4,211 research outputs found

    The application of numerical debris flow modelling for the generation of physical vulnerability curves

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    For a quantitative assessment of debris flow risk, it is essential to consider not only the hazardous process itself but also to perform an analysis of its consequences. This should include the estimation of the expected monetary losses as the product of the hazard with a given magnitude and the vulnerability of the elements exposed. A quantifiable integrated approach of both hazard and vulnerability is becoming a required practice in risk reduction management. This study aims at developing physical vulnerability curves for debris flows through the use of a dynamic run-out model. Dynamic run-out models for debris flows are able to calculate physical outputs (extension, depths, velocities, impact pressures) and to determine the zones where the elements at risk could suffer an impact. These results can then be applied to consequence analyses and risk calculations. On 13 July 2008, after more than two days of intense rainfall, several debris and mud flows were released in the central part of the Valtellina Valley (Lombardy Region, Northern Italy). One of the largest debris flows events occurred in a village called Selvetta. The debris flow event was reconstructed after extensive field work and interviews with local inhabitants and civil protection teams. The Selvetta event was modelled with the FLO-2D program, an Eulerian formulation with a finite differences numerical scheme that requires the specification of an input hydrograph. The internal stresses are isotropic and the basal shear stresses are calculated using a quadratic model. The behaviour and run-out of the flow was reconstructed. The significance of calculated values of the flow depth, velocity, and pressure were investigated in terms of the resulting damage to the affected buildings. The physical damage was quantified for each affected structure within the context of physical vulnerability, which was calculated as the ratio between the monetary loss and the reconstruction value. Three different empirical vulnerability curves were obtained, which are functions of debris flow depth, impact pressure, and kinematic viscosity, respectively. A quantitative approach to estimate the vulnerability of an exposed element to a debris flow which can be independent of the temporal occurrence of the hazard event is presented

    Дискурсивно-структурні особливості англомовних текстів описів товарів комерційних інтернет-сайтів

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    Статтю присвячено визначенню та вивченню дискурсивних та структурних особливостей англомовних текстів описів товарів, розміщених на комерційних сайтах. У дослідженні виділяються основні композиційні елементи та комунікативні блоки структури цього типу текстів, дається характеристика основних паралігвістичних засобів, які у них зустрічаються. Значну увагу також приділено аналізу дейктичних елементів у семантичній структурі електронного тексту.Статья посвящена определению и исследованию дискурсивных и структурных особенностей англоязычных текстов описаний товара, размещенных на коммерческих сайтах. В исследовании выделяются основные композиционные элементы и коммуникативные блоки структуры этого типа текстов, дается характеристика основных паралингвистических средств, встречающихся в них. Значительное внимание также уделено анализу дейктических элементов в семантической структуре электронного текста.The article deals with discursive and structural features of English-language text descriptions of commodity placed on commercial sites. Focus is made on the basic components and communicative blocks of such kinds of texts. The deictic elements in the structure of hypertext are analysed

    Persistence, extinction and spatio-temporal synchronization of SIRS cellular automata models

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    Spatially explicit models have been widely used in today's mathematical ecology and epidemiology to study persistence and extinction of populations as well as their spatial patterns. Here we extend the earlier work--static dispersal between neighbouring individuals to mobility of individuals as well as multi-patches environment. As is commonly found, the basic reproductive ratio is maximized for the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) on diseases' persistence in mean-field theory. This has important implications, as it implies that for a wide range of parameters that infection rate will tend maximum. This is opposite with present results obtained in spatial explicit models that infection rate is limited by upper bound. We observe the emergence of trade-offs of extinction and persistence on the parameters of the infection period and infection rate and show the extinction time having a linear relationship with respect to system size. We further find that the higher mobility can pronouncedly promote the persistence of spread of epidemics, i.e., the phase transition occurs from extinction domain to persistence domain, and the spirals' wavelength increases as the mobility increasing and ultimately, it will saturate at a certain value. Furthermore, for multi-patches case, we find that the lower coupling strength leads to anti-phase oscillation of infected fraction, while higher coupling strength corresponds to in-phase oscillation.Comment: 12page

    Pollen grain development is compromised in Arabidopsis agp6 agp11 null mutants

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    Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are structurally complex plasma membrane and cell wall proteoglycans that are implicated in diverse developmental processes, including plant sexual reproduction. Male gametogenesis (pollen grain development) is fundamental to plant sexual reproduction. The role of two abundant, pollen-specific AGPs, AGP6, and AGP11, have been investigated here. The pollen specificity of these proteoglycans suggested that they are integral to pollen biogenesis and their strong sequence homology indicated a potential for overlapping function. Indeed, single gene transposon insertion knockouts for both AGPs showed no discernible phenotype. However, in plants homozygous for one of the insertions and heterozygous for the other, in homozygous double mutants, and in RNAi and amiRNA transgenic plants that were down-regulated for both genes, many pollen grains failed to develop normally, leading to their collapse. The microscopic observations of these aborted pollen grains showed a condensed cytoplasm, membrane blebbing and the presence of small lytic vacuoles. Later in development, the generative cells that arise from mitotic divisions were not seen to go into the second mitosis. Anther wall development, the establishment of the endothecium thickenings, the opening of the stomium, and the deposition of the pollen coat were all normal in the knockout and knockdown lines. Our data provide strong evidence that these two proteoglycans have overlapping and important functions in gametophytic pollen grain development

    Nonequilibrium Steady States and Fano-Kondo Resonances in an AB Ring with a Quantum Dot

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    Electron transport through a strongly correlated quantum dot (QD) embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring is investigated with the aid of the finite-U slave-boson mean-field (SBMF) approach extended to nonequilibrium regime. A nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) of the mean-field Hamiltonian is constructed with the aid of the C*-algebraic approach for studying infinitely extended systems. In the linear response regime, the Fano-Kondo resonances and AB oscillations of the conductance obtained from the SBMF approach are in good agreement with those from the numerical renormalization group technique (NRG) by Hofstetter et al. by using twice larger Coulomb interaction. At zero temperature and finite bias voltage, the resonance peaks of the differential conductance tend to split into two. At low bias voltage, the split of the asymmetric resonance can be observed as an increase of the conductance plateau. We also found that the differential conductance has zero-bias maximum or minimum depending on the background transmission via direct tunneling between the electrodes.Comment: 24 pages,17 figure

    On metric-connection compatibility and the signature change of space-time

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    We discuss and investigate the problem of existence of metric-compatible linear connections for a given space-time metric which is, generally, assumed to be semi-pseudo-Riemannian. We prove that under sufficiently general conditions such connections exist iff the rank and signature of the metric are constant. On this base we analyze possible changes of the space-time signature.Comment: 18 standard LaTeX 2e pages. The packages AMS-LaTeX and amsfonts are require

    Predicting glioblastoma prognosis networks using weighted gene co-expression network analysis on TCGA data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Using gene co-expression analysis, researchers were able to predict clusters of genes with consistent functions that are relevant to cancer development and prognosis. We applied a weighted gene co-expression network (WGCN) analysis algorithm on glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) data obtained from the TCGA project and predicted a set of gene co-expression networks which are related to GBM prognosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We modified the Quasi-Clique Merger algorithm (QCM algorithm) into edge-covering Quasi-Clique Merger algorithm (eQCM) for mining weighted sub-network in WGCN. Each sub-network is considered a set of features to separate patients into two groups using K-means algorithm. Survival times of the two groups are compared using log-rank test and Kaplan-Meier curves. Simulations using random sets of genes are carried out to determine the thresholds for log-rank test p-values for network selection. Sub-networks with p-values less than their corresponding thresholds were further merged into clusters based on overlap ratios (>50%). The functions for each cluster are analyzed using gene ontology enrichment analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the eQCM algorithm, we identified 8,124 sub-networks in the WGCN, out of which 170 sub-networks show p-values less than their corresponding thresholds. They were then merged into 16 clusters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We identified 16 gene clusters associated with GBM prognosis using the eQCM algorithm. Our results not only confirmed previous findings including the importance of cell cycle and immune response in GBM, but also suggested important epigenetic events in GBM development and prognosis.</p

    Optics of Nonuniformly Moving Media

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    A moving dielectric appears to light as an effective gravitational field. At low flow velocities the dielectric acts on light in the same way as a magnetic field acts on a charged matter wave. We develop in detail the geometrical optics of moving dispersionless media. We derive a Hamiltonian and a Lagrangian to describe ray propagation. We elucidate how the gravitational and the magnetic model of light propagation are related to each other. Finally, we study light propagation around a vortex flow. The vortex shows an optical Aharonov--Bohm effect at large distances from the core, and, at shorter ranges, the vortex may resemble an optical black hole.Comment: Physical Review A (submitted

    Assessing record linkage between health care and Vital Statistics databases using deterministic methods

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    BACKGROUND: We assessed the linkage and correct linkage rate using deterministic record linkage among three commonly used Canadian databases, namely, the population registry, hospital discharge data and Vital Statistics registry. METHODS: Three combinations of four personal identifiers (surname, first name, sex and date of birth) were used to determine the optimal combination. The correct linkage rate was assessed using a unique personal health number available in all three databases. RESULTS: Among the three combinations, the combination of surname, sex, and date of birth had the highest linkage rate of 88.0% and 93.1%, and the second highest correct linkage rate of 96.9% and 98.9% between the population registry and Vital Statistics registry, and between the hospital discharge data and Vital Statistics registry in 2001, respectively. Adding the first name to the combination of the three identifiers above increased correct linkage by less than 1%, but at the cost of lowering the linkage rate almost by 10%. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the combination of surname, sex and date of birth appears to be optimal using deterministic linkage. The linkage and correct linkage rates appear to vary by age and the type of database, but not by sex

    Canine respiratory coronavirus employs caveolin-1-mediated pathway for internalization to HRT-18G cells

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    Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV), identified in 2003, is a member of the Coronaviridae family. The virus is a betacoronavirus and a close relative of human coronavirus OC43 and bovine coronavirus. Here, we examined entry of CRCoV into human rectal tumor cells (HRT-18G cell line) by analyzing co-localization of single virus particles with cellular markers in the presence or absence of chemical inhibitors of pathways potentially involved in virus entry. We also targeted these pathways using siRNA. The results show that the virus hijacks caveolin-dependent endocytosis to enter cells via endocytic internalization