52 research outputs found

    Polymer slab waveguides for the optical detection of nanoparticles in evanescent field based biosensors

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    We present a polymer optical waveguide integration technology for the detection of nanoparticles in an evanescent field based biosensor. In the proposed biosensor concept, super-paramagnetic nanoparticles are used as optical contrast labels. The nanoparticles capture target molecules from a sample fluid and bind to the sensor surface with biological specificity. The surface-bound nanoparticles are then detected using frustration of an evanescent field. In the current paper we elaborate on the polymer waveguides which are used to generate a well-defined optical field for nanoparticle detection

    Bragg Grating Sensors in Laser-written Single Mode Polymer Waveguides

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    AbstractWe present a technology for integrating Bragg gratings with single mode polymer waveguides fabricated in the EpoCore/EpoClad material system. The gratings were inscribed in a photosensitive polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) coatingusing a phase mask and then transferred in the lower cladding layer using reactive ion etching maintaining compatibility withstandard waveguide fabrication technologies. Subsequently, the waveguide core was patterned on top using laser direct-write lithography of a spin-coated polymer layer. When exciting the waveguides with a broadband spectrum around 1550nm, 2 reflection peaks around 1580nm were found corresponding to the fundamental TE and TM mode in the polymer waveguide. Eventually, this technology will be used for structural health monitoring in concrete constructions or composite materials

    Opto-PCB: Three demonstrators for optical interconnections

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    We report on a research project targeting optical waveguide integrated PCBs conducted within the European FP6 Network of Excellence on Micro-Optics NEMO. For three identified feature requests we have built three specific demonstrators respectively addressing the integration of active components, the fabrication of peripheral fibre ribbons and the integration of multiple layers of waveguides on the board

    Anodic formation of self-organized Ti(Nb,Sn) oxide nanotube arrays with tuneable aspect ratio and size distribution

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    This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Electrochemistry communications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Electrochemistry communications, [33,(2013)] DOI10.1016/j.elecom.2013.04.023).In the present communication one-step anodization is used to prepare large arrays of self-assembled Ti(Nb,Sn) oxide nanotubes on Ti-Nb-Sn alloy. Tuneable nanoscale geometries (unimodal vs. bimodal size distribution with variable length/diameter ratios) can be controllably achieved by varying the anodization conditions, which are highly desirable for enhanced functionalities in widespread applications

    Estudio de los plásticos como material de reciclado para la obtención de material de construcción

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    [ES] La contaminación de los plásticos y su lenta descomposición es un problema actual al que hay que buscar soluciones. En este trabajo se trata de conocer las propiedades de los diferentes tipos de plástico, sus aplicaciones, las formas de procesamiento para su reciclaje, aditivos necesarios, las leyes de Gestión de Residuos, etc., y poner ejemplos de empresas enfocadas a la construcción o urbanismo que utilizan el plástico reciclado como su materia prima, promoviendo así la economía circular. Para finalizar se realiza un ensayo fabricando un ladrillo con plástico reciclado y se comparan las pruebas de resistencia obtenidas en el laboratorio entre las diferentes muestras[EN] The contamination of plastics and their slow decomposition is a current problem that must be looked for solutions. This work is about know the properties of the different types of plastic, its applications, the forms of processing for recycling, necessary additives, the laws of Waste Management, etc., and to put examples of companies focused on construction or urbanism that use recycled plastic as their raw material, thus promoting the circular economy. Finally, a test is made by making a brick with recycled plastic and the resistance tests obtained in the laboratory are compared between the different samples.[CA] La contaminació dels plàstics i la seva lenta descomposició és un problema actual al qual cal buscar solucions. En aquest treball es tracta de conèixer les propietats dels diferents tipus de plàstic, les seves aplicacions, les formes de processament per al seu reciclatge, additius necessaris, les lleis de Gestió de Residus, etc., i posar exemples d'empreses enfocades a la construcció o urbanisme que utilitzen el plàstic reciclat com la seva matèria primera, promovent així l'economia circular. Per $ nalitzar es realitza un assaig fabricant un maó amb plàstic reciclat i es comparen les proves de resistència obtingudes al laboratori entre les diferents mostres.La contaminación de los plásticos y su lenta descomposición es un problema actual al que hay que buscar soluciones. En este trabajo se trata de conocer las propiedades de los diferentes tipos de plástico, sus aplicaciones, las formas de procesamiento para su reciclaje, aditivos necesarios, las leyes de Gestión de Residuos, etc., y poner ejemplos de empresas enfocadas a la construcción o urbanismo que utilizan el plástico reciclado como su materia prima, promoviendo así la economía circular. Para finalizar se realiza un ensayo fabricando un ladrillo con plástico reciclado y se comparan las pruebas de resistencia obtenidas en el laboratorio entre las diferentes muestras.Botet Latre, A. (2018). Estudio de los plásticos como material de reciclado para la obtención de material de construcción. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/115263TFG