65 research outputs found

    Predictors of Language Learning Achievement: Study Abroad Programs as Language Learning Contexts (Part II)

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    La segunda parte de este artículo es una revisión de diez estudios empíricos sobre los beneficios lingüísticos que se producen tras una experiencia en el extranjero: cinco de ellos se centraron en la expresión escrita y otros cinco estudiaron el desarrollo de la expresión oral. El estudio termina con unas conclusiones sobre la importancia de los programas de estudio en el extranjero en el siglo XXI y sobre cómo las universidades los están fomentando como una oportunidad ideal para el aprendizaje de segundas lengua.The second part of this paper is a review of ten empirical studies that study language gains in Study Abroad sojourns, five of them focusing on the development of written skills and five focusing on oral skills. The study finishes with conclusions about the importance of Study Abroad programs in the 21st century and how they are being promoted by universities as ideal opportunities for second language learning and personal development

    The Effectiveness of Focused Direct Written Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanations on the Use of English Articles by Vocational Training Students (Part II)

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    La segunda parte de este artículo presenta un estudio empírico en el que se comparan el feedback directo y las explicaciones metalingüísticas, usando task repetition y un test de corrección de errores, con el fin de observar el uso que los participantes hacen de de los artículos en inglés. Los resultados revelan que ambos tipos son útiles para el aprendizaje y dan cierta ventaja a las explicaciones metalingüísticas en ambas pruebas. Estos resultados se discuten y se indican posibles implicaciones pedagógicas.The second part of this paper presents an empirical study in which the effects of Direct Written Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanations are compared, as measured by a Task Repetition test and an Error Correction Test, in order to test the participants' use of the English article. The results reveal the usefulness of both types of feedback, with an advantage for Metalinguistic Explanations. These results are reported and discussed, and pedagogical implications are suggested

    The Effectiveness of Focused Direct Written Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanations on the Use of English Articles by Vocational Training Students (Part I)

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    Este trabajo examina los efectos de dos tipos de feedback en textos escritos por alumnos de formación profesional: correcciones directas y explicaciones metalingüísticas. La primera parte del artículo ofrece un marco teórico en el que se estudia el potencial de aprendizaje de lenguas de escribir en una lengua que no es la materna, así como el potencial del feedback, de diferentes tipos de feedback y de la repetición de una misma tarea (Task Repetition). Además se sintetiza la evidencia empírica existente sobre la utilidad del feedback, centrándose particularmente en los dos tipos de feedback tratados en este estudioThe present study examines the effects of two form-focused Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) types on the texts provided by vocational training students: Direct Written Corrective Feedback (DWCF) and Metalinguistic Explanations (ME). The first part of the study offers the theoretical background in which the Language Learning Potential (LLP) of writing in an additional language (L2) is discussed, followed by the LLP of WCF, different types of WCF and Task Repetition (TR). Part I also synthesizes empirical evidence of the usefulness of WCF, focusing on previous research comparing the two types of feedback later used in our own study

    Recovering Latent Signals from a Mixture of Measurements using a Gaussian Process Prior

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    In sensing applications, sensors cannot always measure the latent quantity of interest at the required resolution, sometimes they can only acquire a blurred version of it due the sensor's transfer function. To recover latent signals when only noisy mixed measurements of the signal are available, we propose the Gaussian process mixture of measurements (GPMM), which models the latent signal as a Gaussian process (GP) and allows us to perform Bayesian inference on such signal conditional to a set of noisy mixture of measurements. We describe how to train GPMM, that is, to find the hyperparameters of the GP and the mixing weights, and how to perform inference on the latent signal under GPMM; additionally, we identify the solution to the underdetermined linear system resulting from a sensing application as a particular case of GPMM. The proposed model is validated in the recovery of three signals: a smooth synthetic signal, a real-world heart-rate time series and a step function, where GPMM outperformed the standard GP in terms of estimation error, uncertainty representation and recovery of the spectral content of the latent signal.Comment: Published on IEEE Signal Processing Letters on Dec. 201

    Predictors of Language Learning Achievement: Study Abroad Programs as Language Learning Contexts (Part I)

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    Este trabajo presenta una revisión de la investigación relevante en el ámbito de los programas de estudio en el extranjero. La primera parte sintetiza factores para predecir el aprendizaje de lenguas y características del diseño de un programa de estudio en el extranjero. Incluye macro factores (interacción, recepción y producción del lenguaje), micro factores (edad, género, aptitud, competencia estratégica, motivación y actitud, creencias y sensibilidad intercultural) y características propias de cada programa (duración de la estancia, alojamiento, oportunidades de empleo, nivel lingüístico inicial, preparación previa a la salida, fase del plan de estudios, trabajos académicos o entrevistas a la vuelta).The present study includes a literature review of relevant research on Study Abroad (SA). The first part synthesizes language learning predictors and SA program design features. It includes macro factors (input, interaction and output), micro factors (age, gender, aptitude, strategic competence, motivation and attitude, beliefs and intercultural sensitivity) and specific program features (such as length of stay, living conditions, employment opportunities, onset language level, pre-departure preparation, point in the curriculum, academic assignments or debriefings upon return)

    O poeta e sua revolução : análise da peça Opercevejo, de Vladímir Maiakóvski

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    O presente trabalho examina a peça O Percevejo, de Vladímir Vladímirovitch Maiakóvski. Em um primeiro momento, buscou-se contextualizar a trajetória do autor, desde sua infância até o início da vida adulta, já em Moscou. O surgimento do Maiakóvski poeta acompanhou o fervor dos anos pré-revolucionários na Rússia tsarista da década de 1910, e sua obra desenvolveu-se sob o signo do futurismo russo, movimento que também foi brevemente discutido aqui. Também constam comentários sobre a relação do poeta com o regime soviético, que num primeiro momento apoiou as vanguardas culturais surgidas no início do século XX, para depois esmagá-las. Em seguida, foram pontuadas algumas temáticas recorrentes no trabalho maiakovskiano, desenvolvidas desde os primeiros escritos do autor, até a peça que é o centro deste trabalho. Por fim, há uma breve introdução ao teatro russo e soviético e exercícios de análise da obra.Le présent travail examine la pièce La Punaise, de Vladimir Vladimirovitch Maïakovski. Dans un premier moment, il y a une contextualisation de la trajectoire de l’auteur, dès son enfance jusqu’aux premières années de la vie adulte, à Moscou. L’émergence de Maïakovski poète a accompagné la ferveur des années immédiatement avant la révolution dans la Russie tsariste, et son oeuvre s’est développé sur le signe du futurisme russe, mouvement brièvement discuté ici. Il y a aussi des commentaires à propos de la relation entre le poète et le regime sovietique, qui d’abord a soutenu les avant-gardes surgies au début du XXe siècle, pour les détruire quelques annés plus tard. Puis, sont discutées quelques thématiques récurrents chez Maïakovski, développées depuis ses premiers écrits jusqu’à la pièce qui est le centre de ce travail. Finalement, il y a une petite introduction au théâtre russe et sovietique et des exercices d’analyse de l’oeuvre

    Formative research: perceptions of communication science students at a peruvian university

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    Formative research generates different perceptions in undergraduate students, and in order to know more about them, 80 were surveyed, and 12 Communication Science students were interviewed at a national university in Lima (Peru). The results evidence that they conceive of it as: training to conduct scientific research, curricular or extracurricular activities as part of or for scientific research, preparation for conducting research work for graduation or obtaining a qualification, the development of competences for researching in the profession, an instructional strategy to develop research competences, and a strengthening of the research culture, among others. But beyond these varied concepts, the estimation of the majority emerges that formative research has been neglected by the university, thus becoming a challenge to optimize professional training, requiring qualified instructors with pertinent instructional methods, as well as an updated curriculum, which strengthens the research culture, responding to social demands and ensuring resources for the development of research competencesPeer Reviewe

    Medida de la movilidad electrónica en dispositivos GaAs: dependencia con la polarización y la frecuencia

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    In this paper we present a new method to evaluate mobility in GaAs devices as well as its dependence on frequency and bias point. Starting from the relationship between the high order derivative of the device drain current source, gmd, and the mobility two alternative measurement methods to obtain this parameter versus both bias conditions and frequency will be presented. At last, the experimental obtained results will show the validity of the presented approach

    Cálculo de la movilidad en dispositivos HEMT a partir de medidas de intermodulación

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    In this paper we present a new method to evaluate mobility in HEMT devices. This new approach is based in the measurement of the high order derivatives of the device drain current source as a means of determining the different parameters of the new proposed mobility equation. The presented results will probe the validity of the approach in both linear and saturation regions

    Comparison of the bilateral deficit in muscular power of soccer players and students

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    El déficit bilateral (DBL) corresponde a la disminución de fuerza en las acciones musculares bilaterales en comparación a la suma de las acciones unilaterales. Conocer el DBL podría ayudar a evaluar la capacidad neuromuscular de los deportistas. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar el DBL en altura de salto y potencia de miembros inferiores entre futbolistas profesionales y estudiantes universitarios. Fueron evaluados saltos con contra movimiento y uso de brazos tipo Abalakov (ABK) en modalidad unipodal y bipodal, obteniendo la altura máxima saltada y la potencia estimada, para luego determinar DBL. Se observó en estudiantes altura de salto bilateral de 38,6 cm y unilateral derecha-izquierda 20,6 -20,9 cm respectivamente (DBL de -7.8%). En futbolistas no existe DBL (5.6%) con una altura de salto bilateral 39,1cm y unilaterales 17,8-19,2 cm, existiendo diferencia entre los grupos (p<0.05). Para la potencia, se observó DBL en ambos grupos, estudiantes -45.5% con una potencia bilateral de 3.430 vatios y unilaterales de 2.496 y 2514 vatios. Los futbolistas presentaron DBL -37.7% con una potencia bilateral de 3.431vatios y unilaterales de 2.328 y 2400 vatios. Existiendo diferencias entre ambos grupos (p<0.05). Se concluye que los futbolistas profesionales no presentan déficit bilateral en altura de salto y presentan menor déficit bilateral en potencia estimada en comparación a estudiantes universitarios