123 research outputs found

    Seismic diagnostics of red giants: first comparison with stellar models

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    The clear detection with CoRoT and KEPLER of radial and non-radial solar-like oscillations in many red giants paves the way to seismic inferences on the structure of such stars. We present an overview of the properties of the adiabatic frequencies and frequency separations of radial and non-radial oscillation modes for an extended grid of models. We highlight how their detection allows a deeper insight into the internal structure and evolutionary state of red giants. In particular, we find that the properties of dipole modes constitute a promising seismic diagnostic tool of the evolutionary state of red-giant stars. We compare our theoretical predictions with the first 34 days of KEPLER data and predict the frequency diagram expected for red giants in the COROT exofield in the galactic center direction.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted in ApJ

    The kink-type instability of toroidal stellar magnetic fields with thermal diffusion

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    The stability of toroidal magnetic fields in rotating radiative stellar zones is studied for realistic values of both the Prandtl numbers. The two considered models for the magnetic geometry represent fields with odd and even symmetry with respect to the equator. In the linear theory in Boussinesq approximation the resulting complex eigenfrequency (including growth rate and drift rate) are calculated for a given radial wavenumber of a nonaxisymmetric perturbation with m=1. The ratio of the Alfven frequency, \Omega_A, to the rate of the basic rotation, \Omega, controls the eigenfrequency of the solution. For strong fields with \Omega_A > \Omega the solutions do not feel the thermal diffusion. The growth rate runs with \Omega_A and the drift rate is close to -\Omega so that the magnetic pattern will rest in the laboratory system. For weaker fields with \Omega_A < \Omega the growth rate strongly depends on the thermal conductivity. For fields with dipolar parity and for typical values of the heat conductivity the resulting very small growth rates are almost identical with those for vanishing gravity. For fields with dipolar symmetry the differential rotation of any stellar radiative zone (like the solar tachocline) is shown as basically stabilizing the instability independent of the sign of the shear. Finally, the current-driven kink-type instability of a toroidal background field is proposed as a model for the magnetism of Ap stars. The recent observation of a lower magnetic field treshold of about 300 Gauss for Ap stars is understood as corresponding to the minimum magnetic field producing the instability.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, acc. for publicatio

    Masses of subgiant stars from asteroseismology using the coupling strengths of mixed modes

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    Since few decades, asteroseismology, the study of stellar oscillations, enables us to probe the interiors of stars with great precision. It allows stringent tests of stellar models and can provide accurate radii, masses and ages for individual stars. Of particular interest are the mixed modes that occur in subgiant solar-like stars since they can place very strong constraints on stellar ages. Here we measure the characteristics of the mixed modes, particularly the coupling strength, using a grid of stellar models for stars with masses between 0.9 and 1.5 M_{\odot}. We show that the coupling strength of the =1\ell = 1 mixed modes is predominantly a function of stellar mass and appears to be independent of metallicity. This should allow an accurate mass evaluation, further increasing the usefulness of mixed modes in subgiants as asteroseismic tools.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Accepted (ApJL

    The Tayler instability of toroidal magnetic fields in a columnar gallium experiment

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    The nonaxisymmetric Tayler instability of toroidal magnetic fields due to axial electric currents is studied for conducting incompressible fluids between two coaxial cylinders without endplates. The inner cylinder is considered as so thin that even the limit of R_in \to 0 can be computed. The magnetic Prandtl number is varied over many orders of magnitudes but the azimuthal mode number of the perturbations is fixed to m=1. In the linear approximation the critical magnetic field amplitudes and the growth rates of the instability are determined for both resting and rotating cylinders. Without rotation the critical Hartmann numbers do {\em not} depend on the magnetic Prandtl number but this is not true for the growth rates. For given product of viscosity and magnetic diffusivity the growth rates for small and large magnetic Prandtl number are much smaller than those for Pm=1. For gallium under the influence of a magnetic field at the outer cylinder of 1 kG the resulting growth time is 5 s. The minimum electric current through a container of 10 cm diameter to excite the kink-type instability is 3.20 kA. For a rotating container both the critical magnetic field and the related growth times are larger than for the resting column.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Astron. Nach

    Tayler instability of toroidal magnetic fields in MHD Taylor-Couette flows

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    The nonaxisymmetric 'kink-type' Tayler instability (TI) of toroidal magnetic fields is studied for conducting incompressible fluids of uniform density between two infinitely long cylinders rotating around the same axis. It is shown that for resting cylinders the critical Hartmann number for the unstable modes does not depend on Pm. By rigid rotation the instability is suppressed where the critical ratio of the rotation velocity and the Alfven velocity of the field (only) slightly depends on the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. For Pm=1 the rotational quenching of TI takes its maximum. Rotation laws with negative shear (i.e. d\Omega/dR<0) strongly destabilize the toroidal field if the rotation is not too fast. For sufficiently high Reynolds numbers of rotation the suppression of the nonaxisymmetric magnetic instability always dominates. The angular momentum transport of the instability is anticorrelated with the shear so that an eddy viscosity can be defined which proves to be positive. For negative shear the Maxwell stress of the perturbations remarkably contributes to the angular momentum transport. We have also shown the possibility of laboratory TI experiments with a wide-gap container filled with fluid metals like sodium or gallium. Even the effect of the rotational stabilization can be reproduced in the laboratory with electric currents of only a few kAmp.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, sub

    Magnetic fields of Ap stars as a result of an instability

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    Ap star magnetism is often attributed to fossil magnetic fields which have not changed much since the pre-main-sequence epoch of the stars. Stable magnetic field configurations are known which could persist probably for the entire main-sequence life of the star, but they may not show the complexity and diversity exhibited by the Ap stars observed. We suggest that the Ap star magnetism is not a result of stable configurations, but is the result of an instability based on strong toroidal magnetic fields buried in the stars. The highly nonaxisymmetric remainders of the instability are reminiscent of the diversity of fields seen on Ap stars. The strengths of these remnant magnetic fields is actually between a few per cent up to considerable fractions of the internal toroidal field; this means field strengths of the order of kGauss being compatible with what is observed. The magnetic fields emerge at the surface rather quickly; rough estimates deliver time-scales of the order of a few years. Since rotation stabilizes the instability, normal A stars may still host considerable, invisible toroidal magnetic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Astron. Nachr., color figures at http://www.aip.de/People/rarlt/a

    Stellar ages from asteroseismology

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    Asteroseismology provides powerful means to probe stellar interiors. The oscillations frequencies are closely related to stellar interior properties via the density and sound speed profiles. Since these are tightly linked with the mass and evolutionary state, we can expect to determine the age and mass of a star from the comparison of its oscillation spectrum with predictions of stellar models. Such a comparison suffers both from the problems we face when modeling a particular star (as the uncertainties on global parameters and chemical composition) and from our misunderstanding of processes at work in stellar interiors (as the transport processes that may lead to core mixing and affect the model ages). For stars where observations have provided precise and numerous oscillation frequencies together with accurate global parameters and additional information (as the radius or the mass if the star is in a binary system, the interferometric radius or the mean density if the star is an exoplanet host), we can also expect to better constrain the physical description of the stellar structure and to get a more reliable age estimation. After a survey of stellar pulsations, we present some seismic diagnostics that can be used to infer the age of a star as well as their limitations. We then illustrate the ability of asteroseismology to scrutinize stellar interiors on the basis of a few exemples. In the years to come, extended very precise asteroseismic observations are expected, in photometry or in spectroscopy, from ground-based (HARPS, CORALIE, ELODIE, UVES, UCLES, SIAMOIS, SONG) or spatial devices (MOST, CoRoT, WIRE, Kepler, PLATO). This will considerably enlarge the sample of stars eligible to asteroseismic age determination and should allow to estimate the age of individual stars with a 10-20% accuracy.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 258 "The Ages of Stars", Baltimore USA 13-17 Oct 2008, eds D. Soderblom et al., CUP in pres

    Elementary model of internal electromagnetic pinch-type instability

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    We analyse numerically a pinch-type instability in a semi-infinite planar layer of inviscid conducting liquid bounded by solid walls and carrying a uniform electric current. Our model is as simple as possible but still captures the salient features of the instability which otherwise may be obscured by the technical details of more comprehensive numerical models and laboratory experiments. Firstly, we show the instability in liquid metals, which are relatively poor conductors, differs significantly from the astrophysically-relevant Tayler instability. In liquid metals, the instability develops on the magnetic response time scale, which depends on the conductivity and is much longer than the Alfv\'en time scale, on which the Tayler instability develops in well conducting fluids. Secondly, we show that this instability is an edge effect caused by the curvature of the magnetic field, and its growth rate is determined by the linear current density and independent of the system size. Our results suggest that this instability may affect future liquid metal batteries when their size reaches a few meters.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (to appear in J Fluid Mech

    Nonaxisymmetric linear instability of cylindrical magnetohydrodynamic Taylor-Couette flow

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    We consider the nonaxisymmetric modes of instability present in Taylor-Couette flow under the application of helical magnetic fields, mainly for magnetic Prandtl numbers close to the inductionless limit, and conduct a full examination of marginal stability in the resulting parameter space. We allow for the azimuthal magnetic field to be generated by a combination of currents in the inner cylinder and fluid itself and introduce a parameter governing the relation between the strength of these currents. A set of governing eigenvalue equations for the nonaxisymmetric modes of instability are derived and solved by spectral collocation with Chebyshev polynomials over the relevant parameter space, with the resulting instabilities examined in detail. We find that by altering the azimuthal magnetic field profiles the azimuthal magnetorotational instability, nonaxisymmetric helical magnetorotational instability, and Tayler instability yield interesting dynamics, such as different preferred mode types and modes with azimuthal wave number m>1 . Finally, a comparison is given to the recent WKB analysis performed by Kirillov et al. [Kirillov, Stefani, and Fukumoto, J. Fluid Mech. 760, 591 (2014)] and its validity in the linear regime

    Asteroseismic Investigation of Known Planet Hosts in the Kepler Field

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    In addition to its great potential for characterizing extra-solar planetary systems the Kepler mission is providing unique data on stellar oscillations. A key aspect of Kepler asteroseismology is the application to solar-like oscillations of main-sequence stars. As an example we here consider an initial analysis of data for three stars in the Kepler field for which planetary transits were known from ground-based observations. For one of these, HAT-P-7, we obtain a detailed frequency spectrum and hence strong constraints on the stellar properties. The remaining two stars show definite evidence for solar-like oscillations, yielding a preliminary estimate of their mean densities.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, in the pres