77 research outputs found

    Too Lucky to Be a Victim? An Exploratory Study of Online Harassment and Hate Messages Faced by Social Media Influencers

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    Influencers are persistently exposed through social media. Once almost unapproachable, celebrities are now open to daily interaction with the public. From comments, polls, emails, and even private messages, the public can engage with their celebrities with a mere click. While this engagement provides influencers with advantages, it also renders them particularly susceptible to online harassment and toxic critics. This paper investigates the characteristics, impact, and reactions to cyber victimisation among social media influencers. To accomplish this objective, the paper presents the findings of two studies: a self-reported online victimisation survey conducted among Spanish influencers and an online ethnography. The results indicate that over 70% of influencers have encountered some form of online harassment and toxic critics. Cyber victimisation, its effects, and reactions vary across socio-demographic characteristics and the influencers’ profiles. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis of the online ethnography reveals that harassed influencers can be classified as non-ideal victims. The implications of these findings for the literature are discussed

    Fludarabine inhibits KV1.3 currents in human B lymphocytes

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    Fludarabine (F-ara-A) is a purine analog commonly used in the treatment of indolent B cell malignancies that interferes with different aspects of DNA and RNA synthesis. KV1.3 K+ channels are membrane proteins involved in the maintenance of K+ homeostasis and the resting potential of the cell, thus controlling signaling events, proliferation and apoptosis in lymphocytes. Here we show that F-ara-A inhibits KV currents in human B lymphocytes. Our data indicate that KV1.3 is expressed in both BL2 and Dana B cell lines, although total KV1.3 levels were higher in BL2 than in Dana cells. However, KV currents in the plasma membrane were similar in both cell lines and were abrogated by the specific KV1.3 channel inhibitor PAP-1, indicating that KV1.3 accounts for most of the KV currents in these cell lines. F-ara-A, at a concentration (3.5 μM) similar to that achieved in the plasma of fludarabine phosphate-treated patients (3 μM), inhibited KV1.3 currents by 61 ± 6.3% and 52.3 ± 6.3% in BL2 and Dana B cells, respectively. The inhibitory effect of F-ara-A was concentration-dependent and showed an IC50 value of 0.36 ± 0.04 μM and a nH value of 1.07 ± 0.15 in BL2 cells and 0.34 ± 0.13 μM (IC50) and 0.77 ± 0.11 (nH) in Dana cells. F-ara-A inhibition of plasma membrane KV1.3 was observed irrespective of its cytotoxic effect on the cells, BL2 cells being sensitive and Dana cells resistant to F-ara-A cytotoxicity. Interestingly, PAP-1, at concentrations as high as 10 μM, did not affect the viability of BL2 and Dana cells, indicating that blockage of KV1.3 in these cells is not toxic. Finally, F-ara-A had no effect on ectopically expressed KV1.3 channels, suggesting an indirect mechanism of current inhibition. In summary, our results describe the inhibitory effect of F-ara-A on the activity of KV1.3 channel. Although KV1.3 inhibition is not sufficient to induce cell death, further research is needed to determine whether it might still contribute to F-ara-A cytotoxicity in sensitive cells or be accountable for some of the clinical side effects of the drug.This study was supported by MINECO (SAF2013-45800-R, SAF2016-75021-R, RD12/0042/0019, CB/11/00222) and ISCIII (PI12/01135 and PI16/00895). The cost of this publication was paid in part by funds from the European Fund for Economic and Regional Development (FEDER). TG is supported by the Ramón y Cajal Program.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Training load and heart rate variability in acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: A case study

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    Objetivo: Analizar el control de la carga de entrenamientoen la estrategia de aclimatación empleada por dos atletas amateur (mujer y hombre) antes de una ascensión exitosa a 5460 metros. Metodología: Durante 195 días consecutivos se realizaron mediciones basales de variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC). Se obtuvieron cuatro muestras de sangre durante la semana previa al evento principal (Pre), inmediatamente antes de la ascensión (Pre A), después (Post A) y una semana de recuperación (Post C). Resultados:Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático en montañistas antes de abordar las sesiones de entrenamiento. Se observó que ambos sujetos aumentaron sus niveles de leucocitos y neutrófilos exhibiendo variaciones sobre 60% entre las condiciones pre A y post B. Eritrocitos, hematocrito y hemoglobina presentaron tras la exposición aguda a 5460 m disminuciones, lo que coincide conlas diferencias porcentuales en plaquetas entre ambos sujetos (-3% y -51%). Conclusiones: Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos y de 5 minutos de duración parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático. Se observaron cambios significativos en algunas células de la serie blanca.Aim: To analyzethe control of training load for an acclimatization strategy employed by two amateur athletes (female and male) prior to a successful ascent to 5460 meters. Methodology:Baseline heart rate variability (HRV) measurements were taken for 195 consecutive days. Four blood samples were taken the week before the main event (Pre), pre-ascent (Pre A), post-ascent (Post A), and one-week post-ascent (Post C). Results:Daily morning HRV recordings were useful for monitoring the state of sympathetic-parasympathetic balance in mountaineers prior to tackling training sessions. Both subjects had increased leukocytes and neutrophil levels, exhibiting variations over 60% between pre-A and post-B conditions. Erythrocytes, hematocrit, and haemoglobin decreased after acute exposure to 5460 m, coinciding with changes in platelet levels between both subjects (-3% and -51%). Conclusions:Daily morning and 5-min HRV recordings are a useful way for monitoring the state of sympathetic-parasympathetic balance. Significant changes were observed in some white blood cells

    Carga de entrenamiento y variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en una exposición aguda a la hipoxia hipobárica: Estudio de caso

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    Objetivo: Analizar el control de la carga de entrenamiento en la estrategia de aclimatación empleada por dos atletas amateur (mujer y hombre) antes de una ascensión exitosa a 5460 metros. Metodología: Durante 195 días consecutivos se realizaron mediciones basales de variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC). Se obtuvieron cuatro muestras de sangre durante la semana previa al evento principal (Pre), inmediatamente antes de la ascensión (Pre A), después (Post A) y una semana de recuperación (Post C). Resultados: Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático en montañistas antes de abordar las sesiones de entrenamiento. Se observó que ambos sujetos aumentaron sus niveles de leucocitos y neutrófilos exhibiendo variaciones sobre 60% entre las condiciones pre A y post B. Eritrocitos, hematocrito y hemoglobina presentaron tras la exposición aguda a 5460 m disminuciones, lo que coincide con las diferencias porcentuales en plaquetas entre ambos sujetos (-3% y -51%). Conclusiones: Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos y de 5 minutos de duración parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático. Se observaron cambios significativos en algunas células de la serie blanca

    Formulation of cosmetic products from Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber seed oil

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo aprovechar el aceite de las semillas de Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber (sin. Cucurbita mixta Pangalo), como fitoingrediente en la elaboración de productos cosméticos. El aceite empleado se obtuvo por extracción con soxhlet y se realizó su caracterización fisicoquímica. Se elaboraron emulgeles (O/W) variando el agente viscosante y emulgente. Las formulaciones logradas se valoraron mediante la evaluación de las propiedades organolépticas (color, olor, brillo), fisicoquímicas (pH, conductividad) y extensibilidad y fueron sometidas a estudios de estabilidad. Se obtuvieron productos tipo emulgel de color amarillento con ligero olor ceroso, con pH aceptable para la piel. Todas las formulaciones resultaron estables. Los resultados demostraron que las formulaciones propuestas permitieron incorporar el aceite de origen vegetal logrando un preparado cosmético de características y estabilidad aceptables.The objective of this work is to take advantage of the oil of the seeds of Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber (sin. Cucurbita mixta Pangalo), as a phytoingredient in the elaboration of cosmetic products. The oil used was obtained by extraction with soxhlet and its physicochemical characterization was carried out. Emulgels (O/W) were prepared by varying the viscosifying and emulsifying agent. The formulations achieved were evaluated by evaluating the organoleptic properties (color, odor, brightness), physicochemical (pH, conductivity) and extensibility and were subjected to stability studies. Emulgel type products with yellowish color with slight waxy odor were obtained, with acceptable pH for the skin. All the formulations were stable. The results showed that the proposed formulations allowed incorporating the oil of vegetable origin achieving a cosmetic preparation of acceptable characteristics and stability.Fil: Valenzuela, Gabriela Malena. Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral; ArgentinaFil: Gruszyki, Mabel Rosalía. Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral; ArgentinaFil: Pérez Zamora, Cristina Marisel. Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Nuñez, María Beatriz. Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral; ArgentinaFil: Chiappetta, Diego Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Tecnología Farmacéutica; ArgentinaFil: Giménez, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral; Argentin

    A methodology for probabilistic assessment of solar thermal power plants yield

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    AIP Conference Proceedings 1850, 140006-1–140006-7A detailed knowledge of the solar resource is a critical point to perform an economic feasibility analysis of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants. This knowledge must include its magnitude (how much solar energy is available at an area of interest over a long time period), and its variability over time. In particular, DNI inter-annual variations may be large, increasing the return of investment risk in CSP plant projects. This risk is typically evaluated by means of the simulation of the energy delivered by the CSP plant during years with low solar irradiation, which are typically characterized by annual solar radiation datasets with high probability of exceedance of their annual DNI values. In this context, this paper proposes the use meteorological years representative of a given probability of exceedance of annual DNI in order to realistically assess the inter-annual variability of energy yields. The performance of this approach is evaluated in the location of Burns station (University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory), where a 34- year (from 1980 to 2013) measured data set of solar irradiance and temperature is available

    Rapid Weight Loss of Up to Five Percent of the Body Mass in Less Than 7 Days Does Not Affect Physical Performance in Official Olympic Combat Athletes With Weight Classes: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

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    Given the relevance of the effects that weight loss can generate on the physical performance in athletes, this study performed a systematic review with meta-analysis of the published literature on rapid weight loss (RWL) and examined its impact on the physical performance in Official Olympic combat sports athletes. The “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis” (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to ensure an ethical and complete reporting of the findings. PubMed, SPORT Discus, and EBSCO were the electronic databases explored for article retrieval and selection. The following string was applied: “RWL” OR “weight loss” OR “weight reduction” AND “judo” OR “wrestling” or “taekwondo” or “boxing” AND “performance.” Based on the quality analysis, conducted according to the “Tool for the assessment of study quality and reporting in exercise training studies” (TESTEX), ten articles achieved a score >6 points. The meta-analysis showed a significant difference in pre- vs. postweight loss (p = 0.003) and no effects in pre- vs. post-power and strength performance analysis (p > 0.05 for both results). Based on our systematic review and metaanalysis of the literature, RWL up to ≤5% of the body mass in less than 7 days does not influence performance outcomes in Official Olympic combat athletes with weight classes, considering the strength and power measures

    Fibroelastoma en el ventrículo izquierdo: un hallazgo muy poco frecuente

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    The evaluation of cardiac masses is a relatively frequent clinical problem for cardiac imaging techniques. We present the case of a cardiac mass with an unusual location in which imaging techniques made it possible to guide the diagnosis, which, how could it be otherwise, was confirmed in surgery.La valoración de las masas cardíacas es un problema clínico relativamente frecuente para las técnicas de imagen cardíca. Presentamos el caso de una masa cardíaca con localización inusual en el que las técnicas de imagen permitieron orientar el diagnóstico, que como no puede ser de otro modo, se confirmó en la cirugía