1,732 research outputs found

    Exactitud del método de monitorización de la frecuencia cardíaca en la estimación del coste energético

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    El método de monitorización de la frecuencia cardíaca (MFC) es utilizado para la estimación de la energía gastada. Sin embargo, una de las principales críticas a dicho método es su exactitud. Por ello que nuestro estudio se centró en cuantificar la exactitud del referido método cuando se aplica a diferentes intensidades de esfuerzo. Participaron 9 sujetos que realizaron primero una ergoespirometría para la determinación de la recta VO2-FC y otra posterior para comparar la estimación con los resultados del VO2 medido. No existen diferencias entre el VO2 estimado y medido. El porcentaje de error medio fue de 1.47%, ocurriendo el mayor porcentaje de error a la intensidad más baja. Diferenciando por sexos, ocurre que para las mujeres el VO2 se sobrestima y en los hombres se subestima. Este método es de una elevada relación beneficio/coste por lo que puede ser de gran utilidad en estudios de poblaciones

    Acute effects of long-distance races on heart rate variability and arterial stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This study systematically reviewed and quantified the effects of running a long-distance race (LDR) on heart rate variability (HRV) and arterial stiffness (AS). All types of races of a distance equal to or greater than a marathon (=42.2 km) were included. A total of 2, 220 articles were identified, 52 were included in the qualitative analysis, and 48 were meta-analysed. The standardised mean difference pre- and post-race of various time-domain and frequency-domain indices of HRV, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) was calculated. Regarding HRV, there was a significant decrease in most of the variables considered as markers of parasympathetic activity, indicating a shift of autonomic balance towards a reduced vagal tone. Regarding vascular variables, there was a significant drop in blood pressure and reduced AS. In conclusion, running an LDR seems to have a considerable acute effect on the autonomic nervous system, haemodynamics, and vascular properties. The observed effects could be categorised within the expected acute responses to long-lasting, strenuous exercise. © 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Light-induced iodoperfluoroalkylation reactions of carbon-carbon multiple bonds in water

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    In this work we have undertaken the radical-induced addition of 1-iodo-n-perfluorobutane onto electron-rich alkenes, alkenes with electron withdrawing groups, and alkynes in water, initiated photochemically. The lack of hydrogen donor (i.e.: (Me 3Si) 3SiH) in our reaction medium facilitates a Halogen Atom-transfer reaction (HAT), affording the respective perfluorobutylated alkyl and alkenyl halides (iodides) in good yields in water. We have also found that water exerts a relevant solvent effect on the rates of perfluoroalkyl radical additions onto double and triple bonds. The stereoselectivity of the radical addition reaction of alkynes is studied. The novelty of this work relies on the photochemical generation of fluorinated radicals in water, and the Halogen Atom-transfer addition reactions of iodoperfluoroalkanes onto carbon-carbon unsaturated bonds in water induced by light.Fil: Slodowicz, Mariel Pamela. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Barata Vallejo, Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Orgánica; ArgentinaFil: Vázquez, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Orgánica; ArgentinaFil: Sbarbati Nudelman, N.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Orgánica; ArgentinaFil: Postigo, Jose Alberto. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Primeras experiencias españolas con el uso de los ANTIVEGF intravítreos en la retinopatía del prematuro. Estudio multicéntrico

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el pronóstico anatómico de los niños con retinopatía del prematuro (ROP) tratados con inyecciones intraoculares de antiVEGF y laser. Metodo: Estudio multicéntrico, intervencional y retrospectivo. En el estudio se incluyeron 15 ojos de 12 prematuros con ROP de alto riesgo de 6 hospitales diferentes. De ellos, 17 recibieron fotocoagulación e inyección intraocular de dos formas diferentes: Grupo 1.Tratamiento combinado. Siete ojos. Ambas técnicas se aplicaron en un intervalo menor de 10 días. Grupo 2. Tratamiento postlaser. Siete ojos. Pacientes en los que seguía progresando la retinopatía después de la fotocoagulación (la inyección se efectuó, de media, 37,4 días después). El pronóstico se estableció por la necesidad de vitrectomía y por el resultado anatómica retiniano final. Se efectuó un estudio estadístico comparativo entre ambos grupos con test no paramétricos (U Mann-Withney y Chi2). Resultados: Grupo 1. Se dio laser y se puso la inyección intraocular a los 83,2 y 84,7 días de media, respectivamente. (37,8 y 38,7 semanas postmenstruales-PM-). Grupo 2. Se fotocoaguló a los 70,1 días (36,4 semanas PM) y la inyección intraocular se inyectó a los 107,5 días (41,8 semanas PM). Sólo 4 ojos necesitaron vitrectomía, todos pertenecientes al grupo 1 (57,1 %) y por tanto ninguno del grupo 2 (p=0,07). Evolucionaron a pliegue macular o desprendimiento de retina el 14,3 % del grupo 1 y el 71,4 % del grupo 2 (p=0,1). Conclusiones: La inyección intravítrea de antiVEGF con fotocoagulación fue más efectiva que cuando se administra en casos de ojos no respondedores a la fotocoagulaciónObjective: To assess the anatomical outcome of babies with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) treated with laser and intravitreal injection of antiVEGF. Methods: Retrospective, interventional, multicenter trial. The study included 15 eyes of twelve preterm infants with high risk ROP (from 6 hospitals). Fourteen eyes received intravitreal injections of antiVEGF (bevacizumab or pegaptanib sodium) and laser photocoagulation in two different regimes: Group 1 - combined treatment - (7 eyes). Laser and antiVEGF injections were performed in less than 10 days. Group 2 - postlaser treatment - (7 eyes). Patients with progressive ROP despite peripheral laser ablation (injection antiVEGF, -mean- 37.4 days after). The results were evaluated for the need of more surgery and the final retinal anatomical status. Outcomes for the 2 treatment groups were compared using parametric tests (U Mann-Whitney and Chi2). Results: Group 1. Retinal photocoagulation and intraocular injection were performed at 83.2 and 84.7 days (mean values) or 37.8 and 38.7 weeks (mean values) (postmenstrual age -PMA-). Group 2. Babies underwent photocoagulation at 70.1 days (mean) [36.4 weeks PMA] and injection at 107.5 days [41.8 w. PMA]. Four eyes of group 2 needed vitrectomy (57.1 %) but none in group1 (p=0,07). Macular fold or retinal detachment developed in 14.3 % of group 1 and 71.4 % of group 2 (p=0,1). Conclusion: Intravitreal injection of antiVEGF with photocoagulation was more effective than intravitreal injection in eyes unresponsive to photocoagulatio

    Impact of quality strategies on hospital outputs

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    Context: This study was part of the Methods of Assessing Response to Quality Improvement Strategies (MARQuIS) research project on patients crossing borders, a study to investigate quality improvement strategies in healthcare systems across the European Union (EU). Aim: To explore the association between the implementation of quality improvement strategies in hospitals and hospitals' success in meeting defined quality requirements that are considered intermediate outputs of the care process. Methods: Data regarding the implementation of seven quality improvement strategies (accreditation, organisational quality management programmes, audit and internal assessment of clinical standards, patient safety systems, clinical practice guidelines, performance indicators and systems for obtaining patients' views) and four dimensions of outputs (clinical, safety, patient-centredness and cross-border patient-centredness) were collected from 389 acute care hospitals in eight EU countries using a web-based questionnaire. In a second phase, 89 of these hospitals participated in an on-site audit by independent surveyors. Pearson correlation and linear regression models were used to explore associations and relations between quality improvement strategies and achievement of outputs. Results: Positive associations were found between six internal quality improvement strategies and hospital outputs. The quality improvement strategies could be reasonably subsumed under one latent index which explained about half of their variation. The analysis of outputs concluded that the outputs can also be considered part of a single construct. The findings indicate that the implementation of internal as well as external quality improvement strategies in hospitals has beneficial effects on the hospital outputs studied here. Conclusion: The implementation of internal quality improvement strategies as well as external assessment systems should be promoted

    Nambu-Poisson manifolds and associated n-ary Lie algebroids

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    We introduce an n-ary Lie algebroid canonically associated with a Nambu-Poisson manifold. We also prove that every Nambu-Poisson bracket defined on functions is induced by some differential operator on the exterior algebra, and characterize such operators. Some physical examples are presented

    Genetic variants in the PPARD-PPARGC1A-NRF-TFAM mitochondriogenesis pathway are neither associated with muscle characteristics nor physical performance in elderly

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    We studied the influence of genetic polymorphisms involved in the PPARD-PPARGC1A-NRF-TFAM mitochondriogenesis pathway (rs6949152, rs12594956, rs2267668, rs8192678, and rs1937) on muscle phenotypes (thigh muscles’ cross-sectional, maximal handgrip-strength and 30-second chair stand-test) and Barthel index in Caucasian (Spanish) community-dwelling old people (n=75, 21 men, 54 women; 71–94 years). We found no significant genetic associations with the studied phenotypes. Multiple, com- plex gene-environment and gene-gene interactions which are yet to be determined are likely to play a more determinant role

    3D Printable Conducting and Biocompatible PEDOT-graft-PLA Copolymers by Direct Ink Writing

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    Tailor-made polymers are needed to fully exploit the possibilities of additive manufacturing, constructing complex, and functional devices in areas such as bioelectronics. In this paper, the synthesis of a conducting and biocompatible graft copolymer which can be 3D printed using direct melting extrusion methods is shown. For this purpose, graft copolymers composed by conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and a biocompatible polymer polylactide (PLA) are designed. The PEDOT-g-PLA copolymers are synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization between 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and PLA macromonomers. PEDOT-g-PLA copolymers with different compositions are obtained and fully characterized. The rheological characterization indicates that copolymers containing below 20 wt% of PEDOT show the right complex viscosity values suitable for direct ink writing (DIW). The 3D printing tests using the DIW methodology allows printing different parts with different shapes with high resolution (200\ua0\ub5m). The conductive and biocompatible printed patterns of PEDOT-g-PLA show excellent cell growth and maturation of neonatal cardiac myocytes cocultured with fibroblasts

    The role of histidine residues in modulation of the rat P2X 2 purinoceptor by zinc and pH

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65774/1/jphysiol.2001.013244.pd