5,912 research outputs found

    De Sitter in Extended Supergravity

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    We show that known de Sitter solutions in extended gauged supergravity theories are interrelated via a web of supersymmetry-breaking truncations. In particular, all N=8 models reduce to a subset of the N=4 possibilities. Furthermore, a different subset of the N=4 models can be truncated to stable de Sitter vacua in N=2 theories. In addition to relations between the known cases, we also find new (un)stable models.Comment: 16 page

    On the construction of variant supergravities in D=11, D=10

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    We construct with a geometric procedure the supersymmetry transformation laws and Lagrangian for all the ``variant'' D=11 and D=10 Type IIA supergravities. We identify into our classification the D=11 and D=10 Type IIA ``variant'' theories first introduced by Hull performing T-duality transformation on both spacelike and timelike circles. We find in addition a set of D=10 Type IIA ``variant'' supergravities that can not be obtained trivially from eleven dimensions compactifying on a circle.Comment: 21 pages, Late

    Domain Wall/Cosmology correspondence in (AdS/dS)_6 x S^4 geometries

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    We investigate the ten dimensional origin of six dimensional F_4 variant supergravity with supersymmetric de Sitter background. We address first the issue of spontaneous compactification, showing that it consists of a warped compactification on a four sphere of a variant massive type IIA supergravity. Moreover we illustrate how the known D4-D8 brane solution, whose near horizon geometry yields AdS_6 x S^4, is accordingly modified to a system including Euclidean branes. Finally, we discuss the relation between this latter solution and the D4-D8 brane system, showing how it represents a generalisation of the DW/Cosmology correspondence.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    The geometry of supersymmetric coset models and superconformal algebras

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    An on-shell formulation of (p,q), 2\leq p \leq 4, 0\leq q\leq 4, supersymmetric coset models with target space the group G and gauge group a subgroup H of G is given. It is shown that there is a correspondence between the number of supersymmetries of a coset model and the geometry of the coset space G/H. The algebras of currents of supersymmetric coset models are superconformal algebras. In particular, the algebras of currents of (2,2) and (4,0) supersymmetric coset models are related to the N=2 Kazama-Suzuki and N=4 Van Proeyen superconformal algebras correspondingly.Comment: pages 2

    D=6, N=2, F(4)-Supergravity with supersymmetric de Sitter Background

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    We show that there exists a supersymmetric de Sitter background for the D=6, N=2, F(4) supergravity preserving the compact R-symmetry and gauging with respect to the conventional Anti de Sitter version of the theory. We construct the gauged matter coupled F(4) de Sitter supergravity explicitly and show that it contains ghosts in the vector sector.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    Gravitational Duality, Branes and Charges

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    It is argued that D=10 type II strings and M-theory in D=11 have D-5 branes and 9-branes that are not standard p-branes coupled to anti-symmetric tensors. The global charges in a D-dimensional theory of gravity consist of a momentum PMP_M and a dual D-5 form charge KM1...MD5K_{M_1...M_{D-5}}, which is related to the NUT charge. On dimensional reduction, P gives the electric charge and K the magnetic charge of the graviphoton. The charge K is constructed and shown to occur in the superalgebra and BPS bounds in D5D\ge 5, and leads to a NUT-charge modification of the BPS bound in D=4. KK is carried by Kaluza-Klein monopoles, which can be regarded as D-5 branes. Supersymmetry and U-duality imply that the type IIB theory has (p,q) 9-branes. Orientifolding with 32 (0,1) 9-branes gives the type I string, while modding out by a related discrete symmetry with 32 (1,0) 9-branes gives the SO(32) heterotic string. Symmetry enhancement, the effective world-volume theories and the possibility of a twelve dimensional origin are discussed.Comment: 54 pages, TeX, Phyzzx Macro. Added referenc

    The many faces of OSp(1|32)

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    We show that the complete superalgebra of symmetries, including central charges, that underlies F-theories, M-theories and type II string theories in dimensions 12, 11 and 10 of various signatures correspond to rewriting of the same OSp(1|32) algebra in different covariant ways. One only has to distinguish the complex and the unique real algebra. We develop a common framework to discuss all signatures theories by starting from the complex form of OSp(1|32). Theories are distinguished by the choice of basis for this algebra. We formulate dimensional reductions and dualities as changes of basis of the algebra. A second ingredient is the choice of a real form corresponding to a specific signature. The existence of the real form of the algebra selects preferred spacetime signatures. In particular, we show how the real d=10 IIA and IIB superalgebras for various signatures are related by generalized T-duality transformations that not only involve spacelike but also timelike directions. A third essential ingredient is that the translation generator in one theory plays the role of a central charge operator in the other theory. The identification of the translation generator in these algebras leads to the star algebras of Hull, which are characterized by the fact that the positive definite energy operator is not part of the translation generators. We apply our results to discuss different T-dual pictures of the D-instanton solution of Euclidean IIB supergravity.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, using lscape.st

    T-duality and spacetime supersymmetry

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    We analyze in detail the possible breaking of spacetime supersymmetry under T-duality transformations. We find that when appropiate world-sheet effects are taken into account apparent puzzles concerning supersymmetry in spacetime are solved. We study T-duality in general heterotic σ\sigma-models analyzing possible anomalies, and we find some modifications of Buscher's rules. We then work out a simple but representative example which contains most of the difficulties. We also consider the issue of supersymmetry versus duality for marginal deformations of WZW models and present a mechanism that restores supersymmetry dynamically in the effective theory.Comment: 28 pages, harvmac/ a few corrections and references added; to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Multiple fundamental strings and waves to non-linear order in the background fields

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    The Chern-Simons actions of the multiple fundamental string and the multiple gravitational wave are established to full order in the background fields. Gauge invariance is checked. Special attention is drawn to the non-Abelian gauge transformations of the world-volume fields.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, 2 figures Edit: modified text throughout paper to clarify, corrected mistake in discussion, added appendix and figure, added reference