2,084 research outputs found

    Efecto del color y de la densidad del polietileno de fundas para cubrir el racimo sobre dimensiones, presentación y calidad poscosecha de frutos de banano y plátano

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    Se evaluó el efecto del color (azul, verde y rojo) y densidad (baja y alta) del polietileno de fundas protectoras del racimo de Musa en 4 experimentos de banano (Musa AAA) y en 1 de plátano (Musa AAB) realizados en fincas comerciales del Caribe de Costa Rica. El peso del racimo y el intervalo de días del embolse a la cosecha no difirieron entre los colores (p > 0,4116) ni entre las densidades (p > 0,2583) de las fundas. La apariencia del racimo presentó diferencias entre colores (p 0,0669) y densidades (p > 0,2370) de las fundas. La longitud del fruto central de las manos antes mencionadas tampoco presentó diferencias entre colores (p > 0,1446) y solo varió con la densidad en la segunda y cuarta mano del experimento 3 (p 0,0899) y entre las densidades (p > 0,0606) de las fundas. El porcentaje de acidez presentó diferencias (p < 0,0001) entre colores solamente en el experimento 1. Los resultados indican que generalmente, bajo las condiciones agroclimáticas y de manejo propias de Caribe costarricense, no hubo efecto del color ni de la densidad del polietileno evaluados sobre los racimos y frutos de banano y plátano

    Efecto del yerbicida ametrina como control preemergente de yerbajos en apio (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft)

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    Two experiments were performed from 1985 to 1987 at Barranquitas in a Humatas soil to evaluate Ametryn (Evik 80 W) for preemergence control of weeds in Peruvian carrot or arradacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Banc). Five treatments were evaluated: Ametryn at 4.98, 8.97 and 17.94 kg ai/ha; a hand-weeded check (hoeing); and non-weeded check. There were significant differences (P ± 0.05) in the yield of commercial roots in the first experiment only between the non-weeded plots (7.00 t/ha) and Ametryn plots at 8.97 kg ai/ha (21.68 t/ha) whereas in the second trial, differences were observed between the hand-weeded (14.18 t/ha) and the non-weeded plots (4.11 t/ha). A considerable reduction in the second experiment was probably due to the fact that plants were harvested two months earlier (at 7 months) than in the first experiment, and some root damage was due to rats. Mean yields were 16.68 and 9.78 t/ha of commercial roots in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. These results showed that weed competition can reduce yields in arracacha by more than 60%. Good to excellent weed control with Ametryn was obtained at 12 weeks, when the arracacha foliage should have covered all soil surface area. There was 35% (first experiment) and 0.53% (2nd experiment) of weed coverage in the plots where Ametryn was applied at the lowest rate, 4.48 kg ai/ha. Herbicide efficiency increased with higher rates in both experiments. No toxic effects on the plants were observed from evaluations made 4 and 8 weeks after the treatments. Data obtained from these experiments showed that Ametryn was highly efficient in controlling weeds in arracacha up to 12 weeks even at the lowest application rate. The information obtained is valuable for obtaining registration of this pesticide for this crop.Se hicieron dos experimentos con aplicaciones preemergentes del yerbicida ametrina en apio var. Criolla en Barranquitas en un suelo de la serie Humatas (arcilloso, caolinítico, isohipertérmico). Se usó un diseño balanceado de bloques incompletos con cinco tratamientos repetidos cuatro veces. Los tratamientos consistieron en dos testigos: uno se mantuvo libre de malezas todo el ciclo del cultivo y al otro se le permitió que las malezas crecieran libremente durante todo el ciclo y tres tratamientos de ametrina a razón de 4.48, 8.97 y 17.94 kg. p.a./ha. Los datos de rendimiento (raíces comerciales) en el primer experimento mostraron diferencias significativas (P = 0.05) solamente entre las parcelas testigo, sin desyerbo (7.00 Tm./ ha.) y ametrina aplicado a 8.97 kg. de p.a./ha. (21.68 Tm./ha.), mientras que el segundo experimento solo hubo diferencias entre las parcelas testigo, desyerbadas (14.1 8 Tm./ha.) y el testigo sin desyerbar (4.11 Tm./ha.). En el segundo experimento hubo una disminución considerable porque se cosecho 2 meses más temprano (7 meses) y por el daño a las raíces causado por los roedores. El rendimiento medio fue de 16.68 y 9.78 Tm./ha. de raíces comerciales en los experimentos 1 y 2, respectivamente. Los resultados mostraron que la competencia de los yerbajos puede reducir el rendimiento de apio en más de un 60%. Los datos mostraron una excelente represión de yerbajos con aplicaciones de ametrina hasta 12 semanas después de la siembra cuando la planta de apio debe haber cubierto con su follaje la superficie del suelo. La cobertura de yerbajos en las parcelas donde se aplicó ametrina en la dosis más baja (4.48 kg. p.a./ha.) fue de 35 y 0.53% en el primero y segundo experimentos, respectivamente. La efectividad del herbicida fue mayor con las dosis más altas en ambos experimentos. No se encontró daño alguno o toxicidad en las plantas de apio cuando se las evaluó a las 4 y 8 semanas después de aplicar los tratamientos,. Según los resultados el herbicida ametrina fue muy eficaz en reprimir las malezas en apio hasta las 12 semanas después de la siembra aún a la dosis más baja. La información obtenida es valiosa para el posible registro local de este plaguicida para este cultivo

    Uso de una herramienta de corrección automática en un curso de programación: Una experiencia docente

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    Ser capaz de programar se ha convertido en una competencia necesaria en un número importante de profesiones. Como consecuencia ha aumentado la demanda de cursos de programación en todos los niveles de enseñanza. Estos cursos suponen un desafío para los profesores involucrados ya que muchos estudiantes encuentran bastantes dificultades cuando empiezan a programar. Esto provoca un alto nivel de abandono en estas asignaturas. Para los profesores encargados de estas asignaturas suponen una alta carga de trabajo ya que deben corregir un gran número de ejercicios de programación. Las herramientas de corrección automática son una solución para estos problemas. Por un lado, los estudiantes disponen de una retroalimentación inmediata de su trabajo. Esto facilita el aprendizaje y aumenta su motivación. Por otro lado, la carga docente del profesor disminuye en gran medida. En este estudio describimos el proceso de implantación de una herramienta de corrección automática - CodeRunner - en un curso de programación. Los resultados han sido bastante buenos: ha aumentado la participación y ha bajado significativamente la tasa de abandono de la asignatura. Además, los estudiantes expresan una alta satisfacción con el uso de esta herramienta.A growing number of scientific and technological professions require the use of basic programming skills. In response to this need, educational institutions have begun to offer programming courses at all education levels. These courses pose a challenge for the teachers involved. Many students find learning to program difficult and the failure rates tend to be high. Additionally, these courses place significant demands on the instructors’ time as they must assess many programming exercises. Automatic assessment tools offer a solution to these problems. On one hand, students using these tools have immediate feedback on their work. This facilitates learning and increases their motivation. On the other hand, teachers devote less time to assess programming exercises, time that can be used in other teaching tasks. In this study we describe the use of an automatic assessment tool -CodeRunner- in an introductory programming course. The results have been quite good: students’ participation in lab sessions increased, and the drop-out rate decreased significantly. Additionally, students express a high degree of satisfaction when using this tool.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto DPI2015-69585-R a través del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)

    Cooperation in the Campo de Gibraltar after Brexit. New framework for frontier workers

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    Brexit has directly impacted Spain’s relationship with the UK due to the Gibraltar issue. The British withdrawal from the EU has forced the redefinition of the European statute of Gibraltar, and its relations with Spain and the European Union, in institutional, legal and economic terms. In this context, novel mechanisms have also been devised to regulate the treatment of cross-border cooperation with Gibraltar, which has had intermittent phases in its evolution over time. Within the framework of the British exit process, a new model has been agreed in successive EU-UK agreements that combine Hard Law (Primary EU Law) with Soft Law (Memoranda of Understanding–MOU). This regulation has required a specific prior BritishSpanish negotiation. We will especially highlight the UK-EU Withdrawal Treaty of 2019, which has formed an authentic system of crossborder cooperation involving the UK, the EU, Gibraltar and Spain, through a series of Spanish-British bilateral Memoranda interconnected with the Protocol on Gibraltar of the Treaty, which in turn refers to the Tax Treaty. It is a new system of concrete cooperation on the rights of citizens and border workers, among other matter

    Multi sensor system for pedestrian tracking and activity recognition in indoor environments

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    The widespread use of mobile devices and the rise of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have allowed mobile tracking applications to become very popular and valuable in outdoor environments. However, tracking pedestrians in indoor environments with Global Positioning System (GPS)-based schemes is still very challenging. Along with indoor tracking, the ability to recognize pedestrian behavior and activities can lead to considerable growth in location-based applications including pervasive healthcare, leisure and guide services (such as, hospitals, museums, airports, etc.), and emergency services, among the most important ones. This paper presents a system for pedestrian tracking and activity recognition in indoor environments using exclusively common off-the-shelf sensors embedded in smartphones (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and barometer). The proposed system combines the knowledge found in biomechanical patterns of the human body while accomplishing basic activities, such as walking or climbing stairs up and down, along with identifiable signatures that certain indoor locations (such as turns or elevators) introduce on sensing data. The system was implemented and tested on Android-based mobile phones. The system detects and counts steps with an accuracy of 97% and 96:67% in flat floor and stairs, respectively; detects user changes of direction and altitude with 98:88% and 96:66% accuracy, respectively; and recognizes the proposed human activities with a 95% accuracy. All modules combined lead to a total tracking accuracy of 91:06% in common human motion indoor displacement

    Photographic record of the exterior statuary of the Monastery of Arantzazu (Oñati, Gipuzkoa, Spain)

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    [ES] Conjunto de figuras en piedra de gran porte (unos 4 metros de altura cada una), lo componen 14 figuras en la zona baja del apostolado y un conjunto de 2 personajes más formando la Piedad en la parte superior. Se trata de formas esquemáticas de perfil redondeado que corresponden artísticamente a una de las corrientes más destacadas del siglo XX.La documentación geométrica consiste en bloques de fotografías convergentes realizados a partir de los cuales se podrá reconstruir en el futuro la geometría de los elementos así como servir como referencia para ver alteraciones superficiales tanto geométricas como de color para lo que se incluyen en las imágenes cartas de color calibradas.[EN] Images in stone of about 4 meters tall (14 in the apostleship and two in the Pietà). This kind of artwork from the XXth century presents schematic shapes and rounded edges.Documentation consisted of photographic blocks of convergent images from which comparisons about the decayment of the statuary can be obtained in the future both the geometry of the surfaces and the radiometry. For the latter calibrated color charts were added in the shots.Exma. Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa[ES] Memoria del proyecto (fichero PDF) + 5 fotografías de documentación.[EN] Report in Spanish (PDF file) + 5 pictures for documentation purposes

    The Effects of 6 Weeks of Tribulus terrestris L. Supplementation on Body Composition, Hormonal Response, Perceived Exertion, and CrossFit® Performance: A Randomized, Single-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    [EN] Tribulus terrestris L. (TT) supplementation have been shown to enhance sports performance in many but not all studies. Moreover, data regarding the potential impact of TT supplementation on CrossFit® endurance is limited. This study aimed to determine whether TT supplementation improve body composition, hormonal response, and performance among CrossFit® athletes. In a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial, a total of 30 healthy CrossFit®-trained males were randomly allocated to receive either 770 mg of TT supplementation or a placebo daily for 6 weeks. Body mass, fat mass, fat composition, testosterone and cortisol levels, and CrossFit® performance (5 common Workouts of the Day: back squat, bench press, dead lift, Grace, and CrossFit® Total) were assessed before and after intervention. There were no significant group x time interactions for the outcomes of the study except for testosterone levels and bench press performance (p < 0.05). TT supplementation did not impact enhance performance or body composition in CrossFit® male athletes. However, TT supplementation may act as a testosterone booster helping the recovery after physical loads and mitigating fatigueS

    COVID-19 Flow-Maps an open geographic information system on COVID-19 and human mobility for Spain

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    COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has spread all over the world leading to a global pandemic. The fast progression of COVID-19 has been mainly related to the high contagion rate of the virus and the worldwide mobility of humans. In the absence of pharmacological therapies, governments from different countries have introduced several non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce human mobility and social contact. Several studies based on Anonymized Mobile Phone Data have been published analysing the relationship between human mobility and the spread of coronavirus. However, to our knowledge, none of these data-sets integrates cross-referenced geo-localised data on human mobility and COVID-19 cases into one all-inclusive open resource. Herein we present COVID-19 Flow-Maps, a cross-referenced Geographic Information System that integrates regularly updated time-series accounting for population mobility and daily reports of COVID-19 cases in Spain at different scales of time spatial resolution. This integrated and up-to-date data-set can be used to analyse the human dynamics to guide and support the design of more effective non-pharmaceutical interventions.This work was supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the project PDAD14/20/00001, and by the H2020 programme under Grant Agreement 825070 (INFORE) and the INB Grant (PT17/0009/0001 - ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Factores de riesgo hemorrágico según HAS-BLED en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular

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    Introduction: atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia; its prevalence increases with age and is a risk factor for the development of cerebrovascular disease.Objective: to identify hemorrhagic risk factors according to HAS-BLED score in patients with permanent non-valvular atrial fibrillation treated at Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio Provincial Clinical-Surgical-Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Río. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted in patients attended Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio Provincial Clinical-Surgical-Teaching Hospital between July 2017-July 2018. The population consisted of 130 patients with permanent non-valvular atrial fibrillation, 80 of them were studied by simple random sampling. The HAS-BLED score was applied to identify hemorrhagic risk factors.Results: fifty seven point fifty percent (57,50 %) of the patients studied belonged to 78-97year age group and 65 % were represented by male sex. Seventy-five percent was white race. According to the HAS-BLED score, the most common risk factor was in patients over 65 years (75 %) and 73 % of the patients presented a high risk of bleeding.Conclusions: Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent arrhythmia as age progresses, with a negative impact on the quality of life of patients who suffer from it, due to the complications that arise. Introducción: la fibrilación auricular es la arritmia más frecuente; su prevalencia se multiplica con la edad y constituye un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo la enfermedad cerebrovascular.Objetivo: identificar factores de riesgo hemorrágico según HAS-BLED en los pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular permanente, atendidos en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente “Dr. León Cuervo Rubio” de Pinar del Río.Métodos: se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente “Dr. León Cuervo Rubio” entre julio de 2017 y julio de 2018. La población estuvo constituida por 130 pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular permanente, se estudiaron 80 seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Se aplicó la escala HAS-BLED para identificar factores de riesgo hemorrágico.Resultados: el 57,50 % de los pacientes estudiados pertenecieron al grupo etario de 78-97 años de edad y el 65 % estuvo representado por el sexo masculino. El 75 % tenían un color de la piel blanco. Según escala HAS-BLED, el factor de riesgo más común fue la edad mayor de 65 años (75 %) y el 73 % de los pacientes presentó un alto riesgo hemorrágico.Conclusiones: la fibrilación auricular es la arritmia más frecuente a medida que avanza la edad, con un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los enfermos que la padecen, debido a las complicaciones que se presentan