18 research outputs found

    Relación entre sexting y pornografía en adolescentes: hallazgos preliminares de un estudio empírico

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    In the new digital era, the virtual world provides a space to develop new sexual practices, such as sexting, as well as continuing to engage in traditional practices, such as pornography. The scientific literature has indicated an association between these two practices. This research aims to analyze the possible correlation between engaging in sexting practices and early initiation of pornography consumption, as well as the frequency and type of pornography consumed. A study was conducted with a sample of 625 adolescents enrolled in public high schools in the province of Cádiz, Spain. A paper questionnaire was used, and the data were recorded in an Excel document and imported into the statistical program SPSS. The main results appear to indicate a clear association between active and passive sexting behaviors with pornography consumption, specifically regarding age and a dominant type of pornography.En la nueva era digital, el mundo virtual ofrece un espacio en el que desarrollar nuevas prácticas sexuales, como es el caso del sexting, así como seguir involucrándose en prácticas tradicionales, como la pornografía. La literatura científica ha señalado la asociación ente ambas prácticas. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la posible correlación entre involucrarse en prácticas de sexting y un inicio temprano en el consumo de pornografía, así como la frecuencia y el tipo de pornografía consumida. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio con una muestra de 625 adolescentes matriculados en algún instituto público de la provincia de Cádiz,España. Se ha utilizado un cuestionario en papel, los datos han sido grabados en un documento Excel e importados al programa estadístico SPSS. Los principales resultados parecen indicar una clara asociación entre las conductas de sexting activo y pasivo con el consumo de pornografía, concretamente para la edad y un tipo de pornografía dominante

    Too Lucky to Be a Victim? An Exploratory Study of Online Harassment and Hate Messages Faced by Social Media Influencers

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    Influencers are persistently exposed through social media. Once almost unapproachable, celebrities are now open to daily interaction with the public. From comments, polls, emails, and even private messages, the public can engage with their celebrities with a mere click. While this engagement provides influencers with advantages, it also renders them particularly susceptible to online harassment and toxic critics. This paper investigates the characteristics, impact, and reactions to cyber victimisation among social media influencers. To accomplish this objective, the paper presents the findings of two studies: a self-reported online victimisation survey conducted among Spanish influencers and an online ethnography. The results indicate that over 70% of influencers have encountered some form of online harassment and toxic critics. Cyber victimisation, its effects, and reactions vary across socio-demographic characteristics and the influencers’ profiles. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis of the online ethnography reveals that harassed influencers can be classified as non-ideal victims. The implications of these findings for the literature are discussed

    Anales del III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad "Debate en torno a la nueva agenda urbana"

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    Acta de congresoEl III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad “Debates en torno a la NUEVa Agenda Urbana”, ha sido una apuesta de alto compromiso por acercar los debates centrales y urgentes que tensionan el pleno ejercicio del derecho a la ciudad. Para ello las instituciones organizadoras (INVIHAB –Instituto de Investigación de Vivienda y Hábitat y MGyDH-Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Habitacional-1), hemos convidado un espacio que se concretó con potencia en un debate transdisciplinario. Convocó a intelectuales de prestigio internacional, investigadores, académicos y gestores estatales, y en una metodología de innovación articuló las voces académicas con las de las organizaciones sociales y/o barriales en el Foro de las Organizaciones Sociales que tuvo su espacio propio para dar voz a quienes están trabajando en los desafíos para garantizar los derechos a la vivienda y los bienes urbanos en nuestras ciudades del Siglo XXI

    Relación de la psicología positiva y la inteligencia emocional con la educación física

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    En el presente artículo de revisión se pretende dar a conocer de forma general las teorías de la Piscología Positiva y la Inteligencia Emocional, destacando su importancia para el ámbito educativo, y en concreto, en la Educación Física. Tradicionalmente se ha focalizado la enseñanza en el aspecto cognitivo de los alumnos restándole importancia a otras partes como la emocional, social y física. Sin embargo, las personas no pueden desvincularse de las emociones, son tanto inherentes a ellas como a las relaciones interpersonales. Por ello, dentro del marco educativo, la Educación Física se propone como un medio adecuado para promocionar el desarrollo psico-emocional y físico junto con el cognitivo, siempre y cuando venga acompañada de una metodología adecuada. El desarrollo de programas educativos basados en estas teorías durante las clases de Educación Física, podría contribuir al desarrollo integral del alumnado, para así generar situaciones que ayuden a la mejora de la su calidad de vida y el bienestar personal y social

    Relación de la Psicología Positiva y la Inteligencia Emocional en Educación física

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    En el presente artículo de revisión se pretende dar a conocer de forma general las teorías de la Piscología Positiva y la Inteligencia Emocional, destacando su importancia para el ámbito educativo, y en concreto, en la Educación Física. Tradicionalmente se ha focalizado la enseñanza en el aspecto cognitivo de los alumnos restándole importancia a otras partes como la emocional, social y física. Sin embargo, las personas no pueden desvincularse de las emociones, son tanto inherentes a ellas como a las relaciones interpersonales. Por ello, dentro del marco educativo, la Educación Física se propone como un medio adecuado para promocionar el desarrollo psico-emocional y físico junto con el cognitivo, siempre y cuando venga acompañada de una metodología adecuada. El desarrollo de programas educativos basados en estas teorías durante las clases de Educación Física, podría contribuir al desarrollo integral del alumnado, para así generar situaciones que ayuden a la mejora de la su calidad de vida y el bienestar personal y social.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 2019No data SJR 20190.248 IDR (2019) C2, 100/226 Educación; C3, 27/43 DeporteUE

    Personal and Social Responsibility Programme Effects, Prosocial Behaviours, and Physical Activity Levels in Adolescents and Their Families

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    The aim of this study was to analyse a personal and social responsibility programme in students and their family’s perceptions relative to responsibility, prosocial behaviours, empathy, violence perception and physical activity levels. A sample consisting of 57 physical education students between 11 and 14 years old (mean (M) = 11.93; standard deviation (SD) = 0.73) that included 32 of their parents (M = 49.31; SD = 6.39) was distributed into experimental and control groups. The main results indicate that there were initial significant differences in favour of the control group for personal and social responsibility compared to the experimental group and they disappeared at the end of the treatment. There was an increase in antisocial behaviours for the control group at the end of the treatment. The experimental group also enhanced the values in violence perception for both students and families as compared to the control group. These results seem contradictory, which may be due in part to a short-time intervention programme and a low number of participants in the sample. More studies will clarify the improvements this kind of programme can bring to the variables studied.Sin financiación3.390 JCR (2020) Q1, 41/176 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health0.747 SJR (2020) Q2, 50/137 Health, Toxicology and MutagenesisNo data IDR 2019UE

    Self-knowledge and self-control techniques applied in physical education for greater physical and mental well-being at an early age

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    Las técnicas de autoconocimiento y autocontrol se consideran actualmente recursos didácticos que pueden ser incorporados en la metodología docente, aportando una gran variedad de beneficios a nivel físico y mental en niños y niñas en edad escolar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la evidencia científica sobre la proyección a nivel físicofisiológico, psicológico y emocional de las técnicas de autoconocimiento y autocontrol en escolares de educación infantil y primaria, así como examinar el influjo de dichas técnicas en su desarrollo psicoemocional, en la relación con los demás y con el entorno de aprendizaje. La búsqueda documental se realizó en diferentes bases de datos como Scopus, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Psycoinfo, revistas relacionadas con las Ciencias de la educación, la Psicología y las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Tras la revisión sistemática de 53 artículos y documentos académicos directamente relacionados con el objetivo del estudio, 19 artículos evidenciaron los beneficios y aplicación didáctica de los programas fundamentados en las técnicas de autoconocimiento y autocontrol, siendo las técnicas más aplicadas en las clases de Educación Física, la atención plena y los ejercicios de yoga. Los principales hallazgos muestran un claro indicio de efectividad y mejoras significativas a nivel emocional, psicosocial y desarrollo personal. Otras variables relacionadas con estados emocionales tales como la depresión, ansiedad o estrés, solo se obtuvieron mejoras en aquellos casos con bajos niveles de evidencia en este tipo de estados emocionales medidos a través de cuestionarios.The techniques of self-knowledge and self-control are currently considered didactic resources that can be incorporated into the didactic methodology, providing a wide variety of benefits at the physical and mental level in school-age children. The aim of this study was to analyse the scientific evidence on the physical-physiological, psychological and emotional projection of self-knowledge and self-control techniques in infant and primary schoolchildren, as well as to examine the influence of these techniques on their psychoemotional development, on the relationship with others and with the learning environment. The documentary search was carried out in different databases such as Scopus, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Psycoinfo, Journals related to Educational Sciences and Psychology. After the systematic review of 53 articles and academic documents directly related to the objective of the article, 19 articles evidenced the benefits and didactic application of the programs based on the techniques of self-knowledge and self-control, being the most applied techniques in the classes of Physical Education, the full attention and the yoga exercises. The main findings show a clear indication of effectiveness and significant improvements in emotional, psychosocial and personal development. Other variables related to emotional states such as depression, anxiety or stress were only improved in those cases with low levels of evidence this type of emotional states measured quantitatively through questionnaires.Sin financiaciónNo data 2019UE

    Aging-related dysregulation of dopamine and angiotensin receptor interaction

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    It is not known whether the aging-related decrease in dopaminergic function leads to the aging-related higher vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons and risk for Parkinson's disease. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in the inflammatory response, neuronal oxidative stress, and dopaminergic vulnerability via type 1 (AT1) receptors. In the present study, we observed a counterregulatory interaction between dopamine and angiotensin receptors. We observed overexpression of AT1 receptors in the striatum and substantia nigra of young adult dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-deficient mice and young dopamine-depleted rats, together with compensatory overexpression of AT2 receptors or compensatory downregulation of angiotensinogen and/or angiotensin. In aged rats, we observed downregulation of dopamine and dopamine receptors and overexpression of AT1 receptors in aged rats, without compensatory changes observed in young animals. L-Dopa therapy inhibited RAS overactivity in young dopamine-depleted rats, but was ineffective in aged rats. The results suggest that dopamine may play an important role in modulating oxidative stress and inflammation in the substantia nigra and striatum via the RAS, which is impaired by aging. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.Peer Reviewe

    “ACTIVE VALUES”: An Interdisciplinary Educational Programme to Promote Healthy Lifestyles and Encourage Education in Values—A Rationale and Protocol Study

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    Numerous investigations show the need to intervene with school children and young students in order to mitigate socio-educational difficulties such as social conflict, and public health problems such as sedentary lifestyles and childhood obesity. This study seeks to explain the rationale and protocol of an educational programme called “ACTIVE VALUES” as an intervention strategy for the reduction of sedentary lifestyles and the promotion of education in values in schools. The present research used a mixed methods approach with a quasi-experimental design of repeated measures (pre-test and post-test), with a non-randomised control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG). The sample was composed of approximately 250 students and 30 teachers from different autonomous communities in Spain, divided into EG and CG. The EG implemented a teaching methodology based on the incorporation of Active Breaks (AB) into the structure of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model, during one academic year, while the CG used conventional teaching based on the direct instruction teaching technique. A specific two-stage professional development procedure was followed: (1) initial training and (2) continuing professional development (CPD). The fidelity of the programme was checked by observational analysis of the sessions which were analysed by two observers with expertise in educational research and active methodologies. Currently, “ACTIVE VALUES” is the first study that examines the effectiveness of an educational programme that integrates into the teaching methodology, elements that foster education in values and promote healthy lifestyle habits through physical-sports activity within the classroom

    “ACTIVE VALUES”: An Interdisciplinary Educational Programme to Promote Healthy Lifestyles and Encourage Education in Values—A Rationale and Protocol Study

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    Numerous investigations show the need to intervene with school children and young students in order to mitigate socio-educational difficulties such as social conflict, and public health problems such as sedentary lifestyles and childhood obesity. This study seeks to explain the rationale and protocol of an educational programme called “ACTIVE VALUES” as an intervention strategy for the reduction of sedentary lifestyles and the promotion of education in values in schools. The present research used a mixed methods approach with a quasi-experimental design of repeated measures (pre-test and post-test), with a non-randomised control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG). The sample was composed of approximately 250 students and 30 teachers from different autonomous communities in Spain, divided into EG and CG. The EG implemented a teaching methodology based on the incorporation of Active Breaks (AB) into the structure of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model, during one academic year, while the CG used conventional teaching based on the direct instruction teaching technique. A specific two-stage professional development procedure was followed: (1) initial training and (2) continuing professional development (CPD). The fidelity of the programme was checked by observational analysis of the sessions which were analysed by two observers with expertise in educational research and active methodologies. Currently, “ACTIVE VALUES” is the first study that examines the effectiveness of an educational programme that integrates into the teaching methodology, elements that foster education in values and promote healthy lifestyle habits through physical-sports activity within the classroom.Ministry of Universities through the University Teacher Training Programme (FPU19/04318)2.838 JCR (2021) Q2, 39/92 Engineering, Multidisciplinary0.507 SJR (2021) Q2, 124/414 Engineering (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2021UE