34,925 research outputs found

    Broken Time Translation Symmetry as a model for Quantum State Reduction

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    The symmetries that govern the laws of nature can be spontaneously broken, enabling the occurrence of ordered states. Crystals arise from the breaking of translation symmetry, magnets from broken spin rotation symmetry and massive particles break a phase rotation symmetry. Time translation symmetry can be spontaneously broken in exactly the same way. The order associated with this form of spontaneous symmetry breaking is characterised by the emergence of quantum state reduction: systems which spontaneously break time translation symmetry act as ideal measurement machines. In this review the breaking of time translation symmetry is first compared to that of other symmetries such as spatial translations and rotations. It is then discussed how broken time translation symmetry gives rise to the process of quantum state reduction and how it generates a pointer basis, Born's rule, etc. After a comparison between this model and alternative approaches to the problem of quantum state reduction, the experimental implications and possible tests of broken time translation symmetry in realistic experimental settings are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    IPO-related organizational change and long-term performance

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    Mainstream literature on long-term performance of initial public offerings focuses on long-term underperformance. Because underperformance is an anomalous phenomenon, many authors search for explanations based on financial market imperfections. More recently, however, the attention shifts from underperformance to long-term performance in general. This induces the search for other than financial market imperfections in explaining under- or outperformance. This article presents the idea that in many companies the preparation for the IPO and the IPO itself may bring organizational change. It searches for IPO-related organizational change in The Netherlands with interviews of Dutch corporate officers. The research shows that an IPO primarily changes financial management and financial reporting, but that other types of organizational change may also be relevant. Moreover, long-term stock market performance was on average higher in companies where IPO-related organizational changes were reported than in companies where the changes were not reported.

    The Casas-Alvero conjecture for infinitely many degrees

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    Over a field of characteristic zero, it is clear that a polynomial of the form (X-a)^d has a non-trivial common factor with each of its d-1 first derivatives. The converse has been conjectured by Casas-Alvero. Up to now there have only been some computational verifications for small degrees d. In this paper the conjecture is proved in the case where the degree of the polynomial is a power of a prime number, or twice such a power. Moreover, for each positive characteristic p, we give an example of a polynomial of degree d which is not a dth power but which has a common factor with each of its first d-1 derivatives. This shows that the assumption of characteristic zero is essential for the converse statement to hold.Comment: 7 pages; v2: corrected some typos and references, and added section on computational aspect

    Quantum Theory of Irreversibility

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    A generalization of the Gibbs-von Neumann relative entropy is proposed based on the quantum BBGKY [Bogolyubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon] hierarchy as the nonequilibrium entropy for an N-body system. By using a generalization of the Liouville-von Neumann equation describing the evolution of a density super- operator, it is demonstrated that the entropy production for an isolated system is non-negative, which provides an arrow of time. Moreover, following the procedure of non-equilibrium thermodynamics a master matrix is introduced for which a mi- croscopic expression is obtained. Then, the quantum Boltzmann equation is derived in terms of a transition superoperator related to that master matrix

    Electronic transport through a parallel--coupled triple quantum dot molecule: Fano resonances and bound states in the continuum

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    The electronic transport through a triple quantum dot molecule attached in parallel to leads in presence of a magnetic flux is studied. Analytical expressions of the linear conductance and density of states for the molecule in equilibrium at zero temperature are obtained. As a consequence of quantum interference, the conductance exhibits in general a Breit--Wigner and two Fano resonances, the positions and widths of which are controlled by the magnetic field. Every two flux quanta, there is an inversion of roles of the bonding and antibonding states. For particular values of the magnetic flux and dot-lead couplings, one or even both Fano resonances collapse and bound states in the continuum (BIC's) are formed. The line broadenings of the molecular states are examined as a function of the Aharonov--Bohm phase around the condition for the formation of BIC's, finding resonances extremely narrow and robust against variations of the magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Towards Principled Responsible Research and Innovation: Employing the Difference Principle in Funding Decisions

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    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has emerged as a science policy framework that attempts to import broad social values into technological innovation processes whilst supporting institutional decision-making under conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity. When looking at RRI from a ‘principled’ perspective, we consider responsibility and justice to be important cornerstones of the framework. The main aim of this article is to suggest a method of realising these principles through the application of a limited Rawlsian Difference Principle in the distribution of public funds for research and innovation. There are reasons why the world's combined innovative capacity has spewed forth iPhones and space shuttles but not yet managed to produce clean energy or universal access to clean water. (Stilgoe 2013, xii) I derive great optimism from empathy's evolutionary antiquity. It makes it a robust trait that will develop in virtually every human being so that society can count on it and try to foster and grow it. It is a human universal. (de Waal 2009, 209) Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has emerged as a science policy framework that attempts to import broad social values into technological innovation processes whilst supporting institutional decision-making under conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity. In this respect, RRI re-focuses technological governance from standard debates on risks to discussions about the ethical stewardship of innovation. This is a radical step in Science & Technology (S&T) policy as it lifts the non-quantifiable concept of values into the driving seat of decision-making. The focus of innovation then goes beyond product considerations to include the processes and – importantly – the purposes of innovation (Owen et al. 2013, 34). Shared public values are seen as the cornerstone of the new RRI framework, while market mechanisms and risk-based regulations are of a secondary order. What are the values that could drive RRI? There are different approaches to the identification of public values. They can be located in democratically agreed processes and commitments (such as European Union treaties and policy statements) or they can be developed organically via public engagement processes. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, although constitutional values can be regarded as democratically legitimate, their application to specific technological fields can be difficult or ambiguous (Schroeder and Rerimassie 2015). On the other hand, public engagement can accurately reflect stakeholder values but is not necessarily free from bias and lobbyist agenda setting. We argue that if RRI is to be more successful in resolving policy dilemmas arising from poorly described and uncertain technological impacts, basic universal principles need to be evoked and applied. When looking at RRI from a ‘principled’ perspective, we consider responsibility and justice to be important cornerstones of the framework. One could describe them in the following manner: Research and innovation should be conducted responsibly. Publicly funded research and innovation should be focused fairly on socially beneficial targets. Research and innovation should promote and not hinder social justice. The main aim of this article is to suggest a method of realising these principles through the application of a limited Rawlsian Difference Principle in the distribution of public funds for research and innovation. This paper is in three parts. The first part discusses the above principles and introduces the Rawlsian Difference Principle. The second part identifies how RRI is currently applied by public funding bodies. The third part discusses the operationalisation of the Rawlsian Difference Principle in responsible funding decisions

    Phase diagram for Ca_{1-x}Y_xMnO_3 type crystals

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    We present a simple model to study the electron doped manganese perovskites. The model considers the competition between double exchange mechanism for itinerant electrons and antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction for localized electrons. It represents each Mn^{4+} ion by a spin 1/2, on which an electron can be added to produce Mn^{3+}; we include a hopping energy t, a strong intratomic interaction exchange J (in the limit J/t>>1), and an interatomic antiferromagnetic interaction K between the local spins. Using the Renormalized Perturbation Expansion and a Mean Field Approximation on the hopping terms and on the superexchange interaction we calculate the free energy. From it, the stability of the antiferromagnetic, canted, ferromagnetic, and novel spin glass phases can be determined as functions of the parameters characterizing the system. The model results can be expressed in terms of t and K for each value of the doping x in phase diagrams. The magnetization m and canting angle can also be calculated as fuctions of temperature for fixed values of doping and model parameters.Comment: 4 figure

    Orbital Magnetism in the Ballistic Regime: Geometrical Effects

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    We present a general semiclassical theory of the orbital magnetic response of noninteracting electrons confined in two-dimensional potentials. We calculate the magnetic susceptibility of singly-connected and the persistent currents of multiply-connected geometries. We concentrate on the geometric effects by studying confinement by perfect (disorder free) potentials stressing the importance of the underlying classical dynamics. We demonstrate that in a constrained geometry the standard Landau diamagnetic response is always present, but is dominated by finite-size corrections of a quasi-random sign which may be orders of magnitude larger. These corrections are very sensitive to the nature of the classical dynamics. Systems which are integrable at zero magnetic field exhibit larger magnetic response than those which are chaotic. This difference arises from the large oscillations of the density of states in integrable systems due to the existence of families of periodic orbits. The connection between quantum and classical behavior naturally arises from the use of semiclassical expansions. This key tool becomes particularly simple and insightful at finite temperature, where only short classical trajectories need to be kept in the expansion. In addition to the general theory for integrable systems, we analyze in detail a few typical examples of experimental relevance: circles, rings and square billiards. In the latter, extensive numerical calculations are used as a check for the success of the semiclassical analysis. We study the weak-field regime where classical trajectories remain essentially unaffected, the intermediate field regime where we identify new oscillations characteristic for ballistic mesoscopic structures, and the high-field regime where the typical de Haas-van Alphen oscillations exhibit finite-size corrections. We address the comparison with experimental data obtained in high-mobility semiconductor microstructures discussing the differences between individual and ensemble measurements, and the applicability of the present model.Comment: 88 pages, 15 Postscript figures, 3 further figures upon request, to appear in Physics Reports 199
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