62 research outputs found

    Factores asociados a riesgo de infección respiratorias en niños de un subcentro de salud público en Ecuador, 2022

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los factores asociados a riesgo de infecciones respiratorias en niños de un subcentro de salud público, para lo cual se hizo una investigación de tipo básica con diseño no experimental, transaccional, descriptivo. La muestra estuvo representada por 153 niños de 0 a 5 años. Como instrumento se aplicó a las madres un cuestionario validado por expertos y se tomó de la ficha médica las características individuales de los niños. Los datos fueron analizados en el sistema SPSS23 con prueba Chi cuadrado y V de Cramer. Los resultados muestran que los factores sociodemográficos, ambientales e individuales están asociados a IRA con p=0,000, siendo los factores individuales los de mayor intensidad (0,207). También hay asociación entre IRA y los indicadores nivel económico, educativo, contaminación doméstica, del aire, medidas antropométricas y esquema de vacunación con p=0,000, mientras no hay asociación entre IRA y hacinamiento ni tipo de vivienda, asimismo el asma y la amigdalitis son las infecciones respiratorias más recurrentes. En conclusión, se rechaza la hipótesis que sostiene que los factores ambientales son determinantes en los casos de IRA en esta población. Se recomiendan campañas didácticas y fomentar acciones para disminuir el analfabetismo en las madre

    Cholesterol-Metabolizing Enzyme Cytochrome P450 46A1 as a Pharmacologic Target for Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Cytochrome P450 46A1 (CYP46A1 or cholesterol 24-hydroxylase) controls cholesterol elimination from the brain and plays a role in higher order brain functions. Genetically enhanced CYP46A1 expression in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease mitigates the manifestations of this disease. We enhanced CYP46A1 activity pharmacologically by treating 5XFAD mice, a model of rapid amyloidogenesis, with a low dose of the anti-HIV medication efavirenz. Efavirenz was administered from 1 to 9 months of age, and mice were evaluated at specific time points. At one month of age, cholesterol homeostasis was already disturbed in the brain of 5XFAD mice. Nevertheless, efavirenz activated CYP46A1 and mouse cerebral cholesterol turnover during the first four months of administration. This treatment time also reduced amyloid burden and microglia activation in the cortex and subiculum of 5XFAD mice as well as protein levels of amyloid precursor protein and the expression of several genes involved in inflammatory response. However, mouse short-term memory and long-term spatial memory were impaired, whereas learning in the context-dependent fear test was improved. Additional four months of drug administration (a total of eight months of treatment) improved long-term spatial memory in the treated as compared to the untreated mice, further decreased amyloid-β content in 5XFAD brain, and also decreased the mortality rate among male mice. We propose a mechanistic model unifying the observed efavirenz effects. We suggest that CYP46A1 activation by efavirenz could be a new anti-Alzheimer's disease treatment and a tool to study and identify normal and pathological brain processes affected by cholesterol maintenance

    Influence of curcumin (Curcuma longa) as a natural anticoccidial alternative in adult rabbits: first results

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    Coccidiosis is one of the most common ailments in rabbits farming and is usually treated with drugs that can produce resistance; therefore, a natural alternative was sought. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of the aqueous extract of curcumin (Curcuma longa) on the excretion of oocysts of Eimeria spp. in New Zealand white rabbits. Twenty-four eight-month-old rabbits were divided into four groups of six animals to be C. longa extract administered at 0 (Control), 10, 25 or 40 mg/kg body weight (BW). Rabbit weights were recorded and faeces samples were collected on d 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. The McMaster technique was used for quantifying Eimeria spp. oocysts. Results were analysed using multivariate analysis of variance for repeated observations. Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) from d 28 were observed among the Control, the group of 25 mg/kg BW and that of 40 mg/kg BW. At d 42, statistically difference (P<0.05) among the Control group and the other three groups was observed. It could be concluded that C. longa decreased Eimeria spp. oocysts excretion efficiently at a dose of 40 mg/kg BW with 80.1, 63.7 and 64.9% for d 28, 35 and 42, respectively, with reducing concentration of eggs per gram of faeces with about 20.1, 15.6 and 17.8 for d 14, 21 and 35, respectively. However, further studies are needed to assess and confirm the antiparasitic activity of C. longa

    Self-assembled high molecular weight inulin nanoparticles: Enzymatic synthesis, physicochemical and biological properties

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    Inulin has interesting physicochemical and functional properties, and therefore a wide range of applications in the food and medical industries. It has gained great traction due to its ability to form nanoparticles and its possible application as nanovehicle for drug delivery. In this work, we demonstrated that the enzymatically-synthesized high molecular weight (HMW) inulin forms stable spherical nanoparticles with an average diameter of 112 ± 5 nm. The self-assemblage of HMW inulin nanoparticles is carried out during enzymatic synthesis of the polymer, and become detectable after a certain critical aggregation concentration (CAC) is reached. Both, the CAC and nanoparticle size are influenced by the reaction temperature. These nanoparticles are not toxic for peripheral blood mononuclear cells, at concentrations below 200 μg/mL; no significant prebiotic potential was detected in cultures of 13 probiotic strains. This work contributes to a better understanding of the formation of HMW inulin nanoparticles and their biological properties

    Efecto de la deshidratación de desechos de tomate en el contenido de compuestos fenólicos, carotenoides y capacidad antioxidante

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    En México, el desperdicio de tomates puede relacionarse con la deficiencia en la cadena de transporte y almacenaje, bajos estándares de calidad del producto, deficiencias en la exhibición del producto y fallas en la coordinación con proveedores. Estos factores contribuyen al desperdicio de tomate para su consumo por no cumplir con los estándares impuestos por los mercados de alimentos y el consumidor final. No obstante, los desperdicios de tomate pueden ser revalorizados y ser una fuente de fitoquímicos con relevancia nutrimental. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar el efecto de la temperatura de secado de frutos de tomate considerados de desperdicio evaluando su capacidad antioxidante, compuestos fenólicos, carotenoides, azúcares reductores, proteínas, humedad y cenizas. Se realizaron tres tratamientos para medir el efecto del secado a 24, 48 y 72 horas a tres temperaturas diferentes 50, 60 y 70 °C en las muestras de frutos de tomate colectadas. Los resultados mostraron que el tratamiento de secado a 50 °C por 72 horas arrojo los mayores valores de proteínas (45,3 g/kg) y azúcares reductores (196 mg/g). Por su parte el tratamiento de 70 °C mostró incrementos en compuestos fenólicos (48,12 mg/g), licopeno (2503 µg/g) y β-caroteno (31,84 µg/g) a las 24 horas de secado. Estos resultados indicaron que al exponer la biomasa de tomate a una temperatura de 70 °C por 24 horas correspondiente al Tratamiento (T4 - 1), se produjo una mayor biosíntesis de compuestos bioactivos que podrían ser empleados en la formulación de nuevos productos alimenticios, por ejemplo, en la elaboración de tortillas.

    Sitios de sustitución de Si por Al más probables en la zeolita tipo M²⁺ – Clinoptilolita: estudio de la DFT

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    Esta es la primera parte de una serie de trabajos en los que se estudia la interacción electrónica del fluoruro con los contraiones, y los átomos estructurales, de la zeolita tipo M²⁺– Clinoptilolita (M = Fe, Mg y Ca), con el fin de proponer modificaciones al material que favorezca la remoción de iones F– -causantes de fluorosis- presentes en aguas subterráneas, sin comprometer su posterior regeneración. En este trabajo se examina, a través de la teoría de funcionales de la densidad, la estructura, tanto geométrica como electrónica, de la clinoptilolita y el papel que tiene la distribución de los iones Al en la reactividad de los oxígenos estructurales. Se determinaron las posiciones de sustitución más probables de Si por Al en los sitios T₂ y T₅, y se verificó la congruencia con datos experimentales. Todo esto para generar un modelo que permita el posterior estudio de la adsorción de contaminantes.This is the first of a set of studies in which the electronic interaction of fluoride with the counterions, and the framework atoms, of the zeolite M²⁺ Clinoptilolite (M = Fe, Mg and Ca) is discussed. The aim is to propose a material that enhances the removal of F- –which causes fluorosis- from groundwater without compromising its later regeneration. In this work the structure, both geometrical and electronic, of the clinoptilolite is studied by means of the density functional theory. As well as the role that the distribution of Al ions has in the reactivity of the oxygen atoms in the SiO₂ framework. Furthermore, it was determined with accuracy the substitution of Si with Al atoms in T₂ and T₅ sites. The resulting structural models are consistent with experimental studies. With these results we generate a model which allow us to study the adsorption of pollutants on M2+– Clinoptilolite

    Cinética de fitoextracción de arsénico y cadmio mediante Myriophyllum aquaticum y Wolffia columbiana

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    Se estudió la cinética de fitoextracción de arsénico y cadmio, en plantas acuáticas Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc. y Wolffia columbiana Karsten expuestas a cuatro muestras de agua, con concentraciones de 0.49, 0.82, 1.43 y 2.42 mg/L de arsénico y 0.16, 0.26, 0.99 y 2.05 mg/L de cadmio. Se obtuvieron los parámetros del modelo de Michaelis-Menten, destacando la velocidad máxima de remoción para M. aquaticum (0.049 mg As kg-1 h-1; 0.616 mg Cd kg-1 h-1) y W. columbiana (0.273 mg As kg-1 h-1; 1428 mg Cd kg-1 h-1), necesarios para predecir el tiempo y la velocidad para restaurar cuerpos de agua. De acuerdo con el factor de bioconcentración ambas especies son hiperacumuladoras de cadmio y acumuladoras de arsénico. W. columbiana concentró arsénico cuatro veces más que M. aquaticum. W. columbiana logró concentrar tres veces más cadmio que arsénico, mientras que M. aquaticum extrajo más de 35 veces cadmio que arsénico.The kinetics of phytoextraction of arsenic and cadmium were studied in Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc. and Wolffia columbiana Karsten aquatic plants, exposed to four water samples with concentrations of 0.49, 0.82, 1.43, 2.42 mg/L of arsenic and 0.16, 0.26, 0.99, 2.05 mg/L of cadmium. The parameters of the Michaelis-Menten model were obtained, standing out the maximum removal rate for M. aquaticum (0.049 mg As kg-1 h-1; 0.616 mg Cd kg-1 h-1) and W. columbiana (0.273 mg As kg-1 h-1; 1428 mg Cd kg-1 h-1), necessary to predict to rate the time and speed to restore bodies of water. According to the bioconcentration factor both species are hyperaccumulative for cadmium and they are arsenic accumulators. W. columbiana concentrated arsenic four times more than M. aquaticum. W. columbiana managed to concentrate three times more cadmium than arsenic, while M. aquaticum extracted 35 more times cadmium than arsenic

    Organización espacial y temporal de ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos en dos cuencas subtropicales

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    Background. The spatial and temporal changes of assemblages of aquatic insect can be used to detect the anthropic impacts that influence the biological communities. Goals. We compared the assemblages of aquatic insect in 1997 and 2014 in two subtropical river drainages, the association with water characteristics, and we discuss their implications for ecosystems conservation. Methods. True diversity of the aquatic insect fauna at family level and their community structure for 27 study sites in 1997 and 2014 were assessed. Multivariate analyzes were used to compare aquatic insect assemblages and the abundance of functional feeding groups. Results. There were significant differences in the dissolved oxygen (DO) of the water between 1997 and 2014, decreasing its values. Other variables correlated to DO were also modified, with a decrease in pH and an increase in temperature. We found a correlation between reduction of DO and water pH with a decline in the overall abundance of aquatic insects; also, with shifts in the community structure, from the decrease of groups such as some Ephemeroptera and scrapers, to the increase in opportunistic families such as Chironomidae, Culicidae, and other predator families such as Coenagrionidae, Corixidae and Veliidae, and more abundance of collectors. Families such as Heptageniidae and Caenidae decreased in abundance, as well as other benthic groups. Conclusions. The assemblages of aquatic insect are useful to indicate a generalized degradation of environmental conditions across localities and time in two subtropical river drainages, related to water quality degradation symptoms such as reduction of pH levels and dissolved oxygen, usually associated with anthropogenic stressors.Antecedentes. Los cambios espaciales y temporales de los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos pueden ser utilizados para detectar los impactos antrópicos que influyen en las comunidades biológicas. Objetivos. Comparamos los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos en 1997 y 2014 en dos cuencas subtropicales, su asociación con las características del agua y discutimos sus implicaciones para la conservación de los ecosistemas. Métodos. Se evaluó la diversidad verdadera a nivel de familia, de la fauna de insectos acuáticos en 27 sitios de estudio en 1997 y 2014. Se utilizaron análisis multivariados para comparar los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos y la abundancia de los grupos funcionales de alimentación. Resultados. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en el oxígeno disuelto (OD) del agua entre 1997 y 2014, disminuyendo sus valores. También observó una disminución de pH y una tendencia a un incremento de la temperatura. Se identificó una relación entre la disminución de oxígeno y valores menores de pH con una reducción general en la abundancia de insectos acuáticos; asimismo, se observa una relación con cambios en los ensamblajes como lo son una disminución en la representación de grupos como Ephemeroptera y raspadores, el incremento de familias como Chironomidae, Culicidae, Coenagrionidae y Veliidae, y una mayor abundancia de colectores. Familias como Heptageniidae y Caenidae disminuyeron en abundancia, así como otros grupos bentónicos. Conclusiones. Los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos son útiles para indicar una degradación generalizada de las condiciones a través de las localidades y el tiempo en las dos cuencas subtropicales de estudio, con síntomas de degradación de la calidad del agua como la disminución de los niveles de pH y oxígeno disuelto, generalmente asociados con factores de estrés antropogénicos

    Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Ulva fasciata

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    The chemical composition and biological properties of Ulva fasciata aqueous-ethanolic extract were examined. Five components were identified in one fraction prepared from the extract by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and palmitic acid and its ethyl ester accounted for 76% of the total identified components. Furthermore, we assessed the extract’s antioxidant properties by using the DPPH, ABTS, and lipid peroxidation assays and found that the extract had a moderate scavenging effect. In an experiment involving preexposition and coexposition of the extract (1–500 µg/mL) and benzo[a]pyrene (BP), the extract was found to be nontoxic to C9 cells in culture and to inhibit the cytotoxicity induced by BP. As BP is biotransformed by CYP1A and CYP2B subfamilies, we explored the possible interaction of the extract with these enzymes. The extract (25–50 µg/mL) inhibited CYP1A1 activity in rat liver microsomes. Analysis of the inhibition kinetics revealed a mixed-type inhibitory effect on CYP1A1 supersome. The effects of the extract on BP-induced DNA damage and hepatic CYP activity in mice were also investigated. Micronuclei induction by BP and liver CYP1A1/2 activities significantly decreased in animals treated with the extract. The results suggest that Ulva fasciata aqueous-ethanolic extract inhibits BP bioactivation and it may be a potential chemopreventive agent

    APOE genotype and sex modulate Alzheimer’s disease pathology in aged EFAD transgenic mice

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    Increasing evidence supports that age, APOE and sex interact to modulate Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk, however the underlying pathways are unclear. One way that AD risk factors may modulate cognition is by impacting amyloid beta (Aβ) accumulation as plaques, and/or neuroinflammation Therefore, the goal of the present study was to evaluate the extent to which age, APOE and sex modulate Aβ pathology, neuroinflammation and behavior in vivo. To achieve this goal, we utilized the EFAD mice, which express human APOE3 or APOE4 and have five familial AD mutations (FAD) that result in Aβ42 overproduction. We assessed Aβ levels, reactive glia and Morris water maze performance in 6-, 10-, 14-, and 18-month-old EFAD mice. Female APOE4 mice had the highest Aβ deposition, fibrillar amyloid deposits and neuroinflammation as well as earlier behavior deficits. Interestingly, we found that female APOE3 mice and male APOE4 mice had similar levels of pathology. Collectively our data support that the combination of APOE4 and female sex is the most detrimental combination for AD, and that at older ages, female sex may be equivalent to APOE4 genotype