337 research outputs found

    Sources and effects of catchment-derived bioavailable contaminants in Hamilton urban streams

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    Awareness of the consistently degraded state of urban streams, with lower biodiversity has heightened worldwide, increasing restoration initiatives to ameliorate the adverse effects. The present study examined anthropogenically-derived contaminants in water and sediments and bioaccumulation in tissues and bile of shortfin eels (Anguilla australis) in Hamilton City urban gully streams. Bioassays were also conducted with two native Crustacea; the amphipod Paracorophium lucasi and freshwater crayfish (kōura) (Paranephrops planifrons) to test endpoints of survival, reburial behaviour and growth. Results of dissolved Cu, Pb and Zn showed the industrial Waitawhiriwhiri catchment, with higher impervious surfaces, to have the greatest potential for generating contaminants in stream waters. Relationships between sediment contaminant concentrations and upstream % impervious area suggest an association with stormwater runoff and metal accumulation. Shortfin eels from Gibbons Creek and Lake Rotoroa bioaccumulated high concentrations of Pb and As respectively in livers, and PAH metabolite pyrene-1-glucuronide in bile was found in many eels, highlighting the bioavailability of these contaminants. Muscle tissues cocnentrations of Pb and Hg in some sites triggered food safety guidelines presenting a low risk for human consumption. Amphipods exposed to sediments from Lake Rotoroa had significantly reduced survival compared with those exposed to other site sediments in a 10-day sediment toxicity test. Photo-induced toxicity is not of concern for biota exposed to these sediments. Sediments did not induce any sub-lethal effect on reburial behaviour. Growth rates of kōura fed Salix fragilis leaf material incubated in Hamilton streams were not significantly different, and the short duration of the study meant conclusions could not be made on the significance of observed accumulated metals and metalloids on differences in growth rates. Results of this study highlight a number of locations in the Hamilton stream network, where contaminants are of concern, especially in streams with fully urbanised catchments with high effective imperviousness and legacies of past land use or pollution. Bioavailability of some metals, metalloids and PAHs is constraining the diversity of some species present in these streams, although not apparent for shortfin eels, as they are very common

    Performance of a transpiration-regenerative cooled rocket thrust chamber

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    The analysis, design, fabrication, and testing of a liquid rocket engine thrust chamber which is gas transpiration cooled in the high heat flux convergent portion of the chamber and water jacket cooled (simulated regenerative) in the barrel and divergent sections of the chamber are described. The engine burns LOX-hydrogen propellants at a chamber pressure of 600 psia. Various transpiration coolant flow rates were tested with resultant local hot gas wall temperatures in the 800 F to 1400 F range. The feasibility of transpiration cooling with hydrogen and helium, and the use of photo-etched copper platelets for heat transfer and coolant metering was successfully demonstrated

    Design, fabrication and delivery of a high pressure LOX-methane injector

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    An injector for 3000 psia chamber pressure using liquid oxygen and gaseous methane propellants is presented. The injector is intended to be evaluated during a series of pressure-fed test firings using a water-cooled calorimeter chamber and a milled-slot regenerative chamber. Combustion efficiency, combustion stability, ignition and injector face heat transfer assessments were made for candidate injector body and pattern design approaches. This evaluation resulted in baselining an oxidizer post type manifold with a 60 element platelet coaxial swirler injector pattern. An axial acoustic resonator cavity was created at the injector/chamber interface

    Framing the future: On local planning cultures and legacies

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    This paper considers the influence of established local planning cultures and legacies on the trajectory of contemporary local development policies. Local and sub-regional planning cultures are interpreted as overall 'developmental frames' which set the context for local planning approaches both through more concrete territorial, developmental and policy forms and through cognitive structures, assumptions and values. These frames then exert significant influence on how planning policy is conceived and enacted, with potentially major implications for local development outcomes. Three illustrative case studies are presented from sub-regional growth areas in the South East of England

    The use of peer-led simulation as a pedagogical approach. An action research study.

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    The aim of this research is to explore the effectiveness of peer-led simulation on students learning. Simulation is a common pedagogical approach within the education of health professions. Whilst there has been a wealth of literature supporting the use of simulation and peer-led learning, there has been little reviewing of the long term benefits on student behaviours. Viewed through the lens of Wenger’s Community of Practice (1998) and Vygotsky’s (1978) more capable peer and using an Action Research approach, the concept of enabling students to design and facilitate their own simulations has been explored. Through cycles of action and reflection, the process evolved from students facilitating pre-written simulations through to student centric peer-led simulations. Over a period of seven years, students from child pre-registration programme participated in developing simulations. Interviews, focus groups, module evaluation and self-reflective diaries were used to generate data. Developing and facilitating their own simulations meant that students were able to improve their theoretical and practical skills and gained increased confidence and awareness of their own learning needs. The data from each of the cycles demonstrated that students had also gained levels of understanding about their role as a nurse that they could apply to other situations and their role as a teacher had facilitated their own learning. As a result of undertaking this Action Research project it is has been possible to view this pedagogical approach as effective in supporting students to develop both practical and theoretical skills

    A representação do real e a ética no documentário Ônibus 174

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    Este trabalho trata sobre a representação do real e os princípios da ética no documentário Ônibus 174. Começo com um estudo sobre o surgimento do cinema e alguns documentaristas que definiram os conceitos de representação da realidade na narrativa do gênero. Também analiso os conceitos básicos da ética de verdade, justiça e amor e construo uma ligação entre os dois primeiros com as características apresentadas num roteiro de filme documentário. Por último, faço a análise do filme Ônibus 174 sob a luz das observações levantadas a respeito da representação do real e dos conceitos que formulam a ética

    Mõnede Lääne-Virumaa puisniitude hindamine ja analüüs

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    Association between previous use of aspirin and anti-hypertensive drugs on the severity ischemic stroke according to its subtypes

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    Orientador: Li Li MinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Medicações antiplaquetárias e anti-hipertensivas pertencem à primeira linha no tratamento e prevenção das doenças cerebrovasculares e tem sido amplamente prescritas para pacientes com fatores de riscos cardiovasculares. Objetivo: nossa hipótese é de que o uso de ácido acetilsalicílico e de anti-hipertensivos pode, além de reduzir a incidência e recorrência de eventos isquêmicos, reduzir a gravidade do acidente vascular isquêmico quando usados previamentes ao evento. Métodos: este é um estudo transversal realizado em dois hospitais públicos de referência no atendimento de acidente vascular cerebral na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo, com uma amostra consecutivas de pacientes atendidos entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado para coletar dados de pacientes internados com o diagnóstico nas primeiras 48 horas do início dos sintomas. Verificou-se o uso prévio auto declarado de medicações incluindo os agentes antiplaquetários nos últimos 7 dias e as principais classes de anti-hipertensivos nos últimos 30 dias. A gravidade do evento isquêmico na admissão foi avaliada através da escala National Institute of Heatth Stroke. Nós comparamos os pacientes com uso das medicações com aqueles sem uso anterior. Foi realizada uma análise de regressão linear generalizada para determinar os preditores de admissão de acordo com a escala. Resultados: Entre os 287 pacientes, 91 (31,7%) relataram uso prévio de aspirina e 148 (51,6%) de alguma das classes de anti-hipertensivos. Entre os usuários de aspirina, a escala de gravidade foi significativamente mais baixa (menor gravidade) quando comparados com os não usuários (p.0036). Nao houve diferença na gravidade entre os usuários de anti-hipertensivos. Conclusões: a utilização de ácido acetilsalicílico no prazo de 7 dias anteriores ao início do acidente vascular isquêmica foi associada a redução da sua gravidadeAbstract: Antiplatelet and antihypertensive agents are first line prevention and therapy of cerebrovascular diseases and has been widely prescribed for patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: We hypothesize that previous use of aspirin and antihypertensive agents, in addition to in addition to reduction of incidence and recurrence of ischemic events, can reduce the stroke severity. Methods: This cross-sectional study with a consecutive sample of ischemic stroke patients hospitalized in Campinas, Sao Paulo, in two stroke reference hospital, between January 2014 and December 2014. We used a questionnaire to collect data from patients admitted with a diagnosis within 48 hours. Previous use of antiplatelet agents, antihypertensive drugs was inspected. Previous use of antiplatelet drugs was defined as self-report of using aspirin within 7 days from stroke onset and previous use of antihypertensive was defined as self-report of using aspirin within 30 days. Baseline stroke severity was assessed according to the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. We compared patients with use of medications to those without previous use. A generalized linear regression analysis was performed to determine the predictors of admission according to the NHISS. Results: Among the 287 patients, 91 (31.7%) reported previous use of aspirin and 148 (51.6%) of any of antihypertensive classes. Among aspirin users, the severity score was significantly lower compared with nonusers (p.0036). There was no difference in severity between the antihypertensive users. Conclusions: The use of aspirin within 7 days before the of ischemic stroke was associated with reduced severityMestradoFisiopatologia MédicaMestra em Ciência