191 research outputs found

    Variable protection against experimental broiler necrotic enteritis after immunization with the C-terminal fragment of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin and a non-toxic NetB variant

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Necrotic enteritis toxin B (NetB) is a pore-forming toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens and has been shown to play a key role in avian necrotic enteritis, a disease causing significant costs to the poultry production industry worldwide. The aim of this work was to determine whether immunization with a non-toxic variant of NetB (NetB W262A) and the C-terminal fragment of C. perfringens alpha-toxin (CPA247-370) would provide protection against experimental necrotic enteritis. Immunized birds with either antigen or a combination of antigens developed serum antibody levels against NetB and CPA. When CPA247-370 and NetB W262A were used in combination as immunogens, an increased protection was observed after oral challenge by individual dosing, but not after in-feed-challenge

    SPI-2 of Salmonella Typhimurium is not necessary for long term colonization of pigs

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    Unravelling the role of Salmonella virulence factors in the porcine host could greatly contribute to the development of control measures such as vaccination. The virulence genes located on the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 (SPI-2) are indispensable for the induction of systemic disease and persistence in BALB/c mice. The role of this pathogenicity island in the pathogenesis of Salmonella Typhimurium infections in pigs is not documented. Therefore, in the present study, the interactions of a porcine field strain of Salmonella Typhimurium and a non-polar isogenic SPI-2 (D-ssrA) deletion mutant were compared in both in vitro and in vivo models. The ssrA mutant strain displayed decreased SPI-2 expression levels in vitro and was attenuated in a mouse model after oral inoculation. No difference was seen in the expression of SPI-1 related virulence genes. Through flowcytometric analysis, the ssrA mutant strain was found to be moderately attenuated in intracellular replication in porcine macrophages in vitro. In an infection experiment, 2 groups of 10 piglets were orally inoculated with the wild type or the ssrA mutant strain. The infection of the animals inoculated with the ssrA mutant strain followed a similar course as the animals infected with the wild type strain. At days 5 and 28 post inoculation, the animals of both groups were infected to the same extent in the gut and gut-associated lymphoid tissue, as well as in the mternal organs. These results suggest that SPI-2 of Salmonella Typhimurium may not contribute to the colonization of pigs to the same extent as it contributes to the colonization of BALB/c mice

    Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis in housed laying-hen flocks in Europe

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    The aim of this study was to determine the potential association between housing type and multiple drug resistance (MDR) in Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered from 283 laying-hen flocks. In each flock, a cloacal swab from four hens was collected and produced 1102 E. coli and 792 E. faecalis isolates. Broth microdilution was used to test susceptibility to antimicrobials. Country and housing type interacted differently with the MDR levels of both species. In the E. coli model, housing in a raised-floor system was associated with an increased risk of MDR compared to the conventional battery system [odds ratio (OR) 2·12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1·13-3·97)]. In the E. faecalis model the MDR levels were lower in free-range systems than in conventional battery cages (OR 0·51, 95% CI 0·27-0·94). In Belgium, ceftiofur-resistant E. coli isolates were more numerous than in the other countrie

    Voicing quantification is more relevant than period perturbation in substitution voices: an advanced acoustical study

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    Quality of substitution voicing—i.e., phonation with a voice that is not generated by the vibration of two vocal folds—cannot be adequately evaluated with routinely used software for acoustic voice analysis that is aimed at ‘common’ dysphonias and nearly periodic voice signals. The AMPEX analysis program (Van Immerseel and Martens) has been shown previously to be able to detect periodicity in irregular signals with background noise, and to be suited for running speech. The validity of this analysis program is first tested using realistic synthesized voice signals with known levels of cycle-to-cycle perturbations and additive noise. Second, exhaustive acoustic analysis is performed of the voices of 116 patients surgically treated for advanced laryngeal cancer and recorded in seven European academic centers. All of them read out a short phonetically balanced passage. Patients were divided into six groups according to the oscillating structures they used to phonate. Results show that features related to quantification of voicing enable a distinction between the different groups, while the features reporting F0-instability fail to do so. Acoustic evaluation of voice quality in substitution voices thus best relies upon voicing quantification

    Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals. Part 2:new approaches and potential solutions

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    Vaccines and other alternative products are central to the future success of animal agriculture because they can help minimize the need for antibiotics by preventing and controlling infectious diseases in animal populations. To assess scientific advancements related to alternatives to antibiotics and provide actionable strategies to support their development, the United States Department of Agriculture, with support from the World Organisation for Animal Health, organized the second International Symposium on Alternatives to Antibiotics. It focused on six key areas: vaccines; microbial-derived products; non-nutritive phytochemicals; immune-related products; chemicals, enzymes, and innovative drugs; and regulatory pathways to enable the development and licensure of alternatives to antibiotics. This article, the second part in a two-part series, highlights new approaches and potential solutions for the development of vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics in food producing animals; opportunities, challenges and needs for the development of such vaccines are discussed in the first part of this series. As discussed in part 1 of this manuscript, many current vaccines fall short of ideal vaccines in one or more respects. Promising breakthroughs to overcome these limitations include new biotechnology techniques, new oral vaccine approaches, novel adjuvants, new delivery strategies based on bacterial spores, and live recombinant vectors; they also include new vaccination strategies in-ovo, and strategies that simultaneously protect against multiple pathogens. However, translating this research into commercial vaccines that effectively reduce the need for antibiotics will require close collaboration among stakeholders, for instance through public–private partnerships. Targeted research and development investments and concerted efforts by all affected are needed to realize the potential of vaccines to improve animal health, safeguard agricultural productivity, and reduce antibiotic consumption and resulting resistance risks

    Microtiming patterns and interactions with musical properties in Samba music

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    In this study, we focus on the interaction between microtiming patterns and several musical properties: intensity, meter and spectral characteristics. The data-set of 106 musical audio excerpts is processed by means of an auditory model and then divided into several spectral regions and metric levels. The resulting segments are described in terms of their musical properties, over which patterns of peak positions and their intensities are sought. A clustering algorithm is used to systematize the process of pattern detection. The results confirm previously reported anticipations of the third and fourth semiquavers in a beat. We also argue that these patterns of microtiming deviations interact with different profiles of intensities that change according to the metrical structure and spectral characteristics. In particular, we suggest two new findings: (i) a small delay of microtiming positions at the lower end of the spectrum on the first semiquaver of each beat and (ii) systematic forms of accelerando and ritardando at a microtiming level covering two-beat and four-beat phrases. The results demonstrate the importance of multidimensional interactions with timing aspects of music. However, more research is needed in order to find proper representations for rhythm and microtiming aspects in such contexts

    Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals. Part 1:challenges and needs

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    Vaccines and other alternative products can help minimize the need for antibiotics by preventing and controlling infectious diseases in animal populations, and are central to the future success of animal agriculture. To assess scientific advancements related to alternatives to antibiotics and provide actionable strategies to support their development, the United States Department of Agriculture, with support from the World Organisation for Animal Health, organized the second International Symposium on Alternatives to Antibiotics. It focused on six key areas: vaccines; microbial-derived products; non-nutritive phytochemicals; immune-related products; chemicals, enzymes, and innovative drugs; and regulatory pathways to enable the development and licensure of alternatives to antibiotics. This article, part of a two-part series, synthesizes and expands on the expert panel discussions regarding opportunities, challenges and needs for the development of vaccines that may reduce the need for use of antibiotics in animals; new approaches and potential solutions will be discussed in part 2 of this series. Vaccines are widely used to prevent infections in food animals. Various studies have demonstrated that their animal agricultural use can lead to significant reductions in antibiotic consumption, making them promising alternatives to antibiotics. To be widely used in food producing animals, vaccines have to be safe, effective, easy to use, and cost-effective. Many current vaccines fall short in one or more of these respects. Scientific advancements may allow many of these limitations to be overcome, but progress is funding-dependent. Research will have to be prioritized to ensure scarce public resources are dedicated to areas of potentially greatest impact first, and private investments into vaccine development constantly compete with other investment opportunities. Although vaccines have the potential to improve animal health, safeguard agricultural productivity, and reduce antibiotic consumption and resulting resistance risks, targeted research and development investments and concerted efforts by all affected are needed to realize that potential

    Fumonisins affect the intestinal microbial homeostasis in broiler chickens, predisposing to necrotic enteritis

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    Fumonisins (FBs) are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium fungi. This study aimed to investigate the effect of these feed contaminants on the intestinal morphology and microbiota composition, and to evaluate whether FBs predispose broilers to necrotic enteritis. One-day-old broiler chicks were divided into a group fed a control diet, and a group fed a FBs contaminated diet (18.6 mg FB1+ FB2/kg feed). A significant increase in the plasma sphinganine/sphingosine ratio in the FBs-treated group (0.21 +/- 0.016) compared to the control (0.14 +/- 0.014) indicated disturbance of the sphingolipid biosynthesis. Furthermore, villus height and crypt depth of the ileum was significantly reduced by FBs. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed a shift in the microbiota composition in the ileum in the FBs group compared to the control. A reduced presence of low-GC containing operational taxonomic units in ileal digesta of birds exposed to FBs was demonstrated, and identified as a reduced abundance of Candidatus Savagella and Lactobaccilus spp. Quantification of total Clostridium perfringens in these ileal samples, previous to experimental infection, using cpa gene (alpha toxin) quantification by qPCR showed an increase in C. perfringens in chickens fed a FBs contaminated diet compared to control (7.5 +/- 0.30 versus 6.3 +/- 0.24 log10 copies/g intestinal content). After C. perfringens challenge, a higher percentage of birds developed subclinical necrotic enteritis in the group fed a FBs contaminated diet as compared to the control (44.9 +/- 2.22% versus 29.8 +/- 5.46%)

    Valid publication of the names Caecibacterium and Caecibacterium sporoformans

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    Descriptions of the genus Caecibacterium and its proposed type species Caecibacterium sporoformans were published in the IJSEM by Onrust et al. (Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2017;67:4589-4594). The type strain was deposited as LMG 27730 and DSM 26959. DSM 26959 is a patent strain, and therefore the names were effectively, but not validly, published based on Rule 30 (4) of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. The type strain of C. sporoformans is now available from the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen as DSM 103070 and no restrictions have been placed on its distribution. We here present new descriptions of the genus and its type species so that the names can be validly published