64 research outputs found

    Pedunculate cirripedes of the genus Pollicipes: 25 years after Margaret Barnes' review

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    Twenty-five years ago, Margaret Barnes reviewed the genus Pollicipes published in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. Our review complements and updates Barnes (1996). An endemic species of Pollicipes, P. caboverdensis, from Cape Verde Islands, has since been described, joining the three previously known extant species (P. polymerus, northeastern Pacific Ocean, P. elegans, tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, and P. pollicipes, north-eastern Atlantic Ocean). Most research has been on Pollicipes polymerus and P. pollicipes. We provide a georeferenced map of the worldwide distribution of Pollicipes. All Pollicipes species are harvested throughout their geographic distributions with varying intensity and levels of management. Phylogeography and population genetics are new areas developed since Barnes (1996). We update systematics and morphological studies (adult descriptions, cirral form and function, and adhesion). Various aspects of the life history of Pollicipes (reproduction, larval phase, settlement, recruitment and growth), the biological assemblages associated with Pollicipes and post-settlement population processes are reviewed. Pollution and geochemical studies are outlined before a detailed appraisal of Atlantic and Pacific fisheries. Considerable progress has been made in emerging areas, particularly phylogeography, adhesion and cement, fisheries management and aquaculture. Research gaps are highlighted, despite the much progress in the last quarter-century

    The sponge microbiome within the greater coral reef microbial metacommunity

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    Much recent marine microbial research has focused on sponges, but very little is known about how the sponge microbiome fits in the greater coral reef microbial metacommunity. Here, we present an extensive survey of the prokaryote communities of a wide range of biotopes from Indo-Pacific coral reef environments. We find a large variation in operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness, with algae, chitons, stony corals and sea cucumbers housing the most diverse prokaryote communities. These biotopes share a higher percentage and number of OTUs with sediment and are particularly enriched in members of the phylum Planctomycetes. Despite having lower OTU richness, sponges share the greatest percentage (>90%) of OTUs with >100 sequences with the environment (sediment and/or seawater) although there is considerable variation among sponge species. Our results, furthermore, highlight that prokaryote microorganisms are shared among multiple coral reef biotopes, and that, although compositionally distinct, the sponge prokaryote community does not appear to be as sponge-specific as previously thought.publishe

    The phonology and morphology of the Sundanese language

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    LoC Class: PL5451 SYO 2007, LoC Subject Headings: Sundanese language--phonology, Sundanese language--Word formatio

    The Phonology and Morphology of the Sundanese Language.

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    Ph.D.LinguisticsUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156721/1/5905003.pd

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Population Structure Derived from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation in the Edible Goose Barnacle Genus Pollicipes (Cirripedia, Crustacea)

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    Individuals within a geographically widespread species may face considerably different environmental and ecological conditions depending on which part of the range they inhabit. This is especially true for species with long latitudinal distributions. Natural selection pressure may lead to genetic divergence and eventual speciation if the homogenizing effects of broad based gene flow are insufficient to prevent it. Therefore, clinal variation may be due either to local environmental influence on gene expression or to natural selection and reduced gene flow at the edges of the distribution.Mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphological characters for three species of edible goose barnacles are compared in the examination of three situations which exhibit varying degrees of potential gene flow. The first of these is possible genetic clinal variation within an apparently continuous population of Pollicipes polymerus, having a 3,300 km latitudinal distribution. The second is genetic divergence between seemingly geographically separate sub-populations of a congener, Pollicipes elegans, with a 4,400 km latitudinal distribution. The last question concerns the genetic relationships between these two eastern Pacific Ocean species, and a third, geographically isolated congener from the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Pollicipes pollicipes.Surprisingly, the present data do not reveal a genetic discontinuity or latitudinal gradient in Pollicipes polymerus, despite the fact that the distribution of this species crosses a major marine biogeographic boundary between the Oregonian and Californian faunal provinces. This finding contradicts the hypothesis that differing reproductive types north and south of Pt. Conception are due to reduced gene flow and genetic divergence.The disjunct (paramphitropical) sub-populations of Pollicipes elegans have a net nucleotide sequence divergence of about 1.2%. Calculated estimates for the timing of this genetic divergence range from 292,500 to 1,260,000 years before present. A divergence of this magnitude coincides with Pleistocene Epoch cooling periods and the narrowing or disappearance of the warmer sea surface temperatures forming the north equatorial barrier between present day sub-populations. This "ice age" timing for genetic interchange is not unexpected. However, the present data offer evidence for multiple transgressions of the equatorial barrier in both directions, rather than a single limited exchange.Pollicipes, represented by three extant species, has a Tethyan distribution. Curiously, Pollicipes elegans, from the eastern Pacific, is more similar to Pollicipes pollicipes, the eastern Atlantic species, than it is to P. polymerus from the northeastern Pacific. Estimated time of genetic divergence for these two species is about 37 million years before present, near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, when the Tethys Sea was uninterrupted and the Atlantic was significantly narrower that it is today

    FIGURE 3 in A new genus and species of high intertidal barnacle (Cirripedia, Tetraclitidae) from Baja California Sur, México

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    FIGURE 3. Opercular plates of Lissaclita melaniae gen. et sp. nov. External view of scutum (a), internal view of scutum (b), external view of tergum (c), internal view of tergum (d). Scale bar= 200 µm

    Sponges from Clipperton Island, East Pacific

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    Twenty sponge species (totalling 190 individuals) were collected during the 1938, 1994 and 2004/5 expeditions to the remote island of Clipperton in the East Pacific Ocean. Seven species are widespread Indo-Pacific sponges; nine species comprise sponges new to science; four species were represented only by small thin patches insufficient for proper characterization and could be only determined to genus. The new species may not be necessarily endemic to the island, as several show similarities with species described from elsewhere in the East and West Pacific. Four species: Tethya sarai Desqueyroux-Faúndez & Van Soest (1997), Callyspongia (Callyspongia) roosevelti n.sp., Spongia (Spongia) sweeti (Kirkpatrick, 1900) and Suberea etiennei n.sp. were found commonly occurring in localities around the island in depths between 10 and 55 m, growing on dead corals, under overhangs and rubble stones. The remaining sponges were either rare or were thinly encrusting on coral fragments. The latter may be more abundant than appears from the present study as they are probably not easily observed. The sponge fauna of Clipperton Island shows strongest affinities with the Central and West Pacific regions and only two or three species are shared with the East Pacific region

    Spongia (Spongia) sweeti Kirkpatrick 1900

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    Spongia (Spongia) sweeti (Kirkpatrick, 1900) (Figs 15 A–D) Polyfibrospongia sweeti Kirkpatrick, 1900: 359, pl. XV figs 2 a–c. ? Spongia virgultosa sensu Desqueyroux-Faúndez 1990: (not: Euspongia virgultosa Schmidt, 1868) Material examined. ZMA Por. 13987, Clipperton Island Expedition 1994, 10 ° 18 ’N 109 ° 13 ’W, 9–18 m, coll. K. Kaiser, 14–26 April 1994, 1 specimen (Fig. 15 A). ZMA Por. 13989, same data, 1 specimen. ZMA Por. 13990, same data, 1 specimen. ZMA Por. 13991, same data, 1 specimen. CASIZ 180256 (see below under Clathrina passionensis n. sp.). MNHN DCL 4045 –B, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station 13, 32 m, on dead corals, 18 – 01– 2005, 5 specimens. MNHN DCL 4048 –C, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station 42, 8 m, on dead corals, 31 –01– 2005, 10 specimens. MNHN DCL 4048 –D, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station 42, 8 m, on dead corals, 31 –01– 2005, 6 specimens (Fig. 15 B). MNHN DCL 4050 –B, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station 42, 8 m, on dead corals, 31 –01– 2005, 3 specimens. MNHN DCL 4051, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station 43, 8 m, on dead corals, 31 –01– 2005, 1 specimen. MNHN DCL 4052 –B, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station 42, 8 m, on dead corals, 6 –01– 2005, 5 specimens. MNHN DCL 4053 –E, Jean-Louis Etienne Expédition Clipperton 2005, station and depth not recorded, on dead corals, 2 specimens. Description. Repent ramose (Figs 15 A–B), with thin irregular branches sometimes anastomosing into low growing masses; surface irregular, finely conulose, with frequent fistular outgrowths. Several individuals have ingrown hydroids. Size up to 4 cm long, individual branches 0.4–0.5 cm in diameter. Color pale beige (alcohol). Skeleton. Ectosome bears a thin sand coat (Fig. 15 C), which appears more or less continuous. The fiber skeleton (Fig. 15 D) is typical Spongia -like with a predominance of uncored secondary fibers of uniform diameter throughout the sponge, 10–30 µm. Meshes variable in size, 50–200 µm. Primary fibers cored by sand grains, lying at 700–1000 µm distance, their diameter is 35–90 µm. They are readily recognized near the surface (Fig. 15 D) but become rarer inwards. The surface fistules are characteristically supported by fascicles of primary fibres (Fig. 15 E). Soft tissue. As evidenced by histology choanocyte chambers are uniformly sized and rounded, diameter 24–33 µm. The center areas of many fistules are occupied by numerous embryos in various stages of development, largest embryos 400 µm in diameter. Ecology and distribution. Encrusting dead corals in shallow reef environment down to 32 m; known from Île Clipperton and Funfuti, Tuvalu. Remarks. The shape of the new species is similar to the sponge described as Polyfibrospongia sweeti by Kirkpatrick, 1900 from Funafuti, Tuvalu, Central Pacific, which was assigned to Carteriospongia by Bergquist (1980). Although she did not explain this assignment, it is likely she based this on the structure of the ectosomal skeleton with a reticulation of prominent primary fibers. Also, Kirkpatrick likened P. sweeti to Polyfibrospongia flabellifera Bowerbank, 1877 which is a Carteriospongia. The drawing of Kirkpatrick’s sponge is essentially like our own in dimensions and in the reticulated pattern of primary fibers in the walls of the fistules (Fig. 15 E). Kirkpatrick’s specimen had much longer fistules, and that appears to be the only difference with our material. Kirkpatrick’s (1900) description of the skeleton is misleading where he emphasized bundles of secondary fibers, which occur only in the walls of the fistules. In the main body, the secondary fibers form a continuous anastomosing mass which is characteristic for the genus Spongia. The drawing of his Fig. 2 a is, in fact, a good representation of the secondary fiber arrangement. This species is assigned to the subgenus Spongia because the secondary fibers are of uniform thickness. The species has an uncommon shape and size for a member of the genus Spongia which is predominantly massive, globular or flabellate, in any case usually much larger and more elaborate. The sponge described as Spongia virgultosa by Desqueyroux-Faúndez (1990) from Easter Island is similar in shape and size to our material and the overall skeletal features are also like our specimen with the exception of the finer surface network recorded by Desqueyroux-Faúndez. It is unlikely that the Mediterranean species Spongia virgultosa (Schmidt, 1868 as Euspongia), although likewise unusual in being low-growing and possesssing fistular outgrowths, would occur in the Indo- Pacific. Thus, regardless whether the Easter Island sponge is the same species as ours, the present material clearly belongs to a so far unnamed species. There are no further Spongia species recorded from Pacific waters with similar habit.Published as part of Van, Rob W. M., Kaiser, Kirstie L. & Syoc, Robert Van, 2011, Sponges from Clipperton Island, East Pacific, pp. 1-46 in Zootaxa 2839 on pages 33-34, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.32022