142 research outputs found

    Modular Approaches to Synthesize Activity- and Affinity-Based Chemical Probes

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    Combinatorial and modular methods to synthesize small molecule modulators of protein activity have proven to be powerful tools in the development of new drug-like molecules. Over the past decade, these methodologies have been adapted toward utilization in the development of activity- and affinity-based chemical probes, as well as in chemoproteomic profiling. In this review, we will discuss how methods like multicomponent reactions, DNA-encoded libraries, phage displays, and others provide new ways to rapidly screen novel chemical probes against proteins of interest

    Iminoboronates as Dual-Purpose Linkers in Chemical Probe Development

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    Chemical probes that covalently modify proteins of interest are powerful tools for the research of biological processes. Important in the design of a probe is the choice of reactive group that forms the covalent bond, as it decides the success of a probe. However, choosing the right reactive group is not a simple feat and methodologies for expedient screening of different groups are needed. We herein report a modular approach that allows easy coupling of a reactive group to a ligand. α-Nucleophile ligands are combined with 2-formylphenylboronic acid derived reactive groups to form iminoboronate probes that selectively label their target proteins. A transimination reaction on the labeled proteins with an α-amino hydrazide provides further modification, for example to introduce a fluorophore.</p

    Bestuurlijke variëteit in natuur- en landschapsbeleid : vergelijkende analyse van regionale beleidsarrangementen rond de Wijde Biesbosch, het Drents-Friese Wold en het Groote Veld

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    Er is in Nederland veel natuurbeleid, maar hoe wordt dat eigenlijk uitgevoerd? Wie doet dat en wie zijn er bij betrokken? Deze studie geeft een inzicht in de diverse manieren waarop het Nederlandse natuur- en landschapsbeleid vorm krijgt en wordt uitgevoerd. Deze variëteit wordt in beeld gebracht op basis van drie casestudies op regionaal niveau. De studie is onder andere gebaseerd op interviews met ervaringsdeskundigen. Mede daarom kan deze studie worden gezien als `spiegel¿ voor eigen ervaringen met gebiedsgericht natuur- en landschapsbeleid

    Gezocht: andere methoden en nieuwe partners: landschapsecologie en WLO

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    De landschapsecologie is inmiddels een gevestigde wetenschap. Toch gaan de biodiversiteit en de kwaliteit van het landschap in Nederland en Vlaanderen nog steeds achteruit. Kunnen we rnet ons vakgebied dan niet meer positieve invloed hebben op landschapsveranderingen? En als we menen van wel hoe dan? Op die vragen gaat dit artikel i

    Parametric Optimization Of Magneto-Rheological Fluid Damper Using Particle Swarm Optimization

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    This paper presents a parametric modeling of a magneto-rheological (MR) damper using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The objective of this paper is to optimize the parameter values of the MR fluid damper behavior using the Bouc-Wen model. The parametric identification was imposed beforehand in replicating the behavior of the MR fluid damper. The algebraic function from a number of hysteresis models was steered by comparing selected models: Bingham, Bouc-Wen and BoucWen by Kwok. A simulation method was operated in investigating these models by employing MATLAB reliant from the model intricacy. The experimental data was presented in terms of the time histories of the displacement, the velocity and the force parameters, measured for both constant and variable current settings and at a selected frequency applied to the damper. The model parameters were determined using a set of experimental measurements corresponding to different current constant values. It has been shown that the MR damper model’s response via the proposed approach is in good agreement with the MR damper test rig counterpar

    A randomized trial of mailed questionnaires versus telephone interviews: Response patterns in a survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Data for health surveys are often collected using either mailed questionnaires, telephone interviews or a combination. Mode of data collection can affect the propensity to refuse to respond and result in different patterns of responses. The objective of this paper is to examine and quantify effects of mode of data collection in health surveys.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A stratified sample of 4,000 adults residing in Denmark was randomised to mailed questionnaires or computer-assisted telephone interviews. 45 health-related items were analyzed; four concerning behaviour and 41 concerning self assessment. Odds ratios for more positive answers and more frequent use of extreme response categories (both positive and negative) among telephone respondents compared to questionnaire respondents were estimated. Tests were Bonferroni corrected.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the four health behaviour items there were no significant differences in the response patterns. For 32 of the 41 health self assessment items the response pattern was statistically significantly different and extreme response categories were used more frequently among telephone respondents (Median estimated odds ratio: 1.67). For a majority of these mode sensitive items (26/32), a more positive reporting was observed among telephone respondents (Median estimated odds ratio: 1.73). The overall response rate was similar among persons randomly assigned to questionnaires (58.1%) and to telephone interviews (56.2%). A differential nonresponse bias for age and gender was observed. The rate of missing responses was higher for questionnaires (0.73 – 6.00%) than for telephone interviews (0 – 0.51%). The "don't know" option was used more often by mail respondents (10 – 24%) than by telephone respondents (2 – 4%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The mode of data collection affects the reporting of self assessed health items substantially. In epidemiological studies, the method effect may be as large as the effects under investigation. Caution is needed when comparing prevalences across surveys or when studying time trends.</p
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