731 research outputs found

    Teaching skills in virtual and blended learning environments

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    Universities are currently immersed in what is known as the process of European convergence to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim is to establish a standardized, compatible and flexible European university system that enables graduates and undergraduates to move easily from one institution to another within Europe. As a result of evaluation mechanisms, the system will be transparent and of high quality, which will make it attractive and competitive internationally in a globalized world. In this paper, we focus on two distance learning modes that will become more important as a result of this change in universities: e-learning and b-learning. These basically involve the virtualization of learning processes through the use of computer equipment. We carried out a qualitative study using the case study method. The results indicate that teaching staff use information and communication technology (ICT) to improve student learning. Similarly, a high percentage (78%) of lecturers use some form of digital platform as a support for teaching. In conclusion, training policies should strengthen university teachers’ skills in the use of ICT equipment, tools and resources related to blended and virtual learning

    Availability and use of food resources by two species of Automolus (Aves, Furnariidae)

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    Foraging specialization is one mechanism that has been hypothesized to promote species coexistence and, thus, higher bird species diversity in tropical forests. Dead-leaves suspended in vegetation above the forest floor constitute a focal substrate that may promote specialization (Rosenberg 1990a, b). In a study locality in Amazonia, Remsen and Parker (1984) reported 16 species of birds closely associated with this system. Therefore, it represents a microcosm of high diversity in tropical forests. As such, one natural question is how this substrate can support so many coexisting species, and at what level does specialization occur? In the present study, I address these questions using two approaches. First, I compare composition and abundance of arthropods (grouped by taxa and trophic group) in dead-leaf clumps from two different habitats (river edge and terrace forests) and from clumps composed of small, medium, or large leaves (Chapter I). Second, I compare diets of Automolus rufipileatus and A. ochrolaemus, two species that specialize on this substrate, that occur in river edge and terrace forests, respectively. Diets of the specialists are compared to that of A. rubioinosus, a non-specialist that occurs in terrace forest (Chapter II). Samples of arthropods from dead-leaf clumps in terrace and river edge forests were collected (n= 12) during the dry season at Pakitza (Manu National Park, Dpt. of Madre de Dios, Peru). I sorted arthropods to OTU (Operational Taxonomic Units) (Vandermeer 1972) and counted and measured individuals for each unit. Each taxon was assigned to one trophic group based on known primary food habits (predators, blood suckers, parasitoids, scavengers, herbivores, fungivores, detritivores, omnivores, and non-feeding). Individuals also were divided into size categories (1 =0.1-4.99 mm; 2=5.0-9.99 mm; 3=\u3e_10.0 mm). Composition of arthropod taxa, trophic groups and size classes available in dead-leaf clumps from river edge and terrace forest did not vary greatly, although more arthropods/m3 were available in river edge forest. I gathered stomach contents (n = 7, A. rufipileatus; n = 24, A. ochrolaemus; n= 10, A. rubioinosus) from birds collected during the dry season in the study area from museum collections (MUSM and FMNH). Arthropod fragments were sorted, mounted and identified to OTU. They also were measured and assigned to two size categories (1 = 0.1 -4.9mm; 2= \u3e5mm). Jacob\u27s Electivity Index (1974) was used to evaluate the use of arthropod taxa by the two specialists relative to what was available from the samples from river edge and terrace forest. In general, the two specialists overlapped more in diet than either did with the non-specialist. Diets of the two specialists were similar in arthropod taxa and size of prey items they contained but they differed from the non-specialist in the number of Orthoptera consumed and size of prey. Anecdotal data on aggressive interactions between the two specialists when they come in contact at the edges of their habitats suggest that segregation might have developed to avoid interactions with each other in exploiting the same substrate, and same prey items. This study, although limited in scope as it summarizes data only from the dry season, contributes to our knowledge of the level at which specialization occurs in the Automolus-dead leaf system. Thus it is helpful in understanding general patterns of how species coexist, addressing the main question of why there are more species in the tropics


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    Understanding the extent to which patterns of functional structure are repeated in space and the scale at which different factors (local and regional) operate to explain community patterns are of important in community ecology. I studied the extent of spatial variation in foraging ecology of birds in the Polylepis community, a vegetation system of the Andes, in regard to variation in local (vegetation structure, floristic composition, food resources) and regional factors (biogeography). Specifically, I studied foraging ecology of nine insectivorous bird species (and the assemblage they conform) across twelve disjunct woodlands embedded in three biogeographic regions of the Peruvian Andes. I examined spatial variation in foraging ecology at species level by assessing intraspecific variation in two foraging niche components: niche breadth, a relative measure of how specialist or generalist is a species relative to other species in the community; and niche plasticity, a measure of how restricted or plastic are intraspecific regularities in the niche. Results indicate that foraging strategies of birds varied from specialist-restricted to generalist-plastic. Moreover, foraging strategies seemed to be influenced mostly by fluctuations in local factors, in particular food resources. Lack of variation in foraging of the specialist-restricted species, despite fluctuations in local factors across Polylepis woodlands, may be a consequence of past events in the evolutionary history of the species that set a limit to the range of possible responses within a population, constraining the foraging niche. Lastly, I assessed the extent of spatial variation in the structure of avian assemblages using the guild approach, and focused on a) the relationship between food resource abundance and richness and abundance of birds within guilds; and b) the role of competition, using null models to determine if niche overlap in the assemblages were consistent with competition theory. Results revealed that guilds were largely consistent across woodlands but the number and identity of species associated with each guild was not so, which could be attributed to regional differences in species richness and intrapopulation variation in foraging ecology. Assemblage structure was not consistent with classic competition theory, but food resources were relatively more important in explaining patterns

    Caracterización de cargas de baile en una plataforma experimental

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    La utilización de materiales ligeros y resistentes ha permitido la construcción de sistemas de entrepisos que satisfacen condiciones ideales espaciales y geométricas para albergar grandes cantidades de personas. A pesar que estas características de peso y resistencia representan una disminución de costos en la construcción, estos entrepisos tienden a ser más susceptibles a presentar problemas de vibraciones, especialmente cuando la excitación puede ser clasificada como actividad rítmica. En este artículo se presenta la caracterización de cargas producidas por personas realizando actividades de baile, a partir de mediciones en una plataforma experimental de escala real. Se identifican los factores de impacto y coeficientes de Fourier que representan la carga debida a personas que bailan, a la que es sometida la estructura. Los resultados de la presente investigación fueron obtenidos dentro de un proyecto de investigación financiado por Colciencias y la Universidad del Valle contrato .382 - 2009.

    Competencias en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje virtual y semipresencial

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    Actualmente las universidades están inmersas en lo que se conoce como el proceso de «convergencia europea» y que llevará al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). El objetivo es dotar a Europa de un sistema universitario homogéneo, compatible y flexible que permita a los estudiantes y titulados universitarios europeos una mayor movilidad, así como ofrecer al sistema universitario europeo unos niveles de transparencia y calidad, mediante sistemas de evaluación, que le hagan atractivo y competitivo en el ámbito internacional dentro del actual proceso de globalización. En este artículo, interesa centrar la reflexión en dos de las modalidades de la educación a distancia que asumirán importancia en ese cambio universitario: el e-learning y el b-learning, que consisten básicamente en la virtualización de los procesos de aprendizaje a través del uso de equipos informáticos. Para ello se ha realizado una investigación cualitativa con metodología de estudio de casos. De entre los resultados se destaca el uso de las TIC por parte del profesorado para conseguir un mejor aprendizaje en los estudiantes, de igual forma un porcentaje importante de los profesores 78% utiliza alguna plataforma virtual como apoyo a la docencia. Como conclusión se resalta que las políticas de formación deberían fortalecer las competencias del profesorado universitario en el uso de dispositivos telemáticos, recursos e instrumentos relacionados con el aprendizaje semipresencial y virtual

    Santuario Mirador Cerro la Virgen la Montana de Teno

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    122 p.Un lugar Múltiple, capaz de ser soporte de actividades que beneficien a la comunidad, de ser referente y conector. Ese es el potencial del Cerro La Virgen en La Montaña de Teno. Lugar ubicado en la precordillera, y en el que se desarrollo el ejercicio en comento. El proyecto “Santuario-Mirador Cerro La Virgen” se inscribe dentro del contexto de proyectos de titulo de la Universidad de Talca y, en ese marco, pretende con una obra de bajo costo lograr un mejoramiento en la calidad de vida de La comunidad en la cual se inserta La iniciativa consiste a nivel territorial en colocar a una comunidad en el mapa mental de una Región, con el fin de referenciar y orientar a un territorio y su comunidad a un mejor concepto y autovaloración territorio a través de un hito reconocible y referente y en el ámbito local crear un lugar de encuentro, a través de la recuperación para la comunidad del Cerro La Virgen y la legitimación de las actividades que en éste se desarrollan

    La escritura es el otro lado del deseo

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    Palabras entreabiertas. Claudia Delgado. Tercer Mundo Editores, Santafé de Bogotá, 1997, 98 págs

    No hay otro cielo y otro infierno que los deparados por la historia

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    Las claves secretas. Eduardo Gómez. Trilce Editores. Santafé de Bogotá, 1998, 100 págs

    La epístola como ceremonia de purificación

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    Cartas apócrifas. Gloria Guardia. Tercer Mundo Editores, Santafé de Bogotá, 1997, 202 págs

    Contra el género humano, con motivo de los banquetes

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    El olvido no tiene la palabra. Javier Huérfano. Cámara de Representantes, Samafé de Bogotá. 1998, 52 págs. Amor y frascos. Francisco José González. Ediciones Banleby, Santafé de Bogotá, 1998, 89 págs