3,171 research outputs found

    A Note on "Stability of the Constant Cost Dynamic Lot Size Model" by K. Richter

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    In a paper by K. Richter the stability regions of the dynamic lot size model with constant cost parameters are analyzed. In particular, an algorithm is suggested to compute the stability region of a so-called generalized solution. In general this region is only a subregion of the stability region of the optimal solution. In this note we show that in a computational effort that is of the same order as the running time of Richter's algorithm, it is possible to partition the parameter space in stability regions such that every region corresponds to another optimal solution

    Sensitivity Analysis of the Economic Lot-Sizing Problem

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    In this paper we study sensitivity analysis of the uncapacitated single level economic lot-sizing problem, which was introduced by Wagner and Whitin about thirty years ago. In particular we are concerned with the computation of the maximal ranges in which the numerical problem parameters may vary individually, such that a solution already obtained remains optimal. Only recently it was discovered that faster algorithms than the Wagner-Whitin algorithm exist to solve the economic lot-sizing problem. Moreover, these algorithms reveal that the problem has more structure than was recognized so far. When performing the sensitivity analysis we exploit these newly obtained insights

    Comparative study of many-body perturbation theory and time-dependent density functional theory in the out-of-equilibrium Anderson model

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    We study time-dependent electron transport through an Anderson model. The electronic interactions on the impurity site are included via the self-energy approximations at Hartree-Fock (HF), second Born (2B), GW, and T-Matrix level as well as within a time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) scheme based on the adiabatic Bethe-Ansatz local density approximation (ABALDA) for the exchange correlation potential. The Anderson model is driven out of equilibrium by applying a bias to the leads and its nonequilibrium dynamics is determined by real-time propagation. The time-dependent currents and densities are compared to benchmark results obtained with the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG) method. Many-body perturbation theory beyond HF gives results in close agreement with tDMRG especially within the 2B approximation. We find that the TDDFT approach with the ABALDA approximation produces accurate results for the densities on the impurity site but overestimates the currents. This problem is found to have its origin in an overestimation of the lead densities which indicates that the exchange correlation potential must attain nonzero values in the leads.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Correlation effects in bistability at the nanoscale: steady state and beyond

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    The possibility of finding multistability in the density and current of an interacting nanoscale junction coupled to semi-infinite leads is studied at various levels of approximation. The system is driven out of equilibrium by an external bias and the non-equilibrium properties are determined by real-time propagation using both time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and many-body perturbation theory (MBPT). In TDDFT the exchange-correlation effects are described within a recently proposed adiabatic local density approximation (ALDA). In MBPT the electron-electron interaction is incorporated in a many-body self-energy which is then approximated at the Hartree-Fock (HF), second-Born (2B) and GW level. Assuming the existence of a steady-state and solving directly the steady-state equations we find multiple solutions in the HF approximation and within the ALDA. In these cases we investigate if and how these solutions can be reached through time evolution and how to reversibly switch between them. We further show that for the same cases the inclusion of dynamical correlation effects suppresses bistability.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy of Ultracold Fermions

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    Radio-frequency techniques were used to study ultracold fermions. We observed the absence of mean-field "clock" shifts, the dominant source of systematic error in current atomic clocks based on bosonic atoms. This is a direct consequence of fermionic antisymmetry. Resonance shifts proportional to interaction strengths were observed in a three-level system. However, in the strongly interacting regime, these shifts became very small, reflecting the quantum unitarity limit and many-body effects. This insight into an interacting Fermi gas is relevant for the quest to observe superfluidity in this system.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Polynomial Time Algorithms For Some Multi-Level Lot-Sizing Problems With Production Capacities

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    We consider a model for a serial supply chain in which production, inventory, and transportation decisions are integrated, in the presence of production capacities and for different transportation cost functions. The model we study is a generalization of the traditional single-item economic lot-sizing model, adding stationary production capacities at the manufacturer, as well as multiple intermediate storage levels (including the retailer level), and transportation between these levels. Allowing for general concave production costs and linear holding costs, we provide polynomialtime algorithms for the cases where the transportation costs are either linear, or are concave with a fixed-charge structure. In the latter case, we make the additional common and reasonable assumption that the variable transportation and inventory costs are such that holding inventories at higher levels in the supply chain is more attractive from a variable cost perspective. The running times of the algorithms are remarkably insensitive to the number of levels in the supply chain

    Increased epidermal thickness and abnormal epidermal differentiation in keloid scars

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    Background: The pathogenesis underlying keloid formation is still poorly understood. Research has focused mostly on dermal abnormalities, while the epidermis has not yet been studied. Objectives: To identify differences within the epidermis of mature keloid scars compared with normal skin and mature normotrophic and hypertrophic scars. Methods: Rete ridge formation and epidermal thickness were evaluated in tissue sections. Epidermal proliferation was assessed using immunohistochemistry (Ki67, keratins 6, 16 and 17) and with an in vitro proliferation assay. Epidermal differentiation was evaluated using immunohistochemistry (keratin 10, involucrin, loricrin, filaggrin, SPRR2, SKALP), reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (involucrin) and transmission electron microscopy (stratum corneum). Results: All scars showed flattening of the epidermis. A trend of increasing epidermal thickness correlating to increasing scar abnormality was observed when comparing normal skin, normotrophic scars, hypertrophic scars and keloids. No difference in epidermal proliferation was observed. Only the early differentiation marker involucrin showed abnormal expression in scars. Involucrin was restricted to the granular layer in healthy skin, but showed panepidermal expression in keloids. Normotrophic scars expressed involucrin in the granular and upper spinous layers, while hypertrophic scars resembled normotrophic scars or keloids. Abnormal differentiation was associated with ultrastructural disorganization of the stratum corneum in keloids compared with normal skin. Conclusions: Keloids showed increased epidermal thickness compared with normal skin and normotrophic and hypertrophic scars. This was not due to hyperproliferation, but possibly caused by abnormal early terminal differentiation, which affects stratum corneum formation. Our findings indicate that the epidermis is associated with keloid pathogenesis and identify involucrin as a potential diagnostic marker for abnormal scarring

    Routing Trains through railway stations: model formulation and algorithms

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    In this paper we consider the problem of routing trains through railway stations. This problem occurs as a subproblem in a project which the authors are carrying out in cooperation with the Dutch railways. The project involves the analysis of future infrastructural capacity requirements in the Dutch railway network, Part of this project is the automatic generation and evaluation of timetables. To generate a timetable a hierarchical approach is followed: at the upper level in the hierarchy a tentative timetable is generated, taking into account the specific scheduling problems of the trains at the railway stations at an aggregate level. At the lower level in the hierarchy it is checked whether the tentative timetable is feasible with respect to the safety rules and the connection requirements at the stations. To carry out this consistency cheek, detailed schedules for the trains at the railway yards have to be generated. In this paper we present a mathematical model formulation for this detailed scheduling problem, based on the Node Packing Problem (NPP). Furthermore, we describe a solution procedure for the problem, based on a branch-and-cut approach. The approach is tested in an empirical study with data from the station of Zwolle in The Netherlands

    Rainfall interception and redistribution by a common North American understory and pasture forb, \u3cem\u3eEupatorium capillifolium\u3c/em\u3e (Lam. dogfennel)

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    In vegetated landscapes, rain must pass through plant canopies and litter to enter soils. As a result, some rainwater is returned to the atmosphere (i.e., interception, I) and the remainder is partitioned into a canopy (and gap) drip flux (i.e., throughfall) or drained down the stem (i.e., stemflow). Current theoretical and numerical modeling frameworks for this process are almost exclusively based on data from woody overstory plants. However, herbaceous plants often populate the understory and are the primary cover for important ecosystems (e.g., grasslands and croplands). This study investigates how overstory throughfall (PT,o) is partitioned into understory I, throughfall (PT) and stemflow (PS) by a dominant forb in disturbed urban forests (as well as grasslands and pasturelands), Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam., dogfennel). Dogfennel density at the site was 56 770 stems ha−1, enabling water storage capacities for leaves and stems of 0.90±0.04 and 0.43±0.02 mm, respectively. As direct measurement of PT,o (using methods such as tipping buckets or bottles) would remove PT,o or disturb the understory partitioning of PT,o, overstory throughfall was modeled (PT,o′ role= presentation \u3eP′T,o) using on-site observations of PT,o from a previous field campaign. Relying on modeled PT,o′ role= presentation \u3eP′T,o, rather than on observations of PT,o directly above individual plants means that significant uncertainty remains with respect to (i) small-scale relative values of PT and PS and (ii) factors driving PS variability among individual dogfennel plants. Indeed, PS data from individual plants were highly skewed, where the mean PS:PT,o′ role= presentation \u3ePS:P′T,o per plant was 36.8 %, but the median was 7.6 % (2.8 %–27.2 % interquartile range) and the total over the study period was 7.9 %. PS variability (n=30 plants) was high (CV \u3e 200 %) and may hypothetically be explained by fine-scale spatiotemporal patterns in actual overstory throughfall (as no plant structural factors explained the variability). The total PT:PT,o′ role= presentation \u3ePT:P′T,o was 71 % (median PT:PT,o′ role= presentation \u3ePT:P′T,o per gauge was 72 %, with a 59 %–91 % interquartile range). Occult precipitation (mixed dew and light rain events) occurred during the study period, revealing that dogfennel can capture and drain dew to their stem base as PS. Dew-induced PS may help explain dogfennel\u27s improved invasion efficacy during droughts (as it tends to be one of the most problematic weeds in the improved grazing systems in the southeastern US). Overall, dogfennel\u27s precipitation partitioning differed markedly from the site\u27s overstory trees (Pinus palustris), and a discussion of the limited literature suggests that these differences may exist across vegetated ecosystems. Thus, more research on herbaceous plant canopy interactions with precipitation is merited
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