35 research outputs found

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): an effect biomarker of neurodevelopment in human biomonitoring programs

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    The present narrative review summarizes recent findings focusing on the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as a biomarker of effect for neurodevelopmental alterations during adolescence, based on health effects of exposure to environmental chemical pollutants. To this end, information was gathered from the PubMed database and the results obtained in the European project Human Biomonitoring for Europe (HBM4EU), in which BDNF was measured at two levels of biological organization: total BDNF protein (serum) and BDNF gene DNA methylation (whole blood) levels. The obtained information is organized as follows. First, human biomonitoring, biomarkers of effect and the current state of the art on neurodevelopmental alterations in the population are presented. Second, BDNF secretion and mechanisms of action are briefly explained. Third, previous studies using BDNF as an effect biomarker were consulted in PubMed database and summarized. Finally, the impact of bisphenol A (BPA), metals, and nonpersistent pesticide metabolites on BDNF secretion patterns and its mediation role with behavioral outcomes are addressed and discussed. These findingswere obtained from three pilot studies conducted in HBM4EU project. Published findings suggested that exposure to some chemical pollutants such as fine particle matter (PM), PFAS, heavy metals, bisphenols, and non-persistent pesticides may alter circulating BDNF levels in healthy population. Therefore, BDNF could be used as a valuable effect biomarker to investigate developmental neurotoxicity of some chemical pollutants.European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HMB4EU) project supported financially by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreements No’s 733032Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC), supported financially by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreements No’s 101057014Postdoctoral fellowship granted by the Fundación Ramón Areces (BEVP34P01A6845), Spai

    A data-independent acquisition workflow for qualitative screening of new psychoactive substances in biological samples

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    Identification of new psychoactive substances (NPS) is challenging. Developing targeted methods for their analysis can be difficult and costly due to their impermanence on the drug scene. Accurate-mass mass spectrometry (AMMS) using a quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) analyzer can be useful for wide-scope screening since it provides sensitive, full-spectrum MS data. Our article presents a qualitative screening workflow based on data-independent acquisition mode (all-ions MS/MS) on liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to QTOFMS for the detection and identification of NPS in biological matrices. The workflow combines and structures fundamentals of target and suspect screening data processing techniques in a structured algorithm. This allows the detection and tentative identification of NPS and their metabolites. We have applied the workflow to two actual case studies involving drug intoxications where we detected and confirmed the parent compounds ketamine, 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe, and several predicted phase I and II metabolites not previously reported in urine and serum samples. The screening workflow demonstrates the added value for the detection and identification of NPS in biological matrices

    Opioid prescribing in out-of-hours primary care in Flanders and the Netherlands:A retrospective cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Increased opioid prescribing has raised concern, as the benefits of pain relief not always outweigh the risks. Acute and chronic pain is often treated in a primary care out-of-hours (OOH) setting. This setting may be a driver of opioid use but the extent to which opioids are prescribed OOH is unknown. We aimed to investigate weak and strong opioid prescribing at OOH primary care services (PCS) in Flanders (Northern, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and the Netherlands between 2015 and 2019. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cross sectional study using data from routine electronic health records of OOH-PCSs in Flanders and the Netherlands (2015–2019). Our primary outcome was the opioid prescribing rate per 1000 OOH-contacts per year, in total and for strong (morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxycodone and naloxone, fentanyl, tapentadol, and buprenorphine and weak opioids (codeine combinations and tramadol and combinations) and type of opioids separately. RESULTS: Opioids were prescriped in approximately 2.5% of OOH-contacts in both Flanders and the Netherlands. In Flanders, OOH opioid prescribing went from 2.4% in 2015 to 2.1% in 2017 and then increased to 2.3% in 2019. In the Netherlands, opioid prescribing increased from 1.9% of OOH-contacts in 2015 to 2.4% in 2017 and slightly decreased thereafter to 2.1% of OOH-contacts. In 2019, in Flanders, strong opioids were prescribed in 8% of the OOH-contacts with an opioid prescription. In the Netherlands a strong opioid was prescribed in 57% of these OOH-contacts. Two thirds of strong opioids prescriptions in Flanders OOH were issued for patients over 75, in the Netherlands one third was prescribed to this age group. CONCLUSION: We observed large differences in strong opioid prescribing at OOH-PCSs between Flanders and the Netherlands that are likely to be caused by differences in accessibility of secondary care, and possibly existing opioid prescribing habits. Measures to ensure judicious and evidence-based opioid prescribing need to be tailored to the organisation of the healthcare system

    Analysis of N,N-Dimethylamphetamine in Wastewater - A Pyrolysis Marker and Synthesis Impurity of Methamphetamine

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    The increased availability of high purity crystalline methamphetamine (MA) in Australia raised concerns because of high dosages and its potential consumption through inhalation. The present work investigates the possibility of using wastewater levels of N,N-dimethylamphetamine (DMA), a pyrolysis by-product formed during smoking, as an indirect indicator of MA smoking. A dedicated liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) method was setup to detect and quantify DMA in the wastewater samples. Wastewater samples were collected from eight locations across Australia during the period 2011-2016. Data about the abundance of DMA in MA seizures as well as in residues from drug paraphernalia (i.e., pipes) were obtained from forensic laboratories in Australia. DMA/MA ratios measured in wastewater ranged from 0.0001 to 0.09 (median 0.007). DMA/MA ratios in bulk seizures are generally below 0.0025, with a median value of 0.0004, whilst residues in paraphernalia ranged from 0.031 to 3.37. DMA/MA ratios in wastewater decreased in the investigated period, in parallel to an increase in MA loads. Furthermore, wastewater analyses highlighted a strong positive correlation between DMA/MA ratios and per capita MA use (Pearson's correlation ρ= 0.61, p-value < 0.001). Nonetheless, geographical specificities could be highlighted between the investigated locations. The obtained data could help authorities detect hot spots of drug use as well as to plan specific intervention campaigns to tackle the issue. In future, simultaneous analysis of DMA and MA in both wastewater and seizures could improve our understanding about MA use and its consumption patterns

    Sewage-based epidemiology requires a truly transdisciplinary approach

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    If asked whether you had consumed illicit drugs recently, would you admit it? If yes, could you precisely recall types of drug, times and amounts used? If you were the person commissioned with the task of quantifying drug use, what approach would you use given the social stigma attached with such behavior? We measure drug residues in sewage, which represents urine of entire populations, to provide an objective estimate of total drug use in a region. In transdisciplinary projects, sewage-based results provide valuable information at unrivaled spatiotemporal resolution complementing traditional data

    Comparison of pharmaceutical, illicit drug, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine levels in wastewater with sale, seizure and consumption data for 8 European cities

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    Background: Monitoring the scale of pharmaceuticals, illicit and licit drugs consumption is important to assess the needs of law enforcement and public health, and provides more information about the different trends within different countries. Community drug use patterns are usually described by national surveys, sales and seizure data. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has been shown to be a reliable approach complementing such surveys. Method: This study aims to compare and correlate the consumption estimates of pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine from wastewater analysis and other sources of information. Wastewater samples were collected in 2015 from 8 different European cities over a one week period, representing a population of approximately 5 million people. Published pharmaceutical sale, illicit drug seizure and alcohol, tobacco and caffeine use data were used for the comparison. Results: High agreement was found between wastewater and other data sources for pharmaceuticals and cocaine, whereas amphetamines, alcohol and caffeine showed a moderate correlation. methamphetamine and 3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and nicotine did not correlate with other sources of data. Most of the poor correlations were explained as part of the uncertainties related with the use estimates and were improved with other complementary sources of data. Conclusions: This work confirms the promising future of WBE as a complementary approach to obtain a more accurate picture of substance use situation within different communities. Our findings suggest further improvements to reduce the uncertainties associated with both sources of information in order to make the data more comparable.Jose Antonio Baz Lomba, Stefania Salvatore, Richard Bade, Erika Castrignanò, Ana Causanilles, Juliet Kinyua, Ann-Kathrin McCall, Pedram Ramin, Nikolaos I. Rousis, and Yeonsuk Ryu acknowledge the EU Marie-Skłodowska Curie Initial Training Network SEWPROF (Marie Curie-FP7-PEOPLE, grant number 317205) for their Early Stage Researcher grant and Emma Gracia-Lor for her Experienced Researcher grant. We thank the people and agencies who assisted in the collection of the wastewater samples, in particular Pia Ryrfors and colleagues at Vestfjorden Avløpselskap (VEAS, Oslo, Norway)

    Enantiomeric profiling of chiral illicit drugs in a pan-European study

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    The aim of this paper is to present the first study on spatial and temporal variation in the enantiomeric profile of chiral drugs in eight European cities. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) and enantioselective analysis were combined to evaluate trends in illicit drug use in the context of their consumption vs direct disposal as well as their synthetic production routes. Spatial variations in amphetamine loads were observed with higher use in Northern European cities. Enantioselective analysis showed a general enrichment of amphetamine with the R-(−)-enantiomer in wastewater indicating its abuse. High loads of racemic methamphetamine were detected in Oslo (EF = 0.49 ± 0.02). This is in contrast to other European cities where S-(+)-methamphetamine was the predominant enantiomer. This indicates different methods of methamphetamine synthesis and/or trafficking routes in Oslo, compared with the other cities tested. An enrichment of MDMA with the R-(−)-enantiomer was observed in European wastewaters indicating MDMA consumption rather than disposal of unused drug. MDA's chiral signature indicated its enrichment with the S-(+)-enantiomer, which confirms its origin from MDMA metabolism in humans. HMMA was also detected at quantifiable concentrations in wastewater and was found to be a suitable biomarker for MDMA consumption. Mephedrone was only detected in wastewater from the United Kingdom with population-normalised loads up to 47.7 mg 1000 people−1 day−1. The enrichment of mephedrone in the R-(+)-enantiomer in wastewater suggests stereoselective metabolism in humans, hence consumption, rather than direct disposal of the drug. The investigation of drug precursors, such as ephedrine, showed that their presence was reasonably ascribed to their medical use

    Quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry screening for synthetic cannabinoids in herbal blends

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    ‘Legal highs’ are novel substances which are intended to elicit a psychoactive response. They are sold from ‘head shops’, the internet and from street suppliers and may be possessed without legal restriction. Several months ago, a 19-year-old woman came searching for medical treatment as she had health problems caused by smoking legal highs. The substances were sold as herbal blends in plastic bags under four different labels. In this work, samples of these herbal blends have been analysed to investigate the presence of psychoactive substances without any reference standard being available at the laboratory. A screening strategy for a large number of synthetic and natural cannabinoids has been applied based on the use of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOF MS) under MSE mode. A customized home-made database containing literature-based exact masses for parent and product ions of around 200 synthetic and natural cannabinoids was compiled. The presence of the (de)protonated molecule measured at its accurate mass was evaluated in the samples. When a peak was detected, collision-induced dissociation fragments and characteristic isotopic ions were also evaluated and used for tentative identification. After this tentative identification, four synthetic cannabinoids (JWH-081, JWH-250, JWH-203 and JWH-019) were unequivocally confirmed by subsequent acquisition of reference standards. The presence in the herbal blends of these synthetic cannabinoids might explain the psychotic and catatonic symptoms observed in the patient, as JWH compounds could act as potent agonists of CB1 and CB2 receptors located in the Limbic System and Basal ganglia of the human brain

    Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Biomarkers of Exposure to Phosphorus Flame Retardants in Wastewater to Monitor Community-Wide Exposure

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    Phosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers (PFRs) are increasingly used in consumer goods, from which they can leach and pose potential threats to human health. Monitoring human exposure to these compounds is thus highly relevant. Current assessment of exposure through analysis of biological matrices is, however, tedious as well as logistically and financially demanding. Analysis of selected biomarkers of exposure to PFRs in wastewater could be a simple and complementary approach to monitoring, over space and time, exposure at the population level. An analytical procedure, based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, was developed and validated to monitor the occurrence in wastewater of human exposure biomarkers of 2-ethylhexyldiphenyl phosphate (EHDPHP), tris­(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBOEP), triphenyl phosphate (TPHP), tris­(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP), and tris­(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP). Various SPE sorbents and extraction protocols were evaluated, and for the optimized method, absolute extraction recoveries ranged between 46% and 100%. Accuracy and precision were satisfactory for the selected compounds. Method detection limits ranged from 1.6 to 19 ng L<sup>–1</sup>. Biomarkers of exposure to PFRs were measured for the first time in influent wastewater. Concentrations in samples collected in Belgium ranged from below the limit of quantitation to 1072 ng L<sup>–1</sup>, with 2-ethylhexyl phenyl phosphate (EHPHP) and TCEP being the most abundant. Per capita loads of target biomarkers varied greatly, suggesting potential differences in exposure between the investigated communities. The developed method allowed implementation of the concepts of human biomonitoring at the community scale, opening the possibility to assess population-wide exposure to PFRs