5,198 research outputs found

    Base de dados geográficos como subsídio à gestão territorial na fazenda experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA.

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    bitstream/item/61586/1/CPATU-BPD77.pdfAnexo 4 mapas: Solos da Fazenda Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA; Uso atual das terras da Fazenda Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA; Restrição legal ao uso da terra da Fazenda Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA.Zoneamento agroecológico da Fazenda Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA

    Levantamento da vegetação e do uso da terra em áreas de remanescentes de quilombos na bacia do rio Trombetas, PA.

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    bitstream/item/61197/1/CPATU-Doc126.pdfAcompanha um mapa: Mapa de vegetação e uso da terra em áreas de remanescentes de quilombos na Região do Rio Trombetas, PA

    A new basic creep model coupled with a thermomechanical model for the numerical simulation of the time-dependent behaviour of concrete structures

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    This work is dedicated to the description of a new basic creep model that was developed and integrated in a thermo-mechanical model already available in a FEM-based software – FEMIX. The basic creep model is based on the Dirichlet series expansion of the Double Power Law (DPL) approach, and is capable of predicting the aging creep behaviour of cement based materials (CBM) since early ages. Based on experimental results, the model resorts to a non-linear least square datafitting operation to various loading ages creep compliance curves, and determines a set of model defining coefficients to simulate the aging viscoelastic properties of any CBM. This model was integrated with a thermo-mechanical model capable of simulating maturation, shrinkage and cracking phenomena of CBM. The good predictive performance of the implemented model is appraised by simulating experimental tests at material and structural scale.The authors acknowledge the support provided by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the scope of the project InOlicTower, POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-016905 (PTDC/ECMEST/2635/2014). The first Author would like to acknowledge the grant SFRH/BDE/96381/2013 co-funded by CiviTest and by FCT


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    The presence of aldehyde in the exhaust gas of a stationary, direct injection, compression ignition engine operating with castor oil biodiesel/diesel oil blends (B5, B10, B20 and B35) is analyzed. The diesel engine was operated with constant speed of 1800 rev/min and load of 37.5 kW. The gas sample was collected directly from the exhaust. Aldehydes were identified and quantified using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector analyzer (FID). Acetaldehyde presented higher exhaust concentration than formaldehyde for all fuel blends tested. In general, the exhaust aldehyde levels were very low and did not present significant differences between the fuel blends tested

    Development of sandwich panels for multi-functional strengthening of RC buildings: characterization of constituent materials and shear interaction of panel assemblies

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    This paper presents an experimental and numerical study aiming at the development of a sustainable and multifunctional composite sandwich panel for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings from the 1960s to the mid-1980s. The sandwich panel, which was designed for the structural, thermal and acoustic refurbishment of building facades, comprises three main components: (i) thin outer layers of Recycled Steel Fibre Reinforced micro–Concrete (RSFRC) that fulfil the strength, ductility and durability requirements of the panel; (ii) a lightweight core made of polystyrene that provides thermal insulation; and (iii) internally distributed glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) connectors that join the different layers of the panel, providing an adequate structural behaviour to the composite system. The mechanical characterization tests highlighted the viability of using RSFRC for the production of structural sandwich facade panels, as relatively high post-cracking tensile capacity was obtained for thin RSFRC layers. Pushout and pullout tests were carried out on intermediate-scale specimens representative of the sandwich panel solution for assessing the overall composite behaviour of the sandwich panels and analysing the influence of the type of core insulation layer (expanded/extruded polystyrene cores, with different surface finishing), of the anchoring conditions (25 and 35 mm of embedment depth) and diameter of the GFRP connectors (8 and 12 mm). These tests showed that the structural GFRP connectors with diameters of 8 and 12 mm are able to ensure shear load transfer between RSFRC layers, exhibiting better composite behaviour when combined with anchorage depths of 25 and 35 mm, respectively. The numerical part of this study aimed at modelling the failure mechanisms observed at the interface between RSFRC and polystyrene, showing good agreement between experimental and numerical results, with important conclusions being drawn regarding cohesion and friction angle between these materials.The first author wishes to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Eco-Construction and Rehabilitation (EcoCoRe) Doctoral Program through the research grant PD/BD/52657/2014. The second author acknowledges the support provided by the project ICoSyTec, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-027990, financed by the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) and co-funded by FEDER through Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (POCI)

    Multimedia signal processing for behavioral quantification in neuroscience

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    While there have been great advances in quantification of the genotype of organisms, including full genomes for many species, the quantification of phenotype is at a comparatively primitive stage. Part of the reason is technical difficulty: the phenotype covers a wide range of characteristics, ranging from static morphological features, to dynamic behavior. The latter poses challenges that are in the area of multimedia signal processing. Automated analysis of video and audio recordings of animal and human behavior is a growing area of research, ranging from the behavioral phenotyping of genetically modified mice or drosophila to the study of song learning in birds and speech acquisition in human infants. This paper reviews recent advances and identifies key problems for a range of behavior experiments that use audio and video recording. This research area offers both research challenges and an application domain for advanced multimedia signal processing. There are a number of MMSP tools that now exist which are directly relevant for behavioral quantification, such as speech recognition, video analysis and more recently, wired and wireless sensor networks for surveillance. The research challenge is to adapt these tools and to develop new ones required for studying human and animal behavior in a high throughput manner while minimizing human intervention. In contrast with consumer applications, in the research arena there is less of a penalty for computational complexity, so that algorithmic quality can be maximized through the utilization of larger computational resources that are available to the biomedical researcher

    A country-wide probability sample of public attitudes toward stuttering in Portugal

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    Background: Negative public attitudes toward stuttering have been widely reported, although differences among countries and regions exist. Clear reasons for these differences remain obscure. Purpose: Published research is unavailable on public attitudes toward stuttering in Portugalas well as a representative sample that explores stuttering attitudes in an entire country. This study sought to (a) determine the feasibility of a country-wide probability samplingscheme to measure public stuttering attitudes in Portugal using a standard instrument (the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes–Stuttering [POSHA–S]) and (b) identify demographic variables that predict Portuguese attitudes. Methods: The POSHA–S was translated to European Portuguese through a five-step process. There after, a local administrative office-based, three-stage, cluster, probability sampling scheme was carried out to obtain 311 adult respondents who filled out the questionnaire. Results: The Portuguese population held stuttering attitudes that were generally within the average range of those observed from numerous previous POSHA–S samples. Demographicvariables that predicted more versus less positive stuttering attitudes were respondents’age, region of the country, years of school completed, working situation, and number of languages spoken. Non-predicting variables were respondents’ sex, marital status, and parental status. Conclusion: A local administrative office-based, probability sampling scheme generated a respondent profile similar to census data and indicated that Portuguese attitudes are generally typical


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    El presente estudio de disertación de maestrazgo se encuentra inserto en el Núcleo de Pesquisa en educación, gerencia y ejercicio profesional en Enfermería - NUPEGEPEN - con la finalidad de realizar una investigación de cuestiones relativas al desarrollo de competencias en la formación del enfermero para la enseñanza de nivel medio en enfermería. Tuvo como base del estudio las modificaciones en la educación brasileña, trazadas por la Ley de las Directrices y bases de la Educación Nacional del no. 9394/96, que pide un modelo de formación profesional apoyado en las competencias. Los objetivos del estudio son: Reconocer las competencias desarrolladas en la formación del enfermero para la enseñanza en nivel medio, a partir de la práctica pedagógica y analizar la influencia de las competencias en la práctica pedagógica del enfermero. Para realizar el presente estudio exploratorio y descriptivo se utilizó como fuente la literatura sobre competencias y formación docente, teniendo como referencial teórico el educador suizo Phillipe Perrenoud. En la colecta de los datos se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada seguida de una observación participante y con 8 enfermeros profesores. En el resultado de la investigación, percibimos la necesidad de una formación continua para el profesor como una forma de mantenerse actualizado frente a los cambios en la educación.O presente estudo de dissertação de mestrado encontra-se inserido no Núcleo de Pesquisa em Educação, Gerência e Exercício Profissional em Enfermagem - NUPEGEPEN - com intuito de investigar questões concernentes ao desenvolvimento de competências na formação do enfermeiro para o ensino de nível médio em Enfermagem. Teve como base do estudo as modificações na educação brasileira, trazidas pela Lei das Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, no. 9.394/96, que pede um modelo de formação profissional baseado em competências. Traz como objetivos: identificar as competências desenvolvidas na formação do enfermeiro para o ensino de nível médio, a partir da sua prática pedagógica, e analisar a influência das competências na prática pedagógica do enfermeiro. Para realizar o presente estudo exploratório/descritivo foi utilizado como fonte a literatura sobre competências e formação docente trazendo como referencial teórico o educador suíço Phillipe Perrenoud. Na coleta de dados realizou-se a aplicação de uma entrevista não-estruturada seguida de observação participante, e teve como sujeitos oito enfermeiros que atuam no ensino de nível médio em Enfermagem, e que participaram de cursos de Licenciatura e/ou formação pedagógica, que aceitaram participar do estudo. No resultado da análise, percebemos a evidente necessidade da formação contínua na vida do docente, como forma de manter-se atualizado frente às mudanças ocorridas na educação

    Crystal slow extraction of positrons from DAΦNE: the SHERPA project

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    The SHERPA project aim is to develop an efficient technique to extract a positron beam from one of the accelerator rings composing the DAΦNE complex at the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN, setting up a new beam line able to deliver positron spills of O(ms) length, excellent beam energy spread and emittance. The most common approach to slowly extract from a ring is to increase betatron oscillations approaching a tune resonance in order to gradually eject particles from the circulating beam. SHERPA proposes a paradigm change using coherent processes in bent crystals to kick out positrons from the ring, a cheaper and less complex alternative. A description of this innovative nonresonant extraction technique is reported in this manuscript, including its performance preliminary estimation