469 research outputs found

    Retos penitenciarios al final del s. XX

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    Acto de Apertura .[ES] La cárcel es la gran olvidada de la sociedad de bienestar, la prisión no sólo no rehabilita sino que aniquila a la persona. En consecuencia, son muchos los retos que se plantean en el ámbito penitenciario, como conseguir un Código penal igualitario que comience defendiendo los derechos de los más débiles o superar los problemas que se presentan en el seguimiento judicial de la sentencia. Así, podrían desarrollarse algunas alternativas a la prisión: el cumplimiento en centros terapéuticos, la mediación, la asistencia a la comunidad como “restitución”, el cumplimiento alternativo y la libertad “a prueba”.[EU] Ongizarteko gizartean dagoen gauzarik ahaztuena gartzela da, gartzelak ez lehengoratzeaz gain pertsona deusezten du. Horren ondorioz, baitegi inguruan helburu asko planteatzen dira, adibidez ahulenen eskubideak defendatzen dituen Kode penal berri bat nola lortu, edo epaiaren jarraipen judiziala egiterakoan sortzen diren arazoei aurre nola egin. Hau hala izanik, gartzelari beste irtenbide batzuk garatu beharrean aurkitzen gara: zigorrak osa-bide zentruetan betetzea, bitartekotasuna, itzulera moduan komunitateari laguntzea, beste alternatibak eta probapeko askatasuna.[FR] La prison est la grande oubliée de la société du bien-être, elle ne sert pas à réhabiliter mais plutôt à annihiler la personne. Par conséquence, on trouve plusieurs défis posés à l’environnement pénitentiaire, tels que celui d’obtenir un code pénal égalitaire qui puisse défendre les droits du plus faible ou surmonter les problèmes présentés dans la poursuite judiciaire de la sentence. Certaines alternatives pourraient être developpées à l’intérieur de la prison: l’execution dans les centres thérapeutiques, la médiation, l’assistance à la communauté comme “restitution”, l’exécution alternative et la liberté sous condition.[EN] The jail is the great one forgotten of the wellfare’s society. The prison doesn’t rehabilitate, and on top wipes out people. In consequence, there are many raised challenges in the penitentiary environment, for exemple how to obtain an equalitarian penal Code, that defends the rihgts of the weakest, or how to overcome the problems that are presents at the judicial pursuit of the sentence. This way, some alternatives to prison could be developed: the execution in terapeutic centers, the mediation, the attendance to the community like “restitution”, the alternative execution and the proving freedom

    Empleo del análisis didáctico en un experimento de enseñanza con futuros maestros de educación primaria

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    La adaptación de la educación superior al marco de convergencia europea ha obligado a hacer una profunda reflexión en las distintas dimensiones y niveles de los currículos universitarios. Este proceso de ajuste ha derivado en unos planes de estudios universitarios basados en la noción de competencia. En el caso de la Titulación en Maestro de Educación Primaria, la orden ECI/3857/2007 (MEC, 2007) establece que el plan de estudios ha de incluir como mínimo un módulo relativo al área didáctico y disciplinar de la matemática en el que los estudiantes puedan adquirir, entre otras, competencias matemáticas básicas, tales como plantear y resolver problemas vinculados con la vida cotidiana. Compartimos la visión expuesta por Rico y Lupiáñez (2008, p.164) quienes plantean que el desarrollo de la competencia matemática en estudiantes de cualquier nivel constituye una tarea compleja dado que no existen directrices específicas sobre cómo abordarla. De aquí que consideremos que la investigación ha de proporcionar materiales contrastados, con indicios de calidad de los mismos (sobre tareas, metodologías de trabajo en aula, entre otros), que contribuyan a clarificar y facilitar el desempeño de formar en competencia matemática. Estas consideraciones motivaron la investigación a la que aquí aludimos y que responde a un experimento de enseñanza (Cobb y Gravemeijer, 2008). En dicho experimento interviene la primera autora de este trabajo como docente, los alumnos son maestros de primaria en formación inicial y el contenido está centrado en las nociones de razón y proporcionalidad. En diferentes momentos del experimento se ha utilizado el análisis didáctico como herramienta que ha permitido realizar ciertas acciones de manera organizada y justificada. En este capítulo centramos nuestra atención en el análisis didáctico realizado, detallando el papel que ha jugado en la investigación y mostrando el ensamblaje de sus diferentes componentes con el experimento de enseñanz

    Central extensions and quantum physics

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    The unitary implementation of a symmetry group G of a classical system in the corresponding quantum theory entails unavoidable deformations ˜G of G, namely, central extensions by the typical phase invariance group U(1). The appearance of central charges in the corresponding Lie-algebra quantum commutators, as a consequence of non-trivial responses of the phase of the wave function under symmetry transformations, lead to a quantum generation of extra degrees of freedom with regard to the classical counterpart. In particular, symmetries of the Hall effect, Yang-Mills and conformally invariant classical field theories are affected when passing to the quantum realm.M. Calixto thanks the University of Granada for a Post-doctoral grant and the Department of Physics of Swansea for its hospitality

    Process Model for Continuous Testing of Web Accessibility

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    The lack of accessibility on websites can result in people with disabilities not accessing information online. Therefore, this research aims to create a process model for continuous web accessibility testing by adapting and customizing three methodologies: Deming cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM), and Total Quality Management. The process model is composed of four phases. The first phase (Plan) allows defining the accessibility problem, its importance, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) against which it will be evaluated. In addition, determine the current situation of the websites, the potential causes of accessibility problems, classify the success criteria by principles, guidelines, and levels of conformity, to elaborate the solution plan and the action plan. The second phase (Do) allows the execution of the action plan to correct the accessibility problems. In this phase, we should perform continuous testing with automatic evaluation tools, end-users, and experts to corroborate that the changes have had an effect. The third phase (Check) allows measuring compliance and non-compliance with the defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This phase also explains the reasons for non-compliance. The fourth and last phase (Act) documents the solutions learned for inclusion in future developments. It was tested using a case study to determine the viability of the process model, which allowed corroborating its functionality and applicability. In future work, we plan to adapt the process model to different workgroups, develop accessible mobile applications, and comply with web accessibility in electronic documents.This work was supported by the Catholic University of Cuenca; the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and the project “Development of IoT systems for people with disabilities” (PID2019-111196RB-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Group Quantization on Configuration Space: Gauge Symmetries and Linear Fields

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    A new, configuration-space picture of a formalism of group quantization, the GAQ formalism, is presented in the context of a previous, algebraic generalization. This presentation serves to make a comprehensive discussion in which other extensions of the formalism, principally to incorporate gauge symmetries, are developed as well. Both images are combined in order to analyse, in a systematic manner and with complete generality, the case of linear fields (abelian current groups). To ilustrate these developments we particularize them for several fields and, in particular, we carry out the quantization the abelian Chern-Simons models over an arbitrary closed surface in detail.M.N. is grateful to the Imperial College, where this paper has mainly been written, for its hospitality. M.N. is also grateful to the Spanish MEC, CSIC and IMAFF (Madrid) for a research contract. M.C. is grateful to the Spanish MEC for a FPI fellowship

    Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention Programme with Secondary School Students in the Therapeutic and Educational Unit at Villabona Prison

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    El consum de substàncies tòxiques per part dels joves és un fenomen social molt present. Des de l’administració pública i també des d’entitats socials i del tercer sector es duen a terme diversitat de campanyes i iniciatives orientades a la prevenció d’aquests consums amb orientacions i objectius diversos. En aquest article presentem una programa de prevenció que es desenvolupa a la Unitat Terapèutica i Educativa del Centre Penitenciari de Villabona, en el qual participen les persones internes, els professionals de la unitat i estudiants de centres d’educació secundària d’Astúries. La seva principal eina de conscienciació i de prevenció és la història de vida narrada en primera persona pels mateixos interns, centrada en la seva història de consum i en les conseqüències personals, de salut, relacionals i socials. A través d’aquestes experiències els joves s’apropen a la realitat més dura del consum de drogues i tenen l’oportunitat de valorar-ne les conseqüències.El consumo de sustancias toxicas por parte de los jóvenes es un fenómeno social muy presente. Desde la administración pública y también desde entidades sociales y del tercer sector se llevan a cabo diversidad de campañas e iniciativas orientadas a la prevención de estos consumos con orientaciones y objetivos diversos. En este artículo presentamos un programa de prevención que se desarrolla en la Unidad Terapéutica y Educativa del Centro Penitenciario de Villabona, en el que participan las personas internas, los profesionales de la unidad y estudiantes de centros de educación secundaria de Asturias. Su principal herramienta de concienciación y de prevención es la historia de vida narrada en primera persona por los propios internos, centrada en su historia de consumo y en las consecuencias personales, de salud, relaciones y sociales. A través de estas experiencias los jóvenes se acercan a la realidad más dura del consumo de drogas y tienen la oportunidad de valorar sus posibles consecuencias.The consumption of toxic substances by young people is a very widespread social phenomenon. The public authorities and social organizations and the third sector are conducting a variety of campaigns and initiatives aimed at preventing this consumption with a range of guidelines and objectives. In this paper we present a prevention programme developed in the Therapeutic and Educational Unit at Villabona prison, which involved prisoners, unit staff and students from secondary schools in Asturias. The main instrument for fostering awareness and prevention is the life stories told in the first person by the inmates themselves, emphasizing their history of toxic substance consumption and the implications of this in terms of life chances, health, and personal and social relationships. By way of these experiences the young people are introduced to the harsh reality of drug use and have the opportunity to assess the possible consequences

    Evaluation of the Accessibility of the Homepages of the Web Portals of Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions Ranked in Webometrics

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    The Web is essential for education and e-learning. This situation has been boosted by migration to distance education due to the SARS-Co V-2. However, students with disabilities have been seriously affected because online teaching is very often not accessible. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate the accessibility of the homepages of the web portals of the Ecuadorian higher education institutions ranked in the Webometrics with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 of the World Wide Web Consortium. The results obtained determined that the 65 homepages analyzed of the web portals have accessibility errors. Therefore, we concluded that we should adopt the WCAG in the web sites to comply with the Ecuadorian technical regulation RTE INEN 288 “Accessibility for web content.”This work was supported by the Catholic University of Cuenca; the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and the project “Development of IoT systems for people with disabilities” (PID2019-111196RB-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    El proceso de inadaptación social en el adolescente

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    Tésis Univ. Complutense de Madrid.Universidad Complutense de MadridTRUEProQuestpu

    Empirical Studies on Web Accessibility of Educational Websites: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Web accessibility means that people with some type of disability can make use of the Web in the same conditions as the rest of the people. When we talk about web accessibility, we refer to a web design and development that allows these people to perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the Web. Web accessibility also benefits other people, including elderly people whose abilities have declined as a result of age. The Web is an essential resource in human activity: education, employment, government, commerce, health, entertainment and many others benefit of the power of the Web. The aim of this systematic literature review is to analyze the empirical methods of evaluating accessibility to educational websites, disabilities and their errors described in a total of 25 selected studies. The results show that in 20 of the 25 papers, web accessibility was evaluated with automatic tools, in 2 papers it was evaluated with real users and in the other 3 papers with automatic tools, real users and experts. There is also evidence that all the educational websites analyzed in the papers need to correct errors. In conclusion, educational websites do not meet any version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and their conformance levels. According to the results, the empirical evaluation methods used for web accessibility could be improved by adopting automatic evaluation tools for website construction and manual mechanisms with web accessibility experts. The challenge for educational institutions is to carry out web accessibility projects to comply with WCAG and other web accessibility standards and current laws of educational inclusion.This work was supported in part by the Catholic University of Cuenca and in part by the EduTech Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Grant 609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

    Group-Theoretical Determination of the Mixing Angle in the Electroweak Gauge Group

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    The assumption that the Weinberg rotation between the gauge fields associated with the third component of the “weak isospin” (T3) and the hypercharge (Y ) proceeds in a natural way from a global homomorphism of the SU(2) U(1) gauge group in some locally isomorphic group (which proves to be U(2)), imposes strong restrictions so as to fix the single value sin2 W = 1/2. This result can be thought of only as being an asymptotic limit corresponding to an earlier stage of the Universe. It also lends support to the idea that e2/g2 and 1−M2W /M2Z are in principle unrelated quantities.V.A. is grateful to M. Asorey, J. Julve and A. Tiemblo, and all of us to J.M. Cerveró, J. Navarro-Salas, M. Navarro and A. Romero for valuable discussions