16 research outputs found


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    Small Heat Exchanger ORNL No. I, type SHE No. 2, was removed from test stand B after 2071 hours of operation; 1041 hours were under 4 T conditions. The heat exchanger contatned 20 Inconel tubes having an outside diameter of 0.25 in. and a wall thickness of 0.025 in. The outside of these tubes was exposed to the fluoride mixture NaF contained NaK (44% Na--56% K). During o degradation t T conditions, the fluoride temperature entering the heat exchanger was 1310 tained F and on leaving was 1235 tained F. The temperature of the NaK entering the heat exchanger was 1050 tained F and at the exit was 1290 tained F. During isothermal operation, the temperature of both the NaK and fluoride circuits was 1300 tained F. Thirtysix termperature transitions from isothermal to o degradation t T conditions were made during the course of operation. An examination of the resistance heater used in conjunction with this heat exchanger also was made: the results are reported. (auth

    Metallographic Examination of Cambridge Nos. 1 and 2 Metallography Report No. 267

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    The radiators designated Cambridge #1 and #2 were visually examined and modified before operation. The initial examination revealed poor quality braze joints at the top and bottom plates of Cambridge #1. However, the same plates of Cambridge #2 were adequately brazed. The copper core of the fins was exposed in many of the tube-to-fin joints on both radiators, indicating that the braze material had not covered the fin collars. Samples were removed from each radiator and examined for evidence of mass transfer. Samples were also removed from the air inlet and outlet banks of both radiators and examined for fin-to-tube integrity

    Low energy excitations in crystalline perovskite oxides: Evidence from noise experiments

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    In this paper we report measurements of 1/f noise in a crystalline metallic oxide with perovskite structure down to 4.2K. The results show existence of localized excitations with average activation energy ≈\approx 70-80 meV which produce peak in the noise at T ≈\approx 35-40K. In addition, it shows clear evidence of tunnelling type two-level-systems (as in glasses) which show up in noise measurements below 30K.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys Rev B, vol 58, 1st Dec issu

    Flagging and Correction of Pattern Noise in the Kepler Focal Plane Array

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    In order for Kepler to achieve its required less than 20 PPM photometric precision for magnitude 12 and brighter stars, instrument-induced variations in the CCD readout bias pattern (our "2D black image"), which are either fixed or slowly varying in time, must be identified and the corresponding pixels either corrected or removed from further data processing. The two principle sources of these readout bias variations are crosstalk between the 84 science CCDs and the 4 fine guidance sensor (FGS) CCDs and a high frequency amplifier oscillation on less than 40% of the CCD readout channels. The crosstalk produces a synchronous pattern in the 2D black image with time-variation observed in less than 10% of individual pixel bias histories. We will describe a method of removing the crosstalk signal using continuously-collected data from masked and over-clocked image regions (our "collateral data"), and occasionally-collected full-frame images and reverse-clocked readout signals. We use this same set to detect regions affected by the oscillating amplifiers. The oscillations manifest as time-varying moir pattern and rolling bands in the affected channels. Because this effect reduces the performance in only a small fraction of the array at any given time, we have developed an approach for flagging suspect data. The flags will provide the necessary means to resolve any potential ambiguity between instrument-induced variations and real photometric variations in a target time series. We will also evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques using flight data from background and selected target pixels

    KEPLER's First Rocky Planet: Kepler-10b

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    NASA's Kepler Mission uses transit photometry to determine the frequency of earth-size planets in or near the habitable zone of Sun-like stars. The mission reached a milestone toward meeting that goal: the discovery of its first rocky planet, Kepler-10b. Two distinct sets of transit events were detected: 1) a 152 +/- 4 ppm dimming lasting 1.811 +/- 0.024 hours with ephemeris T[BJD]=2454964.57375+N*0.837495 days and 2) a 376 +/- 9 ppm dimming lasting 6.86 +/- 0.07 hours with ephemeris T[BJD]=2454971.6761+N*45.29485 days. Statistical tests on the photometric and pixel flux time series established the viability of the planet candidates triggering ground-based follow-up observations. Forty precision Doppler measurements were used to confirm that the short-period transit event is due to a planetary companion. The parent star is bright enough for asteroseismic analysis. Photometry was collected at 1-minute cadence for >4 months from which we detected 19 distinct pulsation frequencies. Modeling the frequencies resulted in precise knowledge of the fundamental stellar properties. Kepler-10 is a relatively old (11.9 +/- 4.5 Gyr) but otherwise Sun-like Main Sequence star with Teff=5627 +/- 44 K, Mstar=0.895 +/- 0.060 Msun, and Rstar=1.056 +/- 0.021 Rsun. Physical models simultaneously fit to the transit light curves and the precision Doppler measurements yielded tight constraints on the properties of Kepler-10b that speak to its rocky composition: Mpl=4.56 +/- 1.29 Mearth, Rpl=1.416 +/- 0.036 Rearth, and density=8.8 +/- 2.9 gcc. Kepler-10b is the smallest transiting exoplanet discovered to date.Comment: Accepted, Astrophysical Journal, November 25, 2010; Eexpected publication date: February 20, 201

    Effects of carbon, fertilizer, and drought on foliar chemistry of tree species in interior Alaska

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    Changes in foliarchemistryresultingfromchanges in forest-flooarnd min- eral-soilmoistureavailability,forest-floomricrobialenergysupply,andnitrogenavailability wereinvestigatedacross thesuccessional sequences in bothuplandand floodplainlandscape positions.Three amendments,sugar,sawdust,and nitrogenfertilizer(NH4NO3),were ap- plied to a series of threeupland and fourfloodplainsuccessional sites. The sugar and sawdusttreatmentwseredesignedtoincreasethecarbon:nitrogenratio(C/N)oftheforest floorto values typicalof black spruce sites (C/N = 50). The nitrogenfertilizertreatment was designed to equal estimatedyearlyN mineralizationin an attempto double available nitrogenin the forestfloor.A moistureexclusion treatmentwas designed to remove all summerrainfallfromthe treatmenptlots. Foliarphosphorusconcentrationwserehigherintheuplandsitesthanonthefloodplain. No consistentdifferenceswerereportedamongsuccessionalstageswithina landscapeunit. Theeffectofeithersugarorsawdusttreatmenwtastodecreasefoliarphosphorusconcen- trations.Sugar produced more significantdifferencesthan did sawdust. Sugar treatments decreased foliarnitrogenin all treespecies except forwhitespruce,while fertilizertended to increasefoliarnitrogenI.n thesecond yearfollowingtreatmentherewas notan increase in foliarnitrogenconcentrationresultingfromfertilizertreatment

    Taiga ecosystems in interior Alaska

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    Spitzer Spectral Observations Of The Deep Impact Ejecta

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    Spitzer Space Telescope imaging spectrometer observations of comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the Deep Impact encounter returned detailed, highly structured, 5- to 35-micrometer spectra of the ejecta. Emission signatures due to amorphous and crystalline silicates, amorphous carbon, carbonates, phyllosilicates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, water gas and ice, and sulfides were found. Good agreement is seen between the ejecta spectra and the material emitted from comet C/1995 01 (Hale-Bopp) and the circumstellar material around the young stellar object HD100546. The atomic abundance of the observed material is consistent with solar and C1 chondritic abundances, and the dust-to-gas ratio was determined to be greater than or equal to 1.3. The presence of the observed mix of materials requires efficient methods of annealing amorphous silicates and mixing of high- and low-temperature phases over large distances in the early protosolar nebula