239 research outputs found

    Facing the challenge of predicting the standard formation enthalpies of n-butyl-phosphate species with ab initio methods

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    Tributyl-phosphate (TBP), a ligand used in the PUREX liquid-liquid separation process of spent nuclear fuel, can form explosive mixture in contact with nitric acid, that might lead to violent explosive thermal runaway. In the context of safety of a nuclear reprocessing plant facility, it is crucial to predict the stability of TBP at elevated temperatures. So far, only the enthalpies of formation of TBP is available in the literature with a rather large uncertainties, while those of its degradation products, di-(HDBP) and mono-(H2_2MBP}) are unknown. In this goal, we have used state-of-the art quantum chemical methods to compute the formation enthalpies and entropies of TBP and its degradation products di-(HDBP), mono-(H2_2MBP) in gas and liquid phases. Comparisons of levels of quantum chemical theory revealed that there are significant effects of correlation on their electronic structures, pushing for the need of not only high level of electronic correlation treatment, namely local coupled cluster with single and double excitation operators and perturbative treatment of triple excitations [LCCSD(T)], but also extrapolations to the complete basis to produce reliable and accurate thermodynamics data. Solvation enthalpies were computed with the conductor like screening model for real solvents [COSMO-RS], for which we observe errors not exceeding 22 kJ mol−1^{-1}. We thus propose with final uncertainty of about 20 kJ mol−1^{-1} standard enthalpies of formation of TBP, HDBP, and H2_2MBP which amounts to -1281.7±\pm24.4, -1229.4±\pm19.6 and -1176.7±\pm14.8 kJ mol−1^{-1}, respectively, in the gas phase. In the liquid phase, the predicted values are -1367.3±\pm24.4, -1348.7±\pm19.6 and -1323.8±\pm14.8 kJ mol−1^{-1}, to which we may add about -22 kJ mol−1^{-1} error from the COSMO-RS solvent model. From these data, we predict the complete hydrolysis of TBP to be nearly thermoneutral

    Coordination and thermodynamic properties of aqueous protactinium(V) by first-principle calculations

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    Protactinium (Z = 91) is a very rare actinide with peculiar physico-chemical properties. Indeed, although one may naively think that it behaves similarly to either thorium or uranium by its position in the periodic table, it may in fact follow its own rules. Because of the quite small energy gap between its valence shells (in particular the 5f and 6d ones) and also the strong influence of relativistic effects on its properties, it is actually a challenging element for theoretical chemists. In this article, we combine experimental information, chemical arguments and standard first-principle calculations, complemented by implicit and explicit solvation, to revisit the stepwise complexation of aqueous protactinium(V) with sulfate and oxalate dianionic ligands (SO4^2- and C2O4^2-, respectively). From a methodological viewpoint, we notably conclude that it is necessary to at least saturate the coordination sphere of protactinium(V) to reach converged equilibrium constant values. Furthermore, in the case of single complexations (i.e. with one sulfate or oxalate ligand bound in the bidentate fashion), we show that it is necessary to maintain the coordination of one hydroxyl group, thought of in the [PaO(OH)]^3+ precursor, to obtain coherent complexation constants. Therefore, we predict that this hydroxyl group is maintained in the formation of 1:1 complexes while we confirm that it is withdrawn when coordinating three sulfate or oxalate ligands. Finally, we stress that this work is a first step toward the future use of theoretical predictions to elucidate the enigmatic chemistry of protactinium in solution

    Excited states of polonium(IV): Electron correlation and spin-orbit coupling in the Po^{4+} free ion and in the bare and solvated [PoCl5]^- and [PoCl6]^{2-} complexes

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    Polonium (Po, Z = 84) is a main-block element with poorly known physico-chemical properties. Not much information has been firmly acquired since its discovery by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, especially regarding its speciation in aqueous solution and spectroscopy. In this work, we revisit the absorption properties of two complexes, [PoCl5]^- and [PoCl6]^{2-}, using quantum mechanical calculations. These complexes have the potential to exhibit a maximum absorption at 418 nm in HCl medium (for 0.5 mol/L concentrations and above). Initially, we examine the electronic spectra of the Po^{4+} free ion and of its isoelectronic analogue, Bi^{3+}. In the spin-orbit configuration interaction (SOCI) framework. Our findings demonstrate that the SOCI matrix should be dressed with correlated electronic energies and that the quality of the spectra is largely improved by decontracting the reference states at the complete active space plus singles (CAS+S) level. Subsequently, we investigate the absorption properties of the [PoCl5]^- and [PoCl6]^{2-} complexes in two stages. Firstly, we perform methodological tests at the MP2/def2-TZVP gas phase geometries, indicating that the decontraction of the reference states can there be skipped without compromising the accuracy significantly. Secondly, we study the solution absorption properties by means of single-point calculations performed at the solvated geometries, obtained by an implicit solvation treatment or a combination of implicit and explicit solvation. Our results highlight the importance of saturating the first coordination sphere of the Po^{IV} ion to obtain a qualitatively correct picture. Finally, we conclude that the known-for-decades 418 nm peak could be attributed to a mixture of both the [PoCl5(H2O)]^- and [PoCl6]^{2-} complexes. This finding not only aligns with the behaviour of the analogous Bi^{III} ion under similar conditions but..

    Conformational Landscape of Oxygen-Containing Naphthalene Derivatives

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    Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) constitute an important class of molecules found in various environments and are considered important pollutants of the Earth's atmosphere. In particular, functionalization of PACs modify the ring aromaticity, which greatly influences the chemical reactivity of these species. In this work we studied several oxygen-containing PACs, relevant to atmospheric chemistry. We investigated the conformational landscape of four naphthalene-derivative molecules -- namely ,1- and 2-hydroxynaphthalene and 1- and 2-naphthaldehyde -- by means of rotational and vibrational spectroscopy supported by quantum chemical calculations. For 1-hydroxynaphthalene and 1-naphthaldehyde, intramolecular hydrogen bonding and steric effects drive the conformational preferences while for 2-hydroxynaphthalene and 2-naphthaldehyde, the charge distributions allow us to understand the conformational landscape. This work not only demonstrates how the localization of the substitution group in the ring influences the conformational relative energies and but also constitutes a step toward a better understanding of the different chemical reactivity of such functionalized PACs

    Solvation effects on halides core spectra with Multilevel Real-Time quantum embedding

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    In this work we introduce a novel subsystem-based electronic structure embedding method that combines the projection-based block-orthogonalized Manby-Miller embedding (BOMME) with the density-based Frozen Density Embedding (FDE) methods. Our approach is effective for systems in which the building blocks interact at varying strengths while still maintaining a lower computational cost compared to a quantum simulation of the entire system. To evaluate the performance of our method, we assess its ability to reproduce the X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) of chloride and fluoride anions in aqueous solutions (based on a 50-water droplet model) via real-time time-dependent density functional theory (rt-TDDFT) calculations. We employ an ensemble approach to compute XAS for the K- and L-edges, utilizing multiple snapshots of configuration space obtained from classical molecular dynamics simulations with a polarizable force field. Configurational averaging influences both the broadening of spectral features and their intensities, with contributions to the final intensities originating from different geometry configurations. We found that embedding models that are too approximate for halide-water specific interactions, as in the case of FDE, fail to reproduce the experimental spectrum for chloride. Meanwhile, BOMME tends to overestimate intensities, particularly for higher energy features because of finite-size effects. Combining FDE for the second solvation shell and retaining BOMME for the first solvation shell mitigates this effect, resulting in an overall improved agreement within the energy range of the experimental spectrum. Additionally, we compute the transition densities of the relevant transitions, confirming that these transitions occur within the halide systems. Thus, our real-time QM/QM/QM embedding method proves to be a promising approach for modeling XAS of solvated systems

    Post-stroke inhibition of induced NADPH oxidase type 4 prevents oxidative stress and neurodegeneration

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    Ischemic stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Only one moderately effective therapy exists, albeit with contraindications that exclude 90% of the patients. This medical need contrasts with a high failure rate of more than 1,000 pre-clinical drug candidates for stroke therapies. Thus, there is a need for translatable mechanisms of neuroprotection and more rigid thresholds of relevance in pre-clinical stroke models. One such candidate mechanism is oxidative stress. However, antioxidant approaches have failed in clinical trials, and the significant sources of oxidative stress in stroke are unknown. We here identify NADPH oxidase type 4 (NOX4) as a major source of oxidative stress and an effective therapeutic target in acute stroke. Upon ischemia, NOX4 was induced in human and mouse brain. Mice deficient in NOX4 (Nox4(-/-)) of either sex, but not those deficient for NOX1 or NOX2, were largely protected from oxidative stress, blood-brain-barrier leakage, and neuronal apoptosis, after both transient and permanent cerebral ischemia. This effect was independent of age, as elderly mice were equally protected. Restoration of oxidative stress reversed the stroke-protective phenotype in Nox4(-/-) mice. Application of the only validated low-molecular-weight pharmacological NADPH oxidase inhibitor, VAS2870, several hours after ischemia was as protective as deleting NOX4. The extent of neuroprotection was exceptional, resulting in significantly improved long-term neurological functions and reduced mortality. NOX4 therefore represents a major source of oxidative stress and novel class of drug target for stroke therapy
