33 research outputs found
What Predicts Visibility Management at Work? A Study of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Flemish Government Employees
Visibility management (VM) refers to the regulation of disclosure of one’s sexual orientation for the purposes of maintaining privacy as well as minimizing stigma, harm, or marginalization. Research on how lesbian women and gay men (LGs) manage the visibility of their sexual orientation in the workplace is scarce. In this study, we tested a model that investigates the relationships between VM on the one hand, and specific job characteristics, experiencing the work environment as more or less LG friendly, and personal homonegative experiences on the other. In a non-representative sample of 4,080 employees of the Flemish government, 6.3% identified as gay or lesbian. Within this LG subsample ('N' = 265) we found that specific job characteristics (having a managerial position, or having a tenured or non-tenured position) were not associated with VM. Knowing other LGs within the work environment who are open about their sexual orientation was associated with being more likely to apply open VM strategies, as was perceiving the atmosphere at work as permissive towards LGs. Having witnessed negative events towards LGs at work was associated with taking the characteristics of a social setting (e.g., public or private) into account when deciding to disclose one’s sexual orientation. Finally, participants who experienced homonegative events (such as unsolicited sexual innuendo or abusive language) felt less inhibited about disclosure. Potential theoretical as well as practical implications are discussed
Multicategorial Prefixed Words Stress Behaviour: Variation and Frequency
International audienceIn-depth analysis of intra- and inter-dialectal variation, and of the role of word frequenc
"Ruvettiin jakamaan maapalloa keskenämme" : Helsingin Sanomien kehitysmaauutisointi vuosina 1965–1974
Tarkastelen tutkielmassani Helsingin Sanomien (HS) kehitysmaauutisointia vuosina 1965–1974. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yhteiskunnan ja journalismin merkittävä murroskohta heijastui Suomen suurimman sanomalehden välittämään maailmankuvaan. Päälähteinä ovat tekemäni aikalaistoimittajien haastattelut, Päivälehden arkiston teettämät toimittajahaastattelut ja muu arkistomateriaali sekä digitaalisessa muodossa löytyvät HS:n lehdet vuosilta 1965–1974. Tarkempi analyysi kohdistuu huhti- ja lokakuun lehtiin vuosina 1965, 1968, 1971 ja 1974.
Tutkimukseni perusteella HS:n kehitysmaauutisoinnissa tapahtui selkeitä muutoksia. Vuonna 1965 pääpaino oli kansainvälisten uutistoimistojen sähkeuutisissa. Sähkeet kattoivat määrällisesti suuren joukon maita, mutta aiheiden käsittely jäi pintapuoliseksi ja näkökulmat olivat uutistoimistojen valitsemia. Omien toimittajien nimiin kirjattuja juttuja kehitysmaa-aiheista ei vuonna 1965 juuri ollut. Vuonna 1968 tilanne oli samankaltainen. Esimerkiksi maailmalla ja Suomessa suurta huomiota herättänyttä Biafran kriisiä ei analysoitu omien toimittajien voimin, eikä HS lähettänyt alueelle omaa toimittajaa.
Vuoteen 1971 mennessä ulkomaantoimituksen omien toimittajien kirjoittamien, kehitysmaita käsittelevien juttujen määrä kasvoi selvästi. Myös pidempien artikkeleiden määrä lisääntyi, samoin tekstien kommentoiva ja kantaaottava tyyli. Vuonna HS:ssa oli jo kolme Euroopan ja Pohjois-Amerikan ulkopuolisia alueita seuraavaa toimittajaa. Vuosina 1971–1974 isoin muutos näyttäisi tapahtuneen aihepiirien laventumisessa: maailman eriarvoisuuteen ja humanitaarisiin ongelmiin liittyvät artikkelit lisääntyivät. Kehitysmaauutisoinnin rinnalle alkoi nousta kehitysmaajournalismi, joka pyrki tuomaan esiin kehityskysymyksiä ja kehitysmaiden näkökulmia. Myös kehitysmaita seuraavien toimittajien työmatkat kohdealueilleen lisääntyivät.
Kaikki tutkimukseen haastatellut HS:n ulkomaantoimittajat olivat sitä mieltä, että uutispäällikkö Olli Kivisellä oli merkittävä rooli uudenlaisen uutisoinnin muovaajana. Taustalla vaikutti myös Aatos Erkon vuonna 1965 käynnistämä muutosprosessi HS:n uudistamiseksi. Erkko halusi huomioida ajan hengen ja avasi ovet nuorelle, usein vasemmistolaiselle, toimittajapolvelle. Tutkimukseni tarkastelujaksolla HS:n kehitysmaita seuraavat toimittajat olivat 1940-luvulla syntyneitä nuoria miehiä, joilla yliopisto-opinnot olivat juuri takana tai meneillään. Kaikki olivat aatemaailmaltaan selkeästi vasemmistolaisia, ja kirjoitusten pontimena oli halu valistaa lukijoita ja vaikuttaa siihen, että imperialistinen maailmanjärjestys jää historiaan. Vaikka HS säilyi arvoiltaan oikeistoliberaalina, se näyttää sallineen “radikaalitoimittajilleen” hyvinkin vasemmistolaisia kannanottoja varsinkin vuosina 1969–1974
European Lung Cancer Working Party Clinical Practice Guidelines. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: III. Metastatic disease
The present guidelines on the management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NS CLC) were formulated by the ELCWP in October 2006. They are designed to answer the following twelve questions: 1) What benefits can be expected from chemotherapy and what are the treatment objectives? 2) What are the active chemotherapeutic drugs for which efficacy has been shown? 3) Which are the most effective platinum-based regimens? 4) Which is the indicated dosage of cisplatin? 5) Can carboplatin be substituted for cisplatin? 6) Which is the optimal number of cycles to be administered? 7) Can non-platinum based regimens be substituted for platinum based chemotherapy as first-line treatment? 8) Is there an indication for sequential chemotherapy? 9) What is the efficacy of salvage chemotherapy and which drugs should be used in that indication? 10) What is the place of targeted therapies? 11) What is the place of chemotherapy in the management of a patient with brain metastases? 12) Which specific drugs can be used for the patient with bone metastases
Children reading to dogs: a systematic review of the literature
Despite growing interest in the value of human-animal interactions (HAI) to human mental and physical health the quality of the evidence on which postulated benefits from animals to human psychological health are based is often unclear. To date there exist no systematic reviews on the effects of HAI in educational settings specifically focussing on the perceived benefits to children of reading to dogs. With rising popularity and implementation of these programmes in schools, it is essential that the evidence base exploring the pedagogic value of these initiatives is well documented.
Using PRISMA guidelines we systematically investigated the literature reporting the pedagogic effects of reading to dogs. Because research in this area is in the early stages of scientific enquiry we adopted broad inclusion criteria, accepting all reports which discussed measurable effects related to the topic that were written in English. Multiple online databases were searched during January-March 2015; grey literature searches were also conducted. The search results which met the inclusion criteria were evaluated, and discussed, in relation to the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine levels of evidence; 27 papers were classified as Level 5, 13 as Level 4, 7 as Level 2c and 1 as Level 2b.
The evidence suggests that reading to a dog may have a beneficial effect on a number of behavioural processes which contribute to a positive effect on the environment in which reading is practiced, leading to improved reading performance. However, the evidence base on which these inferences are made is of low quality. There is a clear need for the use of higher quality research methodologies and the inclusion of appropriate controls in order to draw causal inferences on whether or how reading to dogs may benefit children’s reading practices. The mechanisms for any effect remain a matter of conjectur
Determination of the morphological texture of the fibres in a composite material made from a textile of AISI 316L fibres using a mixed deconvolution/positivity method
The orientation distribution or 'morphological texture function' (MTF) of the fibres is determined from measurements of the crystallographic texture of the fibres themselves. From neutron diffraction pole-figure measurements of the fibres in the composite and X-ray diffraction pole figures of the individual fibres, the MTF is determined by a deconvolution. To account for errors in the expansion coefficients due to measurement uncertainties, the deconvolution is performed simultaneously with a positivity criterion in the form of a set of linear equations which may be solved by a least-squares method. This approach is validated using a model system of AISI 316L stainless-steel fibres in an Al-13 wt% Si eutectic casting alloy. The fibres had been spun into yarns and subsequently woven to form a textile. The composite was made by infiltrating a 'brick' containing several layers of the textile with the Al alloy. The results of the deconvolution procedure show that the method indeed yields the expected morphological texture. The so-determined MTF is resolved to an angular resolution not attainable by other methods. It also provides a very good estimate of the volume fractions of the different texture components
History of brain and epidural metastases front breast cancer in relation with the disease evolution outside the central nervous system
SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Determination of the morphological textures of fibres in a composite material made from a textile of AISI 316L fibres
The orientation distribution (morphological texture) of fibres in a composite is very important in determining the properties of the material. Therefore, methods which can provide quantitative descriptions of the morphological texture are essential. One approach to determining the morphological texture function (MTF) is to measure the orientation distribution of the crystals in the fibres. Since many types of fibres used for reinforcements are crystalline and textured (i.e. carbon fibres, steel fibres, etc.) this approach may be interesting for commercial/industrial applications. For this technique to be applied, the crystallographic texture intrinsic to the fibres must be determined and subsequently, measurements of the 'global' crystallographic texture should be made in the composite. The morphological texture can then be calculated by a deconvolution of the composite texture with the fibre's crystallographic texture. The deconvolution is most easily performed using the series expansion representation of texture functions.
In this paper, the morphological texture was determined in a woven fabric made from bundle drawn AISI 316L stainless steel fibres embedded in an Al-13wt% Si alloy matrix. Straight fibres removed from the fabric serve as the reference material for the deconvolution. Neutron diffraction pole figures were used to determine the MTF's
Shedding dynamics of Morogoro virus, an African arenavirus closely related to Lassa virus, in its natural reservoir host **Mastomys natalensis**
Arenaviruses can cause mild to severe hemorrhagic fevers. Humans mainly get infected through contact with infected rodents or their excretions, yet little is known about transmission dynamics within rodent populations. Morogoro virus (MORV) is an Old World arenavirus closely related to Lassa virus with which it shares the same host species Mastomys natalensis. We injected MORV in its host, and sampled blood and excretions at frequent intervals. Infection in adults was acute; viral RNA disappeared from blood after 18 days post infection (dpi) and from excretions after 39 dpi. Antibodies were present from 7 dpi and never disappeared. Neonatally infected animals acquired a chronic infection with RNA and antibodies in blood for at least 3 months. The quantified excretion and antibody patterns can be used to inform mathematical transmission models, and are essential for understanding and controlling transmission in the natural rodent host populations