172 research outputs found

    A Escola de Geografia Agrária de Leo Waibel

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    Geografia Agrária

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    Transcreve súmula de aulas de Geografia Agrária do prof. Valverde, do Curso de Informações Geográficas do CNG

    Ocupação da Amazônia e defesa florestal

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    Dos três grandes domínios de selvas equatoriais da Terra, o da América tropical é o maior deles. Estende-se de norte a sul, desde a costa oriental do México até o centro da Bolívia, e de leste a oeste, desde São Luís do Maranhão até altitudes médias das vertentes orientais dos Andes. Como se vê, toda a política de valorização e desenvolvimento da Amazônia brasileira, desde a nossa independência, foi concebida e aplicada em função de interesses estranhos à região e ao próprio Brasil. Tal como se procede em relação aos ecossistemas florestais delicados, situados em países desenvolvidos (taigá siberiana, na URSS; floresta de sequóias, nos EUA), a hiléia brasileira deve ser mantida intacta, na quase totalidade de sua área. Somente em pontos dispersos, bem estudados e escolhidos, deve ser utilizada: solos de elição, boas vias de acesso aos mercados, jazidas minerais...Revista do Serviço Público, ano 40 v.111, n. 4, p. 147-154Número padronizado: v. 40, n. 4 (1983)Desenvolvimento SustentávelISSN eletrônico: 2357-8017ISSN impresso: 0034-924

    La Administración de los procesos arbitrales de ejecución de obras públicas donde el gobierno regional de La Libertad es parte y la afectación de los principios que rigen el arbitraje en el Perú durante el periodo 2010 - 2015

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    RESUMEN La presente investigación busca establecer el correcto cumplimiento de los principios que rigen el arbitraje en el Perú, específicamente los arbitrajes de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado, puesto que dichos principios rigen todos los arbitrajes en general, a partir de la entrada en vigor del D.L. N° 1071 – Nueva Ley de Arbitraje General – centrándose en el análisis de los laudos arbitrales emitidos en arbitrajes en donde el Gobierno Regional de La Libertad ha sido parte. Asimismo, el presente trabajo de investigación busca establecer la correlación existente entre los Principios que rigen al arbitraje y una correcta consecución del proceso arbitral, con el propósito de determinar posibles vicios que impidan el desarrollo de proyectos de infraestructura de las Entidades públicas, destinadas a satisfacer necesidades públicas. Finalmente, la presente tesis emplaza el presente tema de investigación con el fin de ampliar los conocimientos existentes sobre el arbitraje y las contrataciones del Estado, así como también busca beneficiar el debate en la controversia sobre el contenido a tratar.ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to establish the correct application of the Peruvian Arbitration Principles, specifically in the Arbitrations of the Law N° 30225, modified by the D.L. N° 1341; because those Principles rules the general arbitration in the Peruvian territory, since the D.L. N° 1071 was emitted, focusing in the analysis of the arbitrations awards in which the “Gobierno Regional de La Libertad” had been involved. Also, one of the objectives in this research is to identify the existing correlation between the Arbitration Principles and a correct development of the arbitration process, with the purpose of determining possible errors that go against the development of public entities infrastructure projects, destined to satisfy public needs. Finally, this thesis addresses the present research topic in order to expand the existing knowledge about arbitration and government contracting, as well as aproaching to benefit the debate in the controversy over the content to be treated

    Análisis comparativo entre el diseño del pavimento rígido y pavimento flexible para mejoramiento del camino vecinal, desvío de markahuamachuco - sanagorán - provincia de Sánchez Carrión - la libertad

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    El camino vecinal desvió de Markahuamachuco - Sanagoran es la única vía de acceso hacia ambos distritos, y que a lo largo de la carretera se ubican cuatro centros poblados para quienes la carretera es fundamental porque representa la única vía de conexión con los mercados de intercambio y centros productivos, así como a los centros de prestación de servicios básicos como educación y salud. En la presente tesis se realiza un análisis comparativo entre los pavimentos rígido y flexible de 11.404 Kilómetros del tramo desvió de Markahuamchuco – Sanagoran, Provincia de Sánchez Carrión, la Libertad. Este tramo no cuenta en la actualidad con algún tipo de pavimentación y señalización, causando retrasos en los transportes y dificultando el acceso a ambos distritos. Se diseñará los pavimentos rígido y flexible por la metodología AASHTO 93. Realizando estudios de Levantamiento topográfico de dicho tramo, Estudio de suelos con fines de pavimentación, siendo este fundamental para los diseños, cálculo de espesores de capa y finalmente la realización de un presupuesto total de ambos pavimentos. Estos procesos de diseño ayudaran a determinar que pavimento se adecua más a dicha zona de estudio, para una futura pavimentación del tramo desvió de Markahuamachuco – Sanagoran, Provincia de Sánchez Carrión, la Libertad.The neighborhood road diverted from Markahuamachuco - Sanagoran is the only access road to both districts, and along the way there are four populated centers for whom the road is essential because it represents the only route of connection with the exchange markets and production centers, as well as centers that provide basic services such as education and health. In this thesis a comparative analysis is performed between the rigid and flexible pavements of 11.404 Kilometers of the section diverted from Markahuamchuco - Sanagoran, Province of Sánchez Carrión, la Libertad. This section does not currently have some type of paving and signaling, causing transport delays and making access to both districts difficult. Rigid and flexible pavements will be designed by the AASHTO 93 methodology. Carrying out topographic survey studies of said section, Study of soils for paving purposes, this being fundamental for the designs, calculation of layer thicknesses and finally the realization of a total budget of both pavements. These design processes will help determine which pavement is best suited to said study area, for future paving of the section diverted from Markahuamachuco - Sanagoran, Province of Sánchez Carrión, la Libertad.Tesi

    Leptospirosis in Ecuador: Current Status and Future Prospects

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    The location of Ecuador—an equatorial nation—favors the multiplication and dispersal of the Leptospira genus both on the Pacific Coast and in the Amazon tropical ecoregions. Nevertheless, leptospirosis epidemiology has not been fully addressed, even though the disease has been recognized as a significant public health problem in the country. The purpose of this literature review is to update knowledge on the epidemiology and geographical distribution of Leptospira spp. and leptospirosis in Ecuador to target future research and develop a national control strategy. A retrospective literature search using five international, regional, and national databases on Leptospira and leptospirosis including humans, animals, and environmental isolations of the bacteria and the disease incidence in Ecuador published between 1919 and 2022 (103 years) with no restriction on language or publication date was performed. We found and analyzed 47 publications including 22 of humans, 19 of animals, and two of the environments; three of these covered more than one of these topics, and one covered all three (i.e., One Health). Most (60%) of the studies were conducted in the Coastal ecoregion. Twenty-four (51%) were published in international journals, and 27 (57%) were in Spanish. A total of 7342 human and 6314 other animal cases were studied. Leptospirosis was a frequent cause of acute undifferentiated febrile illness in the Coast and Amazon and was associated with rainfall. All three major clusters of Leptospira—pathogenic, intermediate, and saprophytic—were identified from both healthy and febrile humans, the environment, and animals; moreover, nine species and 29 serovars were recorded over the three Ecuadorian ecoregions. Leptospira infections were diagnosed in livestock, companion, and wild animals from the Amazon and the Coast regions along with sea lions from the Galápagos Islands. Microscopic-agglutination test was the diagnostic tool most widely used. Three reviews covering national data on outpatients and inpatients determined the varied annual incidence and mortality rate, with males being more commonly affected. No human cases have been reported in the Galápagos Islands. Genomic sequences of three pathogenic Leptospira were reported. No studies on clinical ground, antibiotic resistance, or treatment were reported, nor were control programs or clinical-practice guidelines found. The published literature demonstrated that leptospirosis was and still is an endemic disease with active transmission in the four geoclimatic regions of Ecuador including the Galápagos Islands. Animal infections, distributed in mainland and insular Ecuador, pose a significant health risk for humans. Nationwide epidemiological surveys—encouraging more research on the fauna and environment with appropriate sampling design on risk factors for human and animal leptospirosis, Leptospira genotyping, increased laboratory capability, and readily available official data—are required to improve our understanding of transmission patterns and to develop effective national intervention strategies with the intention of applying One Health approaches

    Implementación de un sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional de la Empresa Ingeniería Técnica EIRL

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    El principal activo en cualquier institución es el personal que labora por ello las condiciones laborales que afectan directamente la salud de los mismos son de mucha importancia. Se pueden presentar accidentes que puedan incapacitar a los miembros de la Institución, más aún teniendo en consideración los riesgos en los diferentes procesos, también se debe de tener en cuenta los diferentes tipos de enfermedades profesionales que pueden producirse, lo que ocasionaría no solo la pérdida del factor humano representada en el bajo rendimiento en la producción y productividad, sino que también la Institución tendría que incurrir en altos costos. Por ello es indispensable que se implemente un Sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional al interior de la empresa Ingeniería Técnica EIRL, que oriente y ejecute las acciones encaminadas al bienestar general de sus integrantes.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Effects of Foot Structure Type on Core Stability in University Athletes

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    [Abstract] Purpose: This study assessed the impact of different types of medial foot arch on postural stability and core center of gravity muscle activity among collegiate athletes. Methods: The study sample included 103 university-level athletes across various sports (soccer, rugby, basketball, volleyball, field tennis, table tennis, karate, and cheerleading) from the College of Magdalena (Colombia) who exhibited distinct types of medial foot arch: 32 high, 35 low, and 36 neutral arches. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was employed to assess conduction velocity, magnitude values, latency, and fatigue in focal muscles including the spinal erector (SE), internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO), and rectus abdominis (AR), while measurements of static and dynamic postural control were also considered. Post hoc analysis was performed with Bonferroni correction for all electromyographically measured muscle groups, as well as for measurements of static and dynamic postural stability. Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation tests were used to compare the different types of feet. Results: There were no substantial differences observed between the distinct types of feet in terms of focal muscle activity, static stability, or dynamics. Even though the mean values indicated higher muscle activity and stability among those with high foot arches and lower values among those with low arches compared to the neutral foot type, this observed difference was deemed statistically insignificant. We also observed a positive correlation between internal oblique muscle activity and the average power of dynamic postural stability, which remained consistent across all foot types. Our findings indicate that static instability is directly correlated with dynamic instability in the anteroposterior direction, while a clear inverse relationship was established in the lateral direction upon examining the variable correlations. Conclusions: The presence of high or low foot arches did not significantly impact the activity of the muscles responsible for maintaining the body’s center of gravity or postural stability among university-level athletes. This suggests the existence of neuromuscular compensation mechanisms that attempt to restore balance and compensate for any changes in postural stability caused by varying foot types. Through targeted training that emphasizes activation of the internal oblique muscle, athletes may see improved postural stability. Our findings indicate that static stabilization exercises can also prove beneficial in improving dynamic stability in the anteroposterior plane, while a more dynamic approach may be required to improve dynamic stability in the lateral plane

    Producción de tres variedades de Forraje verde hidropónico con diferentes dosis de fertilizante nitrogenado

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    In the San Vicente canton, province of Manabí, Ecuador, the crops of white corn, yellow corn and sorghum were established as hydroponic green fodder (HGF), the objectives were: i) to determine the variety of HGF with the highest productive response at the weight level with different doses of nitrogen fertilization (NF), ii) to verify the production of whitecorn, yellow corn and sorghum as hydroponic green fodder (HGF) and iii) evaluate through a benefit/cost analysis thetreatment with the highest productive profitability. The factors of study were: Factor A: Varieties, the yellow corn varietyINIAP 542 was tested, white corn INIAP 528 and sorghum as hydroponic green fodder (FVH) and iii) evaluate through abenefit/cost analysis the treatment with the highest productive profitability. The factors of study were: Factor A: Varieties, where the yellow maize variety INIAP 542, white maize INIAP 528 and forage sorghum variety Pampa verde weretested. Factor B: nitrogenous doses of 1, 2 and 3 g / L, corresponding to 460, 920 and 1380 ppm. The experiment wasimplemented in a randomized complete block design (BCA) with a factorial arrangement of 3 x 2, with nine treatmentsand five replications, which corresponded to 45 experimental units. The results determined a greater growth of white cornat 1g of FN/L of water, with 36.40 cm in length, greater weight was obtained from yellow corn to 1 g of FN/L with 6.60kg per tray of 50 cm x 70 cm of FVH, economically the best treatment was white corn to 1 g of FN/L with a profitabilityof 0.56% and a net profit of 1.39 usperFVHtray.It´sconcludedthatwhitecornrespondsbettertonitrogenfertilizationunderhydroponicconditions,withhighergrowthandlowerproductioncosts.EnelcantoˊnSanVicente,provinciadeManabıˊ,Ecuador,seestablecioˊloscultivosdemaıˊzblanco,maıˊzamarilloysorgocomoforrajeverdehidropoˊnico(FVH),losobjetivosfueron:i)determinarlavariedaddeFVHdemayorrespuestaproductivaaniveldepesocondiferentesdosisdefertilizacioˊnnitrogenada(FN),ii)comprobarlaproduccioˊndemaıˊzblanco,maıˊzamarilloysorgocomoforrajeverdehidropoˊnico(FVH)yiii)evaluarmedianteunanaˊlisisdebeneficio/costoeltratamientodemayorrentabilidadproductiva.Losfactoresdeestudiofueron:FactorA:Variedades,seproboˊalmaıˊzamarillovariedadINIAP542,maıˊzblancoINIAP528ysorgoforrajerovariedadPampaverde.FactorB:dosisnitrogenadasde1,2y3g/L,correspondientea460,920y1380ppm.Elexperimentofueimplementadoenundisen~odeexperimentaldebloquescompletosalazar(BCA)conarreglofactorialde3x2,connuevetratamientosycincorepeticiones,con45unidadesexperimentalesLosresultadosdeterminaronmayorcrecimientodelmaıˊzblancoa1gdeFN/Ldeagua,con36.40cmdelongitud,mayorpesoseobtuvodelmaıˊzamarilloa1gdeFN/Lcon6.60kgporbandejade50cmx70cmdeFVH,aniveleconoˊmicoelmejortratamientofueelmaıˊzblancoa1gdeFN/Lconunarentabilidaddel0.56us per FVH tray. It´s concluded that white corn responds better to nitrogen fertilizationunder hydroponic conditions, with higher growth and lower production costs.En el cantón San Vicente, provincia de Manabí, Ecuador, se estableció los cultivos de maíz blanco, maíz amarillo y sorgocomo forraje verde hidropónico (FVH), los objetivos fueron: i) determinar la variedad de FVH de mayor respuesta productiva a nivel de peso con diferentes dosis de fertilización nitrogenada (FN), ii) comprobar la producción de maíz blanco, maíz amarillo y sorgo como forraje verde hidropónico (FVH) y iii) evaluar mediante un análisis de beneficio/costo eltratamiento de mayor rentabilidad productiva. Los factores de estudio fueron: Factor A: Variedades, se probó al maízamarillo variedad INIAP 542, maíz blanco INIAP 528 y sorgo forrajero variedad Pampa verde. Factor B: dosis nitrogenadas de 1, 2 y 3 g/L, correspondiente a 460, 920 y 1380 ppm. El experimento fue implementado en un diseño de experimental de bloques completos al azar (BCA) con arreglo factorial de 3 x 2, con nueve tratamientos y cinco repeticiones,con 45 unidades experimentales Los resultados determinaron mayor crecimiento del maíz blanco a 1g de FN/L de agua,con 36.40 cm de longitud, mayor peso se obtuvo del maíz amarillo a 1 g de FN/L con 6.60 kg por bandeja de 50 cm x 70cm de FVH, a nivel económico el mejor tratamiento fue el maíz blanco a 1 g de FN/L con una rentabilidad del 0.56 % yun beneficio neto de 1.39 us por bandeja de FVH. Se concluye que el maíz blanco responde de mejor manera a la fertilización nitrogenada en condiciones hidropónicas, con mayor crecimiento y a menor costo de producción