25,662 research outputs found

    Avaliação da cultivar 'BRS Valente' a vários patótipos de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de testar a resistência da cultivar ?Valente? a diferentes patótipos do fungo Colletotrichum lindemuthianum

    The presence of Góngora in José Ángel Valente’s poetic thought

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    Este artículo analiza la interpretación que José Ángel Valente realiza de la personalidad poética y vital de Luis de Góngora. Partiendo especialmente de la obra ensayística del poeta gallego y de su biblioteca personal, trata de encuadrar la lectura valenteana en una serie de coordenadas críticas, personales y estéticas específicas, muy relacionadas por un lado con la poética de la retracción de Valente, de presupuestos antagónicos a la gongorina, así como con su experiencia biográfica y aproximación intelectual al exilio hispánicoThis article analyses José Ángel Valente’s interpretation of Luis de Góngora’s poetic and vital personality. Departing mainly from Valente’s theoretical production and from the observation of his private library, it tries to frame Valente’s reading within a series of critical, personal and aesthetic coordinates. These are intimately linked to Valente´s own poetics of retraction, which are antagonistic to Góngora’s, and to his biographical experience and intellectual approach to Hispanic exil

    The hysterical anorexia epidemic in the French nineteenth-century

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    The official birth of hysterical anorexia is attributed to the French alienist Ernest Charles Lasègue (1816-1883). Starting from his 1873 article, anorexia as a ‘new’ psychopathological picture is subjected to extensive clinical and theoreticalstudy. This paper is not an analysis about the process through which anorexia was formalized as specific psychiatric condition. Rather, it focuses on another important issue: the possibility that the ‘same’ disorder may have different meaning depending on the historical period considered. Furthermore, it is asserted that the study of every pathological form is conditioned by social, individual and cultural conditions. For example, in the same year the English Sir William Gull publishes a paper about “anorexia nervosa” which is described in a different way depending on the different perspective. Lasègue’s description is a way of seeing a kind of sufferance, that is he ‘sees’ this pathology through the hysterical paradigm. Starting from these considerations, this article discusses the construct of ‘hysterical anorexia’ trying to understand why, in late nineteenth century France, hysteria and anorexia were viewed as two aspects of the same specific disorder. Finally, it is discussed why anorexia gradually emerged as an independent mental disorder just after the death of Charcot (1893)

    Care, Education, protection – the Associação Protectora dos Diabéticis de Portugal goes from strength to strength

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    The Portuguese Diabetes Association is the world’s oldest diabetes association and a senior Member Association of the International Diabetes Federation. From the moment it was founded, early in the 20th century, to the present day, the Associação has been driven by a single overarching objective: to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes. Involved nationally in diabetes advocacy and the provision of education, as well as the delivery of care, APDP has become a key player in the healthcare arena in Portugal and its activities reach many thousands of people with diabetes

    Interview with Anne Valente

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    Educator Spotlight: Jaime Valente

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    Insospechados rostros: Borges, Brines, Valente

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    Mi propuesta pretende enlazar proyectos creadores de algunos poetas españoles del 50 (Brines y Valente, específicamente) con Jorge Luis Borges. El lazo se establece visiblemente a partir de la utilización, en los tres casos, de una clave enunciativa común, el “monólogo dramático”, cuya entronización formal comienza con Browning y Tennyson en el último cuarto del siglo XIX. La convergencia —en la que interviene, de manera decisiva, el Cernuda tardío— permite adivinar, más allá de las “influencias”, unos comunes programas poéticos, todos ellos alertados respecto de la falacia patética característica de cierto Romanticismo y la apuesta por una poesía depurada y meditativa.Mi propuesta pretende enlazar proyectos creadores de algunos poetas españoles del 50 (Brines y Valente, específicamente) con Jorge Luis Borges. El lazo se establece visiblemente a partir de la utilización, en los tres casos, de una clave enunciativa común, el “monólogo dramático”, cuya entronización formal comienza con Browning y Tennyson en el último cuarto del siglo XIX. La convergencia —en la que interviene, de manera decisiva, el Cernuda tardío— permite adivinar, más allá de las “influencias”, unos comunes programas poéticos, todos ellos alertados respecto de la falacia patética característica de cierto Romanticismo y la apuesta por una poesía depurada y meditativa

    Laboratory for Simulation Development

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    This document contains a description of the main purposes and characteristics of Lsd. It discusses the problems related to the use of simulations in social sciences and describes how Lsd tackles these problems. In general, the use of simulations is constrained by two kinds of problems: difficulties in building the programs and difficulties to make use of other people’s programs. Lsd proposes a system to facilitate both aspects of the use of simulation models. This document is mainly concerned with the use of simulations by unskilled computer users, and describes in detail how Lsd can be successfully used to explore and use a model without requiring any programming knowledge. Though it is not the main concern of the document, there are also few hints on the aspect of simulation program building.Programming, Simulation models

    A short note on the problematic concept of excess demand in asset pricing models with mean-variance optimization

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    Referring to asset pricing models where demand is proportional to excess returns and said to be derived from a mean-variance optimization problem, the note formulates what probably is common knowledge but hardly ever made an explicit subject of discussion. This is an insufficient distinction between the desired holding of the risky asset on the part of the speculative agents, which is the solution to the optimization problem and usually directly presented as excess demand, and the desired change in this holding, which is what should reasonably constitute the excess demand on the market. The note arrives at the conclusion that in models with a market maker the story of the maximization of expected wealth should be dropped