga Sefid, Tepe Sabz, Tepe Farukhabad dans la steppe longeant le Zagros méridional, 6) Tepe Yahya sur le plateau iranien. Pour déterminer l'extension géographique des techniques observées dans le Zagros, de la poterie provenant d'autres sites d'époque néolithique et chalcolithique du Proche-Orient fut examinée : Hassuna, Samarra, Jéricho, Halaf Chagar Bazar ainsi que celle de sites localisés aux franges de la zone de culture proche-orientale tels que Merimde et Mostegedda en Egvpte, Mersin en Turquie du Sud-Est et Mehrgarh près du Bolan Pass au Pakistan.Vandiver Pamela B. Sequential Slab Construction; A Conservative Southwest Asiatic Ceramic Tradition, ca. 7000-3000 B.C.. In: Paléorient, 1987, vol. 13, n°2. pp. 9-35