7,144 research outputs found
Modelling fed-batch fermentation processes: An approach based on artificial neural networks
Publicado em "2nd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (IWPACBB 2008)", ISBN 978-3-540-85860-7Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have shown to be powerful tools for solving several problems which, due to their complexity, are extremely difficult to unravel with other methods. Their capabilities of massive parallel processing and learning from the environment make these structures ideal for prediction of nonlinear events. In this work, a set of computational tools are proposed, allowing researchers in Biotechnology to use ANNs for the modelling of fed-batch fermentation processes. The main task is to predict the values of kinetics parameters from the values of a set of state variables. The tools were validated with two case studies, showing the main functionalities of the application.This work was supported by the Portuguese FCT under project POSC/EIA/59899/2004
Education quality and economic performance in Europe
The paper reflects on the role played by human capital in the continued diversity of growth dynamics in Europe. Given the increasing convergence in terms of the average years of schooling, we claim that it is the quality more than the quantity of education that matters for economic growth in advanced countries.
Using EU27 country data to estimate a growth regression model, we test for the significance of several human capital measures drawing on education level and quality. Average years of schooling and the percentage of labour force with tertiary education are used to measure education stock. For education quality we use the share of graduates in higher education by educational field and the PISA mean scores in reading, maths and science.
Our research findings indicate that particular kinds of human capital seem to be more important than others in explaining the growth rates of EU countries from 2000 to 2010. Although positively related to GDP per capita growth, higher education levels were not statistically significant. Specific kinds of higher education, such as science, maths and computers, appear to be more relevant; on the other hand, PISA scores do not seem to have a significant impact on growth.
These results suggest relevant policy implications as research, innovation and education are core elements of the European growth strategy. A larger proportion of the workforce with tertiary education and also a diversified pool of qualifications could be of benefit to Europe's economic performance. In particular, high qualifications in science and technology appear as very relevant for innovative performance. The quality of education systems, measured by PISA scores, may have a delayed and indirect effect on economic growth. Progress can be made in higher education, and especially in science and technology, by systematically improving cognitive skills at school, notably mathematics and science literacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Necrotizing Fasciitis and Middle Ear Infection
A fasceÃte necrosante (FN) é uma doença rara em pediatria. Na maior parte dos casos surge como complicação de varicela, sendo a pele habitualmente a porta de entrada e o Streptococcus pyogenes
o agente mais frequente.
Os autores descrevem um caso clÃnico de uma criança de 8 anos, previamente saudável que, no contexto de uma otite média aguda medicada com um anti-inflamatório não esteróide (AINE), desenvolve uma infecção invasiva a Streptococcus 13 hemoliticus do grupo A
Imunodeficiência Combinada Grave – O Diagnóstico Precoce é Importante?
Introdução: Os doentes com Imunodeficiência Combinada Grave (SCID) não diagnosticados evoluem inexoravelmente para a morte no primeiro ano de vida. Um elevado Ãndice de suspeição é fundamental para o diagnóstico precoce, o factor mais importante para a sobrevida destas crianças.
Objectivo: Apresentam-se três casos clÃnicos ilustrativos da importância da precocidade
diagnóstica no prognóstico final.
Casos clÃnicos: Caso clÃnico 1: Lactente do sexo masculino, com antecedentes de
infecções respiratórias de repetição, internado aos sete meses na UCIP do HDE por
pneumonia a AdenovÃrus com insuficiência respiratória. Necessitou de ventilação
mecânica e de duas transfusões de concentrado eritrocitário na primeira semana de internamento. Teve exantema exuberante, interpretado como toxidermia. Evoluiu para
doença pulmonar sequelar grave. Aos nove meses foi feito o diagnóstico de SCID
hipomorfa com doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro pós-transfusional, controlada
com imunossupressão (ciclosporina e glucocorticoides). Não foi transplantado com
células progenitoras hematopoiéticas por não reunir condições clÃnicas. Na sequência de
uma intercorrência respiratória veio a falecer aos 14 meses. Caso clÃnico 2: Lactente do sexo masculino, internado aos 6 meses no HDE por pneumonia intersticial
hipoxemiante. Isolado P. jiroveci no lavado bronco-alveolar e feito o diagnóstico
presuntivo de BCGite disseminado em criança com SCID T-B+NK-. Após estabilização
clÃnica e esplenectomia foi transplantado com células progenitoras hematopoiéticas de
dador fenoidêntico não aparentado. Dada a BCGite disseminada necessitou de vários
ciclos de infusão de células do dador para uma reconstituição imunitária lenta e
progressiva. Seis meses pós-transplante está clinicamente bem, com quimerismo
linfóide T e NK completo. Caso clÃnico 3: Lactente do sexo masculino, internado aos
17 dias de vida por infecção respiratória alta e bacteriémia a M. catarrhalis. Reinternado quinze dias depois por sépsis a MRSA e linfopénia. A avaliação efectuada
permitiu o diagnóstico de SCID T-B+NK- por defeito na cadeia gamma comum.
Transplantado com células progenitoras hematopoiéticas de dador genoidêntico aos 4
meses, sem condicionamento. Clinicamente bem, seis meses pós-transplante, com
reconstituição imunitária satisfatória.
Conclusão: Esta doença tem uma prevalência não negligenciável e apenas com elevado
indice de suspeição se pode estabelecer um plano de tratamento eficaz
Modelling of Biotechnological Processes - An approach based on Artificial Neural Networks
In this chapter we describe a software tool for modelling fermentation processes, the FerMoANN, which allows researchers in biology and biotechnology areas to access the potential of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for this task. The FerMoANN is tested and validated using two fermentation processes, an Escherichia coli recombinant protein production and the production of a secreted protein with Saccharomyces cerevisiae in fed-batch reactors. The application to these two case studies, tested for different configurations of feedforward ANNs, illustrate the usefulness of these structures, when trained according to a supervised learning paradigm
Wireless sensor network for ignitions detection: an IoT approach
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can be used to acquire environmental variables useful
for decision-making, such as agriculture and forestry. Installing a WSN on the forest will allow
the acquisition of ecological variables of high importance on risk analysis and fire detection.
The presented paper addresses two types of WSN developed modules that can be used on the
forest to detect fire ignitions using LoRaWAN to establish the communication between the nodes
and a central system. The collaboration between these modules generate a heterogeneous WSN; for
this reason, both are designed to complement each other. The first module, the HTW, has sensors
that acquire data on a wide scale in the target region, such as air temperature and humidity, solar
radiation, barometric pressure, among others (can be expanded). The second, the 5FTH, has a set of
sensors with point data acquisition, such as flame ignition, humidity, and temperature. To test HTW
and 5FTH, a LoRaWAN communication based on the Lorix One gateway is used, demonstrating the
acquisition and transmission of forest data (simulation and real cases). Even in internal or external
environments, these results allow validating the developed modules. Therefore, they can assist
authorities in fighting wildfire and forest surveillance systems in decision-making.This work is financed by SAFe Project through PROMOVE—Fundação La Caixainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Pengaruh Tingkat Intelegensi Dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajarfisika Siswa
Learning is the most vital key term in every education effort, therefore without the real learning there will nothing about education. Individual achievement of the learning process called studying’s result. One of the internal factor that can influence someone’s studying result is intelegency and learning motivation. The research is to know : (1) The influence of the intelegensi against the learn physics the students , (2) The influence of motivation learn to the students learn physics the students , (3) The influence of the intelegensi and motivation learned to learn physics the students. This research was conducted in SMAN 13 Bandar Lampung that exerting one experimental class (X5) which 35 students as the sample. The studying’s result measured by the result of posttest evaluation, whereas the intelegency gained by taking from the research sample that use documentation technique. The data of learning motivation gain from the student’s learning motivation questionnaire. The data tested by SPSS 17.0 there are regression test, normality, homogenity and linearity. Based on the test result showed that : (1) There was influence of intelegency toward studying’s. (2) There was influence of motivation toward studying’s. (3) There was influence of intelegency and learning motivation toward studying’s
Thermal restraint and fire resistance of columns
A proposal is made, based on the results of a series of tests and calculations, with the aim of being used as a simple method to correct the value of the critical temperature of steel columns free to elongate, in order to take into account the restraint effect of the structure to which they belong in a practical situation. To better illustrate the possible types of behaviour of heated steel columns with elastic restraint to the thermal elongation, and the reasons why the critical temperature of axially loaded slender steel columns with thermal restraint can sometimes be lower than the critical temperature of the same columns free to elongate, a simple model is presented and used in a qualitative analysis.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V37-46WW50B-1/1/139a30367738460772843d1279c4c32
Laparoscopic bilateral hand-assisted nephrectomy: end-stage renal disease from tuberculosis, an unusual indication for nephrectomy before transplantation.
The purpose of the study was to sterilize renal tuberculous foci in a pretransplantation patient with a laparoscopic hand-assisted approach and to verify the feasibility of bilateral nephrectomy for this indication. This case report is the first description of hand-assisted laparoscopic bilateral nephrectomy for this pathologic condition. The 33-year-old patient had end-stage renal disease from renal tuberculosis. A commercially available hand-assistance device was used through a midline 8-cm supraumbilical incision and with four ports. The procedure was successfully completed. The total operative time was 3 hours and 40 minutes. Estimated blood loss was 250 mL. The postoperative course was uneventful, and clinical follow-up at 3 weeks revealed a successful outcome. Hand-assisted bilateral laparoscopic nephrectomy in patients with chronic renal failure from tuberculosis represents a viable option because it is feasible and effective. The hand-assisted approach increases the safety of the procedure while retaining all the advantages of minimally invasive surgery
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