26 research outputs found

    Experimental infection of encapsulated and free larvae of Anisakis larvae type I in Wistar rats

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    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre el papel patógeno de las larvas de Anisakis encapsuladas en las vísceras del pez y las que se encuentran libres en la cavidad corporal del mismo, mediante la estimación de las lesiones causadas en el tracto digestivo de ratas Wistar. Los resultados muestran que el porcentaje de lesiones fue mayor (92,9%) en las ratas infectadas con larvas libres que en aquellas a las cuales se les administraron las larvas encapsuladas (35,7%), además, ninguna de ellas se encontró en la cavidad corporal del animal.In this study we performed a research on the pathogenic role of encapsulated Anisakis larvae in the viscera of the fish and free larvae in the body cavity of the fish, through the evaluation of the lesions induced in the digestive tract of Wistar rats. The results show that the percentage of lesions was higher (92.9%) in rats infected with free larvae than in those receiving encapsulated larvae (35.7%), besides, none of the larvae was found in the body cavity of the animals.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto: P07-CVI-0324

    Estudio cariológico en machos de Oesophagostomum c o I umbianum (Nematoda)

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    Se realiza un estudio de la meiosis en machos de Oesophagostomum columbianum parásito de Capra hircus (L), El número cromosómico diploide es 2n = 11, Y el mecanismo del terminismo del sexo XX/XO.Male meiosis in Oesophagostomum columbianum, parasite of Capra hircus (L.)_ Is analysed. Diploid chromosome number is 2n 11 in males, and sex-determining mechanism for the species is XX/XO

    Actividad de albendazol y los aceites esenciales de menta (Mentha piperita) y manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla) frente Anisakis tipo I

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    Objetivos: Estudiar la posible actividad sinérgica de los aceites esenciales de Mentha piperita y Matricaria chamomilla frente Anisakis tipo I. Material y métodos: Se ensayó tanto in vitro como in vivo, la actividad larvicida de la mezcla de los aceites esenciales utilizando albendazol como fármaco de referencia y midiéndo su eficacia mediante un modelo estadístico. Resultados: En los ensayos in vitro, a las concentraciones de 250 y 187.5 μg/ml, la mortalidad de las larvas fue del 100% mientras que albendazol no mostró eficacia. In vivo, la mezcla de aceites esenciales fue más eficaz, reduciendo las lesiones en ratas en comparación con las tratadas con albendazol y control. Albendazol no redujo de forma significativa el porcentaje de lesiones producidas por las larvas frente al control. Conclusión: La mezcla de aceite esencial de menta y manzanilla podría ser candidata para su uso en el tratamiento/profilaxis de la anisakiasis humana.Aim: We have studied the possible synergistic activity of the essential oils of Mentha piperita and Matricaria chamomile against Anisakis type I. Materials and methods: the larvicidal activity of the mixture of essential oils was tested in vitro and in vivo, using as a reference the drug Albendazole and effectiveness measured through a statistical model. Results: The in vitro and in vivo experiments both evidenced that the larvicidal activity of essential oils, was higher than the Albendazole activity. In the in vitro assay, at concentrations of 250 and 187.5 μg/ml, the mortality was 100% with the mixture of essential oils while albendazole was ineffective at the concentrations studied. In the in vivo assay, the mixture of essential oils, was significantly more effective in the reduction of numbers of lesions with rats in comparison to albendazole treatments and control. Albendazole did not significantly reduce the percentage of lesions caused by larvae vs. control. Conclusion: Considering the results, we have come to the conclusion that the mixture of peppermint essential oils and chamomile could be used in the treatment/prophylaxis of human Anisakis.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto: P07-CVI-03249

    Estudio de algunos elementos minerales presentes en diversos Cestodes

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    Se han estudiado en Dipylidium canium (hospedador Canis familiaris), Avitellina caninum centripunctata (hospedador Ovis aries), Moniezia expansa (hospedador Ovis aries), Moniezia benedeni (hospedador Bos taurus), Taenia saginata (hospedador Homo sapiens) y Neotaenotenia ctenoides (hospedador Oryctolagus cuniculus), los siguientes elementos minerales: Ca, Mg, Na y K.In this paper the authors hav·e studied in Dipylidium caninum (host Canís familiaris), Avitellina centripunctata (host Ovis aries), Moniezia expansa (host Ovies aries), Moniezia benedeni (host Bos taurus), Taenia saginata (host Hamo sapines) and Neotaenotenia ctenoides (host Oryctolagus cuniculus), the fOllowing elements minerals; Ca, M g, Na and K

    Aportación al estudio biométrico y epidemiológico de Guardia canis en la provincia de Granada

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    Se realiza un estudio biométrico de Giardia canis, parásito de Canis familiaris, obtenido del muestreo en una población de 225 perros. El índice de parasitación es del 10,66 por ciento, variando entre el número de machos infestados (9,32 por ciento) y el de hembras (12,14 por ciento).A biometric study of Giardia canis, parasite from Canis familiaris, obtained from a 225 dog population were deternúlled. The parasitation rate found in the dog population, was 10,66 per cent, differing between the number of infected males (9,32 per cent) and females (12,14 per cent)

    In vivo larvicidal activity of menthol against Anisakis type I

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    Se ha estudiado la actividad larvicida in vivo de mentol, principal componente del aceite esencial de Mentha pipperita, frente a larvas de Anisakis tipo I aisladas del hospedador Micromesistius poutassou (bacaladilla), adquiridas en diversas pescaderías de la ciudad de Granada. Los resultados obtenidos en el ensayo muestran que en el grupo tratado con mentol no se apreciaron lesiones en el aparato digestivo, mientras que en el grupo control estas lesiones fueron observadas en el 93’3% de los animales de experimentación. En este mismo grupo se encontraron larvas que habían perforado la pared gástrica, localizándose libres en la cavidad corporal.We have studied the in vivo larvicidal activity of menthol, the main component of the essential oil of Mentha pipperita, against Anisakis type I larvae isolated from the host Micromesistius poutassou (blue whiting), acquired in several fishmongers in the city of Granada. The in vivo test results showed no gastric wall lesions in the group treated with menthol, while in the control group, 93.3% of infected rats showed those lesions. In the same control group were found larvae that had drilled the gastric wall, located free in the abdominal cavity.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto: P07-CVI-03249

    Results of a computer application for self-evaluation of the practical classes of Parasitology in the Pharmacy Degree

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    Se ha desarrollado una aplicación para los alumnos de “Parasitología” (2º curso de Farmacia) que contiene información e imágenes de parásitos obtenidas de las mismas preparaciones que observan en las clases prácticas. Con ella pueden repasar y autoevaluar los conocimientos adquiridos. Para evaluar el proyecto, se ha permitido el acceso ilimitado a la aplicación a 74 alumnos, durante los 9 días en que realizaron sus prácticas. Las calificaciones obtenidas han sido comparadas con un grupo control de 75 alumnos que realizó las prácticas el curso anterior en fechas coincidentes con las del grupo de este trabajo y con los mismos profesores. La comparación de las calificaciones arroja un incremento medio de 0,7 puntos (sobre 10). Estudiando estos datos según rangos de puntuación, se observa que el grupo experimental ha disminuido el porcentaje de suspensos (2,50%), incrementándose 9,95% los alumnos con calificación ≥9,0 (sobre 10). Estos alumnos han contestado una encuesta anónima en la que nos dan su opinión acerca de la usabilidad, organización, diseño y calidad de la aplicación, suficiencia de la información aportada, utilidad de la autoevaluación, mejora del aprendizaje y resultados obtenidos en la autoevalución de la aplicación, así como su opinión sobre posibles mejoras de la misma, valorando entre 1 (pésimo) y 5 (óptimo). La encuesta, respondida por 50 alumnos de 74, arrojó una media global de 4,28 sobre 5. El alumnado expresó su satisfacción por contar con esta herramienta de apoyo a las prácticas.A computer application for students in "Parasitology (2nd year of Pharmacy) that contains information and pictures of the parasites obtained from the same preparations that observed in practical classes has been developed. With this computer tool, the students can review and self-evaluation their learning. For the evaluation of the project, a 74 students group was allowed unlimited access to the computer application during the 9 days that did their practices. The scores obtained have been compared with a control group of 75 students who did the practice the previous year on dates coinciding with the group of this study and with the same teachers. The comparison of the ratings shows an average increase of 0.7 points (on 10). Studying these data according to score ranges, it appears that the experimental group decreased the failure rate (2.50%), increasing 9.95% rating students with ≥ 9.0 (on 10). These students have answered an anonymous survey in which they give their opinion about the usability, organization, design and quality of implementation, fitness of provided information, the utility of selfevaluation, improvement of learning and evaluation their results in the implementation as well as their views on possible improvements to it, from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent). The survey was answered by 50 students from 74, giving an overall average of 4.28 points on 5. The students expressed their satisfaction with this computer tool available to support practices.Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias al proyecto PID 08-50, subvencionado por la Unidad de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Granada

    Immunosuppression-independent role of regulatory T cells against hypertension-driven renal dysfunctions

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    Hypertension-associated cardiorenal diseases represent one of the heaviest burdens for current health systems. In addition to hemodynamic damage, recent results have revealed that hematopoietic cells contribute to the development of these diseases by generating proinflammatory and profibrotic environments in the heart and kidney. However, the cell subtypes involved remain poorly characterized. Here we report that CD39+ regulatory T (TREG) cells utilize an immunosuppression-independent mechanism to counteract renal and possibly cardiac damage during angiotensin II (AngII)-dependent hypertension. This mechanism relies on the direct apoptosis of tissue-resident neutrophils by the ecto-ATP diphosphohydrolase activity of CD39. In agreement with this, experimental and genetic alterations in TREG/TH cell ratios have a direct impact on tissue-resident neutrophil numbers, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, cardiorenal fibrosis, and, to a lesser extent, arterial pressure elevation during AngII-driven hypertension. These results indicate that TREG cells constitute a first protective barrier against hypertension-driven tissue fibrosis and, in addition, suggest new therapeutic avenues to prevent hypertension-linked cardiorenal diseases.This work has been supported by grants from the Castilla-León Autonomous Government (CSI101U13), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2012-31371, RD12/0036/0002), Worldwide Cancer Research, the Solórzano Foundation, and the Ramón Areces Foundation to X.R.B. P.M. is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2011-27330). S.F., M.M.-M., J.R.-V., and A.M.-M. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through BES-2010-031386, CSIC JAE-Doc, Juan de la Cierva, and BES-2009-016103 contracts, respectively. Spanish government-sponsored funding to X.R.B. is partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund.Peer Reviewe

    IN VIVO activity of essential oil Origanum elongatum against larva L3 of Anisakis pegreffii

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    En este trabajo se aborda la posible actividad larvicida in vivo del aceite esencial de Origanum elongatum, recolectado en Marruecos, frente a las larvas L3 de Anisakis pegreffii, que parasitan distintas especies marinas. Los resultados obtenidos son demostrativos del interés potencial de este aceite esencial como preventivo de la infección por Anisakis, tras ingestión del pescado parasitado.Anisakiasis is an emerging zoonotic disease caused by species of the genus Anisakis. In humans, this parasite is manifested by digestive symptoms. In the virtual absence of effective treatments against this infection, our working group has initiated a series of investigations aimed at finding natural products such as essential oils and their major components, which might be of interest in the treatment of the infectious form of these zoonoses. OBJECTIVE: Establishment of the possible in vivo activity of essential oil of O. elongatum, against L3 larva of Anisakis pegreffii. METHODOLOGY: For the study in vivo, parasites were isolated from the host Scomber japonicus (mackerel) and Trachurus trachurus (horse mackerel). The experimental animals (female Wistar rats) were infected with 6 Anisakis larva by gastric catheter, this technique was used also for the administration of O. elongatum (46.9 mg / 0.5 ml of olive oil), according to the following guidelines: infection and joint treatment and sacrifice at 4 hours. Parallel to this, a control test was performed, administering 0.5 ml olive oil together with six larvae of the parasite to a group of animals. The identification of the larvae was carried out using molecular techniques (PCR-RFLP). The identification of the main components of essential oil was performed by GC-MS.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto: P07-CVI-0324