2 research outputs found
Incorporating UBC Farm products into Bernoulli's Bagels' menu
The UBC Food System Project (UBCFSP) is an action-based research project involving the
collaboration of various partners from the UBC community. The main purpose of the project is
to assess and improve the sustainability of the UBC food system. The focus of scenario three
was to incorporate UBC Farm products into the menu of the AMS Food and Beverage
Department (AMSFBD) outlet, Bernoulli’s Bagels. The group reviewed literature of previous
AGSC 450 reports and communicated with project stakeholders, including Bernoulli’s Bagels,
UBC Farm, and AMS Food and Beverage Department through interviews and email. Although
the group generated several proposals, the incorporation of UBC Farm jalapeno peppers in
Bernoulli’s Bagels’ existing jalapeno bagel and cream cheese was the most viable idea put
forward. A survey to assess consumer awareness of UBC Farm, attitudes toward supporting
local agriculture, and the group’s vision of incorporating UBC Farm jalapeno peppers into
Bernoulli’s Bagels menu was also administered. Results showed limited awareness of UBC
Farm but significant support for the project. The group also devised a plan to freeze UBC Farm
jalapeno peppers in the off season, in order to supply Bernoulli’s Bagels with UBC Farm
jalapeno peppers year round, and conducted a freezing experiment and cost analysis to determine
potential feasibility. The freezing experiment results showed that although texture changes
occurred to jalapeno peppers post-freezing, they are still suitable for baking. The cost analysis
showed that with volunteer labor, freezing jalapeno peppers would be both a sustainable and
profitable venture for UBC Farm to consider. Developing a connection between AMS and UBC
Farm creates an opportunity for promotion of UBC Farm and the importance of supporting local
agriculture. Therefore, the group designed a promotional strategy to facilitate increased
awareness of UBC Farm and the proposed UBC Farm jalapeno bagel and cream cheese. The
project’s conclusion was to incorporate UBC Farm jalapeno peppers into Bernoulli’s Bagels’
menu in September 2007. Disclaimer: “UBC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies, as well as their opinions, conclusions and recommendations with the UBC community. The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project/report and is not an official document of UBC. Furthermore readers should bear in mind that these reports may not reflect the current status of activities at UBC. We urge you to contact the research persons mentioned in a report or the SEEDS Coordinator about the current status of the subject matter of a project/report.”Land and Food Systems, Faculty ofUnreviewedUndergraduat